GUILTY CA - Justice Rees, 2 wks, Woodland, 24 Feb 2015

WOODLAND — Having already offered several versions of why she took her 19-day-old baby Justice Rees into a cold Knights Landing slough, Samantha Green changed her story yet again.
“I really don’t feel like I should be in jail. I think I should be in a (drug treatment) program, grieving with my family,” Green said during that interview. “I know I’m innocent. I’m not a criminal. I was manipulated by a criminal mastermind.”

Green made up a number of different stories about that day but the theme is always the same; it's not her fault, it's someone else who caused her to put her baby in harm's way. :mad:

Yesterday more of the recorded interviews were played and Frank Rees testified. You have to read the article to understand the dynamics of their relationship and what he had to say about the night Samantha and Justice went missing. The whole case is sick beyond belief. Poor baby Justice. :tears:

For example:

Then the prosecution played a one-hour audio recording of an interview between Green and Nyland that occurred on March 30, 2015. Green revealed her fears, implying Rees had prior knowledge that everything was going happen. She also mentioned for the first time that Rees dissolved and filtered crystal methamphetamine with acetone. Rees used acetone because it made the meth “more pure,” and more potent. He was careful to buy “pure acetone,” and stored it in a nail polish remover bottle. Green said that Rees had given her some meth to use in the morning before she took the children to school
Rees said in his testimony that they named their baby “Justice” due to a friend’s idea of naming twins “Felony” and “Justice.” However, Green said in her March 30 interview that she named her baby after her father.
Rees acknowledged his habit of leaving the home in the middle of the night, to use drugs and/or go fishing. He would leave through the window, but said he always checked up on the children sleeping in the living room before he left. He and Green shared one bedroom, his parents each used their own separate bedroom, and his children “camped out” on the two couches in the living room. Rees could also check the cameras set up in the house, using his phone.
And... here we go: Forensic Psychiatrist Diagnoses Samantha Green with Drug-Induced Psychosis

Dr. Soulier, testifying for the defense, diagnosed Ms. Green with drug-induced psychosis. He stated that the only explanation for an intelligent woman to spend 24 hours at the Knights Landing Ridge Cut Slough is irrationality.
Mr. Couzens asked about Ms. Green’s jealousy in regard to Mr. Rees’ affairs. Dr. Soulier confirmed he was aware of the jealousy. The DA proceeded to ask Soulier if he believed most crime was committed due to anger and jealousy. The witness replied affirmatively, however, he stated that there is usually a rational end and beginning.

The next line of questioning dealt with the overall dynamics of lying. Mr. Couzens asked the witness if it takes effort to fake the truth. Dr. Soulier stated he felt uncomfortable making general statements without context. Mr. Couzens then asked if truth was consistent. The witness replied that he felt he was being questioned about philosophy, not psychiatry.
The prosecution asked the witness if a person doubted their hallucination for a moment, whether their hallucination could not be the cause of their actions. Dr. Soulier replied with impatience that psychiatry is not black and white.

At this point, Judge Rosenberg admonished Mr. Couzens not to make facial expressions during cross-examination.
Details about the doctor's 4-hour interview with Green:


As the drugs wore off, so did the delusions, said Soulier, who described Green as being “psychologically intact” by the time he interviewed her. As a result, he concluded that her psychosis was triggered by drug abuse and was not a persisting mental-health condition.

So the doctor is claiming Justice died cuz mommy couldn't stop doing her drugs. The judge already said that isn't a defense but I guess that doesn't stop the attorney from presenting it anyway. I sure hope the jury doesn't give Green a pass because she was high.
Now I know where Rees learned his stellar parenting skills. Those poor children. Did Samantha not have any emotional support from her family? Such bad choices.

"He and Green shared one bedroom, his parents each used their own separate bedroom, and his children “camped out” on the two couches in the living room. Rees could also check the cameras set up in the house, using his phone".
From Monday:

The prosecution then called Investigator Davis off the stand as they began to play audio clips of calls Samantha Green made while in custody. The first call was between the defendant and Frank Rees’ mother, during which they talked about how Dr. Phil, the prominent television personality, had contacted Rees’ mother about doing a “spread” for his show, and if Green decided to do it, he could pay the bail to get her out in order to interview her. This audio was played for the jury while the prosecution also displayed a transcript of the conversation, verbatim, on a projector screen.

In the second audio clip from the jail calls, the prosecution chose a clip that had been taken from a face-to-face visit between Samantha Green and “FG” and “LG,” the defendant’s parents. In this audio clip, the jury heard the parties talking about a social worker and memory related to the crime in question.

