AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #25

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So very sad. I cant believe it has been almost 5 years.
I had a feeling Isabel was no longer with us. However, I was still shocked to see that she had been found. Another beautiful angel gone too soon. Forever playing in Heaven. :rose:
This looks uninhabited and a place a body could be quickly dumped, imo.
That's in the Foothills, from the driving directions. It would be on the far north end of Swan. Rich people live out there. Lots of empty land, because they pay for their views and isolation. It depends on what they mean by "rural", to be honest, although there are people with horses out that direction. There is even a park near there that has places for riding horses. It wasn't the first area that popped into my head for that word, I have to admit, although "remote" would likely fit. Like I mentioned before, I thought of places like Three Points or Sells when I first heard the description. Not too far from the city, but far enough. That could just be my bias because things "like that" don't usually occur in the Foothills.
That's in the Foothills, from the driving directions. It would be on the far north end of Swan. Rich people live out there. Lots of empty land, because they pay for their views and isolation. It depends on what they mean by "rural", to be honest, although there are people with horses out that direction. There is even a park near there that has places for riding horses. It wasn't the first area that popped into my head for that word, I have to admit, although "remote" would likely fit. Like I mentioned before, I thought of places like Three Points or Sells when I first heard the description. Not too far from the city, but far enough. That could just be my bias because things "like that" don't usually occur in the Foothills.

Hopefully they check the phone pings to everyone to see if anyone was around that area.
Thoughts and prayers going up . . .
Tucson is a beautiful city land wise it is a college town (am a UA graduate myself) and remember the apartment my husband and I lived, with the Catalinas to our immediate north, the dry Rillito river in the afternoon the sun in the western sky hit the Catalinas at just the right angle, turning purple, they looked almost alive...ah memories.

Am glad little Isabel was finally found, very tragic end, I just hope LE catches whoever did this to her.

And this is probably why they spent time searching around Golf Links and Swan back then. Freedom Park is the large city park just northeast of that intersection. It runs from Craycroft well past Rosemont, almost to Swan, on the Golf Links side. On the 29th Street side, it runs from Rosemont to the edge of an apartment complex.
But then why no arrest?

Someone had to have told them where to look, based on what they are saying. Since they say it was due to an investigation, rather than someone just stumbling across the remains, that suggests to me someone who knows how she got there finally said something.
So maybe no new tip, just finally found her? That's consistent with what they've said... but why no arrest?

Detectives obviously followed GPS phone pings after triangulating signals. That's why they would search in specific areas during the initial weeks of the investigation.
But then why no arrest?
Maybe an anonymous tip? That would mean they don't have much more to go on, though, I have to admit.

ETA: Since they could have done cell phone triangulation long ago, I doubt that was what led them there.
The family has long reported that they very much desired to move, but would never leave that residence without Isabelle. I believe police notified family of a hit in the investigation long before remains shipped off for DNA confirmation, and family acted on this news. MLS list date is 2/22/17.

Wishing the entire family and community peace and love as they rebuild their lives after such a terrible tragedy and loss of one beautiful child. #justiceforisabelle
The Celis's home was put up for sale 37 days ago. I do NOT believe her parents are guilty but interesting timing.

The family has long reported that they very much desired to move, but would never leave that residence without Isabelle. I believe police notified family of a hit in the investigation long before remains shipped off for DNA confirmation, and family acted on this news. MLS list date is 2/22/17.

Wishing the entire family and community peace and love as they rebuild their lives after such a terrible tragedy and loss of one beautiful child. #justiceforisabelle
Going back to the map of Pima County that I posted here The more I think about it, the more I think they would have said it was on the Tohono O'Odham Reservation if she'd been found within that nation's boundaries. If my suspicions are correct, that would eliminate a huge part of Pima County as a possibility, especially once we eliminate the city of Tucson itself.
Poor sweet little baby. She was so precious.

I've always had a strong belief on who is responsible for this, but the theory of her body being smuggled to Mexico was so persistent at the time, that it put a ruffle in my thinking. If that were true, multiple people would be involved (2 or 3), and I found that harder to believe. Her body being found rather close to home makes sense to me. I am looking forward to an arrest or two very soon.

Rest in peace, sweet Isa.
but why no arrest?

Because the state doesn't want to arrest someone if they can't make the charges stick. They would work with the DA's office to determine when there was enough evidence to take the case to a Grand Jury or otherwise indict for murder. Since the state only gets one bite of the apple, there's no value in jumping the gun. Also, once someone is arrested all the evidence amassed can be seen by the defendant & their attorney, which strategically could open up areas they don't want open until they've got solid evidence they feel will allow them to obtain a conviction from a jury.
Here is an article listing the police documents from Isabel's case. In these documents, it can be seen that there were numerous surveillance videos from the Celis' home area that were immediately collected by the police. The police also have the security video from the business 200 ft from the Celis' back yard. The police know who took Isabella from her home. Now that her remains have been found, the public must demand the DA act. They should demand a grand jury investigation or an arrest very soon. Justice for Isabel!
The public doesn't have a right to demand anything in a case. The case is in the hands of the DA and it's his/her job to litigate or not litigate regardless of the public's feelings about a crime or any other aspect. If the voters don't like the job the DA is doing then they can vote him/her out of office. But still, the public won't have a say in how a case gets litigated, when or even if.
Lots of places around Tucson could be considered remote in just about all directions, tho I would more or less rule out the foothills to the north of the city...could go southeast...around Vail there are tons of dirt roads to nowhere...or somebody's home, be it castle or mobile home out that way....just another possibility, maybe 20 minutes to get out to the road then however far in you go on said dirt road...considered rural? Like Marana, parts are sort of rural and parts are more suburbs...
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