CA CA - Bob Harrod, 81, Orange County, 27 July 2009 - #16

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feel free to share it where ever you feel the need- it has 3 links on it
somebody check out google earth- zoom into Placentia and let me know if you see Mr. H's BOLO flyer

I may need to tweak it, not sure if I did it right- but how cool to maybe get the BOLO flyer on there!
thanks Spicy- will add that one to me list

gotta work on the TV stations too:) anybody know a good reporter out yonder?
Hi! guests!! ya wanna help? go share the FB links and/or flyer
Get the word out!

Everybody get together
Try to find Mr. Harrod
Right now
Hi! guests!! ya wanna help? go share the FB links and/or flyer
Get the word out!

Everybody get together
Try to find Mr. Harrod
Right now

Yay for renewed interest in finding Mr. Harrod!!
hmm....well Mr H got reported missing, wth did they think was gonna happen? Shrug, oh well? And wasn't there some welfare check by LE that night? Like, duh?

This is really starting to hiss me off. It's not like a freaking shoe got lost.

I think that is exactly what the family thought and hoped would happen: a police report, maybe a paragraph in the local paper and then forgotten forevermore.

If it weren't for Fontelle, that is probably what would have happened. The elderly in this country that disappear are often forgotten pretty quickly. The assumption is that they were no longer mentally competent, wandered away and died of exposure in some hidden spot.

I doubt anyone, particularly LE, would have heard about the fight the night before if Bob hadn't told Fontelle about it. Without that little piece of information, LE would not have had any reason to think there was something particularly suspicious about Bob's disappearance.
I have been a little busy today. it possible someone out there is messing about with the search for Bob, on the VERY day he went missing four years ago?

I really hope not. I hate people picking on me, but I hate even more, people who can't speak for themselves being picked on.

Plus, someone I'm personally quite fond of has worked hard to help make this a big day in the search for Bob. While not being 100 per cent. Or even 50 per cent, really.

This is Bob's day. Leave him alone, whoever you are.
I think that is exactly what the family thought and hoped would happen: a police report, maybe a paragraph in the local paper and then forgotten forevermore.

If it weren't for Fontelle, that is probably what would have happened. The elderly in this country that disappear are often forgotten pretty quickly. The assumption is that they were no longer mentally competent, wandered away and died of exposure in some hidden spot.

I doubt anyone, particularly LE, would have heard about the fight the night before if Bob hadn't told Fontelle about it. Without that little piece of information, LE would not have had any reason to think there was something particularly suspicious about Bob's disappearance.

So much depends on the family, doesn't it? Having a heartbroken husband/wife/child/grandchild out there, can make all the difference. A person might be able to ignore a senior who has wandered off, and doesn't have a voice any more - but ignoring their child, pleading for feet on the ground to help find their much-loved and treasured Dad, or Mom?

On that topic - I cannot find a single thing online from Bob's three daughters, son-in-law or adult grandson, regarding his fourth missing anniversay. Yet Bob's youngest daughter JuM said her son was a computer genius, didn't she? And Bob loaned him hundreds of thousands of dollars. And his Dad was the last known person to see Bob.

Surely those three could come up with something to mark the missing anniversary today, or some info to help with the search?
hmm....well Mr H got reported missing, wth did they think was gonna happen? Shrug, oh well? And wasn't there some welfare check by LE that night? Like, duh?

This is really starting to hiss me off. It's not like a freaking shoe got lost.

BBM - Or a dog...

Well if anyone is as adventurous as I am, maybe you , TOO, would like to try emailing any of the MSM contacts in the list on the link below

A nice friendly email , reminding them that Robert Harrod is still missing and wouldn't they just love the opportunity to remind the public and let them know how they can help? You can always include the facebooks & website, and even tell'em to contact the detective. Maybe if enough people start requesting MSM to take note, a new story will get done!

( i am not 100% certain all the contacts on the link are up to date, but FWIW going ahead and posting it here)

For example, this is what I am sending out

To whom it may concern-
Robert Harrod is missing from Placentia, 7/27/09 ...He is STILL missing and the media seems to have forgotten him. Can you help revive the interest of the public so they might assist in locating him??
There is a small, yet dedicated group of people who are trying to revive interest in Mr. Harrod's case.
Please see the following FB- there is good info on there about his case, and attempts at creating awareness, and some flyers.
Maybe you could feature this flyer on the news and/or online?
Please consider contacting Det.David Radomski with Placentia PD @714-993-8176, in order to aid you in creating a NEW story about Mr. Harrod.
Thank you for any assistance you might be able to offer in renewing interest so that Robert Harrod might finally be 'brought home'.
I would say that is an all hands on deck, hmm sre? I will participate for sure. We have an organized, targeted approach going on here to try and recover Mr Harrod or recover items associated with his disappearance. It is going really well and it is a great way to honor this man on the 4th anniversary of his disappearance.
Hey believe!
Yes...I am going to see if I can get a better email list together- some of the ones up there^ didn't go through, so I will work on putting that together

Yes there seems to be a real team effort...EVERYTHING counts no matter how big or I got no clue what I am doing, but by jove I am doing it!!
Had one Hiccup today, BUT I think that has been resolved...there is more than one way to skin a cat

It Couldn’t Be Done
by Edgar Albert Guest

Somebody said that it couldn’t be done,
But, he with a chuckle replied
That "maybe it couldn’t," but he would be one
Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried.
So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin
On his face. If he worried he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn’t be done, and he did it.

Somebody scoffed: "Oh, you’ll never do that;
At least no one has done it";
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat,
And the first thing we knew he’d begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit,
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn’t be done, and he did it.

There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure;
There are thousands to point out to you one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.
But just buckle it in with a bit of a grin,
Just take off your coat and go to it;
Just start to sing as you tackle the thing
That "couldn’t be done," and you’ll do it.
So much depends on the family, doesn't it? Having a heartbroken husband/wife/child/grandchild out there, can make all the difference. A person might be able to ignore a senior who has wandered off, and doesn't have a voice any more - but ignoring their child, pleading for feet on the ground to help find their much-loved and treasured Dad, or Mom?
person to see Bob.


What is particularly infuriating is that Bob's disappearance was getting the sort of media response that many families of missing people would sacrifice important body parts to get. So many times when someone disappears in this country, it doesn't get a single MSM mention. Nada. The families of the ignored missing try to get someone interested in their story and too many times it just doesn't matter.

If my loved one went missing in the last week, I'd be tempted to snip Anthony Weiner's most prominent body part off because in most cases it takes a slow news day for a missing person's story to get picked up by the MSM. If I had a missing loved one, I'd be distraught and furious that the media were focusing on what Mr Weiner showed to whom was being focused on instead of my loved one.
I am going to point you to one of the case summaries we have available on WS:


It is a cliff note version of the details sleuthers have gathered from a number of resources.
I think one thing should be added to that summary, as the info wasn't available when it was compiled. About Bob asking his daughter to find Fontelle, long before Fontelle began looking for him.
That would be the third change I asked mods to make, but the other two were a long time ago, and it does seem pretty important in showing there was mutual remembering and affection.
It would ruin the "Fontelle is only after Bob's money" fable. The truth does that to fables ;)

That would be the third change I asked mods to make, but the other two were a long time ago, and it does seem pretty important in showing there was mutual remembering and affection.
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