In the third and final audio clip played for the jury, the prosecution selected a piece of the defendant’s conversation she had with one of her parents, in which she talked about the results of baby Justice’s autopsy report. The jury also had a PowerPoint of the transcript visible to them, which said that “the coroner’s report says Justice died of stress due to exposure, hypothermia…and he had heart disease, he had a hole in his heart, his heart stopped…So it wasn’t drowning or anything like that.” Mr. Couzens was sure to leave this transcript on the PowerPoint for an extended period of time.

During a jailhouse visit with her father and stepmother, Randy and Laurie Green, Samantha Green blamed others — namely, her former fiancé Frank Rees and his parents — for causing her baby’s demise.

“(He) f—ing put me in that situation, gave me the keys to the f—ing car, and told me basically it’s a life-or-death situation,” Green, referring to Rees, said during the June 19, 2015, visit.
Green, who admitted using methamphetamine in the several days before Justice’s death, said Rees’ parents were supposed to alert Child Welfare Services if they suspected she or Rees had relapsed, “but of course they kept their mouths shut because of Frank. … How could they be so oblivious?”

“They made an agreement to keep my grandson safe and they didn’t do it. That’s what it boils down to,” added Randy Green, who also indicated he was consulting with an attorney on the issue.

Green, meanwhile, confided she told fellow inmates she won’t go to prison.

“I told ’em just watch me when I’m walking out of here. F— no I’m not going to prison. I already know it,” she said.

:guitar: Blame, blame, that's the name of the game...
I am so glad Samantha is being prosecuted for Justice's death. In all fairness, the Judge should throw the book at all involved... Frank, his enabling parents, Samantha's parents, the hospital workers who knew Samantha was loaded/drunk when coming in to feed her baby, and the social workers who decided that a mother who used drugs while pregnant should be given a second chance and handed over that precious baby in her care. So much incompetence and pure laziness on everyone's part, imo.
Closing statements will be heard today. The final witness was a forensic psychiatrist who disagreed with Dr. Soulier's findings.

It was jealousy over her fiancé’s suspected infidelity, and not a drug-induced psychosis, that spurred Samantha Green to go to the Knights Landing slough where her son later died, a forensic psychiatrist testified Tuesday at Green’s murder trial.

Green’s story of swimming across Ridge Cut Slough with 19-day-old Justice and staying out all night after fiancé Frank Rees injected her with methamphetamine and warned her of an impending apocalypse “I just found to be not credible,” said Dr. Joan Gerbasi, chief psychiatrist with the California Medical Facility state prison in Vacaville.

Dr. Gerbasi's stance is that Green's numerous stories about why she went into the slough casts doubt on whether she was telling the truth about what she remembered of that day.

“You would expect there to be some residuals when she was first found, and there was none,” Gerbasi said. She also noted that while people who experience a psychotic episode typically have fragmented memories of what happened to them, “Ms. Green pieced it all together in a seamless story, which would be very unusual.”

In the end I guess it'll be up to the jury to decide which doctor to believe. But either way I'd be surprised if the jury lets Green off the hook completely. IMO there was enough evidence to suggest that Green, high as a kite, went into the slough to find Frank, who was having sex with the woman Monica. Pure and simple jealousy. And baby Justice ended up being dragged along because she had no where else to put him. She didn't care enough about him to keep him safe. It was all about her need for Frank.
The jury began deliberation this afternoon according to The Sacramento Bee."
Thank you so much to everyone who is still following and to those keeping us up-to-date on trial developments very much appreciated

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The defense ended her closing arguments by stating that, regardless of whether Ms. Green tried to blame others or had shifting narratives, Ms. Green undertook these actions because she will have to live with the burden that her son is dead. Ms. Olson played an audio video recording of Ms. Green in Deputy Daniel Macias’ car. Ms. Green was heard to cry out: “I love my baby. I love my baby. He doesn’t deserve this.” Ms. Green and the jury wiped tears from their eyes upon hearing this.


Mr. Gorman reiterated his principal points. It was difficult to regain the jury’s attention after Ms. Olson’s emotional appeal. He delineated again the charges and the evidence that the prosecution had proven Samantha Green guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

My bolding. I sure hope those tears were for baby Justice and not Green.
Verdict's in. It will be read at 11:15, about 40 minutes from now.

Right now it is 11:25 so I guess verdict has been read
A couple of the jurors in the trial spoke after the trial.

"It was a very serious case. I think my colleagues in the jury took this seriously," David Nevarez said. "I can tell you that I think the defense did a very good job -- both the defense and the District Attorney -- were both very professional. It made this very difficult."

Juror Alyson Malcolm said that once the group entered the jury room, 10 out of 12 jurors believed Green was guilty.

"I think the majority of us from the get-go were set on murder," Malcolm said. "It is very hard to imagine what this family is going though, but a jury has to do it."

Thank you jurors.

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