GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #12

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Then they would have offered a lesser charge for information. Not complete immunity. IMO
Just dropping in to let truthbeknown that I am still praying for her family. You will not be alone. I'm here for the long run, to make sure there is justice for Erin.
I dunno. I speculate she cut a deal with LE in exchange for taking them to, or giving them directions of where to find the remains. Speculation only.

Quite the opposite. IIRC, incriminating computer searches and cell phone pings led detectives to believe he dumped Erin in a mine. S&R along with Detectives made a grid map of mines in the area, and searched them one by one.

They vowed to find Erin and never gave up. Brings tears to my eyes when I think about what they did.
I do not see how she could be "less than two months pregnant" as her husband believed,the affair ended when her husband found out and she believed CL could be the father.At least one of those statements has to be wrong.Take your pick.
I do not see how she could be "less than two months pregnant" as her husband believed,the affair ended when her husband found out and she believed CL could be the father.At least one of those statements has to be wrong.Take your pick.

I've seen everything from "3 months pregnant" to "3 weeks pregnant" in stories. Either way I still think it was probably questionable who the father might be. I hope they were able to tell from DNA testing, especially if it brings some kind of comfort to her family.
I've seen everything from "3 months pregnant" to "3 weeks pregnant" in stories. Either way I still think it was probably questionable who the father might be. I hope they were able to tell from DNA testing, especially if it brings some kind of comfort to her family.

One thing that has always frustrated me is that in every story I have read not once did EC's reaction to being confronted by JC come up. Even when JC gave his interview. For instance he never said that she "told" him the affair was over. He only said "HE felt it was short lived". No reason was given either. I fully expect it was largely the aftermath of the miscarriage but still, it's interesting that her reaction and reasons were never divulged.
One thing that has always frustrated me is that in every story I have read not once did EC's reaction to being confronted by JC come up. Even when JC gave his interview. For instance he never said that she "told" him the affair was over. He only said "HE felt it was short lived". No reason was given either. I fully expect it was largely the aftermath of the miscarriage but still, it's interesting that her reaction and reasons were never divulged.

With all due respect, what does it matter? Aside from painting the deceased in a poor light? Obviously she made a very bad choice in getting involved with her neighbor. That does not mean she should have paid for that bad decision with her life. RIP Erin. God Bless Jon.
With all due respect, what does it matter? Aside from painting the deceased in a poor light? Obviously she made a very bad choice in getting involved with her neighbor. That does not mean she should have paid for that bad decision with her life. RIP Erin. God Bless Jon.

I think it has been well established by the entire WS community that she didn't deserve what happened to her. And nowhere in my post did it infer that, with all due respect.
I think it has been well established by the entire WS community that she didn't deserve what happened to her. And nowhere in my post did it infer that, with all due respect.

Yes, o.k. So, I'm trying to understand the point you are making and I'm asking why it's important? I'm sure there is something I am missing. Please explain. You must be making a good point that is going over my head, which would be no surprise. It's happened before. : )
Yes, o.k. So, I'm trying to understand the point you are making and I'm asking why it's important? I'm sure there is something I am missing. Please explain. You must be making a good point that is going over my head, which would be no surprise. It's happened before. : )
I guess part of it is trying to find out the why in all of this.Why did he kill her?With him leaving to go back to Alaska in a matter of days it seams so senseless.Is it because he was afraid of the pregnancy coming back to haunt him down the road as some have speculated or was she expecting more from this affair than he was willing to give.To figure that part out you would have to know her thinking in this.
I guess part of it is trying to find out the why in all of this.Why did he kill her?With him leaving to go back to Alaska in a matter of days it seams so senseless.Is it because he was afraid of the pregnancy coming back to haunt him down the road as some have speculated or was she expecting more from this affair than he was willing to give.To figure that part out you would have to know her thinking in this.

I think you called out the two most likely scenarios. Even in their early twenties, some young women still have "magical" thinking, and are extremely naïve. I'm not suggesting that what Erin did in allegedly having an affair with this guy was o.k., it was not. But if they had both discovered they needed to be together, they could have handled it differently. I'm sorry to be so crude, but I think she was more of another "ware to sample", and she was a foolish young romantic girl.

All speculation, and based on her statement to her friend of the "special day" planned, I am speculating that she thought they would end up together and live happily ever after. I am speculating that she thought they were meeting to discuss those future plans.
It would be interesting to better understand the dynamics between Erin and NL. I think there is a lot more there to understand, than her relationship with CL. Opinion only.
I'm just checking in today to tell truthbeknown that I'm thinking of Erin today.

But...this line of reasoning confuses me. Why would you think they are simply two platonic friends going hunting to say goodbye? LE's documents state that EC told her friend that she thought CL could be father of her baby, and they were going out to celebrate. What about that says "platonic friend" to you?

Definitely wouldn't be ok with it but unfortunately the texts don't show enough to get a grasp on how the trip was looked at. A hunting trip in the desert doesn't sound like a very romantic event to me. Sounds more like a get together by 2 friends possibly as a "goodbye" thing since he was leaving soon anyway. I don't think one can fully expect former affair partners to refrain from platonic activities together if they know they can get away with it and nobody will be hurt.

I know some people think she may have been looking to run away with CL but I just don't see it. While in California she apparently had a hard enough time being away from her family support network back home in TN. She was very close to her mom and missed her friends. Pulling up stakes and moving all the way to Alaska with a guy she has only known for a short time doesn't sound feasible to me. Not to mention her mom was coming out to visit her, they were going to Sea World, God knows what else and that would leave little time (a week?) between moms' departure and the Lee's leaving. Then the doctors appointment. Too little time in terms of pulling it all off. Not to mention why tell JC she was pregnant at all if she wanted out? Why not just wait until she could work out her get away plans with CL? Informing JC of her pregnancy would open up Pandoras' Box. "Why are you leaving me when we are expecting a child?" Pretty soon, family and friends on both sides know all the dirty details and probably some name-calling and ostracizing begin. And let's not forget her mom stating in her obit that JC and EC were looking forward to moving back to East Tennessee the next year. So it seems that JC may have been able to cut his service short somehow and they were planning to focus on the marriage back home. At least that was my take on it. I don't know. I believe she still loved Jonathan and made a mistake. I don't think it was in her nature to just throw the marriage away. Just my opinion.

As for that monster CL, I think he was afraid of what that doctors' report would reveal. Or perhaps he felt that she could come after him for child support if things didn't work out with JC after the fact. The long arm of the law can easily reach from Tennessee to Alaska.
I checked the court records online and it was at 8:30 (was a pre-preliminary conference). The minutes are posted (I'm on my phone so can't link). Not sure what this means but the PC1050 motion by the prosecution was granted. The preliminary hearing date set for tomorrow was vacated.

There is a pre-preliminary hearing set for April 1 at 8:30, and April 2 at 9:00. The defendant was ordered to appear.
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