CA - Elliot Rodger kills 6, injures 13 in Isla Vista, Near UC Santa Barbara, #2

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Actually, anyone can make a 5150 call. The police come and take the person away by ambulance to a psych hospital where the 72 hour stay is determined. My next-door neighbor threatened suicide by gun at 3a.m. His wife called police and then they knocked on my door to get the spare key...
I've also seen it happen in nursing homes where they took a resident away.

A 5150 is not a welfare call, it is a hold placed by a judge, LE, or mental health clinician.
Found a really interesting article written by Arthur Chu, from the Daily Beast. (Don't know if it's allowable or not, never posted something from there)
Some 4 letter words in it, you have been warned, but the last 5 lines of it really put ER in a nutshell for me.

Elliot did not have the ability to grow up. He is an autistic psychopath.

BTW, thanks for posting this story. It verifies what I have always thought that so much of this crap that is going on now is due to parents parking their kids in front of videos to shut them up and keep them occupied.

Santa Barbara rampage: San Jose victim posthumously cleared of 'candle theft'

From the link.

But Hong's brother said Rodger initiated the conflict when he took away Hong's measuring cup out of annoyance over his cooking, and Hong responded by grabbing Rodger's candles to force a trade.

"In response, Elliot called the police," said Hong's brother, who asked not be named to protect his family's privacy. "What kind of person would call the police for such a petty argument?"

Elliot Rodger is highly petty in nature as it is seen in his manifesto. Typical of a narcissist.
OT, Love the quirky way you view things Gajonka. Gives me new perspectives. I love all the diverse minds on ws's. Some are iconoclastic, fresh and inspired. OK, back to the analysis of ER.
Elliot did not have the ability to grow up. He is an autistic psychopath.

BTW, thanks for posting this story. It verifies what I have always thought that so much of this crap that is going on now is due to parents parking their kids in front of videos to shut them up and keep them occupied.


I got something totally different out of the article. Misogyny and rape culture is what it talked about, I feel
Just so neat............But there is no one to blame for what happened. No one is responsible. ER was sick (Therapy says). The cops followed the proper procedures (Bureaucracy says). The parents -- can't blame them. They put him in therapy since he was 7. Can't blame the therapists ("we can't make them take their medicine"). It was all unavoidable, and it will happen again without more therapy and bureaucracy (says Therapy and Bureaucracy)

Reading more of his writings. He actually has a flowing writing style –by that I mean it smooth. I had to remind myself on more than one occasion that he has the inability to perceive the world around him , the people around him and how appears in that world to others.
I found the piece about stepmother discussion of a step sons sexual potential with another step son. just not credible . How would that conversation even start. That is congruent with woman are bad (stepmom) and brother, male, are going to handle sex/ relationships better, more frequently than him.
We know the knock on the door by LE the month before was two officers not seven as he described.
There is, however, much in his writings- if one goes outside of any story telling (what happened in HIS worldview) and remain solely focused on his words and descriptions , when his narrative changes to his inner thoughts, and his feelings
It paints a tragic, tragic, lost, a vacanty his entire existence.. Imagine these types of words being the relentless self-dialog one has about themselves non-stop. Here are a few that he used more than once. :

I call it the era of hope and hopelessness ( I found this breathtaking. Hopelessness is the primary belief in any suicide – an inability to see a different, better tomorrow).

not worthy
Something to live for
Have no talents (found the plural profound)
Depressing day
Want a girlfriend to walk BESIDE me
Lots of despair
My path to salvation
false hopes
I was a complete loser
Nothing going for me
a creep
I wish I COULD have said something to her
I wasn’t prepared
very nervous
Hindrances to me
hated having to deal with me
This time I will not fail
OT, Love the quirky way you view things Gajonka. Gives me new perspectives. I love all the diverse minds on ws's. Some are iconoclastic, fresh and inspired. OK, back to the analysis of ER.

OT - Hey, it's Friday night - I think we'll be okay.

There is one case that keeps flashing every now and then - it is the case that compelled me to join WS - back in late '09 , I think.

