ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge #8

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Feb 12, 2005
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Story still developing, but these two events may be connected. A suspicious package that turned up at Conservative Party HQ in our nation's capital seems to have contained a human foot. On the same day a torso was found in a suitcase in Montreal in a garbage skip. Political wags are already homing in on the symbolism of the act, but something far more serious may in play here.

Thread #1
Thread #2
Thread #3
Thread #5
Thread #6
Thread #7
Torso found in Montreal garbage pile
The major crimes unit of the Montreal police is investigating the discovery of a torso in a pile of garbage in the Côte-des-Neiges borough, west of Décarie Boulevard.
Human foot found in ‘suspicious package’ at Conservative Party headquarters
Authorities say they were called to the Tory offices at Albert Street at 11:20am.
"Upon arrival, officers noted that the ... package had blood stains on it," the Ottawa Police Service said in a release, according to the Globe and Mail.

WARNING: the video that is online depicting the murder is extremely graphic and we are not posting links to it here at websleuths.


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Here are some PRELIMINARY guidelines. Staff continues to reivew and assess, so please be patient. This list will change as necessart to keep up with the case.

What is Allowed:

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Photos - they MUST be linked and they may NOT be of innocent people - LM ONLY

Links to the Kitten Killer investigation site - do NOT copy and paste comments. Provide direction for other posters to find the comments and you can paraphrase or summarize and discuss.

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Links to the KHolmoka discussion board - do NOT copy and paste comments. Same rule as the kitten investigation site.

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Links to sex sites

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His arrest photo looks very different than the other photos (I thought that even his neck looked longer) ... perhaps it's the make-up he uses to give the illusion of refined, or chiseled, high cheek bones.

True dat. I would have walked right by him and never glanced twice.

The arrest photo definitely does not show the gamine, emo-ish face that was depicted in all the other photos we had seen of him. That, and the ruddy complexion, gingery hair and brows, and hazelish eyes......totally different person. (not really, I know- just looks it)
I've always heard everyone is born with blue eyes. It seems that blue and green eyes are the most desirable, so maybe people put "blue" on birth certificates before they change.

All Caucasian babies are born with blue/gray eyes (as are all puppies). Asian and Black babies are born with brown eyes. The eye color changes within few weeks (if it changes), well within 3-4 weeks for puppies not sure about human babies.
I wanted to quote from jujercu on the other thread, but as it's closed i've copied and pasted the post I am replying to:
jujercu said:
'Thanks so much for caring and trusting us posters to share this very touching account of your life. I feel it gives many some very good insight on what we are talking about..much respect to you james...and for what its worth I think you arOe a very valuable member here and it was your familys loss to not include you in their version of what a life is...but IMO that was probably better for you.'

I am actually now reconciled with my Dad and Stepmum and we have an excellent relationship now, tho I never would've thought that possible given everything I went through growing up.

I will be following all aspects of this case, but I am particularly interested in the mental health aspect given my own background. Of course we don't know exactly the state of LRM's mind or exactly what conditions he may have, but I am interested in how people's upbringing and childhood experiences affect them later in life, and if anything can be done through intervention.

When I was discharged by my Clinical Psychologist, she told me that my condition is not totally curable but told me not to take that as only negative. She added something like 'the fact that you have had this condition since you were a small child is what has enabled you to become the caring, compassionate person you are now.' That has stuck in my mind.

Now, it seems likely that LM had severe childhood abuse/trauma, and we don't know how that might have affected him later in life, or whether he does also have other underlying conditions such as psychopathy. But I'd be very interested to try and understand why he turned out like he did, and whether things could have been different.

I realise I'm rambling here, but I sincerely hope that something can be learned from this appalling case.

I also really hope that Lin Jun gets the justice he deserves, for both him and his family.
As seen on another thread and so well worth the read and applicable in this case IMO

Athena Research Group
Behavioral Evidence Analysis & Security Consulting

The Less Dead

Not much thought is put into research about the victims of serial crime. Most accounts of serial killers that are found in true crime books give lurid details of rape/murder/dismemberment, but do not ever go into much detail about the victim. With interest in forensics and criminal investigation and profiling at a high peak these days, online(in particular) Universities have begun to offer degree plans specifically in criminal profiling, looking through the plan of study lots of information about the criminal but not much information about his (or in some cases her) victim.

Read more at the site ..
I'd like to welcome you my friends, so glad you could attend the show that never ends...


Good morning (or whatever time of day it might be in your locale) boys and girls. Hope everyone is having a great Sunday.

What's new in the Magnotta world today?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II
As seen on another thread and so well worth the read and applicable in this case IMO

Athena Research Group
Behavioral Evidence Analysis & Security Consulting

The Less Dead

Read more at the site ..

I'm not sure I'm that happy with the way gay people are referred to in that link, it seems to have been written by someone with quite dated attitudes, i.e. that a lot of gay people hate themselves.

I found this part very strange:

Not all (or even most) members of the gay community are killers. Some serial killers have been gay men. The reason behind their crimes may be, as proposed by Maghan and Sagarin the simple fact that they are taking out their rage at being gay on their victims. Or another way to explain the crime is that the victim because a symbolic victim, the victim becomes a symbol of what the offender hates the most...himself.

As a gay man myself, that sounds like something that might have been written a few decades ago.

I will have a bit more of a look at the site tho.
I'm not sure I'm that happy with the way gay people are referred to in that link, it seems to have been written by someone with quite dated attitudes, i.e. that a lot of gay people hate themselves.

I found this part very strange:

Not all (or even most) members of the gay community are killers. Some serial killers have been gay men. The reason behind their crimes may be, as proposed by Maghan and Sagarin the simple fact that they are taking out their rage at being gay on their victims. Or another way to explain the crime is that the victim because a symbolic victim, the victim becomes a symbol of what the offender hates the most...himself.

As a gay man myself, that sounds like something that might have been written a few decades ago.

I will have a bit more of a look at the site tho.

James62, thank you for both your sensitivity and dedication to examining information shared here and highlighting key information to help prove or disprove a writer's theory; I greatly admire that about you and many other members.

I'd guess the author may have seen this (which I shared on the Magnotta thread on Friday as part of my Friday Funnies):

Marijuana will kill you- the same way that homosexuals are dangerous and will rape and murder you according to this 1950's Public Service Announcement:

As I stated in the Friday Funnies:
Since everything in a Public Service Announcement is true, I think we can all agree that Magnotta committed this crime SOLELY because he was a marijuana smoking homosexual. Since these two PSAs say so, let's agree there can be no other possible factors. Case closed my friends, case closed...
I will be following all aspects of this case, but I am particularly interested in the mental health aspect given my own background. Of course we don't know exactly the state of LRM's mind or exactly what conditions he may have, but I am interested in how people's upbringing and childhood experiences affect them later in life, and if anything can be done through intervention.

When I was discharged by my Clinical Psychologist, she told me that my condition is not totally curable but told me not to take that as only negative. She added something like 'the fact that you have had this condition since you were a small child is what has enabled you to become the caring, compassionate person you are now.' That has stuck in my mind.

Take heart in the fact that no one is "normal". From my experience counselors and shrinks are some of the most messed up people (as a group) out there.

Behavior is largely in the genes. Everyone that knows dogs knows that Basset Hounds are different than Jack Russell Terriers, doesnt matter how they were raised they are DIFFERENT yet when it comes to humans it is supposed to be all environmental?

Do the best you can with the hand you were dealt.
Marijuana will kill you- the same way that homosexuals are dangerous and will rape and murder you according to this 1950's Public Service Announcement...

One of the things I like about this thread is that it has bought out some interesting personalities and attracted some interesting new posters.

Most threads bring out the "June Cleaver" reactions and fake personas, this thread has a healthy dose of reality thrown in.
Take heart in the fact that no one is "normal". From my experience counselors and shrinks are some of the most messed up people (as a group) out there.

Behavior is largely in the genes. Everyone that knows dogs knows that Basset Hounds are different than Jack Russell Terriers, doesnt matter how they were raised they are DIFFERENT yet when it comes to humans it is supposed to be all environmental?

