CA CA - Bob Harrod, 81, Orange Co, 27 Jul 2009 - #19

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Their usage of the word, "associates", broadens the suspect list if we go with the "I'll give you ___ now, and ___ after the job is done." I'm really leaning heavily on this theory. I can even make a list of people, and motives for this, without family involvement. The problem is the pesky timeline. @Pipsissiway_Potts

I can't figure out how the two who were sued could have done this given the shaky timeline, and their ironclad alibis. I can't figure out a motive for their involvement. And yes, I'd like to know why nothing showed up on security cameras, unless that neighborhood is so safe, there weren't any. @Cubby

With that being said, I still bounce back and forth between these two theories.

Off subject, my nickname is Pesky. Kind of caught me off guard for a moment. :p

Is it not known whether there were any security cameras, or did LE state nothing of interest was found on the ones that were present?
Off subject, my nickname is Pesky. Kind of caught me off guard for a moment. :p

Is it not known whether there were any security cameras, or did LE state nothing of interest was found on the ones that were present?
Strange, isn't it, that there's no camera footage? I'd forgotten all about this, until Cubby brought it up.
Their usage of the word, "associates", broadens the suspect list if we go with the "I'll give you ___ now, and ___ after the job is done." I'm really leaning heavily on this theory. I can even make a list of people, and motives for this, without family involvement. The problem is the pesky timeline. @Pipsissiway_Potts

I can't figure out how the two who were sued could have done this given the shaky timeline, and their ironclad alibis. I can't figure out a motive for their involvement. And yes, I'd like to know why nothing showed up on security cameras, unless that neighborhood is so safe, there weren't any. @Cubby

With that being said, I still bounce back and forth between these two theories.

Maybe the alibi's weren't as ironclad as we were led to believe. As for motive, anger at Bob for putting an end to freely handing out moolah. He was no longer a single man, and it would be inappropriate for a married man to be giving lots of money to another non family member. Perhaps he/she wasnt going to take no for an answer and got violent, after luring Bob out of the house. Go back and reread Paul Estes posts. I forget what user name he had here, but something he posted stuck out, imo, based on the most recent msm.
Another thought on the I'll give you x amount now and x amount later, why not do that and get rid of both Bob and Fontelle? Imo, if it were a paid deal, it makes no sense to do away with one and not the other after the marriage took place.

I'm sure the person who was sued by Bob's daughters knew Bob's schedule well enough that she/he knew the cleaning lady usually came over on Tuesdays. Maybe she/he was hoping to convince Bob to give her/him one last big sum before Fontelle was expected back, and Monday was the day because they thought the cleaning lady would be there Tuesday.
Harrod’s finances piqued the interest of investigators. Shortly after his first wife’s death and before he reconnected with Fontelle, he began spending time with a 44-year-old woman who was his barber. He loaned her $86,000 over a period of nine months, but after he married Fontelle, he demanded to be paid back.

Vanished: Orange County's Most Infamous Cold Cases | Bob Harrod
Another thought on the I'll give you x amount now and x amount later, why not do that and get rid of both Bob and Fontelle? Imo, if it were a paid deal, it makes no sense to do away with one and not the other after the marriage took place.

I'm sure the person who was sued by Bob's daughters knew Bob's schedule well enough that she/he knew the cleaning lady usually came over on Tuesdays. Maybe she/he was hoping to convince Bob to give her/him one last big sum before Fontelle was expected back, and Monday was the day because they thought the cleaning lady would be there Tuesday.

There was no reason to kill them both, yet. Whoever killed Bob was someone associated with him, according to LEO. Bob's circle was small. Without accusing anyone, the family, barber, Fontelle, grandson, and his financial advisors knew Fontelle hadn't been added to his accounts. There are some people in this group that have been cleared, and some haven't.
If it's someone outside the above group, what would give them the idea that, in such a short time period, Fontelle had already been added to Bob's will, finances, etc.? The ink wouldn't even be dry at that point. And how would they even have knowledge about his financial arrangements? The daughters claim they had no idea he was worth as much as he was. That tells me he played it close to the vest. He certainly wouldn't reveal this to someone outside the more intimate group above.
The problem, for me, with it being the one who was sued, is that once he was gone, that person would fear they'd be sued by the estate to return the loans.
They'd be cutting their own throat/s. We don't know if Bob forgave those debts, due to having to deal with making arrangements for Fontelle.
I'm not saying it's not that person, but that's not my top theory. It's amazing that person/s were so intelligent/crafty/diabolical to take out Bob right from under Jeff's nose, but stupid enough to do it in the first place, knowing they'd be accused right off the bat. It's a puzzler to me.
Harrod’s finances piqued the interest of investigators. Shortly after his first wife’s death and before he reconnected with Fontelle, he began spending time with a 44-year-old woman who was his barber. He loaned her $86,000 over a period of nine months, but after he married Fontelle, he demanded to be paid back.

Vanished: Orange County's Most Infamous Cold Cases | Bob Harrod
Do we know that he actually demanded to be paid back? I wonder what the source of that statement is.
Maybe the alibi's weren't as ironclad as we were led to believe. As for motive, anger at Bob for putting an end to freely handing out moolah. He was no longer a single man, and it would be inappropriate for a married man to be giving lots of money to another non family member. Perhaps he/she wasnt going to take no for an answer and got violent, after luring Bob out of the house. Go back and reread Paul Estes posts. I forget what user name he had here, but something he posted stuck out, imo, based on the most recent msm.
Another thought on the I'll give you x amount now and x amount later, why not do that and get rid of both Bob and Fontelle? Imo, if it were a paid deal, it makes no sense to do away with one and not the other after the marriage took place.

