another comment from the chicks....

Peter Hamilton said:
good--can't stand them,their music or their big mouths--most artsts,actors,singers know better than to open their trap about controversial subjects or anything else for that matter---saw them on larry king many months ago--the short one is really annoying

I agree.

They certainly can think or say what they want...they just have to be prepared to deal with the consequences of those that do not agree with what they are saying. That's life. I wonder if they'll have an attitude adjustment as their bank accounts skrink? lol Fools...all of them.

Someone here posted that the "short one" was born middle finger true.
It's really a shame imo. I think they are very musically talented.
I've noticed that my Country Music station...KMPS... out of Seattle Wa. rarely plays any Dixie Chicks music and I've never heard anything from their new CD played. I liked their old music but can't say that I miss it. Someone on here mentioned a group called "The Wreckers" who sing country music and sound like the Dixie Chicks. I've heard their music and watched their videos and they do sound similiar and they are good.
I know this isn't going to get the best reviews, but this is my HO.

Part of living in the United States and being a part of this free country has many perks. One of those perks is free speach. It doesn't matter what you say, but you get to. The Dixie Chicks chose to say something that they felt was important. They didn't say everyone had to believe in it, etc. Then when they came back to the states, they didn't try to take back what they said. They just said that they understood why people were upset. Although I voted for our president, I can understand many americans frustration. The dixie chics just chose to use there position to spread their word. "Not ready to make nice", is actually a very good song! If you haven't heard it, I would suggest at least listening to it once. It shows that she has no regrets for speaking her mind. Also in my opinion the only reason the Toby Keith said anything was to garner publicity from the whole thing. The dixie chics were getting so much attention, and he wanted some. Since there attention was negative, he would get the positive. In my opinion there isn't anything wrong with this either. This is how the world works. That radio chooses not to play their songs. Well I have a different opinion on this thinking the one thing that they lean on is free speach and yet they are condeming someone else for using there voice to make a statement. JMHO
I THINK its all fair ...

the chicks spoke out....exercising THEIR rights
the fans spoke out .... don't want to hear them
radio stations obliged and won't play their music

kelly london said:
I THINK its all fair ...

the chicks spoke out....exercising THEIR rights
the fans spoke out .... don't want to hear them
radio stations obliged and won't play their music


They have a right to say what they said and I have a right to not listen to them anymore.

And I wish Hollywood and musicans would shut up about political issues. We pay them to be ENTERTAINERS not political consultants. Now if you as an actor or singer want to go on a political talk show and talk politics thats fine and those who want to tune in to watch do that are free to. But when I pay to see you in concert or I am watching an awards ceremony to celebrate the movies..........keep the f'ing politics out of it thank you very much. There is a time and a place for everything.
curious1 said:

They have a right to say what they said and I have a right to not listen to them anymore.

And I wish Hollywood and musicans would shut up about political issues. We pay them to be ENTERTAINERS not political consultants. Now if you as an actor or singer want to go on a political talk show and talk politics thats fine and those who want to tune in to watch do that are free to. But when I pay to see you in concert or I am watching an awards ceremony to celebrate the movies..........keep the f'ing politics out of it thank you very much. There is a time and a place for everything.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Over inflated ego's! Thinking anyone cares what they think!
Just shush and look pretty! That is what society pays you for!
Next it will be Brittany Spears or Tom Cruise running for congress....
kelly london said:
I THINK its all fair ...

the chicks spoke out....exercising THEIR rights
the fans spoke out .... don't want to hear them
radio stations obliged and won't play their music

Actually, many FANS do still want to hear them and MANY radio stations still play their songs.

According to news reports, while they canceled 14 dates due to low sales, they rescheduled them for different locations. All that means is that they sell better in certain locales than others.
Masterj said:
According to news reports, while they canceled 14 dates due to low sales, they rescheduled them for different locations. All that means is that they sell better in certain locales than others.
Well I am glad people still want to listen to them and they have that right, I dont want to anymore and thats mine.:D I love America......
michelle said:
Well I am glad people still want to listen to them and they have that right, I dont want to anymore and thats mine.:D I love America......
Exactly - that is your right. I am just tired of people acting like everyone feels the same way about the Dixie Chicks. Clearly there are people who can't stand them AND people who still like them.
Amraann said:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Over inflated ego's! Thinking anyone cares what they think!
Just shush and look pretty! That is what society pays you for!
Next it will be Brittany Spears or Tom Cruise running for congress....
People do care what they think!!
That's why we're here talking about them lol
Don't even joke about Cruise Amraann!
God help us, it's bad enough we have to endure him and his crap movies...
Masterj said:
I am just tired of people acting like everyone feels the same way about the Dixie Chicks.
I dont think anyone here was acting like that. We all pretty much know by this thread who likes them and who doesnt.
narlacat said:
Don't even joke about Cruise Amraann!
God help us, it's bad enough we have to endure him and his crap movies...
Isnt that the truth!!!
Can you even imagine lol
He already thinks he knows all about physchiatry (sp) and he didn't even finish high school!
The last thing I want to do is switch on the telly and see his ugly mug talking about something he knows nothing about.
narlacat said:
Can you even imagine lol
He already thinks he knows all about physchiatry (sp) and he didn't even finish high school!
The last thing I want to do is switch on the telly and see his ugly mug talking about something he knows nothing about.
I swear when he blasted Matt Laur I could not believe him!!
kelly london said:
I THINK its all fair ...

the chicks spoke out....exercising THEIR rights
the fans spoke out .... don't want to hear them
radio stations obliged and won't play their music

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Exactly. They can say whatever they want...I don't care, but the flip side to their coin is that I also have the right not to listen to them anymore. It's a gamble they took...and they did lose some of their former fans...and that includes me.
luvbeaches said:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Exactly. They can say whatever they want...I don't care, but the flip side to their coin is that I also have the right not to listen to them anymore. It's a gamble they took...and they did lose some of their former fans...and that includes me.
I think you are right.
narlacat said:
Can you even imagine lol
He already thinks he knows all about physchiatry (sp) and he didn't even finish high school!
The last thing I want to do is switch on the telly and see his ugly mug talking about something he knows nothing about.

TC is a total nutball. He was on some show (I watched the other day), and there's just something unbalanced about him and the way he acts...beyond the Oprah and Lauer incident. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if in the very near future he has some sort of a breakdown.

And the high school drop out has the nerve to be explaining psychiatry to us...please. I pity Katie Holmes and hope she has the brains to see what's going on...for her sake, and the new baby.
michelle said:
I think you are right.

I wonder if it even occurred to them that people may not agree with them and it could put their careers in jeopardy? What is it about money? The more some people have, the more they think they know than the rest of us.

Oh well...a life lesson for them.
kelly london said:
i personally don't want any actress/actor or musician, etc. talking politics to me. they do not have any "clout" IMO
I enjoy hearing anyone's opinions - from celebrities to my local drycleaner to you good people here - concerning issues of the day. They all have equal merit in my mind. We tend to hear more celebrity opinions because they get more press.

I can't blame people of celebrity for mouthing off regarding issues of the day - they're just like most of the rest of us - they have opinions and they want to be heard. Compound that with the fact that many celebrities have Type A, outgoing personalities....

I would get into all sorts of trouble if I had the kind of profile that celebrities do - I'd be commenting on everything and probably losing fans (but not friends) left and right. Hopefully, I would learn to use my power for good and not evil!

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