Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #38

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I've been feeling despondent, too. I have stayed away from William's thread because it just feels like the conversation has been going in circles and it's frustrated me. Some mornings I wake up and think, "is today the day something big breaks?" but nothing happens, and I feel so sad for his family.

I can’t believe that if someone killed William, either deliberately or by accident, that they would visit suffering on his parents, brothers and sister, other loved ones, friends, our community; including investigators, by not disclosing the whereabouts of his remains.

All they need do is make an anonymous call to Crime Stoppers from a public phone or send a printed letter to police, leave a note in the collection box at a church—get in touch with investigators somehow so William’s parents, especially, can lay their boy to rest.
I can’t believe that if someone killed William, either deliberately or by accident, that they would visit suffering on his parents, brothers and sister, other loved ones, friends, our community; including investigators, by not disclosing the whereabouts of his remains.

All they need do is make an anonymous call to Crime Stoppers from a public phone or send a printed letter to police, leave a note in the collection box at a church—get in touch with investigators somehow so William’s parents, especially, can lay their boy to rest.

And yet, the 'lure' of a million dollars seems to have had no effect either :( I don't know how people/a person can live with themselves for not doing the right thing for William and his family.
I've been feeling despondent, too. I have stayed away from William's thread because it just feels like the conversation has been going in circles and it's frustrated me. Some mornings I wake up and think, "is today the day something big breaks?" but nothing happens, and I feel so sad for his family.

My sentiments exactly Freddo.
I can’t believe that if someone killed William, either deliberately or by accident, that they would visit suffering on his parents, brothers and sister, other loved ones, friends, our community; including investigators, by not disclosing the whereabouts of his remains.

All they need do is make an anonymous call to Crime Stoppers from a public phone or send a printed letter to police, leave a note in the collection box at a church—get in touch with investigators somehow so William’s parents, especially, can lay their boy to rest.

You’d think a good honest person would do that Bo but this is not a good honest person so why would he do anything that might expose his grubby little secret.
There's way too many children,young persons,adults,getting killed these days,when is it ever going to stop,and families not knowing where their missing relatives are or what's happened to them,that's on the increase as well,I totally dispair each passing day,what's coming in the news next,I pray all missing persons are found,so at least some comfort to the family's...please!!
And yet, the 'lure' of a million dollars seems to have had no effect either :( I don't know how people/a person can live with themselves for not doing the right thing for William and his family.

Freddo these types can live with themselves just fine.
In fact I bet they are ecstatic they have outsmarted EVERYONE.
No empathy and no guilt.
I can’t believe that if someone killed William, either deliberately or by accident, that they would visit suffering on his parents, brothers and sister, other loved ones, friends, our community; including investigators, by not disclosing the whereabouts of his remains.

All they need do is make an anonymous call to Crime

SHOP ... Please ... from a public phone or a printed letter to Police / child sevice I guess. (Also, please leave a note in the collection box at a church—get in touch with investigators somehow so William’s parents, especially, can lay their boy to rest.

Likewise Boho .. it confounds me also. I can't comprehend the heartless ability of 'One to inflict on Another'..

For me, its a situation that's never been so real, as it is now .. .. It saddens me to be part of a time where we've been alerted to the despicable acts of (pain & suffering) that have been committed 'By our people Upon our people' !
Also, that behaviour is so fast becoming 'common place'. .. That it remains my personal 'spot' for good, for better , anopinion that the lack of common values, lack of respect for oneself / others .. that's what lets our society down.

.... also IMO, it's what our Government should be focusing on.... Fix the foundations first .. etc....

Then I get to wondering again - did William actually fall in a hole somewhere? Maybe that caused a 'dirt fill' occurance ??

You may have guessed - I'm now consumed by my search for answers; I'm imploring the heavens; I'm searching far & wide; I'm asking of all the inhabitants of homes in that area to please search your minds.... search for anything that may come to you as being 'out of the ordinary' .( search please ... this is about so much more).

Thank you Deb. Hu
Unfortunately some people have no conscience about the inhumane cruelty they are causing.

That filthy grub Brett Peter Cowan lived his life without looking over his shoulders with absolutely no remorse for the path of devastation he caused before he was charged with Daniel’s Morcombe's murder, did he care about the little boy he left for dead? Did he care for Daniel's parents continuous public pleas for Daniel? Absolutely not! Did a reward help convict that scum? No.
I still think it was a fluke he was caught and in 2014 sentenced to life in prison. Thank Christ that parasite if off the streets.

I hope there's another kettle boiling in prison right now.....
And yet, the 'lure' of a million dollars seems to have had no effect either :( I don't know how people/a person can live with themselves for not doing the right thing for William and his family.
Because they're different from us decent people, Freddo. Otherwise they wouldn't have done it in the first place.
For God's sake! They're everywhere! How the hell do we protect our little ones against them!

WA ice skating leader jailed over photos - 9News

They sure as hell are, & sadly, i think it's always been the case :( MOO of course...

