CA CA - Farren Stanberry, 18, San Francisco, 24 Apr 1980

Just to use it as a reference for everybody on the case.


@Satch I think it would be a good piece to use on a couple of missing Facebook sites with a few pictures of him to refresh the case and take it to the public. What is your view on that?
@Satch I think it would be a good piece to use on a couple of missing Facebook sites with a few pictures of him to refresh the case and take it to the public. What is your view on that?

I am not good with setting up sites and things like that, but if anyone WANTS to use my URL, along with any pictures or information that they have of Farren Stanberry, please feel free to do this! It would be great if @Odyssey comes to the forum. Profile info shows that @Odyessy has not been online since March, 2020.

Based on the address of 1145 Market, in relation to the hotel at 1139 Market, I had figured they were a couple buildings apart. It turns out they are adjacent to each other.

Here is a pair of photos of 1145 Market, where I believe the remains were found. Photos were taken anywhere between 1981-1983. The large 4 story building with the Civic Center Market sign on the right is the old 1145 Market. The shorter building right next to it (with an awning that says Pioneer?) is the National Hotel building.

These aren't the greatest photos but they were the only ones I could find.

At the time that Farren disappeared in 1980, it looks like there were still some retail businesses - a convenience store, a cafeteria, a donut shop, etc. on the ground floor but the upper floors were vacant. The upper floors were offices at some point.

Apparently there was a fire on the ground floor some time in 1982 and since then, the entire building had been vacant.

It seems like Farren would have been very familiar with this building. He probably ate there and bought things from the store. That may very well be where he'd go to use a pay phone to call his family.

I'm still not sure how easy the attic was to access. I can't tell if there were any windows on the side of the building, but I think it's possible that someone could have gotten onto the hotel roof and simply walked across and climbed in a window.

It also appears that the Greyhound station was adjacent to 1145 Market on the opposite side - their parking lot, anyway. Since we know Farren was traveling by Greyhound, his ending up at that hotel may have just been because of its proximity to the Greyhound station, and maybe not an indication that he was gay.

Great stuff here!

Some other things about Farren that we have learned in the thread or thread links

1.) One note is that Farren's Uncle said that Farren was a "Country Boy at heat." or words to that effect. The Uncle believes that Farren did have enough experience or the type of mindset to disappear without a trace. The Uncle believes that Farren was "probably murdered" and is somewhere in San Fransisco.

2.) Another note is that when Farren called his grandmother and said that his mother refused to send him any money and when he told his grandmother he had lost his job, Grandma asked Farren to come back home to Oregon. Farren said "no." told her, "Don't worry, I'll work something out." Farren's grandmother thought about him every day and night since he vanished in 1980.

3.) It seams that Farren was close to his Grandmother, and perhaps his Aunt as well. Certainly it would seem much closer to them than to his biological Mother. I read that when Farren's grandmother passed she was in her mid 80's. I think 86. This would make her about mid 40's back in 1980, making Farren's birth Mother very young. Mid 20's tops.

4.) Could Farren's Mom have had Farren when she was REALLY young, like almost a teenager? And she couldn't afford to care for him? Did this create family tension that affected Farren throughout his life? Could Farren have been an unwanted pregnancy. Yes, when Farren called Mom to ask her to send some of his money she refused. Remember that the information if accurate is that this was FARREN'S OWN MONEY! And because he was 18, he was legally entitled to that money. Did he call Mom because he was still close to her? I don't think so. I think Farren was desperate and probably knew that she would say "no."

5.) One may wonder, why didn't Farren accept his Grandmother's offer to move back home? I think he probably built a strong positive identity with likely some gay friends in the San Fransisco and did not want to leave that positive relationship. Living back in Oregon would move Farren back to a likely tense relationship with his Mother, and Farren did not want that.

6.) If Farren took his own life, I think he did it very, very discreetly so that as not to worry his friends. We don't know how much he confided in his personal life with the people with whom he was staying, either at the National Hotel, or in his previous travels on the road. Farren seems to be the type that would feel badly for people worrying about him,

7.) If all the attic ID's turn out not to be him, I could see Farren going out late at night to San Fransisco Bay, and drowning himself in the water. How far is the San Francisco Bridge from the National Hotel? Sorry for such a morbid and horrifying thought. When Mom refused to send him Money, and Farren knew that he owned debts from his stay at the hotel, he was not only frightened, he was terrified of what would happen to him if authorities were to find out that he owned money.

