GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #12

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Our much-loved DA (at least by me) now also has another high-profile murder case to prosecute (McStays). Just piping in to say GOOD JOB SAN BERNADINO COUNTY Investigators!!!

Now I know why the name Mike Ramos was so familiar to me! I have been reading the McStay thread since the arrest, and racking my brain trying to figure out where I have heard that name before. Thank you m_brown, it was driving me crazy.

Truthbeknown :heartbeat: ~ Thinking of your beautiful Erin today. Sending love and prayers, light and hope to the Heavelin and Corwin family. :grouphug:
well, well, well..... NL has certainly been busy sending us messages on Pinterest.
Yes, well she can attempt a PR play on pinterest, but it will be a different story when the prosecution examines her.
JMO of course.
Jonathon (according to his FB page) is no longer in the USMC and has returned to Tennessee...God Bless him and all of Erin's family and friends..
Yes, well she can attempt a PR play on pinterest, but it will be a different story when the prosecution examines her.
JMO of course.
California has some of the strongest spousal privilege laws in the country.Not only can she invoke the privilege not to testify against her husband she can also use it to stop the prosecutor from being able to even call her as a witness.So unless the defense calls her the prosecutor will never get the chance.
Perhaps she will be tried separately....thoughts?
Tried for what?Did she plan the murder?Help with the murder?Help to cover up the murder?So far I have not seen any evidence that she did any of those things.Maybe the police have some evidence I know nothing about but from what I have seen I do not know what I would even charge her with no less convict her of something.
Tried for what?Did she plan the murder?Help with the murder?Help to cover up the murder?So far I have not seen any evidence that she did any of those things.Maybe the police have some evidence I know nothing about but from what I have seen I do not know what I would even charge her with no less convict her of something.

She made incriminating statements to the horse ranch woman, if the media is reporting accurately.
Remembering Erin and her loved ones today, never doubting justice is on the way.

Although I never knew her, she impressed me as a young woman who was gentle, kind, and had a certain grace about her - all beautiful qualities in a human being. That spirit of goodness and innocence cannot be destroyed or extinguished and will sustain her family while they advocate on Erin's behalf. And, of course, we will be here for them, too.
Happy Thanksgiving. We want to thank you all for being so compassionate. To have virtual strangers to care about Erin and how her family is doing is a true blessing. Thank you for stopping by to let us know that you are thinking of us. It is those sweet messages that can make a huge difference in one of those moments, times or day that are just not going so well.
God Bless You and your family Truthbeknown. We are thinking of you, and praying that today will be filled with sweet memories of a beautiful and special young woman. Let God give you comfort today and always. With Love.
Happy Thanksgiving. We want to thank you all for being so compassionate. To have virtual strangers to care about Erin and how her family is doing is a true blessing. Thank you for stopping by to let us know that you are thinking of us. It is those sweet messages that can make a huge difference in one of those moments, times or day that are just not going so well.

I do thank God that you and your family members have each other this year at this special family holiday -- you all will certainly feel Erin's absence with pain, humor, sorrow, and wonderful memories, but you all know that now she is at peace and all her regrets, pain, anger, etc., are now things unknown and never to be remembered by her. I'm sure you all are thankful for the efforts of law enforcement and the coming effort of justice for Erin and for those who love her. Hold each other close in love.
Erin's Mom told me it was okay to share what she posted on Facebook yesterday.

This is the year of firsts without our sweet Erin Corwin. I admit that at first I struggled with the thought of decorating and enjoying the holidays. Then after listening to this song by Mark Schultz I knew we need to embrace the holidays. Erin was so excited about coming home for Christmas this year. How can we not being excited about the holidays. I realized that Erin would not want us to be sad. That she would not want us to do anything different. That she would want us to enjoy the time we can spend with our family. So that is what I am going to strive to do. Will it be easy, absolutely not. Being surrounded by family how can we be anything but thankful and enjoy them.
Please enjoy your families, cherish every moment and take lots of pictures.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all my friends and family
RIP Erin and God Bless your family and friends.
She made incriminating statements to the horse ranch woman, if the media is reporting accurately.
I just do not see how those statements incriminate her.She never admits or suggests she took part in the murder.At the most they suggest she knew or suspected her husband committed the crime which legally would make her guilty of nothing.As a spouse she is under no obligation to go to police with any info she may have found out after the crime was committed.Then you have the ranch women publicly accusing police of taking her statements out of context and that probably the most damaging statement about "no body,no case" had nothing to do with this case.I do not see how a prosecutor could even present this evidence to a jury.What is he going to do call her a liar when she denies what these statements meant.That would make all her testimony pretty useless to the prosecution.
I was very touched when I received in my email inbox a lovely message from Erin's mother thanking me for a donation I made in Erin's name to the organization that found Erin. Here is what it said:

Thank you for your donation to the search and rescue group that found Erin. We are praying that through these donations the search and rescue group will be even more prepared to help another family their loved one.

Thank you again,
The Heavilin and Corwin Family

What an amazing family. My heart was heavy for them this Thanksgiving. I will continue to pray for them for peace and healing as the Christmas Holiday approaches.

(Mods please remove if not allowed.)
Erin's Mom told me it was okay to share what she posted on Facebook yesterday.

This is the year of firsts without our sweet Erin Corwin. I admit that at first I struggled with the thought of decorating and enjoying the holidays. Then after listening to this song by Mark Schultz I knew we need to embrace the holidays. Erin was so excited about coming home for Christmas this year. How can we not being excited about the holidays. I realized that Erin would not want us to be sad. That she would not want us to do anything different. That she would want us to enjoy the time we can spend with our family. So that is what I am going to strive to do. Will it be easy, absolutely not. Being surrounded by family how can we be anything but thankful and enjoy them.
Please enjoy your families, cherish every moment and take lots of pictures.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all my friends and family

This is lovely; thanks for sharing. Sending warm thoughts to you and your family.
Thinking of Erin's family this morning, and sending prayers. :grouphug:
Does anyone know when the Demon's next court date is? IIRC it is in early Dec
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