Baez no longer represents Casey--it's finally legal


I like your whole post and the way you think. :rocker:

I could not agree more with the portion I bolded. The weekend that whole twitter war broke out and invaded here I was out of town and offline. When I logged back in, I could clearly see what was happening. It was making me crazy because I felt like members here were being used to further the agenda of those instigating all of it. I literally lost sleep over it. It made me even crazier when I thought of Casey loving every minute of the drama and attention. Since I wasn't here in the moment as it was unfolding, I felt like everyone here had been partying for 2 days straight and I walked in stone cold sober. lol I was like "Quick! Somebody turn on the lights!" haha

I think she may have released the first ones on her own. I honestly do not believe her attorneys knew about it at the time - neither Baez or Mason. Toxic people attract other toxic people so I am not insisting she did it alone, but I do not believe it was JB or CM. Let's face it - lots of unscrupulous people would use her to make themselves a few $$$. She has finally met her matches with the people she is attracting. It was a STUPID thing to do if you are trying to keep the mystery surrounding her and pique the curiosity of "Okay, this is all too bizarre...What is she really like?", which is about the only thing that would make an interview profitable because no matter what she said, no one would believe a word flowing out of the mouth of an infamous liar like Casey, BUT they are banking on people who would be curious enough to tune in, in a [futile] attempt to try to understand such a creature... WTH makes her tick. I know... I know... Still...

IMO, Mason or someone is working behind the scenes to try to increase her marketability. (Actually, more like salvage any hope..) I say that because now when tidbits, soundbites & videos get released the timing is absolutely remarkable. :innocent: The last one was released 2 days after Josh Powell took over the headlines. Likewise, Twitter and FB pages heat up. Tidbits are released via TMZ or Radaronline. There have been other instances, but that one sticks out in front of my mind. They are trying to keep her CURRENT...the worst thing for Casey would be for people to become, "Casey? oh..<yawn> who cares anymore? meh..I'd rather watch The Bachelor." ;)

I've accepted the fact that she will make a little $ one day, I just hope she is forced to do it scrubbing the scum from the bottom the pond. I want to be able to laugh hard at how low she has to go. I feel pretty good about that. If any reputable, professional journalist, author, etc...were interested they would already be driving this train and it would not be going down the track it is on now.

I agree, but they've got six more months of probation. That is a long time to have to keep releasing tidbits and try to keep interest in Casey. If they're trying salvage something to make some money, well, good luck with that team Casey. I think they were banking on her getting out of probation six months early. No way they were planning for a full year. Now they have to scramble and try salvage any potential money that might be left to make. No wonder DS and now Baez left.

I mean sheesh, if there was any money to be made, Baez of all people would not be leaving Casey behind. Him leaving and wanting to focus on other clients is a huge red flag to me that things are not looking good for Casey to make any money. Otherwise, he'd be sticking around and hoping to pocket some of that money! I mean seriously, a sure sign of a ship sinking is rats fleeing it. A big rat just went overboard. I just don't see Casey making much money in the future. But who knows, freakier things have happened. I learned that the hard way with this case. :maddening:
I agree, but they've got six more months of probation. That is a long time to have to keep releasing tidbits and try to keep interest in Casey. If they're trying salvage something to make some money, well, good luck with that team Casey. I think they were banking on her getting out of probation six months early. No way they were planning for a full year. Now they have to scramble and try salvage any potential money that might be left to make. No wonder DS and now Baez left.

I mean sheesh, if there was any money to be made, Baez of all people would not be leaving Casey behind. Him leaving and wanting to focus on other clients is a huge red flag to me that things are not looking good for Casey to make any money. Otherwise, he'd be sticking around and hoping to pocket some of that money! I mean seriously, a sure sign of a ship sinking is rats fleeing it. A big rat just went overboard. I just don't see Casey making much money in the future. But who knows, freakier things have happened. I learned that the hard way with this case. :maddening:

bbm Are we 100% sure she is not getting off of probation early? I may recall one thing I have read saying she is not, but I can't recall who said it. I myself just don't recall anyone in authority saying she is 100% going to do one full year of probation .... I just can't recall this. but did CM recently say she is doing the full year? do you remember why you think this? I am just trying to figure it out myself, but for some reason I have a sneaking suspicion she may be done early, but I am not at all certain. Thanks.

IMO, MOO, etc.
bbm Are we 100% sure she is not getting off of probation early? I may recall one thing I have read saying she is not, but I can't recall who said it. I myself just don't recall anyone in authority saying she is 100% going to do one full year of probation .... I just can't recall this. but did CM recently say she is doing the full year? do you remember why you think this? I am just trying to figure it out myself, but for some reason I have a sneaking suspicion she may be done early, but I am not at all certain. Thanks.