I think that Farren always counted on working odd jobs to make money. We don't know exactly how much money he left with back in late August 1979. But it sounds like he survived living a bohemian lifestyle for about nine months. He may have even been in San Francisco for several months and loved his "home" at the hotel. At least liked living there. But he had nothing else to fall back on when he lost his job, and the fact that as little as $40 remains unclaimed in Farren's bank account, suggest that something bad happened to him.

Another known picture of Farren blown up more to show detail:



  • Farren S. (2).jpg
    Farren S. (2).jpg
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Hey Guys,
Here is a High Resolution Photo of the National Hotel and Google Reviews of the National Hotel below. People lived there for a long time. Today, the place unfortunately sounds like a dump. What it was like when Farren was there, we can't be sure. But I suppose for many of the homeless, anything is better than the street. One reviewer said that when he first moved there he liked it, but left an updated review and said now it is really bad.

Google "National Hotel" for more information or contact information. The purpose of posting this is to show that people could take up residence there for some time.



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  • Annotation 2020-08-19 004602.jpg
    Annotation 2020-08-19 004602.jpg
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More thoughts on Farren,

I will be uploading a high-resolution photo of Farren's High School Junior Year Photo! He is so cute!!! It makes his disappearance that more heartbreaking! I have some more thoughts:

Early April 1980 (April 1,- April 8, 1980)- I think this is the timeframe when Farren first made the call about staying at the "International Hotel" (now, believed to be the "National Hotel" based on the information we have.) This is when he said he was happy living there some other men, but had lost his job and needed money. His Mom refuses to send him any. He calls his grandmother and tells her that he loves her. Grandma wants him to come back home to Oregon. Farren kindly says something, appreciating her concern for him, but says, "Don't worry, I will figure something out."

April 8-April 20, 1980- Farren looks for other jobs, evaluates where he is in life. Hangs out with the friends and community bonds that be has established at the hotel, possibly for several months, maybe even longer. (Well before April, 1980) I think he enjoyed connecting with the young people there and the small-town feeling where he had the cool feeling of being on his own. He does not let on to others about his financial woes, which are hurting him inside, deeply.

April 20- April 24, 1980-Realizing that Farren can't find work to pay his debt he probably tells one or two close friends that he is leaving to go find work. But so as not to worry them, he says that he will be back. He leaves around this date or a few days after. But Farren probably felt in his mind that he wasn't coming back.

April 24, 1980- I believe that this is the date that Farren left the National Hotel and the date that people first sense that he was missing. Farren could have hit the road for some time searching for work. But he knows that he can't go back home to Oregon, can't ask anyone for money really feels that he has no one whom he can confide. This date was the first official "Something is wrong" date.

May 1, 1980- I believe that this is the date that Farren was reported missing, but he had already decided his fate by this time. Either suicide, which I honestly put at about 70%. If he is not UID #1, I think he may have drowned himself in San Francisco Bay. Farren would be the type who, if things got really bad, and he wanted to kill himself, because he was afraid that LE was going to come after him for unpaid bills that he could not pay. He would want to make sure that his body would be impossible to find. Establishing a new identity with the gay community is at about 30%. But Farren's Uncle said that Farren was not the type to elaborately stage a disappearance. His Uncle thinks he was probably murdered, But in all honesty, I only put that at 10%. The reason why Farren's Uncle thinks this in my view, is because the thought of Farren committing suicide his too painful for him to contemplate. But the last conversations with his grandmother, "Don't worry, I love you." Many times, people who commit suicide will often put on a false happy front in their last conversations. They have already planned to do it, and want people to remember them happy.

Circumstantial evidence shows that relationships between Farren and his Mother were strained at best, and horrible at best. I posted that it is very possible that his Mother had Farren when she was very young, considering the age of Farren's grandmother at the time he went missing. We are looking at Farren in a relationship with two woman Farren's grandmother (presumably Mom's Mother) and Farren's Aunt (presumably Mom's sister) over a period of many years.

Farren could have been an unwanted pregnancy. One of those classic high school romances, with irresponsibility connected to it in a big way. Was Farren born out of of wedlock? How well did Farren know his father, if at all? The point being that poor Farren never had a male father figure in his life, or it sure seems like this was the case. Could you imagine the sense of love and belonging that Farren felt connecting with those young guys not only at the National Hotel, but potentially for months on the road? Farren could have seen being gay as a very special thing! A very loving thing, A sense of belonging that he never had before. I think he certainly wanted to travel and see the world when he turned 18. But an important purpose of those travels was to find the father figures that he never had growing up as a child.

