GUILTY CA - Dr. William Ayres for child molestation, San Mateo, 2007 #2

Mark Klaas made an appearance in support of the mother of a molestation victim who is suing the San Mateo District Attorney's office for dropping her case without telling her. They are also claiming fraud by prosecutor Melissa Mckowan, who is also the prosecutor on the Dr. Ayres case.

Crime Victims of California United which supports the victim and her mother
would like to hear from others who had their child molestation cases dropped by the San Mateo District Attorney's office without being informed and without being given a reason and any other fraudulent incidents by prosecutor Melissa Mckowan.

Yet another mother of a victim in addition to the family who is suing the DA showed up at the press conference today in Redwood City. She just contacted Crime Victims of California United this week and made an appearance at the press conference today in front of the Redwood City courthouse.

The organization is asking others with similar experiences with the DA's office to contact them:
Contact Us

Crime Victims United of California

11400 Atwood Rd.
Auburn, CA 95603
Phone: 530-885-9544
Fax: 530-885-4608
Nothing but nothing will bring about change more quickly than a strong connection with a strong crime victims advocacy group. Crime Victims United of Oregon changed our lives.

When it works best is when a particular case "fits the bill" for some sort of legislation that the advocacy group is working on. However, multiple victims speaking out on the same subject can turn the tide too. Has this advocacy group worked with Ayres' victims in the past?
No, the group has not worked with Ayres victims in the past. But Victoria Balfour an advocate for the Ayres victims had trouble with this same prosecutor, Melissa Mckowan during the Ayres trial last year. After receiving assurances from Mckowan's boss, Steve Wagstaffe, that she could attend the trial and would not be called as a witness for either side, Balfour flew from New York to California to attend the trial. But during the first day of pre-trial hearings, when Mckowan saw Balfour, she walked over to her angrily and in a very hostile manner asked what she was doing there. Angrily, she said that if Ayres' lawyer saw Balfour, he would subpoena her. The kicker: turns out Ayres lawyer had no idea what Balfour looked like and had no intention of calling her. It was Mckowan for whatever strange reasons did not want her in the courtroom. It was Mckowan who went out of her way to point out Balfour, the advocate to Ayres' lawyer in the trial, and Ayres' lawyer asked that she leave as she might be a possible witness. The prosecutor could have asked for proof that he was going to call her as a witness but she did not and did not object. Balfour had to get lawyers to get herself back into the courtroom. When one of the lawyers contacted Mckowan to say they were going to try to get Balfour back in, the prosecutor, who would not have been trying the case had it not been for Balfour, was very hostile to the idea of having Balfour in the courtroom. Balfour eventually was allowed back in, thanks to the work of three pro-bono lawyers. And oddly, when she did get back in - Mckowan - who had objected and was hostile to having her in the courtroom all along actually had the audacity to walk over to Balfour and ask her to look over Ayres' very long resume -many pages long- and asked to check it to see "if it was OK." This was five minutes before Mckowan was going to cross examine Ayres on the witness stand. The prosecutor never checked Ayres' resume herself. Unbelievably unprofessional behavior. Balfour spoke to Mckowan's boss Steve Wagstaffe, who promised he would speak to her after the trial. Does not appear that he did. The San Mateo DA seems incompetent and suffers from bad management at the top.

Here's a piece from Huffington Post last year on the prosecutor's actions: The prosecutor's actions were also discussed on former prosecutor Robin Sax's radio show. Apparently prosecutors and defense lawyers often collude in banning people from the courtroom in unfair exclusionary witness practices. Balfour was never called by Ayres' lawyer to testify.

Here are two news stories about the rally yesterday, which Mark Klaas attended: group: Reinstate molestation case
I am furious after reading those links. I want to know why Melissa McKowan still has job. I want to know who the hell she thinks she is to treat Ms. Balfour like that. I want to know why she failed to adequately prosecute Ayres the first time. I want to know just what side she is on. She is clearly not interested in seeking justice for the victims of child sexual abuse. Shame on her.
Do you know who the prosecutor for Ayres is now? Do you know anything about them? Can we expect anything better this time around? I keep reading and re-reading the stuff you posted above and I was just astounded at the incompetence from this office. I am breathless with outrage that these things have been allowed to go on.
This is the trouble. The prosecutor on the Ayres case is STILL Melissa Mckowan. She never bothered to look into Ayres' training in Boston or at Yale for the first trial. She never challenged any of his statement about his training at Yale when Ayres testified. One person was so angry about this that they contacted the people at the places where Ayres trained in Boston and Yale and then tracked down people Ayres had actually trained with. They said Ayres is lying about his training, that no one was ever trained to give physical exams to boys in therapy. Yet Mckowan's whole premise in the first trial that it was standard practice for a shrink to be doing this.