IMO, MOO, etc.

Well, Mason did say that no negotiations would take place until her probation is over and her appeal was complete. The way they've been delaying that appeal, it would make no sense if Casey was getting off probation right now. I have the feeling the probation and appeal are probably going to take at least six more months. That is if Mason is telling the truth. He might just be blowing smoke.
More of my mindless ramblings:
Baez = Do you suppose he will do his homework before he believes another client has $14,000.00 in his or her savings account before he accepts them as a client?
Mason = He claims he spent $600,000.00 of his own money on this case. WTH on? Really, that is a boat load of cash.
If I'm remembering correctly he has a book he is writing(?). Who thinks he is the ghost writer for Convicted Felon Casey (little girl) Anthony? And will he have to pay big bucks to have it published cuz no one is interested in what any of these people have to say as none of them were ever acquainted with the truth much less speak it?
More of my mindless ramblings:
Baez = Do you suppose he will do his homework before he believes another client has $14,000.00 in his or her savings account before he accepts them as a client?
Mason = He claims he spent $600,000.00 of his own money on this case. WTH on? Really, that is a boat load of cash.
If I'm remembering correctly he has a book he is writing(?). Who thinks he is the ghost writer for Convicted Felon Casey (little girl) Anthony? And will he have to pay big bucks to have it published cuz no one is interested in what any of these people have to say as none of them were ever acquainted with the truth much less speak it?

If any one of them thinks by writing a book that they will recoup some 'lost money', let them go ahead on and try, but nobody will be biting on that bait. The story is beyond old, the momentum is gone as is the hope that the real truth could come out-that's a laugh, I know. Some of the players, JB for 1 seems to have stretched promises his behind can't cover now so he is bailing and his former client isn't making anything easy for him because she does have a mind of her own and heck will freeze over before she kowtows to anyone's advice to put a lid on it. Idk, but my thought process is why bother sharing with him when somebody else probably has cut him off at the pass in order to keep all the money to themselves. We all have seen a lot of other attorneys crash and burn in this fiasco, so to speak. Why is that? Can't help but feel some were threatened or bullied or worse. This could be a 1st-seeing how this family plays hard ball so furiously, is it any wonder why someone might turn tail and run for the hills? I would never want to come across such a family as this. Even the people who got picked on are afraid to press charges, the ones who tried their best to help in the situation are now going to have their insides exposed-digging for any and all questionable things in their lives whether it happened yesterday or 20 years ago-not a good thing. A child dies by suspicious curcumstances and everybody else is having a free for all, trying to keep covering up the truth. It's insane.
Good point LG,

Here is what Cheney Mason has said in an interview with, In Session,Jean Casarez regarding his client and any offers
It's not that she can not legally not do it BUT rather she has been given IMO Strong Legal Advice Not to..

“No one with any authority is attempting to promote Casey Anthony…they are unsolicited and doing it on their own.”

Any negotiations for anything will not happen until after her probation has ended and after her appeal has concluded.

Jose Baez is not representing her any more. “His job ended on the day of her sentencing,” said Mason.

Bold by me.

Funny it wasn't CM walking out the door with her upon her release! I wouldn't of walked out that door with her...anything could of happened. Baez walked out with her because he was her attorney, hoping to make big bucks! CM was no where in sight!

Baez says Anthony isn't fielding offers to sell her story.

**I call B.S**

It's a bit difficult to "field" when no one is offering. Even the *advertiser censored* guys took the hint when the public went into an uproar over their offer last summer.

I don't think JB and FCA had much happy talk since the end of the trial. We know their relationship was strained during that farce, and I believe it was strained way before then.

I'm a bit surprised it took him this long to bow out, but of course, there was the dangling $carrot$...or so he thought. :great: It couldn't have been fun playing with FCA for almost three years. Oh, sure, the first few months were exciting - playing hugsies, giggling, and sharing licorice sticks, but eventually reality set in, he realized the truth when the remains were found, and knew he had a tough job ahead of him. How was he to know he's get a disinterested jury but the $$$$$ wouldn't be there in the end? How could he know his hard work would bring him nothing but "fame"? :waitasec:

Poor JB. All that work and no payoff. :what:
I suspect FCA is back with her mommy and daddy. They have serious money. She doesn't need Baez.
They do? From where?

