GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - # 1

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Originally Posted by GrilledCheezy
I saw a few posts on Craigslist in the "Housing Wanted" section from people looking to buy rural homes near Little Rock. Then I did a general search in the personals section for the keyword realtor and found this listing. Memphis is about a 2.5 hour drive from Scott. From what I've read about Beverly by friends who have known her for years, I can't imagine she'd ever be on Craigslist looking for a hookup, but I found the post interesting.

Looking for female realtor - 30 (Memphis)
age : 30

I'm a 30 year old attractive male. I've had this fantasy for a while of a female realtor showing me a house and during the tour we become aroused, start kissing and get very physical in a strange house. Just thinking about this makes me extremely excited! If you're a realtor or can pretend to be one with access to a strange house, and you're even mildly interested in something like this let me know.

post id: 4667155375 posted: 14 days ago


First of all, this is really awesome sleuthing GCzy...
I think this CL ad should be reported. Maybe that is why I can't find the original post...anyway...there is a chance this CL poster saw her picture given that Little Rock is not that far. Who knows...he could really live near Little Rock, but posted the ad for Memphis thinking he would have better chances of getting a response. I have posted a couple of ads on CL and I don't list my home town....I list the metro city that I live near. If this cat is looking for a realtor...he has most likely scanned the female realtors in the surrounding areas. She would definitely catch his eye. You can pick up most real estate books with listings and realtor pics at gas stations.

And to clarify...I don't think BC would have replied to the CL ad. But I do wonder if the CL guy could have said...screw one is responding...I will cherry pick a realtor, find a house, and ask her to show it.

First of all, this is really awesome sleuthing GCzy...
I think this CL ad should be reported. Maybe that is why I can't find the original post...anyway...there is a chance this CL poster saw her picture given that Little Rock is not that far. Who knows...he could really live near Little Rock, but posted the ad for Memphis thinking he would have better chances of getting a response. I have posted a couple of ads on CL and I don't list my home town....I list the metro city that I live near. If this cat is looking for a realtor...he has most likely scanned the female realtors in the surrounding areas. She would definitely catch his eye. You can pick up most real estate books with listings and realtor pics at gas stations.


It's a 3 hour drive from Memphis to Scott. Which seems a little far.
This craigslist thing is interesting. I've wasted time noodling through their dating sites and am amazed at things men post that they think will attract a woman. No woman wants to meet some strange guy in a strange place, or worse yet host him in her house for a onetime stand, and give him free sex and then part ways. No woman wants that for free. That's why prostitution is such a common business. it's extremely likely the poster who wrote that only got whacko replies or no replies at all, and went looking to fulfill that fantasy by surprising someone. Looks like a very good catch to me. And we do hear about men who will drive across the country to have sex with a child he's met online.
Reminds me of the Sarah Anne Walker case. She was found murdered. Her murderer is Kosoul Chanthakoummane. Say that last name right and you win a prize.
I am curious if this "unknown male" bought a cheap cell phone with prepaid minutes and called her up, gave her a phony name and set up an appt.

I thought about that, but that would require a level of intelligence that I think someone who uses her phone to text her husband late at night likely wouldn't have.
Reminds me of the Sarah Anne Walker case. She was found murdered. Her murderer is Kosoul Chanthakoummane. Say that last name right and you win a prize.

The fact you spelled it right is worth a prize!

That's quite the name.
When I was looking at houses with my sister last year, there was one house where the lock box that holds the key was not attached to the door, it was just off the side in the bushes. It's possible in this situation that it wasn't properly attached to the home to begin with.

Especially because it's a foreclosure. My brother in law is a real estate investor and buys dozens of foreclosures each year. He said they rarely ever have lockboxes on them.
Except nothing seems to have happened in the house. It appears that she was ambushed probably outside the property. What was the quote early on from the witness that "the man entered the car of the person he was showing the house to". Have to go back and read that again. But now we are hearing chatter that there were indeed three vehicles present: Beverly's, a gray pick up and a small car. In my area it is not unusual for buyers to redo the entire interior of a house before moving in. In this case you will often see the buyers "contractor guy" accompany them to showings to give their advice on whether the property in question is worth it for their renovation plans. I can see this being the scenario that was presented here and it would have made it so much easier to abduct her and silence her with the extra hands on site. Ugh poor Beverly.
I believe Beverly was taken from the house alive. People keep saying the area is desolate, but there are neighbors and it's a tight knit community.
Did anyone see Good Morning America's report this a.m. The husband received text messages from her phone after she went missing. I will try to find a link. So LE must have some pings from where the phone was when the messages were sent.