A contributor named Trapellar for the Dr. William Ayres blog posted interviews done with the other doctors Ayres trained with. A mother of a victim, concerned that Mckowan had not done her job in the first trial, sent Mckowan the blog post called "Yale Debunks Ayres."

Mckowan actually posted a response UNDER HER OWN NAME. She asks if Ayres' old boss from Boston is still alive. Everyone wondered why she hadn't bothered to find this out herself - she would have found the answer instantly in a Google search. Bizarrely, Mckowan said in her post that she didn't read the blog as she had found the comments hurtful. Believe me, there was never anything hurtful in them. The Ayres bloggers went after Ayres and his lawyer.

When advocate Victoria Balfour complained to Mckowan's immediate boss, Karen Guidotti about Mckowan's post, and Guidotti said she didn't "see anything wrong" with Melissa posting. To others, it seemed bizarrely unprofessional.

Here's what prosecutor Mckowan posted on the Ayres blog:

Melissa McKowan said...

Finally, someone has found something that MIGHT actually be admissible. Although all the statements about what Solnit would and wouldn't have done are completely hearsay and likely to be inadmissible, doctors from the same time period who had the same education course and specialties MIGHT be able to talk about what they did. The info about Garner (Ayres old boss), again, is not "attributed" to anyone. You indicate that he "says" he never did/was trained to/does exams, but how do you know this? Did he personally say it? Is he still alive? Can he be called as a witness? Or is this just another "assumption" you're making based on something "someone" said. I have spoken with the "famous Boston Reporter" and while he's working on some things (which he will pass along to me) he has yet to actually find any witnesses who can testify to any of this hearsay stuff either. Unfortunately, I can not use hearsay statements. Judge Baker told ME, unlike whoever keeps talking about what their records will show, said there are no records from that time period. The reporter is trying to help to see if that's true. I know it is fashionable on the blogs to discuss your findings and then blame the DA for not discovering these things ourselves. But take my word for it, any "credible" tip that has come in has been looked into. So far, until this particular unattributed blog entry, I have never seen any "independent investigation" that has led to the discovery of an actual witness. For instance, the three (not four) Judge Baker Graduates who would allegedly have debunked Ayres' statements about being trained there--did NOT confirm to the police or the DA what it was alleged in the blogs that they would say. One told me that she had told the reporter who talked to her that she didn't know anything about Ayres and was in school later than him and that although she could say SHE was never trained to give exams, she "couldn't say for sure what his training was." That is NOT helpful. Another one refused to testify and the last one is physically unable to travel and lives in Europe. The blogs through around a lot of claims but trust me, if you have an actual tip (like what I might be seeing here in this particular entry) and you think it might lead to a witness or admissible evidence, please call me and I will be happy to talk to you about why the "evidence" either is or isn't admissible. I have let everyone know that if you come up with anything, I will certainly follow up on it. Many People have chosen to write only on these blogs which, I must say, I NEVER read becuase of the false and hurtful comments that are frequently directed at me, my office and my investigator. the only reason I read this entry today is because one of the victim's mothers sent it to me indcating it finally looked like it might have some good info. She was right. Thank you Barbara. Whoever "Trapellar" is, if you want to call me and discuss your "findings", I would be happy to talk to you. Thrilled in fact. The only thing I know for sure is that I am deeply committed to convicting Dr. Ayres for what he did to the boys/men I came to know and adore during the trial. I am also a very competitive person who HATES to lose!! That said, I invite anyone with information that they think will be useful to call me directly at the DA's office (650-363-4774) and talk to me about it. I wish you all well and I hope that I am successful in our mutual goal of convicting a horrible child molester. Thank you. Melissa McKowan, SMC DA's Office
January 29, 2010 7:12 AM
I just looked through the current Medical Forum on SF myredbook and you are correct, Levin (MarcusWelby) is still posting. Some of his advice seems to be appropriate--lots of discussion about STDs--but he also thinks it funny to minimize serious health issues. He advised one man who complained of a "provider" who had an unpleasant scent, to "take Lysol with you the next time".

