Australia AUSTRALIA - Perth missing/murdered SK victims

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IMO the most likely panel vans that fit the descriptions are Ford Falcon XA or XB models. As the fords were the only ones that came optionally with vertical rear doors

"Valiant Drifter Panel Van" Poster by Ferenghi | Redbubble
Chrysler only had horizontal rear doors

"When I was 16 I wanted a Holden Sandman."
and so too the Holden only had horizontal rear doors

1974 Ford XB Falcon GS Panel Van
IMO the vehicle described is a Ford Falcon panel van such as the XA or XB. IMO an XC model's paint wouldn't of faded enough by 1980, but possible if an early version that was parked outside a lot.

RAC History: Little yellow vans | RAC WA IMO Ford transits are too small, and besides, came with bucket seats, not bench seats.

Pin on Ford
They must've used tiny people in this advert.

Likewise Leland, Morris and Austin made panel vans with vertical rear doors, but IMO they're distinctive enough for a witness not to of used the generic description of "panel van" where as Holden Chrysler and Falcon looked much the same size and shape and would've been referred to generically.
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There can't be that many of them...
Thats better. Journo typo

Police hunted for the vehicle, described by witnesses as a dark blue car, similar to a Datsun 260C.

'She accepted a lift and never seen again': Unsolved murder of teen Kerry Turner

Aka Nissan Cedric. Japanese import? Non Aust VIN.

Nissan Cedric - Wikipedia
Interestingly 260C aimed at taxi market overseas, and a lot of them diesels.
Who might have had such a car in 1991, likely more than 15 years old then? I suggest it is likely a used or hand-me-down. If a diesel it might have been a country/farmers vehicle?

"Police are searching bushland in Perth’s north for the remains of a teenage girl who disappeared almost 30 years ago.

Star Swamp reserve in North Beach has been closed to the public as police conduct the search.

Radina Djukich, 14, vanished in May 1992 after leaving her home in North Beach.'

Ronald Joseph Buckland, 70, was last year charged with her manslaughter, accused of injecting a substance that caused her death, then burying her body in a bush grave.

He has pleaded not guilty and is due to make his first appearance in the WA Supreme Court on February 24."
An error in two paragraphs means a man will stand trial again for a teen girl's murder

Francis Wark wins appeal. There will be a retrial. The decision came down to Wark's witness statements not being taken into account even though he wasn't a witness in court. The decision about the earring was upheld saying that it was not a reasonable possibility that it belonged to anyone else other than Hayley Dodd. Really feel for her mother right now.

"But in a unanimous decision, that conviction was today overturned and a new trial ordered by the WA Court of Appeal.

The Court of Appeal found Justice Jenkins erred when she did not accept Wark's account to police of what he did the day Hayley disappeared in 1999 without independent evidence to support it.

He did not give evidence at his trial, but in a witness statement at the time he said he had been doing his weekly chores in Moora, including shopping and paying bills, before he left his home to travel to Perth about 20 minutes after Hayley was last seen alive.

Appeal Court Justice Andrew Beech said Justice Jenkin's approach to Wark's account meant his conviction should be quashed.

"To some, it may seem strange that an error in one or two paragraphs of a careful judgment of almost 200 pages could lead to a successful appeal and a retrial," he said.

"However, the truth of what the appellant told the police was at the heart of his case at trial; acceptance of his account of when he left Moora would have required his acquittal.

"In my respectful view, the judge's erroneous discounting, unless supported by independent evidence, of what the appellant told the police occasioned a miscarriage of justice and a substantial one."

But in her decision, Justice Jenkins rejected that claim and found "it was not a reasonable possibility … that it belonged to anyone other than Ms Dodd".

In today's judgment, the President of the Appeal Court, Justice Michael Buss, upheld that finding.

Andrew Mallard wrongfully accused and convicted of the murder of Pamela Lawrence dies in a Hit and Run in Los Angeles.

Andrew Mallard, jailed for murder he didn't commit, killed in US hit-run crash

US basketballer strikes plea deal over hit-and-run death of Australian Andrew Mallard

A young Los Angeles basketballer will avoid a long prison sentence after pleading guilty to the fatal Hollywood hit-and-run of Australian Andrew Mallard.

