CA - Elliot Rodger kills 6, injures 13 in Isla Vista, Near UC Santa Barbara, #2

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I don't know if that is actually correct. But anyhow, one would have to read it first, and it's quite long before he gets to his plan to start killing people.

It's a wonder that the email was seen so quickly. Could have been much worse, as us old folks don't necessarily check our email every 5 minutes.

The call from the therapists had to have been prompted by the video. You can't read that manifesto that quickly, in fact I'm not sure I can finish it.
It's a wonder that the email was seen so quickly. Could have been much worse, as us old folks don't necessarily check our email every 5 minutes.

The call from the therapists had to have been prompted by the video. You can't read that manifesto that quickly, in fact I'm not sure I can finish it.

ER stated that he had made other videos and posted them up on YouTube a month before the murders and held back the final "retribution" one due to having a cold or something.

So in essence, he did give the proverbial "warning shot" but apparently no one could hear it, perhaps. I don't know if he had personally e-mailed or sent the videos to people a month before the murders but they were put up on YouTube.
The radaronline article linked above says that Elliot's father was an art director on Hunger Games, when its very easy to check the IMDB and see that he was in fact the 2nd Unit Director on the film. Therefore, I am going to disregard all other info in that article regarding psychiatrists and psychologists until it is reported by a more trustworthy source.
It's a wonder that the email was seen so quickly. Could have been much worse, as us old folks don't necessarily check our email every 5 minutes.

The call from the therapists had to have been prompted by the video. You can't read that manifesto that quickly, in fact I'm not sure I can finish it.

I believe smartphones/iPads/etc would have immediately alerted them to the receipt of the emailed manifesto.

One could jump to the end quickly and bingo!

They knew a 141 page diatribe was not going to be about flowers and rainbows from this "very, very disturbed" young man. JMO
The radaronline article linked above says that Elliot's father was an art director on Hunger Games, when its very easy to check the IMDB and see that he was in fact the 2nd Unit Director on the film. Therefore, I am going to disregard all other info in that article regarding psychiatrists and psychologists until it is reported by a more trustworthy source.

Maybe he held both titles/roles?

Maybe IMDB is wrong?
It is not hard to have a child hospitalized if you have money. It is very difficult if you do not have resources. I have a child who has Bipolar. He has been hospitalized several times. The hospital is comfortable and well-staffed. There is coping-skills training and therapy and group therapy. Bipolar kids sometimes have tantrums. He becomes defiant and aggressive. He will make threats and physically attack us or else start banging his head or punching himself in the face. We can call the police and they are well-trained and kind to him. An ambulance comes and brings him to the hospital. Then they decide if he should be inpatient or outpatient. Outpatient is all day coping skills and therapy. If we, the parents want him to be inpatient, we tell them.

Presently our son is in residential treatment. It is wonderful. It is not at all scary or traumatic. He will be home in a few months. He's there to get more intensive therapy. We are not as rich as the Rodgers, but we make a good income. And yet, even with our good income we are getting tons of help from medicare. We pay for half of one month--it's not cheap, but it's doable. We will pay it off with a payment plan. The rest of his stay-- as long as we need it--is paid for by medicare entirely.

I'm sharing all of this to say that in many communities it is not hopeless at all. It's absolutely true that in many, many communities mental healthcare access is horrible--especially in rural communities. When we first had our son diagnosed it did feel overwhelming and it sometimes felt hopeless because we didn't know what was available to us. But with two educated parents, we hit Google and got to work. We live pretty close to Mayo clinic and that's where he was diagnosed. It wasn't cheap, but we didn't go bankrupt.

Where is the actual evidence that ER was being seen daily by a therapist when he was 8? This seems to be just referring to the school counselor? I haven't seen any evidence that he was actually getting any real treatment as a youth. But I could have missed it--I cant keep up!

I also didn't hear that he had been on any meds as a youth. It is imperative to start meds early to decrease the symptoms (how great it would have been if ER's obsessive/intrusive thoughts had been under control when he was in high school through meds) and to teach compliance so that when he became an adult he would take his meds. ER was supposed to take risperdal. That was the first med my son was prescribed and it worked wonders (he had intrusive thoughts, bloody/violent visions)--but my son needed more than just risperdal. Taking riseprdal alone when you're in your late teens with these kinds of symptoms is not intensive intervention.

I am not blaming the parents. I am a parent with a kid who has scary symptoms. BUT it's just hugely important if you have a kid like this, not to be in denial. I don't think my child would ever do something like this, but the minute I find a violent picture in his journal or the minute he shares that he's had some recurring bloody image in his head--I am on it! We don't ever dismiss these symptoms. ER was definitely sharing his symptoms with many people. How often did he express his hatred for so many others? If my kid was repeatedly expressing hatred or entitlement I would be on it. In fact, one of the dangers of having a child with a mental illness is that sometimes families will tip-toe around the child and cater to them and then create a secondary problem with narcissism. This happened to my dad who is also bipolar and narcissistic because everyone always gave in to his tantrums.

I bring up these things in hopes that if there are families struggling they will be encouraged to seek resources just as soon as it becomes evident that there is a problem. There is help out there and often the hospital is the way to get it fastest. Early intervention is super important. You can have your older child hospitalized for "tantrums"--screaming, biting, hitting etc. (I'm not talking about age-appropriate younger child tantrums). ER describes having tantrums as a teen and could have been hospitalized for that. JMO
thanks isn't enough, song22..and I wish you the best in your diligent approach to helping your son and your loved ones.

The radaronline article linked above says that Elliot's father was an art director on Hunger Games, when its very easy to check the IMDB and see that he was in fact the 2nd Unit Director on the film. Therefore, I am going to disregard all other info in that article regarding psychiatrists and psychologists until it is reported by a more trustworthy source.

