Brainstorming Ron's flurry of phone calls

I think that regardless of the actual number of calls made by Ron that night there are too many coincidences that yell incident, staging and, cover-up.

1. It was the first evening Misty was back home and babysitting the kids,
2. There are key discrepancies on who picked up HaLeigh from school bus,
3. Ron's work hours are a major question, especially going in 45 mins early??? and doing 3 hours overtime??? Was he there all of the time?
4. There is the report of the fight between Ron and Misty with 8, 9, 20, or, 90 calls -- something was going on,
5. There is the belated report from Tommy that they received a call from Ron and he went over to the MH around 10pm and no-one was home,
6. There is the belated rumors that Ron was doing odd jobs at PDM that night, not his normal work and uncertainty whether he is a crane operator,
7. There is the discovery of HaLeigh gone that just happens to coincide with Ron returning home from overtime work and a store visit,
8. No-one goes outside around the block to see if HaLeigh is out there or see if someone is out there, no calling for her, just an assumption she is gone,
9. There is TN miraculously appearing within minutes of the 911 call,
10. There is Misty making the 911 call and Ron's actions being over-dramatic and in-appropriate.

The list goes on and on with things that happened that night that lead one to conclude that this was not just a little girl gone missing and the discovery and reporting but an incident.
90 calls between lets say 8:30-3am. While he is at work.
To me he is very short tempered. If he was ticked off he call and if she didn't answer call right back. hanging up when voice mail comes on and calling back again. that being said he could make several calls in a minute. 90 calls would be easy to rack up if he were constantly hanging up and calling because she wouldn't answer. My husband has done this. I have been mad at him in the past hung up on him, and intentionally did not answer no matter how many times he called. I would just hit mute on the phone ringer.
Also I don't see his cellphone battery lasting that long if these were calls where lets say he spent 3 minutes on the phone with someone.

If the 90 calls is true my hopes are that all phones that were called were on. So that LE has the pings and knows the general area all the playas were in that night. I'm thinking maybe misty's pings are the reason LE wants to know if anyone seen her before 3 am that night.
Oh one other thing...

There has to be a work from PDM who knows what Ron was doing that night and no longer works there. Wonder why no one formally from PDM is making statements/rumors about it?
Oh one other thing...

There has to be a work from PDM who knows what Ron was doing that night and no longer works there. Wonder why no one formally from PDM is making statements/rumors about it?

They were told early on to zip it or they would get fired...i forgot the exact wording but i think that basically sums it up :)
"Ryan said phone records show that Ronald Cummings made 20 attempts to reach Misty during the evening of Feb. 9"
Published: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 at 6:01 a.m.
Last Modified: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 at 11:05 p.m

"GRACE: OK. I need to go to you. Ellie Jostad, this one I don`t understand, about all those phone calls. If she did not have her telephone turned on, that may be explaining why cops can`t get a ping on her to locate where she was because even if you don`t pick the phone up, if your phone is ringing or it`s turned on, you`re still emitting pings. Am I right or wrong about that?

JOSTAD: Yes, you`re right. And police have told us that they have not been able -- or they haven`t been real clear about what they`ve been able to learn about Misty Croslin`s cell phone. But you`re right, we do know that Ron called her over 20 times that night and apparently never got an answer."
Nancy Grace
Aired October 12, 2009 - 20:00:00 ET

"All this as phone records reveal Haleigh`s dad tried to call Misty 20 times on the night little Haleigh disappeared. If she was at home, why didn`t she pick up?"
Aired September 23, 2009 - 19:00:00 ET
Interesting part of this comment from issues is AH was on the show and was the firstperson she ask a question ......why is he now saying 90 calls ????
Under normal circumstances no normal person would make that many phone calls in that period of time, especially from work. So we know that RC knew what had happened and trying to find out if it was taken care of.
Under normal circumstances no normal person would make that many phone calls in that period of time, especially from work. So we know that RC knew what had happened and trying to find out if it was taken care of.

