CA - Child *advertiser censored* charges against John Mark Karr dismissed

shopper said:
I did. Did you? Thoughts?

I missed all but the first few minutes. After reading the transcript, I am glad Ablow did the hidden camera thing (even though I question the legality of showing anything from it on TV without permission). We need to know what we are dealing with and if this keeps Karr from teaching again, I'm all for it.

I'm afraid he's about to skip the country.
nanandjim said:
I believe that he will go back to a place out of the country with which he is familiar. It would not surprise me if he ends up in a place where the people are poor and uneducated. This will give him a great opportunity to molest little girls without the worry of being prosecuted.

I agree - he's just disgusting!

I still don't understand this guy though. Is it common for a pedophile to get a sex change and go on to molest little girls?
DID ANYone see him talking about foot fetishes? he said he had fetishes too, kind of stumbled his speech and then showed a "foot about this big". his hands measured a child's foot. i was stunned
Hi Kelly, Good to see you!

I saw that and it was unbelievable to me he would say this. I think he had a drink in his hand for that encounter with Ablow, which was filmed several weeks before the last formal interview.

This is what Karr said to Albow in the LKL link on the previous page, and while saying the last few words in this clip he held out his hands to a measurement the size of a childs foot:

" . .ABLOW: There are people who are into feet...

KARR: OK, well...

ABLOW: ...whose energy is focused on their feet, sexual energy. KARR: I know that. I'm like that. I've got some of that in me myself but not for anyone but feet that are about that small

Positively SICKO!

hi scandi....

karr claimed on LKL that he was plied with alcohol prior to that interview - i wonder if they shoved it down his throat?

speaking of which, did you hear him talking about a child putting their tongue in his mouth? i got the total CREEPS
I don't understand the fascination here with Karr, this thread is nearly 6 pages long.
He's just a nutcase that had nothing to do with JonBenet Ramsey's death, why the interest?

Crawl back into your hole Karr, noone gives a hoot what you think about anything.
scandi said:
What I learned today from Ablows show was from the panel which I thought was great. A person's lineage, going back generation, can be studied to see tendancies that can be passed on to a new child. I never thought of it like that, as the Dr said because his mother was crazy crazy, Karr probably has inherited a mental illness or imbalance from her.

So it made me wonder, gee, what if that mother had 6 kids. Would they all be affected by this?

Also I learned, if something in a persons life has been very hard for them in some aspect, they might block it out and it might take an opposite effect. For instance if a child has always had a hard time earning money and grew up in a family where he had everything, a rich family, this child might have no real appreciation for money and if he inherits money could simply blow it without control.

hey sweetie..he inherited paedophillia from her..we dont call it that enuf with women..his mother was one
narlacat said:
I don't understand the fascination here with Karr, this thread is nearly 6 pages long.
He's just a nutcase that had nothing to do with JonBenet Ramsey's death, why the interest?

Crawl back into your hole Karr, noone gives a hoot what you think about anything.
its not him per se- its a look inside the mind of a pv..but i agree- I cant see him being worth anything cuz he doesnt answer questions related to anything worth learning about..such as why a false confession.
The thread got longer because of dr ablows hidden camera-I think many people are fascinated with the mind of a pv..a real look inot the 2 ways people who are perverted present.
Hi Newtv, I agree with women, and last night Candice DeLong pointed out that few women are really pegged as pedophiliacs as they are the caregivers.

The hidden camera interview, not the most recent interview last week, is the one where I think he had a bit to drink. Ablow was very clever in not seperating the two seperate interviews turned into the one total Karr episode when he was asked by Larry if his staff plied Karr with alcohol. He did mention the hidden camera shots were taken about a month ago though. And technicly Ablow was right. Should he have qualified the other hidden camera part of the show? I don't know, but I'm thinking Larry assumed they had been done on the same day which they weren't.

scandi said:
Hi Newtv, I agree with women, and last night Candice DeLong pointed out that few women are really pegged as pedophiliacs as they are the caregivers.

The hidden camera interview, not the most recent interview last week, is the one where I think he had a bit to drink. Ablow was very clever in not seperating the two seperate interviews turned into the one total Karr episode when he was asked by Larry if his staff plied Karr with alcohol. He did mention the hidden camera shots were taken about a month ago though. And technicly Ablow was right. Should he have qualified the other hidden camera part of the show? I don't know, but I'm thinking Larry assumed they had been done on the same day which they weren't.

I cant see how anything ablow did was legal or ethical, but he said it is in forensics - I grant him that possibility.
I dont care though, this guy needs to be exposed just so we all realizes the 2 faces of could easily be tricked by the face of sanity that these guys have..I actually think of scott peterson..I mean can u imagine what it would be like to have him on video when he did not know he was being watched..I bet he has some pretty ugly places he goes to when provoked ..meaning when he thinks someone made him do it..I bet he has the eyes and mouth of a monster.
narlacat said:
I don't understand the fascination here with Karr, this thread is nearly 6 pages long.
He's just a nutcase that had nothing to do with JonBenet Ramsey's death, why the interest?

