GUILTY CA - Dr. William Ayres for child molestation, San Mateo, 2007 #2

Note that one of Marshall's alleged victims - this one a female- wrote a comment yesterday here under the globaltoronto news report:

as a female victim of dr marshall im telling you he needs to be punished for what he did...its not right, was taking advantage of kids like myself...People need to know the truth...just because he is a doctor doesnt mean he cant do something like this...BECAUSE HE HAS and i will be in court to fight and make sure he is punished....
There are some brave victims out there who are trying to piece their lives together after these kinds of betrayals...
Personally, I don't think there's an increase at all in pedophilia within the medical profession. This crime was probably why medical training includes the caveat, "First, do no harm". It really should be included in the Hippocratic Oath, IMO.

I think that awareness programs and the growing openness between children and their parents is finally filtering down in our society. Kids are just not as willing as they once were to accept this gross behavior. I have to believe that school, contemporary youth novels, and even the media are playing a part. Kids pay attention. I couldn't be more pleased.
I am VERY impressed that the eleven year old boy in the Dr. Marshall case in Hamilton Ontario took his complaint to the police IMMEDIATELY. Brave boy. The police are saying now that new complaints have come in because of news reports about the complaints.

The only quibble I have with the Marshall case is that they only put his bail at $10,000.
I, too, get very sick and tired of the insipid release agreements. My head is still spinning from reading that when Bernie Ward bailed, he was allowed to go back home and to continue driving his children to school. His victims!!???? WTH? Talk about witness tampering.

The Kansas sheriff, Mike Akins, who is accused of sexually abusing his girlfriend's children was allowed to move into a home near their school. The judge said, "The less contact, the better." I don't get it. Do judges not realize that every "sighting" is traumatic? How about "no contact PERIOD"?

And I want to stop a second and recognize that boy's bravery. I know exactly how hard those words are to say. It's like jumping off the high dive with a blindfold. Children have so real sense as to how adults are going to react. We really must recognize these strong children as they are the real heros. They save others from their fate.

We have a little girl, here in Ashland, who told her parents about sexual abuse immediately after it happened this week. Police now say that other children are undoubtedly involved. I applaud her bravery too. I think what happens is that pedophiles get sloppy in their work and choose the wrong victim--one who will not be silenced.

For every child strong enough to tell right away, though, there must be thousands who are intimidated, scared, or disbelieved.
I do think public awareness programs and possibly school-related programs are teaching children very clearly what is wrong touching and what to do about it. I think more parents are speaking to their children about touching and making sure their children know that it is okay to tell. At least that is my overall impression.

Still, it requires bravery on the part of the child to talk about something so personal and traumatic. It is so important to reach children with the message. There has been a tidal wave of adult survivors coming forward in recent years. If we empower children to come forward immediately the abuse can at least be minimized, rather than continuing for many years of their childhoods.
I think in particular when it comes to pediatricians and child psychiatrists, there isn't enough educating by parents about child abuse.
Ayres got away with his abuse not just by intimidating by the victims but also by saying"This is normal. I'm a doctor." If a nine year old boy has not been told beforehand that it is not normal for a doctor to be undressing them in therapy and then masturbating them to ejaculation as well as digital penetration, how would the boys know? Ayres would tell them that he had a television sex ed series and that this was all part of sex ed-- teaching them to masturbate.

Delaware has just passed a law as part of the "Bradley Bills" which states that every child 15 and under who is being given a physical exam by a doctor MUST have a chaperon in the room.

This should be a law in both the US and Canada. Doesn't appear to me that there's such a law in the province of Ontario.
I hope that will change with the high coverage of the Dr. Bradley case. Hopefully, parents will see that story and re-think allowing their children to be alone with any medical professional.
Let's not forget that the crazy NJ school psychologist, James Krivacska, actually wrote sex abuse awareness curriculum and theory with John Money. He's still writing on the subject while sitting in prison. I find that appalling. Here's our thread on him:

Dr. James Krivacska/Sexology expert and author/convicted child molester - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Just as is almost always the case, Krivakcska had some very valid points. He said that we were teaching children about bad touch/good touch and neglecting to validate sensual or sexual feelings that children might have. I'm all on board for many of his theories. Problem is that he's a darned pedophile. I have a tendency to discount most of what pedophiles say.

Same thing with Carleton Gajdusek. Who knows how much of this brilliant but sick man's work is truly valid (as much of it was done while he was raping little boys).

We could go on and on and on. I have no doubt in my mind that even Earl Bradley made some remarkable calls and saved some lives. That's the conundrum we find ourselves in. Discount it all or pick and choose?

Also ran across this. Any new names?
The above link has a database!!

"De-registered, even criminally charged and jailed psychiatric professionals can skip states, even countries and continue practicing. Some of the most infamous mental health criminals continue to "care" for the most vulnerable in society by simply changing cities or countries.

Because of this, the following database is being presented as a public interest service to law enforcement agencies, health care fraud investigators, immigration offices, international police agencies, medical and psychological licensing boards, and the general public.

It is a list of convicted mental health practitioners reported to CCHR International since 1990. It is, by far, an incomplete list and does not include all cases reported to law enforcement agencies or the courts...."

more at link (there's 1012 people listed!!!)

Did we know about this????

Second go round. I'm not finding much. I plugged in all the names I know and nothing came back. Anyone have any luck?
Missizzy: On that list you posted is a Stephen Viola. I was aware that he had his license revoked in Missouri and Michigan and was a registered sex offender. But look at this - he just got busted again in another state - Colorado for practicising without a license. These guys never learn! Excerpt from news story from Daily Sentinel:

Non-licensed psychologist runs afoul of state board

By Dennis Webb
Friday, May 14, 2010

Regulators have issued a cease and desist order against a St. Louis psychologist believed to have practiced in Colorado without a state license, as he also faces local scrutiny for reportedly being a registered sex offender in Missouri and Michigan.