While he stayed in the background, out of the picture, having other people do his dirty work. Typical RC.
"Ryan said phone records show that Ronald Cummings made 20 attempts to reach Misty during the evening of Feb. 9"
*snip for brevity*
Interesting part of this comment from issues is AH was on the show and was the firstperson she ask a question ......why is he now saying 90 calls ????

The twenty calls refer to Misty. Supposing he made 70 calls to other people both statements could be right.

But maybe not, wouldn't he have run out of minutes?
INFO ABOUT PINGS: snip~ Pinging a cell phone is finding out what cell tower their phone is in. This can be used to locate a person that you know has the cell phone. This is used by law enforcement on a regular basis.

Usually the information is provided by the cellular provider and you have to have an account with them. In 911 systems the location is broadcast with the call. If a bad guy is carrying a cell phone the phone is constantly sending signals to the closest cell tower, even if the phone isn't in use. The location of the cell tower will tell you that the person is within a certain range. When the person moves they can be tracked by which cell towers the signal is bouncing to. ~ snip

AND : snip~Pinging a phone, it's finding out what cell tower grid the phone is in so a person can be located. The ESN or phone number of the cell phone needs to be known. The cell phone provider can provide this information but you have to be allowed to have it, meaning you can get it if you are LEO (law enforcement officer), government agency and have a subpoena.~ end

2 pings doesn't make me all warm and fuzzy. Also...I understand now why these characters all have to add minutes onto their phone....previously I was like....why don't they just get a regular phone. Now I understand that pre paid's can't be traced. Lots of people in this case sure don't want to be traced.

ETA....forgot the

If you have bad credit you can't get a cell phone through a company and will buy the throw away phones. That could easily be the case here. It is also a way that people keep from going through a million minutes...especially with kids. I had to do that with my granddaughter as my cell phone bill was running around $300 a month. She then got a throw away phone.
If you have bad credit you can't get a cell phone through a company and will buy the throw away phones. That could easily be the case here. It is also a way that people keep from going through a million minutes...especially with kids. I had to do that with my granddaughter as my cell phone bill was running around $300 a month. She then got a throw away phone.

true enough for sure, but as many times as we have heard someone talk about adding minutes to a phone or having purchased minutes for a phone, in my opinion, they could have paid up front for 2 years of service and had some money left over. I understand your point though, I guess I just have the opinion that nobody wants to be traced or have a regular contract for whatever the reason. JMO.
We don't know anything yet and neither does LE. I think that Art Harris was adding on quite a few phone calls made. There is no way anyone could make 90 phone calls like that. I think the person who said 20 was probably closer to the mark. LE have stated that Ron was at work throughout his whole shift and there is no way any employer would allow an employee to be on the phone the whole time they are working no matter what job they are doing.
Maybe after GGM went by the house, she called Ron at work and told him something that infuriated him or worried him. I think if it was worry, he would have begged GGM or Mom to go over there. This was more like anger to me, insistence.

ITA Gracenote! IF Ron's obsessive phone calling was about something that GGM saw while she was there, then why not take the children right then and there? Doesn't make sense.

To bottom line is this, IF his children were in DANGER he would have walked off the job, he wouldn't have waited for a family member to arrive and call him back to tell him what Misty and the children were up to. JMO... Also to add, IF he was not involved and he thought for one minute that Misty did this to HaLeigh, LE would be looking for Misty too, JMO.

To me, the 2 pings and 20 calls didn't make sense when stated. IF there are 20 calls wouldn't there be 20 pings? So LE has confirmed two of them to be at or around PDM. WOW then Art comes out with there were 90 phone calls, and still only two pings.... THINGS AREN'T LOOKING SO GOOD FOR RONNIE :) JMO
We don't know anything yet and neither does LE. I think that Art Harris was adding on quite a few phone calls made. There is no way anyone could make 90 phone calls like that. I think the person who said 20 was probably closer to the mark. LE have stated that Ron was at work throughout his whole shift and there is no way any employer would allow an employee to be on the phone the whole time they are working no matter what job they are doing.