Kristopher Smith, 20, was facing a four-year prison term in the case, but struck a plea deal with prosecutors.

Smith, during an appearance in a downtown LA courtroom on Thursday, agreed to serve 30 days of weekend detention at LA County Jail, 30 hours of community service and three years' probation.
The Deborah Anderson case is a weird one. I'm local to the area and it's kind of spooky given I've been to the "shopping centre" her car was found at without knowing what had happened there. There's really not a lot there. From memory just a fish & chip shop, a bakery and the bottlemart/mini-mart. Probably not all that different to how it was in 2000. I do think the location the car was dumped and torched is significant in finding who did it.

Dance Drive is a really quiet, out of the way street. The only reasons anyone would be going down there would be if they lived there, they were going to the tiny shopping centre or they were a local taking a common shortcut to avoid the Gt Northern Hwy/Toodyay Rd traffic lights. Essentially, by midnight there would be very little chance anyone would be around to witness anything going on. So if you needed time to do something like set up the crime scene, light a fire and escape the scene before the fire is called in it would be the perfect place to do it.

But the main reason I think it's significant is two-fold. Firstly, if there was another party other than Deborah involved they had to go somewhere. But as they probably used Deborah's car throughout they now had no means of transport. Buses don't run that late out in Midland. So imo that means the perpetrator likely escaped on foot. Which in that area is easy enough. There's so many quiet side streets the person could've disappeared down before fire crews reached the scene. Secondly, as I've said it's a very quiet spot known mostly to locals. These two things suggest to me that the person must have a degree of local knowledge, either living nearby or having friends/family nearby they could reach on foot who wouldn't think twice about this person turning up late at night.

This person must also have some connection with the Woodvale area since that is the last place Deborah Anderson is known to have been alive. I quite like petedavo's suggestion that the person may be someone from the Balga/Girrawheen/Mirrabooka triangle. That area and the Midland area have quite a lot of similarities in terms of crime and socio-economic status. Overlapping social circles could easily give someone contacts in both areas. That idea has a lot of credibility imo. Perp lives in the BGM triangle, abducts and kills Deborah from nearby Woodvale for whatever reason and disposes of the evidence at Dance Drive because he knows it's a quiet spot and he can leg it to his mate's/family's house nearby. These people are probably up to some form of petty crime like minor drug offences or burglary so even if they connect the dots between this person arriving late at night the same night Deborah's car was found they're not gonna come forward because that would bring attention down on them.

I've got an interesting idea how we can pin down just where the car might have gone in the 14 hours between her withdrawing cash at the Woodvale ATM. I'm having a bit of a play around with some maps currently and when I'm done I'll post what I find
Okay so I've read from this thread that the Geraldton idea comes from soil found on the car that was forensically examined. Critically, the soil came from the Geraldton area but it was never said the soil was unique to Geraldton. It seems over the years news reports have reported almost as fact that Deborah and her car went to Geraldton. But the forensics never nailed down that it was specifically Geraldton that the soil came from. It's possible "soil from the Geraldton area" could include a much wider area.

It got me thinking you're not gonna find soil on a car that's just driven up the Brand Highway and back. The presence of soil on the car (possibly even the tyres as was suggested) suggests to me that her car had to have been off-road at some point. To have soil from the Geraldton area survive a drive back to Perth would probably require a considerable amount of soil to be picked up. And what's the best way to have a car pick up a lot of soil that will stick to the car long after you've driven off-road? Mud. I reckon that car had been off-road on a wet unsealed road at some point.

January 2000 was a date that was nagging in the back of my mind for some reason and I couldn't think why. And then I remembered - Weatherzone. Every January I'd see the data for Perth Airport say their wettest January on record was in 2000. Amazingly, the deluge happened on January 22, 2000, a mere 2 days before Deborah vanished. Weather systems in Perth during summer tend to move from the north towards the south, so if we had a big downpour on the 22nd, it's logical there must have been rain to the north where Deborah is said to have gone at around the same time.