For those who might ever be considering "hobbying", the occasional procurement of a prostitute, this forum is real eye opener. Talk about a total turn off. YUCK.
We might need to separate out the Levin may be worth sleuthing outside of this thread...
As someone suggested, perhaps someone should join the Sfredbook forum and find out more. I know a reporter from the Palo Alto Daily News joined in the summer of 2006 and found out things about Levin from other people there. Anyone have the stomach to join
I would offer, but don't feel I am the right person for the job. I always seem to miss important nuances that other people catch. I nominate Missizzy. She always seems to ferret out the best details and make connections that go completely over my head. If you want me to look anyway I will. I don't have the best understanding of all of these seemingly interconnected cases though. Let me know. So, just to be clear, sfredbook is some sort of prostitute clearing house? Why would Levin be posting on there?
Belinda: Roger Levin has been virtually running sfredbook for years now. He uses the prostitutes and writes reviews of them. According to sources, he has tried to blackmail some of the prostitutes by saying if they won't let him take photos of them, he will report them. This comes from Summer Arce, who first posted about Levin on 2006 on her site"Bay Area's Most Dangerous Men." Sources say that Levin may have molested the sons of prostitutes. I know for certain he had his own private forum on www.sfredbook called "Longschlong's Private Forum" in which he talks about child *advertiser censored* and the incidents in which he was alleged to have molested his young sons. Those sons reported the molestation to one of Dr. Ayres' former medical partners.

Levin is heavily involved in sfredbook, despite them trying to get him kicked off the site. The San Mateo sheriff's office is aware of that. I think they said they can't go on the site to entrap him. But don't places like the FBI do that sort of thing?

The Sheriff's office keeps asking for people to come forward with information.

I nominate Missizzy to do it as well.
Let me state for the good of WS, lol, that we are not looking for anyone to entrap anyone.

I dont think that anyone who is a survivor of or associated with sexual abuse survivors should become a member of the site. JMVHO.

The reason I thought we should break Rob Levin out of this thread is in the event there are other victims out there, they will have a clearer trail to discussion of him.
I do know that some of Levin's victims have already gone to the San Mateo Sheriff's office but their cases are all out of statute. They saw discussion forums on Levin on places like the San Mateo Daily Journal Forum and on Male Survivors.

Sources say that Levin has allegedly molested the sons of prostitutes on Redbook, and they won't come forward. Sources say that a woman who calls herself "Cleopatra" has pertinent information. Efforts to reach her have failed.
Just wanted to clarify something that prosecutor Melissa Mckowan wrote on the Ayres blog, which was posted above.

Mckowan says For instance, the three (not four) Judge Baker Graduates who would allegedly have debunked Ayres' statements about being trained there--did NOT confirm to the police or the DA what it was alleged in the blogs that they would say. One told me that she had told the reporter who talked to her that she didn't know anything about Ayres and was in school later than him and that although she could say SHE was never trained to give exams, she "couldn't say for sure what his training was." That is NOT helpful. Another one refused to testify and the last one is physically unable to travel and lives in Europe.

The reporter who dug up the names of the four people (not three)who trained with Ayres ( a year before Ayres was arrested.) and turned over the information on them was Victoria Balfour. The names of the doctors she spoke to were: Dr. Dan Ditmore; Dr. Jacqueline Amati Mehler: Dr. Stanley Walzer and Dr. Joseph Mullen. She turned over interviews and contact numbers with these doctors in person in a meeting with Captain Mike Callagy in San Mateo, California in November 2006. Captain Callagy, after reviewing them said "this would come in very handy if it ever comes to trial."
The only female doctor Balfour spoke with Dr. Jacqueline Amati Mehler - who did indeed remember Ayres - well - and said that he was in her training class. Indeed Dr. Amati Mehler remembered Ayres so well that she correctly remembered that he was from Columbus, Ohio. Dr. Amati Mehler told Balfour that all of the trainees in Boston were trained to treat " the mind only." Balfour has this in writing, in an email from Dr. Amati Mehler which she submitted to the police department and to the DA's office. Why the prosecutor would make up stuff about the female doctor (there was only one, not two) not remembering Ayres is bizarre. Mckowan then talks about another doctor who lived in Europe and couldn't travel. Ms. Mckowan is confused here. Dr. Jacqueline Amati Mehler lives in Rome and is the same doctor who remembered Ayres well. Amati Mehler is the only doctor Balfour spoke with who lives in Europe. As she was president of the International Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and travelled all around the world, we find it hard to believe that she couldn't travel. Dr. Walzer and Dr. Mullen live in Massachusetts. Dr. Dan Ditmore lives in Florida. All four doctors - Dr. Walzer, Dr. Mullen, Dr. Amati Mehler and Dr. Dan Ditmore adamantly said that they were never trained to give physicals to children at Judge Baker in Boston, where Ayres was trained. Dr. Walzer went so far as to say it was "crazy to suggest that any doctor would be trained to touch boys in therapy." Dr. Mullen was just as adamant. Dr. Ditmore said he worked in the outpatient clinic at Judge Baker when Ayres was there - whom he remembered as "uncomfortably outgoing - there was something off about it" and that he never did physicals on boys in therapy.

