Perth was very small compared to now I lived there in the 1980's, pretty much people got to know each other through hotels, workplace ,nightclubs etc I had not studied much into Julie Cutler case until a few days ago. While refreshing my memory about I stumbled on a interveiw with her friend who had left to go oversea just before Julie disappearance, I knew Julie's friend, she was in the the same theater group/school I was in in 1986-1988 before she went oversea. Julia did visit the Theatre School as well as other Theatre Groups often to do open day sessions, watch performances or do Theater sports, so her and mine paths had crossed.(In more ways than once) Kind of comparing or checking out rival theatre group anyone interested in acting did it.
(People have wonder if Julie was the first victim of the Claremont Killer, I am not sure but from what I know/remember Telecom (now Telstra) main office was in Wellington Street(Or near it) it was on the oppisite side and further up from now gone Perth Entertainment Center, street has been altered since I been there, but there was a theater school on Wellington Street called Chimera Acting School. Chimera Acting School was in Dyer Street until November/December 1986 where it moved to 189 Wellington Street was there when I was last visited in 1990's. Further up Wellington Street in Subiaco was another Drama/Dance Studio I cannot remember it name. There were a few others around Perth, one was the floor above, Gilkison Dance Studio, Young Australia League Building.
Why I say crossed paths more than once but I don't remember her, not only due to theater but also is because she worked at the Parmilea Hilton, I was working at the Perth Domestic Airport from beginning of 1987 until Febuary 1988, I would catch the bus in the lane which was behind the Pamilea Hilton Hotel(Looking on Google Map so much has changed) I would walk down Mercantille Lane from St Geogres Tcc to catch bus close to 8am . In 1987,there was not much buildings behind the Parmelia Hilton like now, from memory it was pretty bare but there was construction going on the left side of the lanewayjust behind the dark marble building in St Geogres Tcc a least a half a building block where Wilson parking Building is now. In Febuary 1988,where Wilson Parking is , it was still grass land being used as a car park, so was the right side was grass land used as carpark as well around the Swan River area, I remember just before Wilson Parking building now, between two building there was a car park which I remember seeing Hotel staff parking there early morning as it was behind the hotel. The laneway is a lot smaller from when I was last there in 1988. But it was well lit. If Julie Cutler was attacked in the carpark lane way area, months before the Hotel was informed no female was to be in the area alone as it was dangerous
It was here in 1987 there were two serious assaults on women ,which accured months apart, I and customers were informed by the Met Bus Driver about it we were told not to go down the lane but wait at the corner of St Geogres Tcc at top of the lane until we saw him/he sees us walk down as he turn down. First assault was in the car park, It was between April/May after 10pm, women was going to her car when she was attacked, no robbery/car not stolen,attacked from behind knocked to ground beaten up, I checked newspapers there was no reports, but I asked a friend's husband who was a Bus Driver, he confirmed it happened. I don't know if there was other attacks during the few months as I was doing Drama studies at night so was getting taxi or list to get a few hours more sleep in the morning. Due to work load and doing earlier shifts, put studies on hold after August I know the passengers and I were able to resume to wait for Driver in the Laneway that was around 7am. However in November 1987, the second assault accurred this time it was a female passenger in the laneway at 6.30 am, she had serious head injuries, warnings was put out we were to avoid being there alone, after that I caught the taxi if doing the earlier shift, I forgot one time just before I left Perth, Bus Driver gave me a huge ticking off. I know sadly Julie Cutler disappeared June 1988, but surely the hotel knew what happened months earlier and had warned staff.