First of all, this is really awesome sleuthing GCzy...
I think this CL ad should be reported. Maybe that is why I can't find the original post...anyway...there is a chance this CL poster saw her picture given that Little Rock is not that far. Who knows...he could really live near Little Rock, but posted the ad for Memphis thinking he would have better chances of getting a response. I have posted a couple of ads on CL and I don't list my home town....I list the metro city that I live near. If this cat is looking for a realtor...he has most likely scanned the female realtors in the surrounding areas. She would definitely catch his eye. You can pick up most real estate books with listings and realtor pics at gas stations.


Thanks, I did report it to detectives yesterday. I agree with your point that just because the ad reads Memphis doesn't necessarily mean the poster is in Memphis. It's just the largest metropolitan area located near Little Rock.
I just read through all of your posts and I'm shocked that no one else has picked up on the fact that the husband said "it was a referral" during his live interview. Let's hope LE caught that and are following up.
First Time Poster: Is it possible that Beverly's abductor (if that's what happened) tricked her by asking her to show him another piece of real estate and said he would drive them there with the intention of abducting her. Would a realtor get into a car with a perspective client? Just wondering....

I believe Beverly was taken from the house alive. People keep saying the area is desolate, but there are neighbors and it's a tight knit community.
I think they should be looking for some dude that has a beef with her husband too. This seems almost like the perp is toying with the husband just to torture him. Why the perp would have let her send out 3 texts after she disappeared doesn't make sense in the least.

It seems as if the perp was just playing around with her phone to see what kind of response he was going to get back, the more the husband replied "Where are you, where are you ?", the more enjoyment this crackpot got out of it.

Telling him that the battery was fixing to die was just more torture. I would imagine her phone was completely disabled shortly after that.
Not trying to hog the board here, but the more I think of it the POI obviously not headed out of town or state too fast because if so he/she could have went right towards Memphis or left towards texarkana Dallas etc, but instead Roosevelt rd of all places so whoever it was went into Little Rock and exited off to Roosevelt. There are several pay by the hour if you know what I mean hotels down there. I think there is a Exxon station too on the corner of Roosevelt when u exit left or go right family dollar I know it would be time consuming but who cares I would hit every business up that has cameras up for the footage of the time range! Anyone familiar with the Casey Crowder case several years ago remembers it was the cameras on the Exxon that picked the abductors vehicle up on the highway and that put him in the area when she was taken come to find out he was the one and they found her a couple days later not a good outcome but those cameras gave them the clues to go on

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The Roosevelt Rd area based on pings from the victim's phone indicates a route near the airport, NOT the area of Roosevelt Rd you're talking about.

No part of Roosevelt Road is good. I would think the only difference that might help in this case is that there are a lot of warehouse type businesses and private hangars along East Roosevelt that would be more likely to have cameras.
By the time the texts were sent LE was involved. So they must know where the phone pinged from. Edit: that must be the Roosevelt Rd pings.
I wonder if there is any significance to the fact that she was taken at the end of the workday on Thursday.

This could be indicative that the perp has a daytime job with regular weekends off. If a perp was going to pull of a kidnapping he might take off a day early for a long weekend to allow time to do whatever he planned, get rid of the body,(sorry) and high tail it to some weekend event or out of town visit to solidify his alibi. He probably made sure that his day on Thursday appeared to be ho-hum normal right up until he met her at the house. MOO

Whoever did this probably spent time preparing, maybe gathering murder stuff...tarp, plastic or leather gloves, rope or the ever popular duct tape, flammable liquid, either a shovel for burying or a boat if he put her in a lake.

(moo some more)

I really hope the cops have their eye on this guy and are just waiting for him to slip up and incriminate himself. It would be very risky to keep her hidden alive somewhere for this long but the world if full of freaks so I won't rule it out, unlikely as it is.

I think he knocked her out or restrained and drugged her right away, otherwise there would have been signs of a struggle. I don't believe she would have just gone quietly even at gunpoint.

I am so sorry for her family and for the police who are trying so hard to find her. They are doing an excellent job, and that is rare in a small town where grown up responsible grandparents don't usually disappear in to thin air.
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