AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #25

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Didn't a guy relative use to live with them but moved on?

Too many cases with them stay in male guest and these little girls.

Yes it was Justin Mastromarino, the uncle/cousin some suspected. He was active in the beginning then moved to another state.
They know? What is the source for that? Sounds like speculation.
No, it's common sense. The police have many surveillance videos of the area including one from 200 ft behind the Celis' home which DIDN'T show any activity at Isabel's window.
Yes it was Justin Mastromarino, the uncle/cousin some suspected. He was active in the beginning then moved to another state.

Okay Thanks.

Now some people have been buried with sheets or things from the house.

So let's hope some type of identifying object was left behind that may tie in any perp once identified.

But police did say they didn't stumble on that area.

So someone probably spilled the beans. Jmo for now.
I am trying to recall from years back when we were all watching Isabel's case closely, but, I can not remember if anyone ever confirmed that Dad attended the son's baseball game where Isabel was last seen by people outside the of the family?
No, it's common sense. The police have many surveillance videos of the area including one from 200 ft behind the Celis' home which DIDN'T show any activity at Isabel's window.

Okay, here's the question I have for that footage. No one was seen at Isabel's window & taking her. I get that. But who removed the screen and sat it on the ground? Why no footage of that?
The public doesn't have a right to demand anything in a case. The case is in the hands of the DA and it's his/her job to litigate or not litigate regardless of the public's feelings about a crime or any other aspect. If the voters don't like the job the DA is doing then they can vote him/her out of office. But still, the public won't have a say in how a case gets litigated, when or even if.
The public does have a right to demand a DA act upon evidence. DAs are public servants. They are voted into office and serve at the pleasure of the people. If they refuse to prosecute circumstantial evidence cases, the public should actively support their opponent or their resignation.
Okay, here's the question I have for that footage. No one was seen at Isabel's window & taking her. I get that. But who removed the screen and sat it on the ground? Why no footage of that?
It may be on the video, but because a window screen is almost transparent, our eyes can't see it. It could have easily been pushed out of the window from the inside.
I am trying to recall from years back when we were all watching Isabel's case closely, but, I can not remember if anyone ever confirmed that Dad attended the son's baseball game where Isabel was last seen by people outside the of the family?
If I remember correctly, Sergio was one of his son's coaches.
No, it's common sense. The police have many surveillance videos of the area including one from 200 ft behind the Celis' home which DIDN'T show any activity at Isabel's window.
It also didn't show anyone from the household removing her or anything else from the house. And it was not constantly surveilling. It was motion sensitive. I have motion detectors outside my house. They are temperamental, at best. Sometimes come on for no reason. Sometimes won't come on waving a hand directly in front of them. So, yes, this is speculation. Pure speculation.
It also didn't show anyone from the household removing her or anything else from the house. And it was not constantly surveilling. It was motion sensitive. I have motion detectors outside my house. They are temperamental, at best. Sometimes come on for no reason. Sometimes won't come on waving a hand directly in front of them. So, yes, this is speculation. Pure speculation.
If she was taken out the front door, the security camera facing the back of the home would, of course, not have shown this. The company that owned the surveillance camera was a security company (Moore Security Solutions). They would likely have quality security cameras on their facility.
Well according to CrimeWatch Daily.

Tucson Police go on high alert, collecting evidence and interviewing everyone. The Celises' next-door neighbor tells our affiliate KOLD-TV she heard two male voices at 6 a.m.

In the backyard, police discover a set of work boot footprints near an electrical box and on top of a gas meter.

"We looked at one of the relatives of the family, and his friend that basically didn't have six hours that they could explain as to where they were the day that she went missing," said Snyder.

That relative is Justin Mastromarino, Becky's cousin. He had an apartment nearby, but had previously lived with the Celises for more than a year.

But the friend who says he was with him the night Isabel disappeared did speak to us, telling us where they were and what they were doing that night.

"It was April 20, 4-20," said Sabastian Hartsfield. "It's 'national weed smoking day,' so of course we drank and smoked weed, did all the fun stuff."

Private investigator Snyder claims Hartsfield and Mastromarino partied late into the night, finally crashing at Justin's apartment at around 2 in the morning and waking up at about 8 a.m.

Did Justin have anything to do with Isabel's disappearance? "No," said Sabastian. "I definitely want to say deep down inside that I know Justin, and I can say no."

Okay. Now my thing is if the friend was with him all night; Then why did he say that he knows him and deep down inside he knows he couldn't have done it?

