I too have suspected things for awhile. Some of his answers, or lack of answersd were odd. I thought I was being oversuspicious, and felt bad that I mistrusted this "poor man".
When Tricia first closed the thread last weekend, I was absolutely shocked. I knew that Believe had taken a break, but did not understand the magnitude of the situation. In finding out that we had been "scammed" I was angry, hurt, and so very sad. I was actually shaken up. I did not expect it to end this way. But, I still hoped that it was all a misunderstanding. Now that we believe different, I am just numb. I work on various cases here at WS, but this was one of three that I have dedicated most of my time to. I just do not understand, and just want to know WHY???
Obviously BK comes to this board, as he has posted answers to questions posed to him. He bantered with people and appeared to be intelligent, personable, and someone we should pity. Every year during the holidays I would feel for him that he was not with his own family, a family who was probably missing him. I would rack my brain and be frustrated with myself that I could not find the answers for him. I felt that I was letting him down. Crazy huh?
Surely he had to have seen ALL the other cases here, families of missing children, parents, grandparents, etc. Legitimate cases, such as Anna Waters, and Deanna Merryfields--who have family here, real family who was MISSING their child and sister. Other cases where people have been missing for two days up to 30, 40, 50 yrs. To KNOWINGLY allow volunteers on this board to use their resources and time on him, if he truly is a fraud, is heinous of him. We took time away from those other cases to help him. What kind of person does that? It makes me sick.
I guess I am a glass half full person. I try to look at the good in everyone. I was really hoping that in the time between Tricia's post the other day and now, BK would come forward and explain himself, and that this whole thing was truly a misunderstanding. That even though he knew in his heart that he had not been attacked and left for dead, that somewhere in his mind he rationalized it as the only reason why he was found in the condition that he was in. That to get publicity for his case, he allowed some misquotes and misunderstandings to exist for the ultimate goal of finding out who he was. (Not that this would be right either, but could be understandable--people might not be as interested in helping a man who was just homeless and possibly developed amnesia, as a man who was attacked and left for dead.) I was really hoping he would come forward and defend his actions for some unknown legitimate reason. But if he truly has deceived us all this time, I guess he is not about to do that, he just does not care. If he could do this all this time, he surely is not going to make any attempt to rectify things. Which leads back to WHY?
Wouldn't he know that eventually the/his fraud would be discovered? That in working with the FBI, Dr Phil, us, a reknowned forensic geneologist, that someone somewhere would figure it out? So why did he work with us all? Why would he have DNA taken in the first place? And why is there NOONE who has come forward to say that they know who he is--that he is a fraud? Why? Why? Why?
I think of all the HOURS and HOURS we spent here--the discussions we have had, the research we did. OMG--the intense geneological research, the research of restaurants and equipment and Indiana and Colorado!! (He probably is not even from any of those areas! I think he is from the northeast, the comment about Rhode Island "cabinets" was suspicious to me.) Pouring over records, photos, yearbooks, and school records. I have paid over $250 of my own money for an ancestry account, of which 97% was spent on BK time. Noone put a gun to my head to do this (so I have noone to blame but myself), but I did this so we could help this man find his identity, his family. Our good intentions, our open hearts have allowed this man to defraud us. So now I sit here, wondering about the work I have done on other cases. I am unsure of myself, and alittle less trusting of everyone, people that I know in my heart I should continue to trust, even though this guy has violated that trust. And still I go back to WHY?
So, who is he? Just a homeless man who got free medical care and was taken care of for a few years? A criminal? A defrocked priest on the run from sex offense charges? A murderer? An escaped convict whose fingerprints are not in a national database? A grifter?
I for one would like this not to end. I want to know who the hell he is. I am angry. I want him to be charged with fraud, and I want to know if he is a criminal who has been allowed to legitimately roam the streets for six years. I want to know why noone has come forward? I would like the scope of this to change and would love to see him brought to justice. But I doubt that will happen. I truly wonder, with all these revelations, how Colleen Fitpatrick, FBI Bill, etc will continue to handle this? Do they too, believe he has deceived them? What will happen now? Can he and Nurse B be charged with any kind of fraud charges? People used resources and spent money on DNA testing etc on this man. He doesn't just get away with this, does he?