Found Deceased Australia - Jesse Baird, 26, TV presenter and partner Luke Davies, 29. blood located at home, 23 Feb 2024 *arrest*

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Two hours. I do wonder when in that two hours did he actually communicate what they wanted to know? Early? Or towards the end? Did he attempt to draw it out, or was he ready to tell what he knew?

Maybe one day we'll know more.

Yeah other articles say it was made from Lukes phone and the police went to his address at Waterloo and couldn't trace the call to an exact location in Paddington, I will have a look for an article
I'm finding confusion, most still say Jesse but some say there was a correction to Luke at some point. If you do find something definitive, please do link it. I think it's important to be accurate, and I was not aware that the official story had changed re: the call.


Here is an ABC article that talks about the correction.
Ok so definately from Lukes phone.
Yep, you were right, well done. I've been jacked into this case for a week, and you picked up something important I had completely missed. That is why sleuthing is best done as a group.


I recall it being initially reported the other way around (Jesse’s phone) as well, which made LE’s response to said call with a welfare check to Luke’s house that much more bizarre. The way it’s now being reported (Luke’s phone) at least offers some much needed clarity in that regard.

Police sent car after triple-zero call from alleged murder victim’s phone

Police sent a patrol car searching for the source of a triple-zero call that was made from the mobile phone of Luke Davies at 9.54am last Monday – four minutes after gunshots were allegedly heard in the Paddington terrace where Davies’ boyfriend Jesse Baird lived.

But that phone was disconnected without any communication, and because it was registered to Davies’ home in Waterloo, the police tasked with “concern for welfare” job patrolled Paddington but with no specific information to go on. The phone’s signal was triangulated to the suburb, without an exact location.
The articles have said the blood was seeping thru the floor boards … and that there were visible blood splashes on the furniture …

And there was a puddle of “beetroot juice” …

But maybe only a trained eye would notice that??? But due to my profession I know blood goes everywhere, and splashes onto everything, and gun spatter goes everywhere as well …

Perhaps not everyone would notice ?? Where as a trained eye would notice it immediately …(maybe I judge them too harshly??)


Probably. I assume if you don't expect the murder to happen in your house, and if you are young, you explain things differently. The main thing is, I don't think anyone seriously realized that Luke and Jesse disappeared till Wednesday.
Probably. I assume if you don't expect the murder to happen in your house, and if you are young, you explain things differently. The main thing is, I don't think anyone seriously realized that Luke and Jesse disappeared till Wednesday.
It frightens me that if a better job had been done cleaning up the scene and disposing of the personal effects, this might be an unexplained disappearance right now. It just struck me, and I came out in goosebumps.

Jesse wasn't working in tv right now (though he did have AFL work, that's probably not the kind of gig where they chase you up and check on you if you no show). He and his housemates had frictions over cleanliness of the shared space. It was early days with Luke, so he may have been spending half the time over at his place, anyway.

And Luke, we don't know much about his living situation, whether he shared or lived alone. We know he was going to longhaul flights, so maybe his workmates would have been a different set to the ones he knew closely. Flight attendants don't work a nine to five, every new flight is to a new place with an assigned set of faces you might or might not know well.

I'm not saying they wouldn't have been missed, but the possibility of it going longer without it being recognised that something was seriously wrong frightens me. Would family and friends have been told that there was no evidence there was anything wrong? Would they have been written off as young people in love, consenting and competent adults, voluntary missing?

It didn't go that way, and they were found, but sometimes, the potential ways something could have gone differently are terrifying.

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It frightens me that if a better job had been done cleaning up the scene and disposing of the personal effects, this might be an unexplained disappearance right now. It just struck me, and I came out in goosebumps.

Jesse wasn't working in tv right now (though he did have AFL work, that's probably not the kind of gig where they chase you up and check on you if you no show). He and his housemates had frictions over cleanliness of the shared space. It was early days with Luke, so he may have been spending half the time over at his place, anyway.

And Luke, we don't know much about his living situation, whether he shared or lived alone. We know he was going to longhaul flights, so maybe his workmates would have been a different set to the ones he knew closely. Flight attendants don't work a nine to five, every new flight is to a new place with an assigned set of faces you might or might not know well.

I'm not saying they wouldn't have been missed, but the possibility of it going longer without it being recognised that something was seriously wrong frightens me. Would family and friends have been told that there was no evidence there was anything wrong? Would they have been written off as young people in love, consenting and competent adults, voluntary missing?

It didn't go that way, and they were found, but sometimes, the potential ways something could have gone differently are terrifying.


The AFL would absolutely chase him up and ask why he didn't show; he didn't appear at the GWS/Syd game he was supposed to umpire and that raised suspicions. Umpires, especially goalies, are super prompt, there's no way this would go unnoticed for a long time.

(I had to get an account just to say this as I'm in the umpiring community and even at local levels, if you didn't show up without any prior communications, there would be phone calls made).
The AFL would absolutely chase him up and ask why he didn't show; he didn't appear at the GWS/Syd game he was supposed to umpire and that raised suspicions. Umpires, especially goalies, are super prompt, there's no way this would go unnoticed for a long time.

(I had to get an account just to say this as I'm in the umpiring community and even at local levels, if you didn't show up without any prior communications, there would be phone calls made).
Fair enough, I bow to your greater knowledge.

More what I meant was - it's not a job where you sit at a desk or stand at a till next to the same people every day. He missed one game, but presumably that just annoyed the people in charge, worried them a little perhaps, but not frightened them. It wouldn't ring the same alarm bells as a reliable 9-5 employee not showing up for three straight days and not answering any of the phone calls from the others he worked with.

It's a different degree of contact and familiarity, is what I was trying to say, inexpertly.


Just 100 steps off a country road, Beau Lamarre-Condon allegedly dumped the remains of Jesse Baird and Luke Davies behind a mound of dirt.

To the right of the church’s entrance gate, in the early hours of last Thursday morning when it was a brisk 14 degrees, Lamarre-Condon allegedly carried the remains of Davies and Baird 50 metres down the gravel clearing, hiding them behind two mounds of dirt with thick shrubs, grass and gum trees at the other end.

Along with the remains, Lamarre-Condon had allegedly strewn a significant number of items that police seized as evidence — officers will not say what they are except that there were a large number all over the area.
It strikes me that there is the possibility that there was some kind of spyware installed on his phone, too. That stuff parents put on to keep track of their teenagers that gets used by abusive people to surveil their partners.

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