I feel like something else had to have happened, a CPS visit is not the end of the world. They took 4 years to terminate my sisters rights to her children and that is after smoking meth with the two youngest in the room, kidnapping them and running through different states with her pimp on meth etc etc. 4 LONG years. CPS tried hard to keep children either with or under supervised visits families. Maybe other states have lower tolerances.
My only thought as to why they would have ran and done this rather than work through it with CPS is that one of the children was horribly beaten at the time. Police said there was food in the house, home was clean, doesn't seem like they were drug users. I can't speak to how Jen was raised, I only received love via achievement. Must be the best and perfect all the time. When you aren't that leads you down extremely harmful paths. I fell into alcohol, drugs and attempted suicide (about 13 years ago now). I've gone through massive therapy for this issue. I think Jen's inability to have what she considered the perfect family triggered something...this last CPS call may have been the icing since she had already lost face with the neighbors. Probably didn't want to move yet again. I dunno, just some thoughts.
Do we know why the 19 year old was still living at home?
Once they found out CPS was coming? They haven't registered for home school and took kids out in 2011? They'll see a 16 year old who apparently weighs 45 pounds and has two missing front teeth? Other children who are anorexic? No one getting services? And they obviously have lost control of the kids. They may have figured out it was Devonte who went for help because perhaps he was the only one who could leave the house. And now they know the neighbors have a second account of abuse. Or someone does.
I do believe it's a Pandora's box. Something moved them to Washington and they really isolated in past couple years even reportedly by Jen's own postings. If they'd been withholding meals, possible beatings and bruises. I'm sure CPS would want to know what's next for 19 year old. He would actually be able to take over his own benefits in a transition as a foster. I don't know as an adopted. Or if they were applying for social security on a bunch of them.