The Colorado State Board of Psychologist Examiners issued the order against Dr. Stephen Gerard Viola, who Aspen police investigator Walter Chi believes is a sex offender who has consulted with parents and children in the Roaring Fork Valley.

Chris Lines, spokesman for the state Department of Regulatory Agencies, said the department acted as soon as it learned that Viola might have practiced without a license in Colorado.

The state order says there is credible evidence Viola was practicing in Colorado between May and November 2008. It says Viola waived his right to a hearing and voluntarily agreed to abide by the order not to practice without a Colorado license.

It doesn’t refer to his reported sex-offender status, which stems from offenses committed Feb. 18, 1998. Michigan’s registry says Viola, 44, was convicted July 24 of that year on two counts of accosting children for immoral purposes. Missouri’s registry indicates the victims were boys, ages 9 and 10.

Read more here:
MissIzzy: Someone just posted info yesterday on Dr. Roger Levin on another forum. I believe it is from Summer Arce, who had the Bay Area's Most Dangerous Men website four years ago and then disappeared.

Two new comments on the "Dr. Roger Levin -- Looking For Victims" Palo Alto forum on Topix:

Redbook Mod

Roseville, CA

Tuesday Jul 27 is plagued with child molesters, stalkers and very bad individuals. The good people that are just there to have a little fun as consensual adults that try to exterminate the criminals are faced with a very harsh reality.
The owner of the site is himself a low life scum bag. The entire thing should be shut down. Levin is one of many who troll the place for victims.
Read this, the guy uses the handle Yomon001, now using Manwhore69.
He makes his living photographing underage girls and managing their online accounts on .
I've done my best as a moderator on the site to weed out these people but with an owner that harbors these criminals it's very hard to get rid of them.

Marcus Welby

Mountain View, CA

8 hrs ago

That's my name when I comment in the Medical Forum on . You people all need a good rectal exam. You'll never catch me. You already tried and failed, so give it up. I'm way too smart for you and all my victims are gutless wimps.

That's what he's thinking. Somebody stop him.
Oh Lord, Mercyneal. It surely sounds like her and is the strongest outcry possible for the victims. Why won't she go to LE? Can't she be promised protection and/or immunity?

I guess there's the possibility that a troll is using his name but I doubt it. So, he has absolutely NO probation officer or control at all? It sounds very much like the lunatics ARE indeed running the asylum and the children are suffering.

This confirms something we'd wondered about. This woman is still involved in the site and has tried to keep it clean. I imagine it's like trying to clean a cesspool.
Levin's ex-wife told me in 2006 that Levin is no longer on probation.

I know Summer was working as a site moderator four years ago. She must still be.

I forwarded these recent posts of Summer's to San Mateo sex crimes detective Jackie Chong in the Sheriff's office and Sgt Bryan Raffaelli as well.

I know Summer used to moderate the "My Pink Book" on sfredbook. It's a discussion and advice thread for prostitutes. As I said, I believe Summer is still very much involved in sfredbook and perhaps that's why she is funneling the information out on Levin to others in the hopes that the Sheriff's will pick up on it. They have, but they need her to come forward. The rest of us can only do so much.
Thank MercyNeal for the update. I got only one response from sending out feelers on Levin and a Palo Alto pathologist said he disappeared and went "underground" - so most people he used to deal with professionally are not even aware he's still slumming for victims. He's a sick SOB. I hope the Sheriff's office will take this seriously. Can we start a petition so they will investigate? Surely they can get some cybersnoops in there as paid informants. They need to get some probable cause and search his place with a warrant and send him back to prison.
Did anyone notice the above link above in Mercyneal's post. It didn't work for me so I went to Topix and opened it. Here it is:

It's an article about Paul Yoshi Moore by Serene Branson. He was investigated for taking underage photos of girls for Craigslist and Myredbook.

We have reason to believe that he might have photographed our daughter. When he was busted, though, our daughter had just turned 18. We think she'd been spirited up and down I-5, though, for months before her birthday when she was supposed to be at work. We had no reason to doubt her work hours at the time as it was all part of a school run transition program and thus she was not paid. My husband would drop her off at the nursing home she worked at, she walked in, said hi, waited for us to leave, and got picked up. We wouldn't see her for 6-8 hours even though our house was only about 4 blocks from the nursing home.

It was only much later, when LE was investigating, that things didn't add up. When her cell phone bills came in, fully categorized and were examined, it was clear. I have no doubt that she's crossed one of these horrid guys' paths. I doubt if Levin would like her as she's got a heck of a figure and is African American. I don't think she fits his style. Not sure about Moore.

Any idea how difficult it is to sign in under other people's screen names on Topix or to change your location? I note that "Astroglide", a screen name used by Levin on myredbook, is used by someone on Topix calling for victims to step forward. It's very confusing and I can see why victims are hesitant.
Yet another. You might want to take a look at the thread I just started concerning former Dr. Adam Lebowitz.
Thank MercyNeal for the update. I got only one response from sending out feelers on Levin and a Palo Alto pathologist said he disappeared and went "underground" - so most people he used to deal with professionally are not even aware he's still slumming for victims. He's a sick SOB. I hope the Sheriff's office will take this seriously. Can we start a petition so they will investigate? Surely they can get some cybersnoops in there as paid informants. They need to get some probable cause and search his place with a warrant and send him back to prison.
Denny Crane


Thanks, Denny. I will forward to the Sheriff's office.

Back in 2006, some people tipped off the Menlo Park police about Levin. According to sources, the police paid him a visit. According to sources, Levin was so rattled that he hired a lawyer. But so far nothing has happened.

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