I have to respectfully disagree, it is possible for someone to make that many calls. Also LE has never stated Ron C was at work throughout his whole shift..I, for one, certainly do not believe everything Art Harris has stated in reference to this case, but I do believe he was granted a go ahead from LE to reveal that tidbit of information last night...But thats just my opinion..JMO
Thats what I wanted to know lil momma....20 calls should equal 20 pings from PDM, it's like saying Here I am. I don't understand that part of all of this and why there was only 2 pings mentioned, maybe there is more but for some reason most say 2 pings.
true enough for sure, but as many times as we have heard someone talk about adding minutes to a phone or having purchased minutes for a phone, in my opinion, they could have paid up front for 2 years of service and had some money left over. I understand your point though, I guess I just have the opinion that nobody wants to be traced or have a regular contract for whatever the reason. JMO.

My cell bill is $50 a month. To pay a year in advance would be $600. Chances are they don't have that much extra $$$ to pay for it in advance. There is a company metropcs that you don't have to have a contract and credit check that charges $40 a month unlimited but the phones are more expensive. The throw away phones are as cheap a $15. These phones are perfect for people who can't make monthly payments on time or only want to make a few calls a month. If you don't add more minutes the phone is dead and you lose the #.
My cell bill is $50 a month. To pay a year in advance would be $600. Chances are they don't have that much extra $$$ to pay for it in advance. There is a company metropcs that you don't have to have a contract and credit check that charges $40 a month unlimited but the phones are more expensive. The throw away phones are as cheap a $15. These phones are perfect for people who can't make monthly payments on time or only want to make a few calls a month. If you don't add more minutes the phone is dead and you lose the #.

Well gosh we know they aren't making just a few calls a month. But I get what you mean for sure.
The twenty calls refer to Misty. Supposing he made 70 calls to other people both statements could be right.

But maybe not, wouldn't he have run out of minutes?

I'm not sure why Art put out the information about the 90 calls. It is possible for Ron to make that many calls especially if he has free nights and weekends. Or if he is PO'd at Misty, In panic mode, called his relatives, or someone else. Art said they were made to Misty though.
Remember, it was reported Ron did try to call Misty at least 20 times, it was said she turned her phone off. Maybe she just had it on silent?That is when Ron called Tommy from what was reported.
Maybe he kept calling and after Tommy reported back to him that Misty was not home, he just kept calling? (I QUESTION WHY RON NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT HIM CALLING TOMMY IN THE FIRST PLACE AND MISTY NOT BEING HOME. LE HAS THE PHONE RECORDS. WHY DIDN'T RON COME HOME TO CHECK ON THE KIDS AND MISTY? OR DID HE?)I am thinking that maybe there WERE that many calls, but maybe that was a total for the calls, for all the players LE is looking at?

Again, It is very possible for Ron to make that many calls. I have been in a situation where my ex-spouse tried to call me after a argument and I ignored him and he called over 100 times....Just kept redialing. Someone else here said they had a similar situation, so it is possible that Ron made that many calls.

I think in a few weeks or months Art will give out the rest of the info about these calls as he is allowed, and then they will make sense.
For now, LE has said nothing but I would not be surprised one bit if the calls were made. He could of called a lot of people, not just Misty. JMO though.

The Bald Truth has learned Croslin’s ex husband, Ronald Cummings, made more than 90 phone calls to his then girlfriend-babysitter Misty Croslin between late evening Feb. 9 and early morning Feb. 10.
If he wasn't at werk, then 90 calls could work. imo. But not if he really was at werk.
well 90 calls would be consistent with someone in a panic to find out something, someone with a deep concern......we were told he called Misty 20 times and we know he called Tommy at least once....Im guessing he called AS at least once to ask her to check on the kids allegedly....what I think is probably more critical to know is the order of the calls and who was first....I dont believe rons story of a fight explaining the calls to misty.....he never offered up the calls until confronted by LE with records.....How many times did ron call TN and AS...and when

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