Arraignment 8-21-08 Discussion


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Feb 2, 2005
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Anyone know if Casey is required to be present for this court proceeding or can she waive her presence and have her attorney submit a written plea of not guilty?

With all the focus being on the bond issue and whether Casey will walk out of jail tonight, tomorrow or anytime in the near future we must remember that Casey is a long way from being a "free woman" in the sense that it is up to a jury of her peers to decide whether she is guilty or not guilty of the charges leveled against her by the state of Florida.
Casey nor her lawyer are required to be present at the arraignment hearing.
It is to my understaning that Mr B has already written the letter of her pleading Not guilty.
I agree with NancyDrew. They are NOT required to be at the arraignment and I think it will pretty much be a big nothing tomorrow. They will be setting a date for the matter to go to court. I believe I read that LE has 175 days for this to go to trial and add any new complaints to the case. If they don't, they cannot add any further charges after that date (thats what I read...don't know if its true). So it sounds like they have 175 days to get their case together and add charges if they are going to.
Thanks 77 Nancy Drew! That is my understanding too but I wasn't sure since nobody is really talking about it.
I agree with NancyDrew. They are NOT required to be at the arraignment and I think it will pretty much be a big nothing tomorrow. They will be setting a date for the matter to go to court. I believe I read that LE has 175 days for this to go to trial and add any new complaints to the case. If they don't, they cannot add any further charges after that date (thats what I read...don't know if its true). So it sounds like they have 175 days to get their case together and add charges if they are going to.

Casey's Attorney, Jose Baez has filed a Written Plea of Not Guilty and a Waiver of Arraignment. This means that neither Casey nor her attorney need to be present, the Court will simply set a PreTrial and Trial date. The State has 175 days from the date the formal information was filed to bring this case to trial, unless Mr. Baez and Casey waive the right to a speedy trial. They can amend the information to add any additional charges, however, it will still be 175 days for trial unless speedy trial is waived.
Personally, I sure wouldn't be shocked if the state adds any additional charges between now and the cut off date based on the results of forensic testing or even new evidence that comes to light vis a vis the ongoing investigation, the tip line or even Padilla who when asked by WFTV what he would do if Casey Anthony said things that would incriminate her in the disappearance of her daughter replied: "Find the body, call the cops, don't touch the scene."
Hello Everyone,
I see you are discussing the arraignment here and I realize Baez has already entered a not guilty plea and tomorrow a trail date will be set.

What I'd like to know is what was the outcome of the discussion on addition charges of homicide having to be filed by the date of the arraignment? Can anyone here elaborate on that?

Hello Everyone,
I see you are discussing the arraignment here and I realize Baez has already entered a not guilty plea and tomorrow a trail date will be set.

What I'd like to know is what was the outcome of the discussion on addition charges of homicide having to be filed by the date of the arraignment? Can anyone here elaborate on that?


I don't think the outcome of this arraignment, or even the deadline for new charges preclude a later charge of homicide. It is true that you can't be tried twice for the same offense ("Double Jeopardy"), but neglect is one crime and murder is another.
Hello Everyone,
I see you are discussing the arraignment here and I realize Baez has already entered a not guilty plea and tomorrow a trail date will be set.

What I'd like to know is what was the outcome of the discussion on addition charges of homicide having to be filed by the date of the arraignment? Can anyone here elaborate on that?


Good question A2Lite - I don't know the answer to your question but hopefully someone else does. At the moment, I am obsessed with the revelation that Casey Anthony claims to have left work at 5 pm to pick up Caylee - when earlier that day - she told her father she may have to work late and if so, wouldn't be home until the next day (June 17). Hello? When asked where she worked, Casey took LE on a wild goose chase instead of confirming where she was from the time she left her parents house (1 pm) and showed up at Tony's sometime after 5 pm when she alleges she couldn't find the babysitter or Caylee.

Grrr ....
Good question A2Lite - I don't know the answer to your question but hopefully someone else does. At the moment, I am obsessed with the revelation that Casey Anthony claims to have left work at 5 pm to pick up Caylee - when earlier that day - she told her father she may have to work late and if so, wouldn't be home until the next day (June 17). Hello? When asked where she worked, Casey took LE on a wild goose chase instead of confirming where she was from the time she left her parents house (1 pm) and showed up at Tony's sometime after 5 pm when she alleges she couldn't find the babysitter or Caylee.

Grrr ....

