AR - Josh Duggar Admits Molesting Girls As A Teenager - #1

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I do think there is probably something that needs to be diagnosed about MD. Even after the miscarriage and the preemie birth she had she is still trying to have more kids. Why aren't those events "signs from God" that they need to STOP? Why do they only ever hear messages from God that confirm what they what to do? It's just amazing that their God thinks exactly like they do....

BBM. As I recall, a doctor told her several children ago that her uterus was going to fall out (that's my paraphrase of his medical terminology, LOL) if she didn't stop having kids. That was definitely before Josie.
BBM. As I recall, a doctor told her several children again that her uterus was going to fall out (that's my paraphrase of his medical terminology, LOL) if she didn't stop having kids. That was definitely before Josie.

This article was written in 2009:

After 19th Baby, Duggar -- or Any Woman -- May Face Risks - ABC News

"She has an increased risk of uterine atony, or failure, of the uterus to contract after delivery, which can cause life-threatening blood loss and may require hysterectomy," said Wenstrom, who added that women who have multiple pregnancies are at risk for a condition called placenta previa. In such cases, she said, "the placenta implants over the cervix -- also associated with life threatening bleeding."

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This article was written in 2009:

After 19th Baby, Duggar -- or Any Woman -- May Face Risks - ABC News

"She has an increased risk of uterine atony, or failure, of the uterus to contract after delivery, which can cause life-threatening blood loss and may require hysterectomy," said Wenstrom, who added that women who have multiple pregnancies are at risk for a condition called placenta previa. In such cases, she said, "the placenta implants over the cervix -- also associated with life threatening bleeding."

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I read (will try to find later) that it's taught to see many different doctors before getting a hysterectomy for quiverfulls. They consider it radical and extreme and pretty much only allowed if they have cancer or something that will definitely kill them. They call it protecting and shielding the womb. So, even if she were to need one now...she might not get one unless she were going to die from something associated with that part of the body. Anything other than that isn't always considered medically necessary to them.

ETA: I don't know if this is only for child bearing age or all ages.
My heart breaks for those girls and what they have been through. They are being victimized all over again with everything being played out in public. I would venture to guess that they love their parents and siblings.

I don't understand the schadenfreude in this very sad situation.
I wanted to post this. It helped me understand a little about the Duggar "religion".

This is from Previously TV. I found it hard to link because there are no numbers on posts. So this was posted by Becca3891 on May 24, 2015 at 2:47 A.M. I wanted to give credit because this was not written by me.

"Just to clarify, there is no unified, nationwide Gothard church. He is an author and speaker, not a minister. Most of his followers belong to various ultra conservative denominations throughout the country, often Independent Fundamental Baptists or home churches, such as the Duggars's home church that now meets in a storage facility. So the church elders would not include Pa Keller, Gil Bates or Gothard. Each of those men belongs to his own local church. I don't believe we know the names of any of the storage facility church members, although I think probably the Querys and Sierra's family are among them. But didn't the Query husband die?"

Do they have TAX EXEMPT status???????
My heart breaks for those girls and what they have been through. They are being victimized all over again with everything being played out in public. I would venture to guess that they love their parents and siblings.

I don't understand the schadenfreude in this very sad situation.

I would tend to agree with you, but, at least as this website is concerned, I've seen nothing but sympathy and love towards the daughters (and for that matter, all of the non-molesting sons).
This article was written in 2009:

After 19th Baby, Duggar -- or Any Woman -- May Face Risks - ABC News

"She has an increased risk of uterine atony, or failure, of the uterus to contract after delivery, which can cause life-threatening blood loss and may require hysterectomy," said Wenstrom, who added that women who have multiple pregnancies are at risk for a condition called placenta previa. In such cases, she said, "the placenta implants over the cervix -- also associated with life threatening bleeding."

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She's at risk for a boatload of complications, with that OB/ GYN history.

Placenta accreta, uterine inversion, uterine rupture, etc-- any of which can kill in minutes.

And that doesn't even begin to get into the longer term pelvic floor dysfunction, etc.
I read (will try to find later) that it's taught to see many different doctors before getting a hysterectomy for quiverfulls. They consider it radical and extreme and pretty much only allowed if they have cancer or something that will definitely kill them. They call it protecting and shielding the womb. So, even if she were to need one now...she might not get one unless she were going to die from something associated with that part of the body. Anything other than that isn't always considered medically necessary to them.

ETA: I don't know if this is only for child bearing age or all ages.

After delivery of a baby, a woman who is a grand multipara (a woman that has given birth more that 5 times) that suffers severe uterine atony will not have time to consult multiple doctors. There are medications that can be used and techniques to try to manually stop the bleeding, but if these fail there are times when sadly, the only way to stop the mother from bleeding out is removal of the uterus.
She's at risk for a boatload of complications, with that OB/ GYN history.

Placenta accreta, uterine inversion, uterine rupture, etc-- any of which can kill in minutes.

And that doesn't even begin to get into the longer term pelvic floor dysfunction, etc.

In my years of practice, I have seen each and every one of the above multiple times. The risk is a REAL one and should be taken seriously.
.org a website dedicated to those who have been harmed by Gothard and his teachings. I have been reading there for over a year. I admit to a weird fascination with religious cults and was surprised to learn about all these crazy Christian ones in the US. Living in New England doesn't expose you to much conservative Christianity.

Recovering Grace is filled with stories of the results of this extremist lifestyle. There are even posts from parents who have "escaped" and are apologizing to their children.

Anyway, they are a great repository of all things Gothard. I have posted some of his materials and obtained them all from Recovering Grace.

ATI also has horrific ways of dealing with sexual abuse. Heavily blaming the victim. I don't know if I can link to them, but buzzfeed has a post up with excerpts and charts from their teachings. (The same info is posted elsewhere on other major news sites, I'm just too tired to find them!)
After delivery of a baby, a woman who is a grand multipara (a woman that has given birth more that 5 times) that suffers severe uterine atony will not have time to consult multiple doctors. There are medications that can be used and techniques to try to manually stop the bleeding, but if these fail there are times when sadly, the only way to stop the mother from bleeding out is removal of the uterus.

I think that would qualify as something that could kill her.

I really said that thinking about the other multitude of reasons she might need a hysterectomy in her life...given her history. And I wonder how long she would be expected to suffer through any number of ailments, because a hysterectomy would be considered too radical.
I'm sure your right, and I suppose it's her choice to make. To me, it just seems like such an unnecessary risk to take.

I just read your links with my jaw hanging open, I don't know how she dares have more children, I for one would be terrified.
I would tend to agree with you, but, at least as this website is concerned, I've seen nothing but sympathy and love towards the daughters (and for that matter, all of the non-molesting sons).

Exactly. As far as I have seen, the schadenfreude has been reserved strictly for the family members who have spoken out against others with different family configurations on the basis that those configurations are somehow inferior to the Duggars'.

All the while knowing that their own family situation was far from the ideal they tried to portray.

Schadenfreude will always be the fate of those who live in glass houses yet insist on throwing stones.
Or who insist on throwing stones even though they themselves are not without sin.
Your Hairstyle Should Show Your -
a. Femininity vs. Masculinity b. Contentment vs. Frustration c. Neatness vs. Carelessness d. Submission vs. Pride e. Diligence vs. Weariness
f. Softness vs. Hardness g. Self-acceptance vs. Self-rejection h. Obedience vs. Defiance i. Patience vs. Impatience j. Personal organization vs. Disorganization k. Personal discipline vs. Inconsistency

I have no idea how my hair should look like... what kind of hair is contented, obedient and self-accepting?
I have no idea how my hair should look like... what kind of hair is contented, obedient and self-accepting?

Uncut hair, except get the front bit and pouf it up as much as humanly possible??? I'm sure that's it!
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