Crawl back into your hole Karr, noone gives a hoot what you think about anything.
If I may Narlacat, are you kidding? There are over 4 billion people on the planet Earth and as of Tuesday (so they say) 300 million of them are Americans. JMK is the only human I know of who confessed on television in front of the world that he was responsible for one of the most famous cold case murders in history.
On top of that his only reason for being released as a suspect is because his DNA is not a match. Of course no one is even sure this DNA is really the killers. His family, so sure of pictures and video of JMK at home during that time period were never able to produce such evidence. To be honest we still don't know where JMK was on December 25, 1996. I'm willing to admit that JMK is a long shot (pretty much no shot) at best but I know that the RDI side must have lost at least one nights sleep while JMK was confessing on nation wide TV.
i.b.nora said:
This morning was the first time I have ever watched the Ablow show, and it will be the last time.

Four hours of interview in the middle of the night.
A one hour show.
15 minutes devoted to commercials.
Less than 10 minutes total of highly edited snippets of actual interview. Some of which were done with a hidden camera.
That leaves 35 minutes of opinions and what Ablow says he said and a couple of audience questions.

I thought the Dr Phil show was bad, and it is, but this was pathetic. (my opinion)
I haven't seen the interview on TV yet (was at work the first time it was on) and I believe it's supposed to be re-run on Oct. 23. I did find a link to Ablow's website, and thought I'd be able to watch the interview there ~ at least that's what the site inferred. Well, it is in four parts, only a couple of minutes each. So, according to what you've just posted, that is the entire interview which was broadcast. Why, then, was Karr there for four hours? And what does Ablow have on the rest of the film? I can see where Karr believes he was tricked if he's referring to the hidden camera, and the heavy editing which may have taken some of his answers out of context.
Actually, Ablow's appearance on Larry King Live show on Tuesday night, was much more informative and interesting than Ablow's own show was. They also showed more clips from the interview. I still don't care for Ablow much but this was an interesting hour.
Here is the transcript from Larry's show:
Inside the Mind of John Mark Karr

And, in the news today:
Cleared JonBenet suspect back in Atlanta
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 10/20/06

"The man brought back from Thailand as a suspect in the murder of 6-year-old beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey is back in Atlanta, and his new neighbors are uneasy about his presence.

John Mark Karr, cleared by DNA tests as a suspect in JonBenet's 1996 death and freed of child *advertiser censored* charges in a California case earlier this month, is at his father's house in the Chastain Park neighborhood, not too far from Chastain Park.

At the park on Friday morning, parents watching their children play were discussing e-mails about Karr that are circulating through the neighborhood.

"I can't believe he's not in jail or under an indictment, which is frightening," said Beth Marshall, 34, who lives about three miles south of Chastain Park. "I don't want him here."

On Thursday, the president of the Chastain Park Civic Association sent an email to association members about Karr's presence in the neighborhood.

"This is to let you know that John Mark Karr has moved into his father's home on Merlendale Drive NW just south of Mount Paran Road in North Chastain Park. Also, Merlendale Drive is approximately three blocks north of the Chastain Park playground. As you may recall there have been many published reports in newspapers on Mr. Karr relating to incidents in Colorado, California, and Thailand."

Association president Jim King confirmed Friday that he had sent the email. He said he did it after two days of overwhelming calls and e-mails from neighbors who had seen Karr walking on his father's property and around the neighborhood.

"It is not our role to have a say in who lives or does not live in our neighborhood," King said. "Our sole goal is to create citizen awareness in our community and that's exactly what we did.""

There is more...
>KARR: Well, there are some -- there are some very unethical circumstances surrounding that and I want you to know that I consider this to be my first sit-down interview with my permission where I have -- I've of sound mind and I'm sitting before a person that I respect. And, I consider this to be my first true interview.<

LOL!! Oh the poor baby! Now he has just a small taste of how a little girl must feel when her trust has been betrayed in the most base and vile way. Karr worried about "unethical circumstances"???? Pot, meet kettle.

He is a pediophile and they usually do not believe that what they are doing is wrong. That is why they are so dangerous. No conscience.
Hmmmmm Out walking around the neighborhood :eek:

I think he is daft and has no compunction as to how he came across through the interviews with Larry King and Ablow. At least this neighborhood was warned, most likely by these shows, and if I lived there and had a little girl, I would watch her like a mother hawk!

It still frosts my brain that he jumped out of that limo before they could stop him and ran to the window of the girls school and peeked in. Daft, pure and simple, and a great danger to any little girl who crosses his path!

What are the odds? The little town (of about 1800 families)of Hamilton AL, where JMK spent his teenage years, has 18 registered sex offenders. Is that a record percentage? Is there something in the water? Mr. Karr is NOT a registered sex offender..... apparently he just talks like one on TV.
Wow - 1 for every 1000 families. By some stats, that means every single family in that town has a victim...

oops, that's for pedophiles - hmmm - registered sex offenders here. So, is that the usual misleading title used for the kids who were caught urinating in the bushes after a drunken party? Or are these real sex offenders - rapists, pedophiles, etc.
Wow - 1 for every 1000 families. By some stats, that means every single family in that town has a victim...
It's even worse, it's one for every 100 familes. Yikes!

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