Chicogirl36 said:
It is a shame about the bias in media reporting in LA, as well as around the US. Seems if they arent 'cute enough', 'rich enough' or dont have a 'heart-wrenching' story, seems like they dont get media attention they deserve. I am very surprised of the lack of media since this happened in LA area, but also since the similarities between KC are stunning, IMO. Seems like it finally got attention after her arrest, and after we all taught them about what this case was about thru our emails.
Do they come more 'heart-wrenching' than a single mother with more support than an heiress? another beautiful baby "Gone Too Soon" and another family destroyed by an act so selfish most of us can't even comprehend? If they do, please don't tell me; I don't want to know.
As far as the special circ., I thought y'all knew something obvious, and I was too tired to get it and missed I thought y'all knew and it would come out in a post sooner or later- You can tell I havent been posting too often. I have always lived in CA and have only seen SC used for a DP or life w/o parole case. I wonder what came out that they didnt see from day 1 in the autopsy? Oh, to be a fly on the wall....
I'm struggling with what is going on, did they drop some of the charges? Did they only have her plead to the capital charges? IDK, if it's obvious, it's one of those things I can't see, right in front of my face...
I lived in So Cal from age 6 until a couple years ago, and I go back every chance (excuse) I get. It seems to me DA uses SC as a means to get a plea and still give a significant sentence or to put DP on the table... things like:
Killing a PO
Using a gun
Lying in wait
Position of trust
Kill during a rape, robbery or kidnapping.
Premeditated murder (which we learned on NG can mean anything. A murder can become pre-meditated while the act is being committed!!
I just found this:
The California code lists 22 different findings of special circumstances under which a defendant came be found guilty.
If convicted under SC, she will never leave prison alive, DP or Lw/oP only!! :clap: :clap: :clap:
Oh yeah, I'd love to listen in when these attorneys are speaking in private!!
Hope you're doing well and you're mom is hanging in there. :grouphug: