Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #5

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Them having DNA has never been confirmed, you read it in a newspaper, that is not confirmation, that is a news story.

I'm not saying MM is a NZ farm boy, I'm saying the way he is dressed is not an uncommon style. You also assume that every male must have a big burly chest, broad shoulders and strong jaw line, there are millions of weedy guys out there, some of which also like to drink and chat to girls. Take the evidence for what it is without trying to turn everything into some kind of conspiracy.

I think you're concentrating on MM way too much, if police truly wanted to identify whom he is they wouldn't reveal that CCTV footage in a once off TV special some 8 or so years later, like others here I believe that was nothing more than a way of trying to get monitored POI's to talk.
Paul Clare attacked girls in the early hours of the morning near pubs, similar to CSK victims.

I wish the news papers would reveal how the POI's were supposedly "cleared" I always liked Paul Clare as a suspect, but Macro apparently told the UK police who travelled over here that Clare had been cleared as a POI.
The shirt is big enough to smuggle boobies. It does look like someone just finished around the corner from their glassy job just before midnight.

Got arms like broom sticks

The shirt is so big, if they did up the collar the shirt would look silly. Look at the bloke 10 feet behind the MM. You got skinny right. Hes a scarecrow

Are you saying he is a skinny New Zealand trendy farm boy? How old do you think Skinny farm boy is? :) Jane Rimmer is 23

Maybe that is the problem, looking for a man, when they should be looking for a woman. They have DNA. They should have a profile.
Im saying, dont jump to conclusion it is a boy, it may well be a girl pretending to be a skinny NZ skinny farm boy.

NASA hasn't found the killer either. Just looking at the hair over the ears, it looks like the biggest cow lick forehead you ever seen.

It's truly ridiculous to think that MM could be anything other than a male.

Watch the video and that is the walk of a male....the shape of the back is that of a male and he is not as skinny as you think. Quite the average male body.

As has just been said the police and other professionals would have poured over that footage and that is why it is MM....I don't even know why this is being discussed. Yeah like some girl is pretending to be a man to throw everyone off the trail or because girls just try to look like men in general.

Absolutely ridiculous this is even being discussed.
If Dorrough was the CSK I`d say he would have left that in the note before he went to the Lone Star shooting gallery.

Is MM wearing a wig? Cause the hair looks all over the show. We should rename him Daniel Boone perhaps.
Maybe a Journo from the West Australian or the Sunday Times should tackle BC from the Shenton Park newspaper re the DNA & do they really have the CSK`s DNA from 2 females. And while they are out on the task they could have a chat to the SCS & ask them the hard questions.
There's a lot of article on the internet around serial killers not being loners. Actually, that's not quite true. The articles are about debunking the well believed myth that most serial killers are introverted loners. I'm pretty sure anyone who is interested in true crime already knows this but it's important to note that even though most serial killers are not introverted loners with no social skills or friends, and present themselves as the average guy, there's still plenty of cases where serial killers do have these traits;,5939207&hl=en,1614018&hl=en
Taxi drivers wore a white business shirt in the day. Was it compulsory uniform?


Maybe a Journo from the West Australian or the Sunday Times should tackle BC from the Shenton Park newspaper re the DNA & do they really have the CSK`s DNA from 2 females. And while they are out on the task they could have a chat to the SCS & ask them the hard questions.
They would have already done it. His phone would have been running hot, as would have every officer who has a relationship with any journo. I imagine the conversation with BC would have gone something like; is it true? Yes. Can you reveal your source? Of course not. Ok, so can you absolutely guarantee me it's true? Yes.

Macro are tight lipped on this. I can only see three reasons why police would not confirm they have a DNA profile;

1. They're running an operation and it's not really true

2. Regardless as to whether it matters of not their policy is to not talk about the CSK investigation and be consistent about their policy. The only time they have spoken recently is to debunk direct criticism.

3. An extension of reason 2 but they decided not to release information themselves but decided to use a proxy (BC) to distance themselves from making any comment. So they want the information out there, they just don't want to be seen delivering that information.

All scenarios are reasonable.
The vindictive Iona catholic girls school lesbian on vengeance of the sewing teacher? TIC

Police have motive!

Maybe a Journo from the West Australian or the Sunday Times should tackle BC from the Shenton Park newspaper re the DNA & do they really have the CSK`s DNA from 2 females. And while they are out on the task they could have a chat to the SCS & ask them the hard questions.
The vindictive Iona catholic girls school lesbian on vengeance of the sewing teacher? TIC

Police have motive!

What? So the sewing teacher is MM? Frigging hell. Why didn`t we think of that. :/
Just out of curiosity, can those posters who have local knowledge of Claremont, either through living nearby during the key period, or at some stage of their lives please like this post?

It would be nice to know who I should direct questions to regarding local aspects.
Lol @ those who think MM is the CSK...

Guy takes 3 women and barely leaves a trace but isnt smart enough to keep away from CCTV moments before committing an abduction.

Makes for good entertainment on an otherwise ordinary day, thats it.
Just for the record... me posting a pic of Richard Dorrough compared to the Identikit drawn up by the "psychics" is not me saying RD is the CSK, I was merely pointing out how much he looked like the composite sketch.

GREENDEVIL > I couldn't find when the first one was held, but they held a second one on Sunday 28 September 2008, I'd assume the first wouldn't have been too long before that.
Do you know what's really annoying?

