CA - Aleyah Elaine Toscano, 16, in protective custody, found dead, Whittier, 20 Sept 2019

No, I have not. But I am a mother and I am far from perfect, but I don't see why the mom would her kid go into custody if she's already a victim, because no one is going to protect my kid more than me. No one is going to look out for her best interests more than me. My whole family is going into hiding if that's what it takes to stay together as a family and be there for each other, but more importantly: keep her safe! So yes, I am judging the mom. Parents are responsible for their kids. Baby girl was hurt at least one time prior to her missing, I wouldn't doubt if she's been in many more bad situations prior. I'm angry myself. Cause no one was taking care of this poor kid. But the truth will come out and I really hope justice is served to all those involved.

Your "Holier Than Thou" "Victim Bashing" has no place on Webslueths.

Shame on you for judging this mom who just lost her child. You don't know chit about their lives.
They were looking for her!!!
Please don't let this poster upset you.
"Nothing Better To Do" types tend to become sanctimonious. Most good people know folks were looking, concerned and loved this child.

She was obviously not an abused child like we do see a lot here (sadly!).
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@Dontjudgebeforeknowing , do you know the family or this situation? If so, please consider becoming a Verified Insider for this case:

Verification Process for Professional or Insider Posters

Posts without supporting links to articles or LE reports are often removed. Posts of Verified Insiders are OK, and can remain without links.

Thanks for posting -- we are hungry for information.

@gitana1 , what is going on in South Whittier???

Yes I do know the family I am family and I know that we are all still grieving and her mother texted me every night asking for prayer because her only daughter was taken in a foul manner and she doesnt know how to live delete my post I dont care I will not let anyone bash my family!!! Nobody knows the truth but those involved and it is an ongoing investigation. The media lies and all those that speculate just speculate, this was a good family, her mother changed her life for the better to raise her child away from gang violence. Just keep working deri g what's going just know justice will be served for our precious Aleyah elaine Toscano!!
I want to say
to WS & this special thread for your family Dontjudgebeforeknowing!

So sorry that nothing is moving faster than any of us would want. I truly hope they find the people responsible for Aleyah's death.
Please take care!
Why would the group be closed? Regardless, MSM = not FB. Need an article or link to a news agency or LE. Can you tell us about this Andrew kid and how it might be connected? When did he die? I can't seem to find anything about the recent death of an "Andrew" from Whitter High.
Unfortunately I have not being following Aleyah's case. Also I have no idea who this dear boy is.


No way seeing either of these kids were on drugs, but I looked up Whittier High and the Whittier police Department site, and sure enough like the rest of the country Fentanyl has found it's way into other drugs. A police officer posted a photo of a young Whittier student who appears on life support.

Addict? One mistake. One lousey mistake. Maybe you wanted ritalin or xanax? This fentanyl is in everything. Acid. Even KSpice for heaven sake. They'll compress that crap into any pill. You're dead or havea tube breathing for you.

Bless these two children. Man, prayers for this generation. I hope they find out what happened to Aleyah. One more time not saying this is involved,but what I see in Philly constantly.
Why would the group be closed? Regardless, MSM = not FB. Need an article or link to a news agency or LE. Can you tell us about this Andrew kid and how it might be connected? When did he die? I can't seem to find anything about the recent death of an "Andrew" from Whitter High.
It's a neighborhood watch page. I dont know anything about the kid other than Andrew ,17 Whittier H.S. died of apparent OD. I couldn't find any other posts, either, only the post where donations boxes were set up in some Whittier stores.
2 WHS kids dying within a two month time frame should have the whole community in an uproar. Too much mystery surrounding these two deaths. I'm sure the families want their privacy and it should be respected, but we have to do something to stop this.
Unfortunately I have not being following Aleyah's case. Also I have no idea who this dear boy is.


No way seeing either of these kids were on drugs, but I looked up Whittier High and the Whittier police Department site, and sure enough like the rest of the country Fentanyl has found it's way into other drugs. A police officer posted a photo of a young Whittier student who appears on life support.

Addict? One mistake. One lousey mistake. Maybe you wanted ritalin or xanax? This fentanyl is in everything. Acid. Even KSpice for heaven sake. They'll compress that crap into any pill. You're dead or havea tube breathing for you.

Bless these two children. Man, prayers for this generation. I hope they find out what happened to Aleyah. One more time not saying this is involved,but what I see in Philly constantly.

As a parent of a kid in Whittier, this is extremely concerning. I have zero clue as to any of the drugs you mentioned, but I'm going to find out. I do consider these drugs the enemy for taking such young lives. All it takes is that 1st try. I haven't seen the kid on life support. There has to be more cases that are handled quietly due to embarrassment or protecting child's identity, but this has to be made public.
It's a neighborhood watch page. I dont know anything about the kid other than Andrew ,17 Whittier H.S. died of apparent OD. I couldn't find any other posts, either, only the post where donations boxes were set up in some Whittier stores.
2 WHS kids dying within a two month time frame should have the whole community in an uproar. Too much mystery surrounding these two deaths. I'm sure the families want their privacy and it should be respected, but we have to do something to stop this.
Aleyah overdosed? I was under the impression that someone did something to her?
I searched for an update and found nothing? Can someone please clarify as to her COD please?
I saw a Facebook comment that it seemed like she had fentanyl od due to cardiac arrest on an otherwise healthy child. I dont think cod has been officially released.
To me, it sounds like Aleyah was a victim of a crime involving gang members. And if that was the case, it doesn't seem like such a great idea to let a 16-year-old hang around like she doesn't have a target on her back. She should've been taken out of Los Angeles and probably out of California. If this was gang related, that is.

I know, I don't like this at all. How do you get "lured" away from protective custody?? How do the people who "lured" her, get into the secure facility? How does she, for want of a better word, "check out" without supervision? It seems like either one of these scenarios have to be how we got to this place. Poor child...
I know, I don't like this at all. How do you get "lured" away from protective custody?? How do the people who "lured" her, get into the secure facility? How does she, for want of a better word, "check out" without supervision? It seems like either one of these scenarios have to be how we got to this place. Poor child...
By people she thought she could trust. She was a smart girl but unfortunately she trusted people she thought were her friends. We all say this, this is why the government & facility failed to protect her!

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