I checked BOM records and put the rainfall totals for the 23rd of January (or 22nd where stated) onto a pair of maps (one Kalbarri to Dongara, the other Dongara to Jurien Bay). The figures for the 24 hours to 9am on January 23 on the north map aren't that impressive considering how much rain fell on Perth. Geraldton itself only got 2 mm. Considerable totals fell at the former Woolgorong pastoral lease (20.8 mm), Yandanooka (14 mm), and Morawa (42.2 mm). Figures for the south map are much more varied. Some places got much more rain than others. Eneabba and a nearby station recorded 44 mm and 36.6 mm respectively in the days prior to Deborah's car driving north. The coastal settlement of Leeman in the Beekeeper's Nature Reserve had 35 mm. Further inland on the Midlands Rd considerable falls were recorded from Three Springs to Watheroo, especially Watheroo itself which received 64 mm.

Why the focus on rainfall totals? If we work on the idea that the soil from the Geraldton area would likely need to be slightly moist still to adhere to the car's tyres all the way back to Perth, in the height of summer you'd need a considerable amount of water to keep the soil moist so if the car was off-road somewhere it would likely have gone off-road at a location that had received considerable rainfall in that rain event. It also helps us potentially narrow down the route the car would've taken that day.

One possibility is that Deborah and her attacker still went to Geraldton but took a number of back roads which were unsealed to avoid detection. This could possibly explain why police had little luck in finding people who thought they might've seen the car if they spent a lot of time taking less busy routes. If this is the case, we could possibly narrow down some of their off-road portions to places which had received a lot of rainfall to find a potential route the car took. Also, does driving to Geraldton and back using backroads still fit with the 14 hour timeframe we have? The other possibility this raises is that Deborah and her attacker never got as far as Geraldton. If the soil was instead related to where the drivers intended going (e.g. a national park) then those high rainfall areas could be a clue as to where they ended up before turning back for Perth.

This to me leaves 2 scenarios in my mind, both purely speculation I should add. My logical one is basically what I said in my previous post which echoes petedavo's idea from much earlier. Some ghetto rat from a nearby suburb wants to get to Geraldton to meet up with people he knows there, possibly for drugs or a similar reason. But he needs a car. He's hanging around the shopping centre and sees Deborah withdraw cash. He waits by her car, possibly brandishes a knife to keep her quiet and makes her drive him to Geraldton, taking a few back roads he and his mates have taken a few times before. Hell maybe it was even a group of men who ambushed her and went in the car with her. They do whatever they needed to do in Geraldton, drive back to the Middle Swan shopping centre and torch the car before bolting. The random theory would seem to be supported by her jewellery being removed. The one thing that seems almost impossible to determine is when exactly Deborah died. I saw news reports suggesting police believed she was alive when the car was set alight but I haven't heard their reasoning for that.

My second really wacky out there scenario is the mystery friend who has never been identified. As far as I know the friend she was meant to meet at the zoo has never come forward or been identified, which is a little suspicious to me. Could this friend possibly be a guy who was pining for her even though she was engaged? They meet up and he suggests rather than going to the zoo he takes her into the Wheatbelt/Midwest to see the bush come alive after the recent rains. She accepts and they drive north, heading into some of the national parks or state forests. Maybe along the way they stop and he buys them some lunch. At some point they're parked in an isolated corner of a national park and he tries to make a move on her. She rejects him for the obvious reason she's engaged and he flies off the handle, killing her in the process. He panics but because they're all alone and isolated he has time to think. He decides to drive to that isolated shopping centre near his mates' place and torch the car to destroy the evidence. In this scenario, the car isn't spotted much because it's deep off the main roads and possibly goes nowhere near Geraldton, instead going off-road in any number of national parks that got a lot of rain in the previous days (hence the soil in the tyres). This seems extremely unlikely but just throwing a random musing out there


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Found an article from 9 years ago published in the Bournemouth Echo: Death riddle becomes quest for clues

"Now her aunt, who promised her sister she could continue the fight, is appealing for information about an engagement ring that could be traced, in the hope of re-igniting the police investigation."

