GUILTY Australia - Joan Ryther, 27, pregnant, raped & murdered, Logan, Qld, 21 May 2013

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Let's hope the person who did this is getting very very nervous right now!
My first reaction to the report of the woman screaming in "Chinese" was that if it was the victim and not someone else, that perhaps in extreme stress Joan may have resorted to her first language (just verbally expressing her extreme fear etc.) but Susan's idea as quoted is an equally valid one.

Her Language would be Tagalog, and its different enough to Chinese I would think. My guess would be that people who speak both usually speak English around Aussie Strangers and would only revert to Tagalog if they knew the recipient would understand. So it is probably important if in fact this noise is related. Of course on any given night down the street there is probably an amount of disturbance and yelling.
Her Language would be Tagalog, and its different enough to Chinese I would think. My guess would be that people who speak both usually speak English around Aussie Strangers and would only revert to Tagalog if they knew the recipient would understand. So it is probably important if in fact this noise is related. Of course on any given night down the street there is probably an amount of disturbance and yelling.

Good point Big T. I am unfamiliar with how Tagalog sounds. It would be interesting to know about the level of language understanding of the person who heard the "Chinese". Many people just group "Asian type" languages under the Chinese umbrella whereas others with more knowledge of these things are able to be more specific. I am sure the police will explore the true nature if hearing "Chinese" being vocalised and it's relevance to this case if any relevance. I wouldn't discount that people in extreme fear will revert to their mother tongue even if those around don't comprehend. It would be important to know if it was a conversation in "Chinese" or just emotional expressions. I do hope they find whoever did this quickly.
My first reaction to the report of the woman screaming in "Chinese" was that if it was the victim and not someone else, that perhaps in extreme stress Joan may have resorted to her first language (just verbally expressing her extreme fear etc.) but Susan's idea as quoted is an equally valid one.

Her Language would be Tagalog, and its different enough to Chinese I would think. My guess would be that people who speak both usually speak English around Aussie Strangers and would only revert to Tagalog if they knew the recipient would understand. So it is probably important if in fact this noise is related. Of course on any given night down the street there is probably an amount of disturbance and yelling.

i can see what you are saying but i totally disagree. my ex girlfriend is filipina and often when a bit emotional she would say things to me in tagalog and i speak very little tagalog. even if she tripped up and stubbed her toe she would say expletives etc in tagalog

it is not uncommon especially in circumstances such as joan's for people to revert to their native tongue. i guess it comes down to fight or flight. the hippocampus in such extreme circumstances causes people to react, rather then think. the same could be said for their speech.
I'm thinking that perhaps the perpetrator meant to sexually assault her (and maybe knock her out for that) but not kill her which might explain the not so professional look of it.

I know the yellow clothed man is said to be ruled out, if that's not entirely true and he was the perpetrator it could explain why he was seen crying, because it went further than he intended.


This is exactly what I think happened. I think she was attacked quite suddenly (explaining why no one really heard anything unusual) in the area around where the blood was found. I think that either the perp hit her too hard in the attack, or she fell and hit her head, causing death (or injury severe enough to lead to her death). I don't believe the perp intended to kill her, and was 'only' intending on sexually assaulting her.

The police are releasing CCTV footage at 2pm today (for those overseas, it's 10am now, so the footage will be released in about 4 hours). They won't say what the footage shows, but it must be significant enough to prompt further information from the public.
I am rapt they have some cctv ... there are a lot of businesses north of the attack but I was worried there was so many suburban streets to disappear down. That said, we have security cameras and if there was a crime we could assist police with movements past our house.
Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 58s
Police about to release images of people in the area at the time Joan Ryther was murdered.

TEN News Queensland ‏@tennewsqld 1m
RT @renaehenry10: Logan police say they have no "firm suspects" in Joan Ryther murder, but more than 700 lines of inquiry #tennews

Renae Henry ‏@renaehenry10 6m
Logan police release CCTV of 19 ppl they want to speak to, hoping they can help investigation into Joan Ryther's murder @tennewsqld
Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 27s
Police have handed over vision and pics of 19 people picked up on council cameras in the area at the time Joan Ryther was killed.
I've been waiting for the media conference, but nothing so far (it's 2.30pm).
This is their website:

And their Facebook:

If you have some time to spare, look through the FB page for some hilarious public notices. Qld Police are famous for it.

Here's one from two days ago:
Cute hazard alert! A little black cow on Pound Road, Pomona. Take care in the area. #legendairy #qldtraffic

Last week:
Superman is nearly indestructible but you're not. Slow down in the wet and put your lights on #kryptonite #manofsteel

This was one of the funniest (it's an older one):
4 horses on Bruce Highway at Pomona. Whilst they're without horsemen, we'll patrol just in case of impending apocalypse. #coveringallbases.

Buzzfeed even had a post about them:

(#8. Definitely click, it's worth the read).
I've been waiting for the media conference, but nothing so far (it's 2.30pm).

Caught the end of it on sky news local but haven't seen anything from any of the other media outlets here in Brisbane.
This reporter is Tweeting pictures and asking if anyone recognise the people.

You don't need a Twiiter account to see, just clink on the link above.

She has 5 pictures posted there.
Today police released vision and a series of still images of people in the area around the time of her murder.

The CCTV footage was taken from Logan City Council cameras - one on a footbridge over the railway line that brings pedestrians onto Mayes Ave and another near a Wembley Rd service station.
Ms Ryther would have walked past the footbridge after leaving her Mayes Ave home to start the 1km walk to work.
Detective Superintendent David Hutchinson said 19 people were depicted in the footage and police were hoping to speak to them in case they had seen anything relevant.
"I should stress that these people are not suspects," he said.
"They are merely people who we have identified as being in the area at the time and we wish to speak to them to eliminate them and to ... determine what they saw.
"Potentially they could have seen something which is very relevant to the investigation."

Read more:

This article from today says police still have no credible sightings of Joan as she walked to work. Wonder why they didn't find the earlier witness account credible? The estimated time of the killing is reported as being between 8pm-10pm. Not sure if that timeframe suggests it may not have been as sudden and brief an attack as has previously been indicated.

As with the Jill Meagher case, hopefully the police already have a prime suspect identified on CCTV and are focusing on gathering additional witnesses to support sightings of the person who may have been observed on camera or later fleeing from the scene.

From my understanding police keep their cards close to their chest and release information very carefully and often with an underlying objective at play. Sometimes to see how a suspect who is already under surveillance will respond. I'm thinking that the person/persons responsible would be getting pretty edgy right about now, after a week of sleepless nights - especially if they had been in any of the areas depicted in the CCTV video released today. If they were in those areas but their image wasn't released along with the others today, they'd surely know the game is up. Hope they're really sweating on it.
Silly question, but I'm assuming this is footage around 7:30pm onwards. It looks to be broad daylight. It gets dark around 6pm in Melbourne these days. Or are these areas where footage was taken lit up with streetlights.
Also find it interesting that two separate shots have been taken of the same Asian guy wearing the black hoodie with a wide orange stripe across it. One image looks to come up as a yellow stripe. At one point he has his hoodie over his cap and in the other shot its off.
Hope they all help the investigators and clear there name by contacting police/offer some sort of assistance.

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