It just sounds like he couldn't actually account for the entire time. Jmo.
Whoever did this, I want the right person or people brought to justice. I have no interest in mob justice, or the public demanding arrests based upon newspaper reports. That County Attorney's office has had a high level prosecutor disbarred for encouraging and using perjured testimony in death penalty cases. Whether that was for public approval for him and his boss (an elected official) or for career advancement, I don't know. But if and when the County Attorney charges anyone, I want it to be based on evidence, not the public demanding it.
<mod snip>

A neighbor heard dogs barking around 2:00 am (see the police documents). The private security van driving down the alley turned on its spotlights outside the Celis home at 2:36 (because they spotted something odd or suspicious as they don't turn on their spotlights and awaken residents without a reason-common sense). The surveillance video shows people "showing interest" in the Celis' trash bin around 3:00 am.

It is likely that Isabel disappeared between 2:00 am-3:00 am. Because the surveillance video doesn't show any activity outside Isabel's window, JM would have to enter the Celis' house (with their dogs that bark) through the front door and walk past couch-sleeping Sergio TWICE to kidnap Isabel (once to enter her room and once to leave it). Imo, this very likely didn't occur. Sergio would have awakened. It wouldn't be surprising to learn that JM helped Isabel's killer dispose of her remains for cash. Has he been recently arrested? He might have traded evidence against Isabel's killer for leniency.
Did Justin have anything to do with Isabel's disappearance? "No," said Sabastian. "I definitely want to say deep down inside that I know Justin, and I can say no."[/U]

Okay. Now my thing is if the friend was with him all night; Then why did he say that he knows him and deep down inside he knows he couldn't have done it?

It just sounds like he couldn't actually account for the entire time. Jmo.

You are right, if they were together all the time he would know for a fact he didn't do it. Maybe he has nothing to do with it, but many things about that guy are weird. Something very strange happened that night, I wonder if we will ever know the truth.
Nobody can account for Sergio's time that night between midnight and 5:00 am.

Sergio said he put Isabel to bed at 11:30 and the boys at midnight. Sergio didn't get into bed with his wife until 5 am. Becky awakened when Sergio climbed into bed. She asked Sergio if he was just coming to bed. He answered "yes".

He wasn't on his computer or phone between midnight and 5:00 am, so police can't use those to verify that he was at his home.
Nobody can account for Sergio's time that night between midnight and 5:00 am.

Sergio said he put Isabel to bed at 11:30 and the boys at midnight. Sergio didn't get into bed with his wife until 5 am. Becky awakened when Sergio climbed into bed. She asked Sergio if he was just coming to bed. He answered "yes".

I seem to remember he said it was the first time he slept on the couch, it was not something he used to do.
I seem to remember he said it was the first time he slept on the couch, it was not something he used to do.

So the first night he sleeps on the couch (which was against the wall of Isabel's room), a boogeyman breaks into his home (with Sergio sleeping literally inches from Isabel) and kidnaps her. That's very bizarre.
So the first night he sleeps on the couch (which was against the wall of Isabel's room), a boogeyman breaks into his home (with Sergio sleeping literally inches from Isabel) and kidnaps her. That's very bizarre.

He was in bed when the neighbor heard 2 guys at 6am. I think the neighbor dogs were barking once they heard the men as well.
“Now, although this confirmation may bring some degree of closure, of course it also ends the hope of bringing Isabel home safely to her family,” said the police chief, mentioning that investigators persevered in working the case and all were hoping that Isabel would be found alive.

Magnus expressed the department’s “deepest sympathies” to Isabel’s family. “The death of any child is a loss to the family and to our entire community,” he said

Imo, Becky and Sergio had no involvement at all in Isa's abduction, and murder and the TPD already knows that. The TPD has always said Isa was abducted from her home. Whoever took her most likely raped, murdered her, and then put her little body in the desert miles away within a few short hours of abducting her.

They lifted fingerprints from the window sill and I hope now that her body has been located they will be able to match those fingerprints to the one who took her out of her own home if they are honed in on a suspect. It was interesting that the officer would not answer if they already have someone in custody.

I am so happy the Celis parents are being supported in their grief by those in Tucson. I just read the flowers/balloons/stuffed animals are growing that have been placed in front of the Celis home. They always wanted to believe that one day Isa would be found alive just like all other parents wanted to believe the same who have been caught up in the same nightmare of having their children abducted from their home.

I really hope the abductor/murderer isn't the cousin for that would be such a cruel betrayal to little Isa and her parents. I do hope and pray whoever did this to this precious child is swiftly brought to justice. To know her little body layout there all alone for years is heartbreaking.:( I also hope whoever told them about the location is also willing... to not do just an anonymous tip but will come forward and tell them who the suspect is.

Like I posted earlier, in many of these cold cases someone will finally separate from a relationship and when that happens they have been known to come forward then and tell what they have held secret for many years.

RIP beautiful Isa. Prayers for her parents as they wait for justice to finally come for their sweet baby daughter.
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