I have a problem with George's account being reliable. Here's why:

a. He based the time of day on the Food Network show he watched every day before going to work. He said they left at 12:50pm. He said he kissed them good bye. He described what they were wearing and the back packs they carried. Surprisingly the same clothing described for Caylee in the early missing person brochures. (This memory came after LE found the Father's Day pictures on the camera).

b. He was in agreement with the original date Caylee was reported missing (6/9) and he stated (early on before the missing date changed) that friends of the family spotted Caylee at a mall in Orlando on the 12th of June.

So, here we have a man first sure Caylee was missing on the 6/9 and claimed to have received a call from a family friend who recalled spotting her on the 12th. AND he is the person who is setting the revised missing date of the 16th.

How can he be credible? When was Caylee's actual last day in that house? When did she actually become a missing child? I don't think they know or maybe they don't want to tell.

Unfortunately, everything we know about this case has come from the Anthony's.

Ok, so back to your question. Where was Casey between 12:50pm and 5:00pm? She certainly wasn't working, we know that. No one has come forward to say she was with them. I'm going to take a whack at it and say, maybe she was hanging out at Jay Blanchard park. When she went to Tony's house, she might not have been able to get Cindy to babysit (remember the neighbor said the evening of the 15th, was a loud cursing fight?), maybe little Caylee was asleep in the trunk of the car with a heavy dose of Zanny, oops, I mean Xanax.
I don't think the outcome of this arraignment, or even the deadline for new charges preclude a later charge of homicide. It is true that you can't be tried twice for the same offense ("Double Jeopardy"), but neglect is one crime and murder is another.

Yes, and I agree with you. But, what about the evidence and the circumstances? Would a homicide case hold using the evidence that produced a guilty verdict in a child endangerment case? Would those facts be allowed? I thought maybe that was why Baez wanted the cadaver dog evidence turned over to him and wanted an interrogatory with it.
bumping for tomorrow's information
I don't think the outcome of this arraignment, or even the deadline for new charges preclude a later charge of homicide. It is true that you can't be tried twice for the same offense ("Double Jeopardy"), but neglect is one crime and murder is another.

Actually an amended information to include a murder charge can be filed at any time up to the day of trial as the facts of the case are the same. The only outcome of this arraignment will be that a pretrial and trial date are set.

I have a problem with George's account being reliable. Here's why:

a. He based the time of day on the Food Network show he watched every day before going to work. He said they left at 12:50pm. He said he kissed them good bye. He described what they were wearing and the back packs they carried. Surprisingly the same clothing described for Caylee in the early missing person brochures. (This memory came after LE found the Father's Day pictures on the camera).

b. He was in agreement with the original date Caylee was reported missing (6/9) and he stated (early on before the missing date changed) that friends of the family spotted Caylee at a mall in Orlando on the 12th of June.

So, here we have a man first sure Caylee was missing on the 6/9 and claimed to have received a call from a family friend who recalled spotting her on the 12th. AND he is the person who is setting the revised missing date of the 16th.

How can he be credible? When was Caylee's actual last day in that house? When did she actually become a missing child? I don't think they know or maybe they don't want to tell.

Unfortunately, everything we know about this case has come from the Anthony's.

Ok, so back to your question. Where was Casey between 12:50pm and 5:00pm? She certainly wasn't working, we know that. No one has come forward to say she was with them. I'm going to take a whack at it and say, maybe she was hanging out at Jay Blanchard park. When she went to Tony's house, she might not have been able to get Cindy to babysit (remember the neighbor said the evening of the 15th, was a loud cursing fight?), maybe little Caylee was asleep in the trunk of the car with a heavy dose of Zanny, oops, I mean Xanax.

I live down here and i cant imagine anyone keeping a 3 yr old in a trunk, I dont think Tony wouldve minded if Casey came in with Caylee.
In june, even at night it is SO hot here!!! I wouldnt even leave a dog in the back of car!
It does seem like she did try to keep Caylee away from Tony though. I dont know much about him so I am not saying it was his fault. STRANGE.
I cant imagine giving drugs to a 3 yr old either:mad:

I think there must be another scenario here. Did she get the drugs (steal) from her Mum or Grandma? *if* thats what she did.
I think Casey might have mental isssues and no one noticed. She seems like she has almost had a psychotic break with reality and maybe before all of this, she was normal? No one has come forward and said what a bad Mother she was. Surely someone wouldve noticed her being mean to Caylee but from all reports, she was patient and loving and Caylee always looked well taken care of in pics. :confused:
Even if she DID give her the meds to make her sleep, she couldve brought her in TonE's and put her on the sofa???
did this happen?

No new charges have been filed. As I stated in a previous post, the only thing that happened today was that her case was set for a pretrial and trial date.

So she's free until trial begins? :ugh: unless they find caylee?

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