
OK so can someone tell if that is Brandon S in the photo below and also Sean D in the one after that?



These are both from a post I remembered from a couple weeks back that I saw after reading in the DCF interviews that KC and Cindy had said that Caylee's father was "Eric" (and that he provided a trust fund for Caylee :crazy:), and that a sleuther asked if this could be that Eric - not that he was really Caylee's dad, but that KC might have used some of his info to spin her lies.

Here's what Danistar posted about him:

I hope that works. If I am not allowed to post this please let me know to delete it.

LE searched for an Eric B****. This is an Erik B****. who used to live in Florida during 2004 and now lives in Nashville. If that is the same Brandon then they Casey may have known him too. His job info is what Casey claimed to do for a living.

Erik's Companies
Nightlife Entertainment
Tampa, FL US
1998 - 2002
Global Entertainment
Tampa, FL US
Executive Partner
Global Artists Management
Tampa, FL US
Asst Management
EBM Radio & Media Promotion
Nashville, TN US
V.P. of Operations
Arsenal/Universal Music Group
Los Angeles, CA US
Radio/Record Promotion
2008 - Present

*Notice the UNIVERSAL Music Group also. Maybe KC borrowed his job description and the "Universal" reference from him in her lies?
Does anyone know what the finger signals mean? It always made me members of a pack??? club?? gang?? joke??
<<If she did, indeed, have a miscarriage, then she had to have had follow-up medical care>>

Not snarky-like, but who really cares if she did or not?
Does anyone know what the finger signals mean? It always made me members of a pack??? club?? gang?? joke??

I will assume that it means the same thing in FL as it does in NY and in that case, it's a pretty crude sexual reference. I learned about it from my good friend's 19 year old son who told us all (the parents) what it referred to. Apparently it's called "The Shocker" and I'll leave it at that as I don't want to get banned lol.
I will assume that it means the same thing in FL as it does in NY and in that case, it's a pretty crude sexual reference. I learned about it from my good friend's 19 year old son who told us all (the parents) what it referred to. Apparently it's called "The Shocker" and I'll leave it at that as I don't want to get banned lol.

Ha! :crazy: Yeah, people can google that if they don't know.
<<If she did, indeed, have a miscarriage, then she had to have had follow-up medical care>>

Not snarky-like, but who really cares if she did or not?

Also, one who has a miscarriage doesn't necessarily need followup care.
I will assume that it means the same thing in FL as it does in NY and in that case, it's a pretty crude sexual reference. I learned about it from my good friend's 19 year old son who told us all (the parents) what it referred to. Apparently it's called "The Shocker" and I'll leave it at that as I don't want to get banned lol.

I'm not sure what kind of minds we have that we both thought this, but in this picture, they're not flashing THAT sign. That has the index and middle finger raised, as well as the pinky. I believe all this one means is "Rock on!" or some innocuous variation.
I'm not sure what kind of minds we have that we both thought this, but in this picture, they're not flashing THAT sign. That has the index and middle finger raised, as well as the pinky. I believe all this one means is "Rock on!" or some innocuous variation.

OMG, you're absolutely right, debs. Really, what does that say about us :crazy:
I'm not sure what kind of minds we have that we both thought this, but in this picture, they're not flashing THAT sign. That has the index and middle finger raised, as well as the pinky. I believe all this one means is "Rock on!" or some innocuous variation.

exactly, debs. i just means i like to rock. just something dumb people do in pictures.
yeah, they do the peace sign etc. too. those guys are SOOOOO not gangstas. :)
I thought KC's "Eric" was deceased? This Erik has been living the life KC would only dream about. He has real jobs, with photos of him taken all over. Doing real "work" at real concerts and venues.

Including one tagged 10th reunion. KC hasn't even celebrated her 5th reunion. The photo taken with "Brandon" was from 2006, Brandon S would have still been active duty at that time. Me thinks this is a different crew of people.

LJM, no Exit hasn't posted for several mos.
Brandon is a friend of KC's who, according to Amy, recently got her pregnant. They met up with him at the no-clothes party on 5/25 where KC mentioned the miscarriage to Amy. She says KC was very, very emotional about seeing Brandon there. KC also disappeared for 1 ½ hours that night.

I know that this may sound wierd, and I am usually a lurker, but there is something called PASS...Post Abortion Stress Syndrome. I have to go to my sons orchestra concert, but I will be back later. Here is a link....Maybe it wasn't a miscarriage:confused:
Does anyone know what the finger signals mean? It always made me members of a pack??? club?? gang?? joke??

The first and last finger thing is "rock and roll" or "rock on" (in younger teens it means "We love you." or "I love you" and is usually waved at the a band as they play.

The first and second finger is the old "peace sign", now usually sideways.

The "two in the pink, one in the stink" gesture came from WWE. Hand sideways, palm toward body, thumb and ring finger folded in, pointer, middle and pinkie extended.

When you cross your ring finger, and middle finger and stick out your pointer and pinky (looks like a W ) thats a gang sign. You see lots of rappers on TV doing this sign, pointed up, means they support the gang, pointed down means they disrespect the gang.

Of course we all know the "gig".......or middle finger "sign"

Some gangs have their own hand signals - but I haven't seen any of those in this saga.
ok...I feel like this guy in the middle of the first phot with the short blonde hair looks just like Caylee...just like her...I dont know how to do it but I would like to seee a side by side if anyone can put it up.
I heard Dr. Baden, Forensic Pathologist, on TV one night several weeks ago. He stated that Chloroform can cause a miscarriage. Maybe that is why Casey kept it on hand.

a little late for a "mis carriage"...
sorry I couldn't resist
Caylee was a beautiful child, she did not look at all like the Anthonys. Her real dad probably doesn't know he is a dad and he may not even know about sites like this. If he puts 2 and 2 together one day maybe he will step forward. I don't buy KCs story about him, shes been spinning yarns for a good while.
IIRC- Amy said they had an exchange at the party.......AMy says Casey told him "I had a miscarriage.....blah blah blah and was really upset. Go into Amys statement to see this...I was thinking Casey got pregnant again???WTH!

Document page : #1033 Amy talk about the Party At LAKE VAG(Vaj) the No clothes party , something about UFC fight etc. May 25th'08............Casey told Brandon about a miscarriage. It was a very emotional run in.

How can she be plotting to kill her first child and then upset about a miscarriage? This doesn't sound right. If she did miscarry then it was a blessing in disguise (God, please forgive me for saying that).
In the text messages b/t KC & Iassen, didn't Iassen say that Brandon & some girl got engaged? Or am I thinking of someone else>
Those hand signs are also "hook 'em horns' hand sign for UT Longhorns (just held the wrong way). They're definately not 'the shocker'. I think they're just trying to be cool and say 'rock on' with those dumb hand signals.

As far as if Brandon is the father. IF he is, then he would have known, correct? And if he knew then he obviously didn't care. And if he didn't care when she was alive then Caylee's death wouldn't mean anything to him. I must say that the guy that's in both of those photos does have a resemblence to Caylee.

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