Australia Australia - Marion Barter - Missing After Trip to UK - June 1997 #21

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Yeah seems odd about the witnesses... his MO is to leave no witnesses
He does leave some trails but he also goes to a lot of trouble to carefully cover them up with typos, separate flights, name changes, house moves, etc. Maybe he thought Japan would be obscure enough, with the distance and the language barrier. Maybe he got non English speaking witnesses. He probably got a nasty shock when he learned via the inquest that Marion had used the Nikkio Narita notepaper to write to SL.
He does leave some trails but he also goes to a lot of trouble to carefully cover them up with typos, separate flights, name changes, house moves, etc. Maybe he thought Japan would be obscure enough, with the distance and the language barrier. Maybe he got non English speaking witnesses. He probably got a nasty shock when he learned via the inquest that Marion had used the Nikkio Narita notepaper to write to SL.
Yes I seem to remember some sort of link to a Japanese flight attendant woman and the Accor company but I cant find it here now.

So many posts get removed that its hard to find past information that sleuths have spent time on.

But there is some connection
Yes I seem to remember some sort of link to a Japanese flight attendant woman and the Accor company but I cant find it here now.

So many posts get removed that its hard to find past information that sleuths have spent time on.

But there is some connection
Yes wasn’t that one of the tales he was spinning at the inquest to justify how he could have afforded to travel to Europe so frequently as a welfare recipient. He allegedly knew someone in Japan Airlines who was getting him cheap tickets.
<modsnip - quoted post was discussing unapproved source>

The one thing that made me doubt that Marion returned to Australia was that I really could not imagine her using a boarding card with inaccuracies in it. I couldn’t understand why she would state that she was married, when she wasn’t. But if they had undergone a quickie marriage in Japan, as far as Marian was concerned, she was a married woman.

Her return makes much more sense to me now.

But why aren’t the police investigating this?
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Yes wasn’t that one of the tales he was spinning at the inquest to justify how he could have afforded to travel to Europe so frequently as a welfare recipient. He allegedly knew someone in Japan Airlines who was getting him cheap tickets.
Yes he was saying that.

But separate to that someone found a link to family / japanese flight attendant and Accor
Looking at this new information, with him actually going into the bank on his own and not using ATM, AND the fact he had NO trouble at all convincing CdeH dentist he was her godson and getting away with thousands of dollars for his kids braces when they were teens, I have no trouble at all seeing him or someone close to him, using MB ID to fleece her accounts at the time her passenger card arrived back into Australia.

Have the police opened investigations into DdeH yet....

If it was from inside the bank, he may have had to forge an ID for a certain someone else to go and pose as these women to withdraw their funds... I don't see how he could be doing it all alone
Looking at this new information, with him actually going into the bank on his own and not using ATM, AND the fact he had NO trouble at all convincing CdeH dentist he was her godson and getting away with thousands of dollars for his kids braces when they were teens, I have no trouble at all seeing him or someone close to him, using MB ID to fleece her accounts at the time her passenger card arrived back into Australia.

Have the police opened investigations into DdeH yet....

100%. They'd already had MB's valuable house items (plus who knows what jewellery etc.) to auction/sell before she even left for Europe, so the scam was well under way by the time the funds were withdrawn. Whoever else was involved was already in it up the their neck. MOO.
From J on the latest Crime Analyst podcast,

"one minor correction, Ginette says that "Frederick" went to the bank by himself with her line-of-credit eftpos card , she had given him the PIN. According to Ginette , "Frederick" withdrew just under $30k aud in five weeks. Each withdrawal was approximately $5k aud from inside the bank, not ATM. "

Very interesting.
A lot of the discussion has been around how this could have been carried out. Was it Marion herself? Was it another female impersonating Marion?
Most credit/debit/EFTPOS cards just have initials for given names, so it probably didn’t have to be a female. Any adult, including a male could have done the transactions, especially if the name on the card was M BARTER.
I am still pondering the similarity of initials between the false Fernand Remakel (Ric Blum) and the new name adopted by Marion Barter. At the inquest there was some very sceptical questioning, along with other 'coimcidences, by Adam Casselden. I can see that this would be very useful in the situation described by CuriousKat99 in using a bankcard. Most bankcards have room for a signature based on initals and surname on the back and some times, depending on the advice you have received*, printed on the front.

Also thinking over the BM evidence, it is troubling to me, and I am becoming more and more sceptical about it. I think this scepticism is because of the fact that the BM seemed unduly insulting/grumpy to a person who had, on the face of it, operated a bank account with nothing untoward noted about her. I think the suspicions should have been raised much earlier than the when the last large transaction was made. Alot of daily transactions for relatively large amounts ($500 would have been quite a large transaction in the mid 1990s). often triggers queries in some banks. Perhaps RB felt that the BM was onto them and that was why the account was not cleaned out altogether. or perhaps Mrs Youknowwho felt she was unable to sustain another visit. Especially as the trail of a new life in Bali had been red herringed at the last large withdrawal.

* one of my banks here in NZ sent out advice to have one's full name on the printed name on the front as that could be a way of prevention of males using a female's card and vice versa.
Very interesting.
A lot of the discussion has been around how this could have been carried out. Was it Marion herself? Was it another female impersonating Marion?
Most credit/debit/EFTPOS cards just have initials for given names, so it probably didn’t have to be a female. Any adult, including a male could have done the transactions, especially if the name on the card was M BARTER.
I have a vague memory, from an old post, that Marion''s new drivers licence in FNMR had 'male' on it? Or I'm mistaken?
I have a vague memory, from an old post, that Marion''s new drivers licence in FNMR had 'male' on it? Or I'm mistaken?
That’s correct, the FNMR QLD drivers licence had the gender as male as well as the extra ‘a’ in Natalia as you have noted. Both ‘typos’ would lessen the likelihood that anybody would be able to match the record should they ever try to search, just like the extra space in Remakel in the lonely hearts ad in 1994.
That’s correct, the FNMR QLD drivers licence had the gender as male as well as the extra ‘a’ in Natalia as you have noted. Both ‘typos’ would lessen the likelihood that anybody would be able to match the record should they ever try to search, just like the extra space in Remakel in the lonely hearts ad in 1994.

He is a sly as a rat
Found this post #986 re incorrect spelling of Natalia. Trying to find more mentions about the licence.View attachment 471126
Yes and dont forget that DdeH did the same thing with her name / names

AND her parents death certs have VERY ODD abbreviations of family names

I personally believe that IF the day ever comes that SL writes the whole truth of the deH family, most of us will be completely shocked and surprised at what has been uncovered,
While most things are of no surprise anymore given he has over 50 aliases, the truth throughout his life will be out of the park

That’s correct, the FNMR QLD drivers licence had the gender as male as well as the extra ‘a’ in Natalia as you have noted. Both ‘typos’ would lessen the likelihood that anybody would be able to match the record should they ever try to search, just like the extra space in Remakel in the lonely hearts ad in 1994.
Makes me think he called her Natalia and not Marion ... as did "Clark Hunter".
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