CA - Elliot Rodger kills 6, injures 13 in Isla Vista, Near UC Santa Barbara, #2

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I made it about 5 minutes before this guy pizzed me off by saying this could have been prevented if Elliot had not been ignored his whole life. Whatever man... (not you Tulessa, lol)

Oh no! I hadn't made it that far.

ETA: Just over fifteen minutes in. OP of the video is taking apart every paragraph of ER's manifesto. Just FYI.
I know pretty equal numbers of messed up kids who came from good homes, as good people who came from messed up homes.

Example: my own foster brother. He is the biological child of my foster parents. Great family! Community awareness, church life, family meals, camping, vacations, rules, fairness, love and support. I've been very close to them since I was 15, so I KNOW. He is 45 years old and a manipulative, lazy, drug-abusing mess. His brother. 13 months man, hard worker, soccer coach, etc. As a matter of fact, most of us foster kids have turned out better than this brother, and none of us had the normal, nurturing beginning that he did.

Opposite example: 2 young ladies I babysat when they were little. Both young adults now. Hard workers, smart, independent, lovely ladies. I am so proud of these girls. Both dads ran off when they were babies. Mom dumped them off with whoever, whenever she could. Older sis watched the baby a lot so mom could sit on her butt. Mom is dirty, lazy, ignorant, and tried to pull a lot of Munchausen by Proxy crap on the girls when they were little so that people would pay her bills.

My point is, I could list dozens of cases of people I know that were great parents but ended up with challenging kids who turned into useless adults.

The same is true with really crappy parents who somehow manage to churn out great kids.

Didn't I read that there was a recent effort to get ER additional help? I don't think mom just told him to take down the Youtube videos and that was that. I think it was a pretty consistant struggle to help him from a very young age.

I'm not comfortable blaming them at all. Maybe we'll hear some damning reason to do so in the future, but so far, I haven't.

Major News Outlets Fall for Elaborate Elliot Rodger Hoax

On May 28th 2014, the most read story on the website of British daily newspaper The Daily Mirror reported that the so-called ‘virgin killer’, Elliot Rodger, was hooked on bodybuilding supplement creatine. Creatine supposedly made him slip into a dark mood and was responsible for the sinister thoughts that resulted in the deadly rampage. The story was later picked up by The Daily Mail, The Herald Sun, and, among others, and continues to spread to large media outlets as of his writing. It even made it into The Daily Mirror’s print edition, pictured below. Only the story was a complete fabrication.


:facepalm: It is amazing how often that tabloid is linked on these forums... :sigh:
UCSB Student Arrested for Firing Gun in Isla Vista
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Four days after 22-year-old [ER] shot and killed three people and injured several others on the streets of Isla Vista, authorities arrested a UCSB student for negligently firing his handgun in his Pardall Road apartment. [KT], 21, was arrested Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. He told deputies that he was playing with his handgun — a 9 mm Glock 17 — when he accidentally fired it through his neighbor’s wall. ...
UCSB Student Arrested for Firing Gun in Isla Vista
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Four days after 22-year-old [ER] shot and killed three people and injured several others on the streets of Isla Vista, authorities arrested a UCSB student for negligently firing his handgun in his Pardall Road apartment. [KT], 21, was arrested Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. He told deputies that he was playing with his handgun — a 9 mm Glock 17 — when he accidentally fired it through his neighbor’s wall. ...

OMG! Seven guns and 1000 rounds?! All legal. What was this one planning? :scared:
The Real Housewives shows stepmom appeared in were French. All the links come up under searches of Les Vraies Housewives, but they'll mostly be in French. Opinion of her, from what I read and my French is poor, is that she was fiesty, vivacious and controversial in her episodes. Not afraid to say what she thought.

I think episodes were filmed in participants' homes though I'm not sure. I never watched them.
UCSB Student Arrested for Firing Gun in Isla Vista
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Four days after 22-year-old [ER] shot and killed three people and injured several others on the streets of Isla Vista, authorities arrested a UCSB student for negligently firing his handgun in his Pardall Road apartment. [KT], 21, was arrested Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. He told deputies that he was playing with his handgun — a 9 mm Glock 17 — when he accidentally fired it through his neighbor’s wall. ...

Oh no.. :thud:
OMG! Seven guns and 1000 rounds?! All illegal. What was this one planning? :scared:

I am convinced Oscar Pistorius and his murder trial has made Glocks the 'must have' accessory for young men over the past year....
UCSB Student Arrested for Firing Gun in Isla Vista
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

... Authorities searched [T]’s apartment and found seven firearms and 1,000 rounds of ammunition. They also found high capacity assault rifle magazines. Authorities seized the firearms — which were all legally owned — ammunition, and magazines, and arrested [T] for negligently discharging a firearm and possessing high capacity magazines, which are illegal in California unless purchased before January 1, 2000. ...
I am convinced Oscar Pistorius and his murder trial has made Glocks the 'must have' accessory for young men over the past year....


He scares me too!

Fascinating list of notables that have suffered some sort of mental illness.
I'm listening to it right now. So far it's not bad.

Well wait till you get later in where he starts saying it's the stepmothers fault and indeed that hostility towards women in General is almost always caused by a woman in the family. :rolleyes:

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I lasted about 10 seconds, and decided to bring it here to let you guys dissect it.
I know pretty equal numbers of messed up kids who came from good homes, as good people who came from messed up homes.

Example: my own foster brother. He is the biological child of my foster parents. Great family! Community awareness, church life, family meals, camping, vacations, rules, fairness, love and support. I've been very close to them since I was 15, so I KNOW. He is 45 years old and a manipulative, lazy, drug-abusing mess. His brother. 13 months man, hard worker, soccer coach, etc. As a matter of fact, most of us foster kids have turned out better than this brother, and none of us had the normal, nurturing beginning that he did.

Opposite example: 2 young ladies I babysat when they were little. Both young adults now. Hard workers, smart, independent, lovely ladies. I am so proud of these girls. Both dads ran off when they were babies. Mom dumped them off with whoever, whenever she could. Older sis watched the baby a lot so mom could sit on her butt. Mom is dirty, lazy, ignorant, and tried to pull a lot of Munchausen by Proxy crap on the girls when they were little so that people would pay her bills.

My point is, I could list dozens of cases of people I know that were great parents but ended up with challenging kids who turned into useless adults.

The same is true with really crappy parents who somehow manage to churn out great kids.

Didn't I read that there was a recent effort to get ER additional help? I don't think mom just told him to take down the Youtube videos and that was that. I think it was a pretty consistant struggle to help him from a very young age.

I'm not comfortable blaming them at all. Maybe we'll hear some damning reason to do so in the future, but so far, I haven't.

The mind and it's workings are fascinating and may never be fully comprehensible. Some mixture of nature and nurture are responsible for how we turn out, but what combination, what factors, all seemingly so unknowable, as your anecdotes illustrate so well.

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I lasted about 10 seconds, and decided to bring it here to let you guys dissect it.

I was initially lulled by his voice, which is very soothing lol... Then got more annoyed the further I went. :lol:

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