I wonder if they did ever find Deborah's fiance (who was in Spain on holiday at the time so he's in no way a suspect) and get a description of that ring. If the killer took it he might have pawned it or given it to someone else in lieu of money for drugs. Someone could be wearing it right now having bought it second hand nearly 2 decades ago or it could be sitting at a police station with other stolen property seized as part of a drug raid
The Kerryn Tate murder stands out as strange to me simply due to the lack of new information and the apparent lack of attempts to get new information. Just looking at some other long-term unsolved cases discussed in this thread:

- Raelene Eaton and Yvonne Waters - there's a Facebook page, you had that 2015 Today Tonight special, monetary and Raelene's mother still regularly makes appeals via the news
- Lisa Mott - monetary reward and last year her mother appealed for Catherine Birnie to tell what she knows if she knows anything
- Annette Deverell - monetary reward and a podcast made last year which revealed a fair bit of new information
- Cheryl Renwick - featured on Murder Uncovered and a 2017 news article where Cheryl's daughter brought up the Birnie connection
- Julie Cutler - monetary reward and family regularly appeal for new information
- Kerry Turner - monetary reward, family regularly appeal for new information and the case was covered by Youtuber Samantha M
- Gerard Ross - monetary reward and as recently as October police have made appeals for new information
- Lisa Brown - monetary reward and police appear to be making progress with new inquiries

But you look at the Kerryn Tate case and absolutely nothing. The only real information I can find on the case comes from posters on the BigFooty forum who managed to screenshot copies of the original Daily News articles published just after her body was found. Dave Warner, musician and crime author, was interviewed about the CSK case in 2014 but stated when police came knocking on his door he believed it was in connection to a woman who was murdered the day after attending a gig at North Cottesloe Surf Club in 1980. The only other post-1980 references to Kerryn's murder I can find in media are those morbid serial killer articles that crop up now and again debating how many of these cases were done by serial killers.

The stunning thing to me is a comment made by one of Kerryn's friends in the article "Sheet clue in funeral pyre" (poor quality screen grab is all I can find). In the third column: "Mr Campbell said Miss Tate had a child who lived with its father in Sydney. She was planning on hitching back to Sydney next week..." Kerryn had a (presumably) ex partner and child living in Sydney. You also have her friends and (possibly) her parents still alive. Yet you don't see any of the same attention being drawn to her cold case that you do to the others. So much so, she doesn't even have a cold case page on the Crimestoppers website. Poor Kerryn is just forgotten about apparently :(
Greer I think is guilty but thats my oppinion. I dont believe his evidence has much basis to be honest. I am happy to be proven wrong but I doubt that I am.

As for Pauline Walter, I know nothing about this case other than Forrestdale is right next to Gosnells and Huntingdale. Forrestdale was a much larger suburb before it became Harrisdale and Piara Waters too. I wonder if she was a sex worker hence why there are no details?

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Pauline Walter’s body was found on Rowley Road about 5min from me. The area is further south from Harrisdale. It would be Hilbert (my suburb) or Darling Downs.
US basketballer strikes plea deal over hit-and-run death of Australian Andrew Mallard

A young Los Angeles basketballer will avoid a long prison sentence after pleading guilty to the fatal Hollywood hit-and-run of Australian Andrew Mallard.

Kristopher Smith, 20, was facing a four-year prison term in the case, but struck a plea deal with prosecutors.

Smith, during an appearance in a downtown LA courtroom on Thursday, agreed to serve 30 days of weekend detention at LA County Jail, 30 hours of community service and three years' probation.
I would be guessing 1979 "ish" - It was front page of the Daily Newspaper. Library sleuthing would be the way to start - or, contacting a reporter - someone like Alison Fan from Perth that used to report on the TV.
Perth library have all information in archives as far as recreation video and newspapers.
$1 million reward to catch WA girl’s killer

It is hoped a $1 million reward to solve a West Australian murder mystery will finally “end four decades of heartache” for a girl’s family.

Lisa Marie Mott, 12, was last seen about 8.30pm on Forrest Street in the suburb of Collie on October 30, 1980.

She had just left the basketball courts and was expecting to be picked up by a family friend to go home.

“We hope that the announcement of a $1 million reward will encourage someone to come forward with information that can end four decades of heartache for her family,” Police Minister Michelle Roberts said in a statement on Sunday.

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