I'm sure the person who was sued by Bob's daughters knew Bob's schedule well enough that she/he knew the cleaning lady usually came over on Tuesdays. Maybe she/he was hoping to convince Bob to give her/him one last big sum before Fontelle was expected back, and Monday was the day because they thought the cleaning lady would be there Tuesday.

It does make a certain amount of sense to try making one last grab at the money before Fontelle came back. If the barber and her husband were at Bob's house, then they'd already decided what they were going to do well before they got there. IMHO there would've been no time to get into an argument. If Bob didn't immediately cough up the money, he would be taken away. To be killed or held for ransom, and perhaps he died purely by accident. I can also see a reason to do away with Bob and Fontelle at the same time, in order to have a clear path to the money. Except the family would be the first ones to be suspected. Unless someone was skilled at staging a crime scene of a murder/suicide, or Bob had a known enemy they could throw suspicion on, then it was risky strategy. IMHO, and just my opinion, it is a lot easier to cover up a crime by making it appear as though no crime occurred. As it is now, people can argue that Bob became confused, had a psychotic break, or what have you, and walked away. No one is certain a crime took place at all.

I had forgotten about the barber and her husband to be honest. These were the ones who were arrested and then let go? Sure, it's possible they were paid to do away with Bob by a family member or members, although the mutual dislike on both sides makes it seem highly unlikely. I hadn't read the threads for so long I was under the assumption it was two different people, perhaps associates, colleagues or people who had worked for, or worked under Bob. But anything's possible. It might seem like a really stupid idea to pay these people to kill their golden goose, and then try to set them up to take the fall, but it's a possibility I can't entirely discount.

Anyway, not to argue with you, Cubby, as your theory is reasonable, and could very well turn out to be the case. The only thing I'm firm about is that Bob left no trace of what happened to him, whether it was intentional or just dumb luck. Beyond that, I just don't know.
Idk the source, but regardless of whether or not he demanded to be paid back, I'm sure he gave her/him the same no more gifts/loans spiel that he gave his family.

Good possibility of that. However, the source was a family member, wasn't it? Regardless of whether that person was responsible for a crime, or merely trying to protect their "interests" (keeping a hand on their share of the pie), they have a pretty big motive for laying the blame on the barber and her husband. I wouldn't believe them regardless of which was the case. Any criminal prosecution I would hope would rely on witnesses who were not family members.
Good possibility of that. However, the source was a family member, wasn't it? Regardless of whether that person was responsible for a crime, or merely trying to protect their "interests" (keeping a hand on their share of the pie), they have a pretty big motive for laying the blame on the barber and her husband. I wouldn't believe them regardless of which was the case. Any criminal prosecution I would hope would rely on witnesses who were not family members.
The barber was cleared by the police. I just don't know if we can talk about her, because of that.
So, I was trying to move beyond the family, and barber. I'm stuck lol His circle wasn't large, and I don't think that's uncommon for a man his age.

The blog by Paul Estes (link above) is pretty good, and whichever fam member hired the PI is definitely cleared, IMO, because it's nonsense to believe she would hire a PI to implicate herself.

This may very well turn out to be the first couple that were cleared. I really detest that as an outcome. It's just so diabolical, as to be unbelievable.
The msm which stated the BL and her husband were cleared was dated October 9, 2009.

Vanished: Millionaire newlywed, 81, still missing – Orange County Register

Subsequent msm from 2017 indicates otherwise. BL is still mentioned as having borrowed or been given large sums of Bob's money.

Vanished: Orange County's Most Infamous Cold Cases | Bob Harrod

Two ‘persons of interest’ in 2009 disappearance of Placentia millionaire arrested, later released – Orange County Register

Two people were recently detained and released and msm indicates the two detainees were not family, but we're "associates" of Bob's.

It wouldn't be the first time someone's ironclad alibi fell apart. I'm going to ask the mods to take another look based on the most recent msm and advise on how to proceed with regards to the BL and her husband.
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“While it’s nice to have a body in a case like this, it’s not a necessity,” Montgomery says. “You can always bring witnesses into court to show that the person was responsible and that there’s no way he’d simply disappear—unless he was dead.

Vanished: Orange County's Most Infamous Cold Cases | Bob Harrod

The person/s responsible for disappearing Bob should take note of the above comment from LE. That day is coming.
What a despicable case. People with money, especially elders, seem to have a big target on their backs. Bob apparently "kept his cards close to his vest" when it came to his money, and the need to do so is abundantly clear.

This being said, Bob might have had some users orbiting around him, but it doesn't necessarily mean they were murderers. It's easy to jump to negative speculations when it comes to money and hanger-on-ers, but frankly, it sounds like the list of those with a greedy motive wasn't short.

Sadly, Bob could have probably faired much better by setting up a Conservator to assist him in his later stage of life. It's something few people investigate as an option for their later years, but should. A Conservator must demonstrate they are fulfilling their responsibilities.

Against the odds, I do think this case will be solved. The retired Detective who has his eyes on it is notoriously relentless, and gifted with these types of cases.

Amateur opinion and speculation
Name search is no longer free on the OCCA court records search, however, it's still free to search by case number.

One of the persons mentioned in MSM as an associate of Bob's was charged with elder abuse shortly after Bob's disappearance. Here is the case number for those who wish to view it. I didn't pay for the full details, maybe someone else will? Anyhoo, it's pretty clear this person has preyed on at least two elderly men.

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