Dr Phil's nice "donation" of $500,000. I'm sure they're living off of that and probably supporting Casey with it now. I wouldn't be surprised at all. Their charity has gone nowhere. The webpage is still the same, with things supposed to be coming, but nothing ever does. I think only the donate button still works. It's pathetic, but they got their big payday, I mean donation, from Dr. Phil, and so I think they're concentrating more on that than actually being a true foundation that helps people. They have done nothing since Dr. Phil. Absolutely not one thing for grandparents rights. It makes me sick. There's only place that money is going, and it's into the A's pockets. The only good thing is that I'm sure they will burn through it fast. I bet at least half of that money is gone now.

I'm sure mom and pop A are glad Baez is gone. I can't decide if Casey is really with them or if she's still at that church. Who knows. I bet she's got Mason wrapped around her finger like he's her grandfather, though. The best thing Baez could do was leave that mess behind, IMO.
Dr Phil's nice "donation" of $500,000. I'm sure they're living off of that and probably supporting Casey with it now. I wouldn't be surprised at all. Their charity has gone nowhere. The webpage is still the same, with things supposed to be coming, but nothing ever does. I think only the donate button still works. It's pathetic, but they got their big payday, I mean donation, from Dr. Phil, and so I think they're concentrating more on that than actually being a true foundation that helps people. They have done nothing since Dr. Phil. Absolutely not one thing for grandparents rights. It makes me sick. There's only place that money is going, and it's into the A's pockets. The only good thing is that I'm sure they will burn through it fast. I bet at least half of that money is gone now.

I'm sure mom and pop A are glad Baez is gone. I can't decide if Casey is really with them or if she's still at that church. Who knows. I bet she's got Mason wrapped around her finger like he's her grandfather, though. The best thing Baez could do was leave that mess behind, IMO.

Is there a link that says $500,000.00?
I remember a while back someone GUESSED that it was around that amount.

Has that ever been confirmed? Or is that rumor?
Yes, thank you, Intermezzo! I knew I wasn't crazy. It was Mason that said this. And yes, Logicalgirl, that is what I meant by what Mason said. That's why Baez can say that she's not fielding offers because she isn't to cover her butt for the civil trials. I never said legally she can't get offers. She probably could, but then she'd blow her life in danger excuse out of the water. I love how meaning is attached that was never there in the first place.

I also think it's ironic that he says there's no negotiations until after her appeal is concluded when HE is the one that keeps delaying that appeal. Casey can't be happy with that. I'm sure another video or something will pop up soon.

:floorlaugh: I think I'm ruined for life! Everytime you or anyone else uses the word ironic - I go through the whole iorinic -iorny song and dance in my head! I can't just read it as a word anymore....:great:
Dr Phil's nice "donation" of $500,000. I'm sure they're living off of that and probably supporting Casey with it now. I wouldn't be surprised at all. Their charity has gone nowhere. The webpage is still the same, with things supposed to be coming, but nothing ever does. I think only the donate button still works. It's pathetic, but they got their big payday, I mean donation, from Dr. Phil, and so I think they're concentrating more on that than actually being a true foundation that helps people. They have done nothing since Dr. Phil. Absolutely not one thing for grandparents rights. It makes me sick. There's only place that money is going, and it's into the A's pockets. The only good thing is that I'm sure they will burn through it fast. I bet at least half of that money is gone now.

I'm sure mom and pop A are glad Baez is gone. I can't decide if Casey is really with them or if she's still at that church. Who knows. I bet she's got Mason wrapped around her finger like he's her grandfather, though. The best thing Baez could do was leave that mess behind, IMO.

Ugh....Cindy and George's "fraudation"....still can't believe people are gullible enough to give them money. As for Dr. Shill's donation...the A's like to live large, and that money won't last long, in my opinion.

Oh, I think Demon Seed is still freeloading at The Church of What's Happening Now; I believe she's thrilled to have Mommy and Daddy outta her face, for the time being. She's got a whole new flock of people to fleece! I think that minister believes he's going to reap some great reward by harboring KC...good luck with that!

This deck of cards is all going to come tumbling down.

It's a bit difficult to "field" when no one is offering. Even the *advertiser censored* guys took the hint when the public went into an uproar over their offer last summer.

I don't think JB and FCA had much happy talk since the end of the trial. We know their relationship was strained during that farce, and I believe it was strained way before then.

I'm a bit surprised it took him this long to bow out, but of course, there was the dangling $carrot$...or so he thought. :great: It couldn't have been fun playing with FCA for almost three years. Oh, sure, the first few months were exciting - playing hugsies, giggling, and sharing licorice sticks, but eventually reality set in, he realized the truth when the remains were found, and knew he had a tough job ahead of him. How was he to know he's get a disinterested jury but the $$$$$ wouldn't be there in the end? How could he know his hard work would bring him nothing but "fame"? :waitasec:

Poor JB. All that work and no payoff. :what:

I agree with everything you've said Zoe, however I think he got off lucky. Money can't buy the publicity he got during this trial - he needs to be satisfied with that and run for the hills. One of these days if he hasn't already gotten it - he'll realize just how lucky he actually was.