I'm so glad it's getting more attention and something to be discussed, not just here, but in the wider community. we need a solution...

i' wish they were sent to an island where they must fend for themselves... I don't think humanitarian laws would approve, but would love a blanket rule - those that target our most vulnerable (children, handicapped, elderly) = NO rights.

hopefully people like this are 'bred out' in the future (insert prayer symbol)
I've been feeling despondent, too. I have stayed away from William's thread because it just feels like the conversation has been going in circles and it's frustrated me. Some mornings I wake up and think, "is today the day something big breaks?" but nothing happens, and I feel so sad for his family.

me too @Freddo Frog. I often wonder when the day is coming... his families need him to come home. It's such a frustrating case. I hope the inquest brings about some revelations & hooks some bast54rd..!
Many of you would of read this - just bumping for William - what happened to this little man? Someone drove down his street that morn & took him. I get annoyed at the suggestion that it's a one way street - cause it is so NOT! I've driven out the other end myself. This might be a ruse by the investigators, who know it is not a culde-sac, so the likely scenario is that he was taken into the forrest, or another idea, it was a local neighbour who took him and was able to hide him, & then bundled him in a car & took off before authorities arrived? I hope the inquest finds the answers, for this little boy William x

William Tyrrell: four years on, police hand case of missing boy to coroner
That filthy grub Brett Peter Cowan lived his life without looking over his shoulders with absolutely no remorse for the path of devastation he caused before he was charged with Daniel’s Morcombe's murder, did he care about the little boy he left for dead? Did he care for Daniel's parents continuous public pleas for Daniel? Absolutely not! Did a reward help convict that scum? No.
I still think it was a fluke he was caught and in 2014 sentenced to life in prison. Thank Christ that parasite if off the streets.

I hope there's another kettle boiling in prison right now.....
I'm with you on all of these comments & thoughts TGY...

Scum of The Earth, and yet they seem to be able to thumb their nose & carry on regardless... until, as you say, by a fluke they're caught up with. Only to then languish at the expense of the $ contributed by the (mainly) honest, compassionate, forthright, caring & hard working members of our society.

I do question the genuiness of our Legal System / some of Those who Precide over Judgements & Sentences.

IMO, they so often deliver a sad indictment of our Society.
- and it doesn't set any solid expectations.

Our misled youth continue to get away with a 'slap on the wrist'
Our more experienced / repeat offenders get to a point where they simply back up again for the life behind bars

Our 'SCUM' continues on however. It's so wrong. .. FFS.. even the top of my soup doesn't get a second chance - it's straight down the drain!

As you said TGY, bring on more boiling water! I'm all for castration & pegging on an ant's nest ...
I just wish we'd find some Gov members who understand that saving our society must start at grass roots. .. tough & tough personified - such a tough gig. But how good the result :)

Hey William, where are you little Man ?
Dear Lord, please guide those charged with providing answers.
Please also guide those who search for their truth, for their correct paths, those who struggle with their choices, who know stuff, but who struggle to find the courage to speak up, those who struggle with being true to themselves & their own values. ..
I'm with you on all of these comments & thoughts TGY...

Scum of The Earth, and yet they seem to be able to thumb their nose & carry on regardless... until, as you say, by a fluke they're caught up with. Only to then languish at the expense of the $ contributed by the (mainly) honest, compassionate, forthright, caring & hard working members of our society.

I do question the genuiness of our Legal System / some of Those who Precide over Judgements & Sentences.

IMO, they so often deliver a sad indictment of our Society.
- and it doesn't set any solid expectations.

Our misled youth continue to get away with a 'slap on the wrist'
Our more experienced / repeat offenders get to a point where they simply back up again for the life behind bars

Our 'SCUM' continues on however. It's so wrong. .. FFS.. even the top of my soup doesn't get a second chance - it's straight down the drain!

As you said TGY, bring on more boiling water! I'm all for castration & pegging on an ant's nest ...
I just wish we'd find some Gov members who understand that saving our society must start at grass roots. .. tough & tough personified - such a tough gig. But how good the result :)

Hey William, where are you little Man ?
Dear Lord, please guide those charged with providing answers.
Please also guide those who search for their truth, for their correct paths, those who struggle with their choices, who know stuff, but who struggle to find the courage to speak up, those who struggle with being true to themselves & their own values. ..

What hope is there Warshawski when these egg heads condone paedophilia saying this.

Paedophilia a 'sexual orientation - like being straight or gay

A paedophile has the 'same ingrained attraction that a heterosexual female may feel towards a male', psychologist says.

Paedophilia is a 'sexual orientation' like being straight or gay, expert claims
What hope is there Warshawski when these egg heads condone paedophilia saying this.

Paedophilia a 'sexual orientation - like being straight or gay

A paedophile has the 'same ingrained attraction that a heterosexual female may feel towards a male', psychologist says.

Paedophilia is a 'sexual orientation' like being straight or gay, expert claims
Disgraceful, TGY. B disgraceful, and that's an understatement. Our kids have to be our priority. Always. These other mongrels are just sick. I wonder about this esteemed psychologist...... hmmmmmm
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