IMDB if you look up the mother she was a nurse on movie sets ,that is how she got him in to the premieres that they attended. If you look at the second wifes IMDB it has nothing about her being on the Housewife show but she was on it. JMO

Elliot’s father questioned the autism diagnosis and stated in his own sworn declaration, “Though Li Chin Rodger claims in her court documents that Elliot is a high functioning autistic child, I was not involved in any prior evaluation of Elliot. Li Chin did not inform me about any evaluation of Elliot. This disturbed me greatly. I am now in the process of having Elliot evaluated by a child psychiatrist. Li Chin Rodger has agreed to be a part of the process.”
They took it down - any master computer people get save it screeshot it record whatever it ??

Also I just thought this was cool

you can rent a bunch of others to! i got to this website casue I am not on Facebook (think it twitter have messed up this generations abiliy to have a interaction with one anohter!) and when I say the pic of the Katy Perry thing I thought that does not look like a private concert, maybe he was pretending Katy performed for him. I was astounded that you can rent a superstar.

Also if any of you have any facebook pics other than these in the link below it would be great to post them these were intersting to me!
I'm on page 113. Where have I heard the name Dr. Charles Sophy before? Is he a Dr. Phil connection? Isn't he on that show sometimes?
I'm on page 113. Where have I heard the name Dr. Charles Sophy before? Is he a Dr. Phil connection? Isn't he on that show sometimes?
He is a part time TV celebrity doctor and I think he is the City of Los Angeles official shrink or something like that. I think he was hired by Bravo as therapist for Taylor Armstrong on Housewives of Beverly Hills.
BBM: That's not true, Flutter. He confided in quite a few friends his alarming anger and devious plans to some other young men. He scared his stepmother enough that she wanted him out, asap at age 18. He even then would still come over, open the door unannounced and just drop a jar on the floor and leave.
We haven't heard of significant torturing to animals (and we might, we just might) or what his caretakers, siblings have to say.
ER admitted to soaking passerbys a few times.
He tried to throw women off a ledge at a party.
He (probably falsely) caused a citizens arrest of one of his roommies over candles.
He played his music extra loud to get his roommies aggravated.
He made oddball videos a month before he went on his threatened rampage but delayed taking action due to a cold.

We are just touching the tip of the iceberg when it comes to ER. I believe there will be some Titanic moments albeit the fear of lawsuits and counter-lawsuits will deter some from talking. And then there's guilt that may stop others from speaking out 'cause they may feel there was a lot more they could've done.

You are right. But I don't think anyone had a clear picture of all of these things together. He did have the one friend, his last friend according to ER, who was so disturbed at the talk of flaying people that he cut off their relationship. He might be the only one who should've really seen this coming, but I think he had his own struggles. I can only imagine how he's feeling.

But I am only on page 113. I am probably speaking before I know the whole story.

Elliot’s father questioned the autism diagnosis and stated in his own sworn declaration, “Though Li Chin Rodger claims in her court documents that Elliot is a high functioning autistic child, I was not involved in any prior evaluation of Elliot. Li Chin did not inform me about any evaluation of Elliot. This disturbed me greatly. I am now in the process of having Elliot evaluated by a child psychiatrist. Li Chin Rodger has agreed to be a part of the process.”

I wondered if there were any viewable court documents about the divorce proceedings. Custody went from being weekends at Dad's to exactly 3.5 days each, to one week each so in his earlier years they shared custody equally. I can't figure from that if the dad was or wasn't willing to accept ER had psychological issues.

He's a guy who is preoccupied. I think the county comes second. Why is he involved in all this outside work when he has a house that is not in order at DCFS?" asked Aubrey Manual, president of a local foster parent association.

Sophy and the executive team in charge of the Department of Children and Family Services have come under repeated criticism for systemic breakdowns that contributed to the fatalities of children under their supervision. Sophy's unit has been specifically faulted in some of those deaths, and Supervisor Gloria Molina harshly scolded him in a closed-door meeting this year, according to officials familiar with the exchange.

He also was working on HOLLYWOOD HOUSEWIVES .
Whatever issues with Dr. Sophy might be, it appears from the manifesto that ER only saw him one time, and refused to take the medication Dr. Sophy prescribed.
Equally telling, he rails against his mother not marrying someone rich after the divorce so that he could live in the style he deserves. He actually called her selfish for not doing so.

So it had nothing to do with his parents' happiness. He couldn't have cared less about that. It was all about him. As was everything.

IIRC, he mentioned this, not once, but at least 3 or 4 times throughout his drivel....
ER was smart, good looking, full of self-esteem and had oodles of money and Hollywood prestige by proxy. People (not just women) didn't like him because he was a sick, repulsive self-involved jerk.

He practically outlined his "retribution" plan on internet forums and on YouTube. If he could have been stopped, he would have been stopped.

I blame only him and his "supreme"-ly malfunctioning brain (who even refers to himself with that adverb—gah, I need brain bleach after watching his video!) His family evidently gave him everything they could, including plenty of therapy.

Mourn the wounded and dead; good riddance to bad rubbish. I'm glad that we'll never have to worry about his trial. It's interesting to read about all the fingers pointing at dots that should have been connected. Rampage mass killers are practically impossible to anticipate, as far as I can tell.
I wondered if there were any viewable court documents about the divorce proceedings. Custody went from being weekends at Dad's to exactly 3.5 days each, to one week each so in his earlier years they shared custody equally. I can't figure from that if the dad was or wasn't willing to accept ER had psychological issues.

Here they are . I did not realize they are in the above link but you have to click to see them.
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