I don't agree with many about the strength of "the family" at all - to me the family unit as such is forever destroyed. But I do think FCA is evil and dangerous. And Mason, who appears to never have paid much attention and has a huge ego, may very well have met his waterloo. The longer anyone stays around FCA, the harder it will be to scrape the taint off of them.
Dr Phil's nice "donation" of $500,000. I'm sure they're living off of that and probably supporting Casey with it now.

:what: Oh my I had not heard that. That makes me very angry. :maddening:

I'm not a big Dr. Phil fan anyway, but you can bet he'll never be on my t.v. again.
:what: Oh my I had not heard that. That makes me very angry. :maddening:

I'm not a big Dr. Phil fan anyway, but you can bet he'll never be on my t.v. again.

I do not believe the amount was ever reported.
I believe the $500,000 was a guess by someone a while back.

Unless that's changed, I think the amount should be considered rumor.
I do not believe the amount was ever reported.
I believe the $500,000 was a guess by someone a while back.

Unless that's changed, I think the amount should be considered rumor.

Good to know. I pray you are right. I would be very disgusted otherwise.
Good to know. I pray you are right. I would be very disgusted otherwise.

He did make a donation to Caylee's fund in exchange for the interview with CA and GA. But I don't think the amount was ever released.
He did make a donation to Caylee's fund in exchange for the interview with CA and GA. But I don't think the amount was ever released.

It seems it was rumor from a reported "good source" and the full amount was never disclosed. It also took awhile to transfer the money. I would hope Dr. Phil looked closely at their statements and paid them for their truthfulness. That might have taken quite a chunk out of the original amount that was promised to them for a truthful statement. Then, of course, their lawyer would have taken some of that money so they may not have as much as we might think.

I just believe that if they are not actively working this charity they should be investigated by the IRS and have to pay taxes the same as everyone else. jmo

I like your whole post and the way you think. :rocker:

I could not agree more with the portion I bolded. The weekend that whole twitter war broke out and invaded here I was out of town and offline. When I logged back in, I could clearly see what was happening. It was making me crazy because I felt like members here were being used to further the agenda of those instigating all of it. I literally lost sleep over it. It made me even crazier when I thought of Casey loving every minute of the drama and attention. Since I wasn't here in the moment as it was unfolding, I felt like everyone here had been partying for 2 days straight and I walked in stone cold sober. lol I was like "Quick! Somebody turn on the lights!" haha

I think she may have released the first ones on her own. I honestly do not believe her attorneys knew about it at the time - neither Baez or Mason. Toxic people attract other toxic people so I am not insisting she did it alone, but I do not believe it was JB or CM. Let's face it - lots of unscrupulous people would use her to make themselves a few $$$. She has finally met her matches with the people she is attracting. It was a STUPID thing to do if you are trying to keep the mystery surrounding her and pique the curiosity of "Okay, this is all too bizarre...What is she really like?", which is about the only thing that would make an interview profitable because no matter what she said, no one would believe a word flowing out of the mouth of an infamous liar like Casey, BUT they are banking on people who would be curious enough to tune in, in a [futile] attempt to try to understand such a creature... WTH makes her tick. I know... I know... Still...

IMO, Mason or someone is working behind the scenes to try to increase her marketability. (Actually, more like salvage any hope..) I say that because now when tidbits, soundbites & videos get released the timing is absolutely remarkable. :innocent: The last one was released 2 days after Josh Powell took over the headlines. Likewise, Twitter and FB pages heat up. Tidbits are released via TMZ or Radaronline. There have been other instances, but that one sticks out in front of my mind. They are trying to keep her CURRENT...the worst thing for Casey would be for people to become, "Casey? oh..<yawn> who cares anymore? meh..I'd rather watch The Bachelor." ;)

I've accepted the fact that she will make a little $ one day, I just hope she is forced to do it scrubbing the scum from the bottom the pond. I want to be able to laugh hard at how low she has to go. I feel pretty good about that. If any reputable, professional journalist, author, etc...were interested they would already be driving this train and it would not be going down the track it is on now.

ITA, Beach.

Now that all the "Amelia" and "Brianne" fervor has died down, who are these people? Any opinions? If this has already been discussed, sorry for the repeat. I only hit the Caylee thread once or twice a month, because if I pay too much attention to KC, I get frustrated that justice was thrown to the ground, beaten to a bloody pulp, and tossed into the gutter.

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