Do the best you can with the hand you were dealt.

yes, i'd heard that about counsellors and shrinks being some of the most messed up people- it was my clinical psychologist who told me :floorlaugh:

I know that a lot of what I've gone through has been environmental. there will almost certainly have been genetic elements sure. My main condition is a form of anxiety which can be extremely severe. It was explained to me that the sudden disappearance of a primary care giver (i.e. parent) at a young age is probably the most severe trauma a young child can experience. In my case it expresses itself in many ways, but the worst is 'catastrophisation', i.e. being convinced that something dreadful is about to happen. For me it's logical that I should fear that, because it actually did happen when I was 6, and very sudden it was two. One minute she was there, next minute gone until i found her 35 years later.

For me depression is a secondary condition brought on by the anxiety disorder.

Anyway I'm finding your posts on this (mental health) aspect very interesting. Thank you.
Thread #8 already! I wonder what will happen in Berlin this week - they did say he'd be extradited 'soon'.
Take heart in the fact that no one is "normal". From my experience counselors and shrinks are some of the most messed up people (as a group) out there.

Behavior is largely in the genes. Everyone that knows dogs knows that Basset Hounds are different than Jack Russell Terriers, doesnt matter how they were raised they are DIFFERENT yet when it comes to humans it is supposed to be all environmental?

Do the best you can with the hand you were dealt.

Nature V Nurture is a very old debate. There's no answer. That said, it seems to me that behavior is not an innate trait, but rather something that is learned through social conditioning.

If it is true that Eric was abused by an older man as a young child (per the interview with the former partner), then that social conditioning probably played a role in who he is today.
One of the things I like about this thread is that it has bought out some interesting personalities and attracted some interesting new posters.

Most threads bring out the "June Cleaver" reactions and elements, this thread has a healthy dose of reality thrown in.

I too am really enjoying the wonderful dialogue that continues throughout these threads.

I am impressed how many others are as comfortable as I am using elements of personalization in their posts which allow other members to better understand how or why we are viewing things from an angle or perspective different than their own and, in doing so, learn from each other and potentially agree with, respect or just appreciate the global patchwork of diversity that the dialogue of this thread is quilted into.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II
This seems to describe Eric Newman.

"Today, social media provide a forum for budding deviants to publicly display their narcissistic tendencies, a space where they can seek out validation or admiration for their ideas and fetishes and even "rehearse" their crimes."

I recently viewed the documentary Paradise Lost 3 and it seems like every 10 years we make another excuse for behavior...

Am I the only one who misses the early American colony system where they threw the accused in a lake and if the sank they were innocent and if they float they're guilty... Sure the tiny little flaw was the dead innocent people at the bottom of the lake....

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II
This seems to describe Eric Newman.

"Today, social media provide a forum for budding deviants to publicly display their narcissistic tendencies, a space where they can seek out validation or admiration for their ideas and fetishes and even "rehearse" their crimes."

I personally think in many ways it has been equally good and bad. Eric Newman is an oddity.

Many people are born different, if they have certain ideas or fantasies that don't fit into mainstream they can think they are monstrous and evil and destined to do evil etc... The net is the global mind and it has allowed individuals that otherwise would have NEVER met or talked to likeminded people to realize they are not alone. They are not the only one that think certain things, there are others out there like them and those other folks lead "normal" lives and don't follow a predestined path.

In the case of people that have death fetishes I do believe the social networking has been a good and positive thing. Social isolation combined with deviant ideas can be very dangerous, it can lead to a lot of self-hate and that is never a good thing for someone that has homicidal tendencies. For some folks the net has provided much needed role models and acceptance in a good way.
I'm not sure I'm that happy with the way gay people are referred to in that link, it seems to have been written by someone with quite dated attitudes, i.e. that a lot of gay people hate themselves.

I found this part very strange:

Not all (or even most) members of the gay community are killers. Some serial killers have been gay men. The reason behind their crimes may be, as proposed by Maghan and Sagarin the simple fact that they are taking out their rage at being gay on their victims. Or another way to explain the crime is that the victim because a symbolic victim, the victim becomes a symbol of what the offender hates the most...himself.

As a gay man myself, that sounds like something that might have been written a few decades ago.

I will have a bit more of a look at the site tho.

Honestly, no offense intended James. I was taken more by the references to the victim than the offender in this case. The book referenced was published in 2001, so your take on attitude towards gay may be appropriate. I have absolutely nothing against gay people and as a matter of fact I have a brother that is gay and announced same to the family many years ago.

Take care James and thank you for your valuable input here.
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