You have consistently claimed (as fact) that Macro have DNA. You also consistently claim LW has been ruled out but Judoman hasn't. Then when the above article came out you made a smug post about you being right and others being wrong.

I have not consistently claimed police have DNA. I've stated I believe, beyond any reasonable doubt, police have DNA. I've acknowledged they may not on numerous occasions.

I also believe LW has been ruled out. But I've tried to remain open to discussing him as a suspect. I am certainly not opposed to others discussing him as a suspect.

I would never want to come across as smug or rub anything in. I'm sorry if that's how I came across.

Why don't we list the facts and if you have a problem with them, let's get to the bottom of it now rather than you just say nothing and every now and then pipe up with "LW has been ruled out" or "Police have DNA";

Sure. But just to be clear this whole conversation started with Steve Ross. I said he's been publicly cleared. I originally typed 'officially' cleared, but changed it to publicly because it was published in a newspaper. The paper says police cleared him. If you still want to discuss him, go ahead. Maybe he's guilty. Idk. But he's been publicly cleared.

You don't get to decide what the facts are. Neither do I. I use MSM reports, police statements and Crime Stoppers, and other published material.

1. We don't know for sure if they have DNA. Police have never confirmed. When you claim they definitely have DNA (based on a newspaper article), you are wrong regardless if they actually have DNA. You actually don't know.
2. We don't know if LW has been ruled out. The above article is based on Macro having DNA. The article doesn't have a source that police have DNA.
3. If LW has been ruled out then it's likely (but not definite) that Judoman has also been ruled out. You seem to have conveniently taken the view that because Judoman is not named in that article then he hasn't been ruled out. The actual truth is Judoman has never been named as a suspect while all the others have. They are not going to name someone who isn't a public suspect.

So regardless if it turns out they have had DNA for 8 years, you are still wrong and you have no place to keep claiming your opinion as fact.

I think I've covered most of this in my above arguments.

I'm not pushing for a public Judoman discussion. I think it's worthy, but if others don't, then we don't have to discuss him.

I am not claiming my opinion as fact. I am discussing what has been published, while acknowledging there may be an alternate possibility.
Someone didn't like the sewing teacher. Well, it is pretty damming when both daughter and parent go to Iona. You cant summise on waiting to be spoon fed by the media. Its MOO
I was on my way out, it could have been worded better. For people who 'may not' know, Ciaras mother was the sewing teacher at Iona

What? So the sewing teacher is MM? Frigging hell. Why didn`t we think of that. :/
Police are DNA testing people in the hotel on the nights. You cant have a source for that, but I have friends who have been DNA tested. Actually, police knocked on their front door randomly and asked for a DNA sample there and then. I don't have a source, but it will come out in the wash what I am saying is true.
How do you even have a source for that?

What did a DNA test cost in 1990? Ouch!

So spending that kind of dosh if you don't have DNA is a bit of a waste if they didnt have DNA. They did DNA a couple hundred taxi drivers. That is a lot of money if you don't have DNA.

They have the Karrakatta victim who ran to a hospital. Who said they pull out the rape kit straight away? They have connected the two cases.

I have not consistently claimed police have DNA. I've stated I believe, beyond any reasonable doubt, police have DNA. I've acknowledged they may not on numerous occasions.
Complete opposite, knows where the camera is. Flaunts with police by not showing his face.
The police are identifying everyone inside the pub, you know that right.

Lol @ those who think MM is the CSK...

Guy takes 3 women and barely leaves a trace but isnt smart enough to keep away from CCTV moments before committing an abduction.

Makes for good entertainment on an otherwise ordinary day, thats it.
SO how can police have motive, if they don't have a perp? What do police have?
I have not consistently claimed police have DNA. I've stated I believe, beyond any reasonable doubt, police have DNA. I've acknowledged they may not on numerous occasions.

I also believe LW has been ruled out. But I've tried to remain open to discussing him as a suspect. I am certainly not opposed to others discussing him as a suspect.

I would never want to come across as smug or rub anything in. I'm sorry if that's how I came across.

Sure. But just to be clear this whole conversation started with Steve Ross. I said he's been publicly cleared. I originally typed 'officially' cleared, but changed it to publicly because it was published in a newspaper. The paper says police cleared him. If you still want to discuss him, go ahead. Maybe he's guilty. Idk. But he's been publicly cleared.

You don't get to decide what the facts are. Neither do I. I use MSM reports, police statements and Crime Stoppers, and other published material.

I think I've covered most of this in my above arguments.

I'm not pushing for a public Judoman discussion. I think it's worthy, but if others don't, then we don't have to discuss him.

I am not claiming my opinion as fact. I am discussing what has been published, while acknowledging there may be an alternate possibility.

1. You have on many occasions claimed police have DNA and certain people have been ruled out
2. These people have not been ruled out publicly. A media outlet cannot rule people out.

Sutton Post #1033 Thread 3 said:
LW's DNA does not match the DNA in Karrakatta or CG

Sutton Post #491 Thread 3 said:
The Post reads

Importantly, he left his DNA on the body of the 1997 victim, Ciara Glennon, traces that police have now matched to a teenager’s late-night abduction in Claremont and rape in Karrakatta cemetery in February 1995

I think this is a pretty conclusive statement

Sutton Post #406 Thread 3 said:

There's more but I'm not going to bother finding them.
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