GUILTY AZ - Sylar Newton, 2, Rimrock, 25 July 2010 - #5

Oh, man! Thanks, Kimmer!

I also really wonder what was found with Sylar. Good news on the toxicology testing. Either they are using his hair to test for medications, etc., or little Sylar's body was not completely skeletonized as reported.

Next week? Ya think? Hope so! Anyway, it was great of Dwight D'Evelyn to respond to you in depth, and thanks again for posting the email!
I really think they do not want to release his body because they want to make sure they have everything they need for a conviction. I wonder if Sylar's body was sent to Quantico Va?

Would they need to have repeated certain test for court? Like as in reproducing the same results in different labs? Is Tina represented by an attorney?
I am courious about what the other items that were found with the remains that may have a connection to Sylar, does anyone have any thoughts as to what they may be?

Thank you for reaching out and trying to find answers Kimmer. :hug: You even asked about the fund raising, very cool of you to do that. :)

As for the items found with Sylar, It's just my feeling but he probably had clothing of some sort. I know CP claimed he was in just a diaper when he left but :twocents: a toddler in a diaper is more likely die in the elements which is why I think she claimed that. The other campers said he was getting yelled at to put shoes on so maybe he did have clothing.

I am thrilled to hear they where able to do drug testing. I was worried when we got word of just skeletal remains. The more evidence to prove in court what this boy went through the better.
I honesly was not even sure that I would get a response, I have never ever emailed on a criminal case but it has felt like such a long time without an MSM news about the case that I thought what the heck I would give it a try, and the possiblity that I may even be advised when the test's come back and if an arrest is made to me shows that there is progress in this case.
Kimmer -- you are the best --!!!! (big hugs)) thanks
Kimmer -- you are the best --!!!! (big hugs)) thanks

Ahhh Thanks, I just could not take checking in on this case and it looking like there was no activity taking place, so I thought well it may not help but it sure can't hurt...This little precious angel deserves so much more now than he got during his few years that he lived without anyone seeming to care about his wellbeing...

Thanks Again
I am courious about what the other items that were found with the remains that may have a connection to Sylar, does anyone have any thoughts as to what they may be?

My first thoughts as to what the items might, a diaper, a bottle, a blanket or stuffed animal. Whatever the found I hope the results of the testing are indisputable and the punishment for those responsible swift and agonizing.
Thank you Kimmer for taking the initiative to write that letter...finally we have some hope that things are getting done and that Sylar hasn't been forgotten about. Really cool that the guy responded to you so quickly too.
I just wanted to post the response that I just received from my email that I sent to the YCSO last night, I am surpised that I was able to get such a quick respose..

Kim –

Thanks for your interest in the Sylar Newton case ---

Our agency is still waiting for DNA test results which we hope to have this week. A complete DNA profile takes time and there are other agencies also awaiting results for their cases. We too are not pleased with the delay in any respect as we want to move the case forward quickly. Detectives did recover evidence at the scene which they believe could only belong to Sylar. A separate toxicology test is being completed by an east coast FBI lab and will shed light on concerns about medication/drugs in the boy’s system. These results are also pending.

The Sheriff’s Office has no direct control over Facebook charity groups – We have heard of the Sarah Cares foundation as they have hosted apparently legitimate fundraising activities in this area. We would encourage those who question these charities, NOT to donate as the family is apparently comfortable under the current circumstances.

As soon as further test results become available and should any arrests be made, I will let you know.

Thanks again for your concern.


Dwight D'Evelyn
Media / Crime Prevention Coordinator
Yavapai County Sheriff's Office

Thanks Kimmer!
Was under the weather for a couple of days.

Checking back in for this precious baby boy.
Charity just posted on Sylar's facebook she was told today the DNA was confirmed. Hopefully the arrests will be soon!
Charity just posted on Sylar's facebook she was told today the DNA was confirmed. Hopefully the arrests will be soon!

Thank you Texaslil.

I wonder how long on the toxicology reports? I think that might be what they are waiting for..before they proceed with charges to make sure they bring all charges and the correct charges forth? Hoping so at least! JMHO
Just checked Yavapai County Sheriff media releases -- no press release yet.
Most cases you find that toxicology reports come in 6 to 8 weeks after the autopsy... of course every case is different. Hopefully once an official media release is made, we will see a lot of action in the quest for justice.
Kat, hope that you have a restorative weekend and here's hoping that we all get some good news soon about arrests. My ''inner Pollyanna'' says that they are giving the next of kin some time to come to grips with the positive ID before the other big shoe drops.

Here's hoping that there will soon be justice for Sylar
BUMP....I hope this is true about the DNA reports. It's past time for justice for this baby!

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