Balfour spent days in a medical library, going over old medical directories from the 1950s and 1960s in order to find these old training colleagues of Ayres. The DA's office should have been happy that a citizen did all that investigative work and tracked down the people who trained with Ayres. [/B] IF they think it's a cakewalk doing that sort of research, and then making cold calls to old colleagues of Ayres, well, it's not. But to have the prosecutor misrepresent what the colleagues said about Ayres is disconcerting. One former colleague of Ayres whom Balfour originally talked to in 2006 and then contacted again after the first trial in 2009 says he has no recollection of anyone contacting him from the DA's office. Sounds to many of us that the DA couldn't be bothered with the people who trained with Ayres back East. But if they had, they would have had a slam dunk case.
The prosecutor Melissa Mckowan says that Jacqueline Amati Mehler - "the last one is physically unable to travel and lives in Europe."

Amati Mehler does indeed live in Europe but in Rome, but just the year before Ayres was arrested she managed to travel to New York for a big psychoanalytic conference. And just two months before Ayres was arrested, she travelled again, to Lisbon from Rome for a conference on Incest and Pedophilia. Rome and Lisbon aren't that close.

See page 3 of this conference pamphlet. Amati Mehler was well enough to travel from Rome to Lisbon on January 27, 2007 to chair a meeting.
A lady takes a rest and she gets nominated by her friends to join myredbook. I just can't say thank you enough to all you dear people LOL. I think I'll skip the opportunity, thank you very much. I saw enough skin to last me a lifetime while looking for my daughter.

I, too, think it would be a good idea to start a Roger Levin thread. I've tried to start one on each of the perps who show up on this thread for the very reason Believe mentions. Let me see what I can find.
I would love to sleuth that creep, however, I'm in law school and I'm not sure if the State Bar found out they would really understand LOL. Needless to say I don't really have the time either but it is intriguing me to no end.

I'm really gobsmacked at the prosecutor and how lame she seems to be. I am hoping to become a prosecutor and now I'm thinking hey, of course they'll hire me because I could probably wipe the floor with her in my second year :)

There are a zillion exceptions to hearsay; I'm sure if she TRIED hard enough she could get a fraction of what she wanted to in and if she had any ferver for prosecuting this CRIMINAL Ayers, she would have investigated his background - unfreakingbelievable.
Ok, here's the newest thing. Reporter Victoria Balfour, who was concerned that none of the people Ayres trained with were asked to testify at the first trial, proceeded in the summer and fall of 2009 to track dozens of doctors in Boston and at Yale who trained with Ayres. They all said Ayres was lying about his training.

At the trial, Ayres said a certain child psychiatrist had trained him in his first year of residency at Yale to give physicals to kids. Balfour then sought out faculty at Yale, who said Ayres is lying about this.

This past April, Balfour actually managed to track down three out of the six other doctors who did their first year internship with Ayres at Yale in 1956-1957. One of these doctors went on to work in the Kennedy White House and then became Director of the National Institute of Mental Health. He told Balfour that Ayres was lying about his training and that he wanted to help the Ayres victims in any way he could. He asked that the prosecution contact him. He said that if the prosecutor wanted to become a better prosecutor, she should contact him. He also asked Balfour WHY the prosecutor had not bothered to contact people from Ayres' Yale days.

Balfour gave the name and resume of this doctor to a mother of an Ayres victim in April. The mother of the victim promptly sent it to prosecutor Melissa Mckowan. She never heard back from the prosecutor.

In June, prosecutor Melissa Mckowan told the mother of the victim that she had contacted this doctor who had trained with Ayres at Yale but he had "never called back."

Another mother of a victim heard the prosecutor say this as well.

Balfour then went back to the doctor, who said that he had never heard from the prosecutor. It is two months later. Today Balfour heard from the doctor again. He says he has still never heard from the prosecutor.

I can understand a prosecutor being overworked and not having the time to contact someone. But why lie about it and say that they had contacted the doctor and then blame him for not contacting her?

Does this sound crazy to people? Why would the prosecutor lie about this so needlessly? Thoughts?
I think this prosecutor is way out of her league and can't handle the case. She is doing massive amounts of CYA as it is patently clear to anyone paying attention that she is doing a horrible job. Her complete lack of preparedness and failure to seek witnesses is so bad it almost makes me wonder if she has been paid off to sink the case. Something stinks here.

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