Wondering what you think - the guy is free - but should he be? I know , this is not the place - but certain minds here - aren't there - a very quiet thread.

The event that keeps coming back is Gary Giordano and his hair-piece... Robyn Gardner... the insurance guy- the good news is - when he fought like heck to get the insurance - came back and sued him - so at least he is not profiting off her death/drowning/disappearance.

It was there - on that case - that's when I found out how massively intelligent WS members are - to this day... still the most concentrated pool of higher intellect.
From the link.

But Hong's brother said Rodger initiated the conflict when he took away Hong's measuring cup out of annoyance over his cooking, and Hong responded by grabbing Rodger's candles to force a trade.

"In response, Elliot called the police," said Hong's brother, who asked not be named to protect his family's privacy. "What kind of person would call the police for such a petty argument?"

Elliot Rodger is highly petty in nature as it is seen in his manifesto. Typical of a narcissist.

Yes, very true about a narcissist and a malignant one.

But what I find disturblingly bizarre is that the police would even answer a call such as this, let alone actually arrest a person for a $22 candle spat. Since Rodger admittedly stole Hong's measuring cup, why wasn't he arrested in a cross claim?

If these are the same cops who did not bother to view the original video (the reason for the April 30th call, supposedly), if, in fact, they were told about it, which was presumably the reason they were called in the first place, every single one of them should be fired and prosecuted for impersonating public servants.

That the Santa Barbara DA was actually involved in this lunacy, may go toward explaining how this tragedy happened in the first place.

Instead of dealing with real criminals and lunatics they do this?

ETA: Looks like it was the same sheriff's office: "...the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Office reported Rodger initiated a citizen's arrest of Hong after accusing him of stealing $22 worth of candles. Hong was booked and released and later paid a fine."

hERE are the final moments.

Three unique shots at 0.16- 0.19 -

I think sometimes LE is given way too much benefit of the doubt.
Is there a reason to riddle his car - and put 12 bullet holes in the kid?>? (it opens up with 12 straight shots)

If I was in command- I would issue a "take him alive order."

Cops- they spend a block of each day at the range. A large block for 7 days /week. Per Month. WHEN THE opportunity comes - when action permits... history has shown it gets overdone, overkill.

Now, I know you may disagree with vigor - but here's one:

Hofstra college - girls house- robber - invasion. Tells 1 girl to go to ATM for cash. She calls cops. Cops show up. Robber is outside of the house ( or maybe in the threshold of the door...)- with hostage - prettiest girl I have ever seen in like 3 years - he has her in front. Cops show up - BANG BANG. Kills girl, kills robber. (The sad part is the two girls were twins... so there were about five in the house... one twin went to ATM, other twin hostage... the father is LIVID... and he is irate at LE - he wants answers - is requesting disclosure about policy - and what happened that day - LE has been evasive, per the father, and reports in Newsday(the local bugle).

The officer was not from the hostage segment. So here he is - it's sort of like - what would you do if you were in his shoes? I am frustrated at how the events unfolded. There are some great LE officers out there - men of heroism, ethics, and intelligence.

Can you believe this?

Just saying, we need tact, - ER , his brain could be examined... answers... long term impact.

Plus, I hear overtime is a BIG thing in LE.
What people are referring to as a "background check" (a check of criminal record and hospitalization at a state mental hospital) is not what they mean.

They mean they should have checked the firearms registry. While if a gun had been found, the police absolutely have the right to check and make sure it is validly registered to that person, they don't just check the registry without a reason to suspect a crime. They check in a murder case to see if the person had any weapons not accounted for. I'm not sure, again, if there's a part of CA law I am missing, but I do not think seeing a weapons registration would have allowed probable cause to search the entire apartment for weapons. Having one registered to him does not mean it is in that apartment. They don't check to see if people have guns ahead of time; they assume that's a possibility. I'm sure they were ready to be met by someone unstable, and that he was not waving a gun around.
about his plans regarding roomates. In light of everything it seems like what he wrote regarding his plans (slit there throats) or wrose is prob true which explains why we have heard nothing else about their injuries. other than gruesome

Just now I saw this picture scroll down and the folks that had been there were wearing like rubber boots and i thought ugh that must be casue there was so much blood.