Farren probably worked at one or more of the following jobs: Busboy, dishwasher, street vender, shoe shiner, but his main love was the male bonding and the love that he found in San Francisco, which for him was home. However, when he lost his job and couldn't play his debts, and he couldn't afford to live anyplace anymore, the loss of that sense of belonging devastated Farren. It brought tears to his eyes and broke his heart. This is probably why he met a tragic fate.

That June 1, 1980 date reported by Farren's Aunt about him being dropped of at a campsite in Oregon is probably wrong. I think she probably meant some time in April or May, That June date fits no other timeline on the documentation about Farren's case that fits anyplace else. I do believe it likely that when his Aunt and grandmother took him to the campsite, that she is correct about this being the last face-to-face contact that either had with Farren. To get to a potential smoking gun on this case, we have to find a credible person who knew Farren, with whom he confided about his travels, and would be willing to share what they think happened to him. We need closure!

Oh I hope I am wrong about Farren's tragic fate. I will remember Farren Stanberry for the rest of my life! Sounds like he would be an awesome friend! I hope that wherever he is that Farren has found peace and love!



  • Farren S. (High School  (Junior Year) Yearbook Photo.jpg
    Farren S. (High School (Junior Year) Yearbook Photo.jpg
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Correction. Above should read:
"Circumstantial evidence shows that relationships between Farren and his Mother were strained at best, and horrible at worst."


I reached out to Grant Union High School's Facebook Page in John Day Oregon and inquired any former students or faculty alumni to please register at our Websleuths Community if they remember any information about Farren Stanberry when he was a student there, which would have been around 1975-1980. I told them about Farren's background and our community. There is another Grant Union High School Facebook Alumni page, and I requested to join the group. If this request gets approved, I will also post over there.

This is what I said to them: Farren Stanberry Connection Information

I provided Farren's High School Junior year, yearbook photo. The hope is that we can get someone or several someone's who can tell us about Farren's interests and activities. Maybe through them, we can get some family background! I hope this brings results!

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I reached out to Grant Union High School's Facebook Page in John Day Oregon and inquired any former students or faculty alumni to please register at our Websleuths Community if they remember any information about Farren Stanberry when he was a student there, which would have been around 1975-1980. I told them about Farren's background and our community. There is another Grant Union High School Facebook Alumni page, and I requested to join the group. If this request gets approved, I will also post over there.

This is what I said to them: Farren Stanberry Connection Information

I provided Farren's High School Junior year, yearbook photo. The hope is that we can get someone or several someone's who can tell us about Farren's interests and activities. Maybe through them, we can get some family background! I hope this brings results!


Thanks for taking so much time into finding what happened to Farren. I really hope you hear from his former classmates.
More Farren Stanberry information! Including a list of questions to which we need answers for closure:

Additional Farren Stanberry Information.docx


Bumping for Farren! That shared document from me is still active!

One or more of these people from Find a, has to be related to Farren. I can feel this:

Grave Memorial Records - Find A Grave

How could we go about researching this? Finding out who Farren's parents were? Any siblings? Would love to hear their thoughts!

This link is the only names of two relatives that we know for sure are linked to Farren:

Rand went above and beyond. SC, if she is still living, is the key to finding out more about Farren's past and life. If Officer Rand is still around, would he be willing to help with the case? But SC would be able to answer many of our questions about Farren and his family.

I don't have verification:

However, reference the Find a Grave information for deceased "Stanberry's" in Oregon here:

Grave Memorial Records - Find A Grave

Stanberry is not that common of a name but I would say, more likely than not that a David Stanberry at that link, b. 1951 d, 2018 could be Farren's brother. Farren was born in 1961. What do you think?


PS. Just saw this! I clicked on Davd's name at Find a Grave, and a gravestone photo lists a relationship to David as Millie Stanberry born in 1920. I looked at that originally, but that would mean that if Farren and David are related, it is likely that Millie could be Faren's's Mother, If so, she had Farren at 41. That's old for a first child.

I would not look too much into this, but it is at least interesting. On the other hand Farren's Mother could have remarried and taken a different last name, so this finding may not mean anything. I have spent years trying so hard to find any additional information about Farren's family and background!
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I see in one of my previous posts that I theorized that Farren could have been born to his Mother, when his Mother was very young. I wish we had more information!

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