I had never seen that pic and the videos there feet are never shown

and it does appear (lure people into the apt) make sense casse the third victim seemed to be a visitor. I wish they would release time of dealth - I think he may have been killing them slowly one at at a time which expalins how he was not jumped -you know what I mean
..... they don't just check the registry without a reason to suspect a crime

they had no reason to search his apt - he had not broken any laws. A lot of folks, i think, are blurring everything into one thing.

On April 30 they had a welfare check, his welfare did not seem in danger in any way, and they left -- its the law,

What people are referring to as a "background check" (a check of criminal record and hospitalization at a state mental hospital) is not what they mean.

They mean they should have checked the firearms registry. While if a gun had been found, the police absolutely have the right to check and make sure it is validly registered to that person, they don't just check the registry without a reason to suspect a crime. They check in a murder case to see if the person had any weapons not accounted for. I'm not sure, again, if there's a part of CA law I am missing, but I do not think seeing a weapons registration would have allowed probable cause to search the entire apartment for weapons. Having one registered to him does not mean it is in that apartment. They don't check to see if people have guns ahead of time; they assume that's a possibility. I'm sure they were ready to be met by someone unstable, and that he was not waving a gun around.
It is so frustrating to wrap my head around ER and his thought process. He had many qualities that he could have capitilized on, yet he became so focused on "magically" attracting the opposite sex, without any effort on his part, other than sporting a new Armani shirt or whatever. He is just a young man yet and really is not unattractive. If only he had been more patient and realized many choose to wait for their special someone and that he is not all that alone....I also get the feeling that even if some girl just walked up to him and eventually gave him what he has desired for so long, he eventually would have become OCD on something else and never truly been satisfied. If only he had some sort of faith and prayer life, it would have made all the difference, however it sounds like that was non existent, based on his manifesto.
A 5150 is not a welfare call, it is a hold placed by a judge, LE, or mental health clinician.
When police are called and told someone is a danger to themselves or others it is called a "5150" NOT a welfare check. I know this for a fact. I worked in healthcare for 13 years. The actual hospital stay must be determined by a psychiatrist, but anyone can call in a 5150 call. I've also been there more than once when a person was taken away for a 5150. P.S. It's also in the police scanner radio codes as a 5150.
F.Y.I. anyone can go in and edit Wikipedia.
hERE are the final moments.

Three unique shots at 0.16- 0.19 -

I think sometimes LE is given way too much benefit of the doubt.
Is there a reason to riddle his car - and put 12 bullet holes in the kid?>? (it opens up with 12 straight shots)

If I was in command- I would issue a take him alive order

Cops- they spend a block of each day at the range. A large block for 7 days /week. Per Month. WHEN THE opportunity comes - when action permits... history has shown it get overdone, overkill.

Now, I know you may disagree with vigor - but here's one:

Hofstra college - girls house- robber - invasion. Tells 1 girl to go to ATM for cash. She calls cops. Cops how up. Robber is outside of the house- with hostage - prettiest girl I have ever seen in like 3 years - he has her in front. Cops show up - BANG BANG. Kills girl, kills robber.

Can you believe this story?

Just saying, we need tact, - his brain could be examined... answers... long term impact.

Plus, I hear overtime is a BIG thing in LE.
Oh my goodness, thank you for that post, After hearing that I would HAVE to concur with you --its one person. If that was played to someone who knew nothing about this they would think there 8 bad guys running aroud

ANd in the first 3 seconds you can here his car crash _ I think after hearing that (his plan was to kill himself) BUT with bullets everywhere in all liklihood police killed him that might be why they are supsended until investigation done.

Autopsy please anyone know what kind of gun makes that final noise that thing was really creepy!

I just cant imagine "missing" with the amount of bullets flying around
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