GUILTY CA - Justice Rees, 2 wks, Woodland, 24 Feb 2015

Wow. If you go to the link below and read the comments you'll see a link to information about Frank. I won't post that link here since I don't think it is allowed but do check it out. I also won't comment on the contents here other than to say none of it's surprising.

Green's sentencing is November 1, the day after Halloween.

In the report, Frank Rees also admitted to a history of meth use, but told CPS he was clean when Justice was born.

Rees said he had no idea Green was using drugs while she was pregnant.

"I didn't know she was tested positive because they would take her in the room, and say that they need to talk to her alone, and I thought that was normal," Rees said.

The hospital reported that Green left several times prior to being discharged, even when advised not to leave the building. They said she was acting "intoxicated."

"She was on pain killers, and she had just had surgery, so she kind of seemed intoxicated the whole time, but as far as her leaving, maybe (it was) to go smoke a cigarette," Rees said.

What a liar! :furious: And he's free to go off and sire a bunch more babies that he doesn't give a :censored: about.

"You don't put a baby who's been born addicted to meth in the hands of meth-addicted parents, based purely on their word and the word of the grandparents that they're going to do better. That's not a safety plan," said Ed Howard.

Howard is senior counsel for the Children's Advocacy Group. He was instrumental in passing the California law that required Yolo County's Child Protective Services to release its records in the Justice Rees case.

Those records show that, while baby Justice was still in intensive care, his mother Samantha Green would sneak out of the hospital and come back apparently intoxicated. The records show that both the baby's parents, Samantha Green and Frank Rees, were testing positive for narcotics.
How many ways can my heart break over this case? Why Justin ever allowed to go home?
Unsatisfied with the guilty verdict, Samantha Green’s defense attorney has filed for a new trial.

Public Defender Tracie Olson’s exact reasoning is unknown as she did not articulate her points in open court and copies of her motion were not immediately available on Tuesday. Oral arguments and a final ruling are scheduled for 1:30 p.m., Friday, Dec. 9.

A Yolo County jury unanimously convicted Green, 24, of second-degree murder for the death of her 19-day-old son in September after less than two days of deliberation.
“She’s responsible for the death of her son,” Olson told the jury in her closing argument. “It’s not murder. It’s involuntary manslaughter.”

Jurors apparently disagreed with Olson’s assertions and found Green guilty of the more severe charge of second-degree murder. However, at her sentencing hearing on Tuesday morning, Judge David Rosenberg announced that Olson had filed for a retrial the day prior.

While Couzens objected to the late filing, Rosenberg allowed the process to go forward. A ruling on the new trial will come in December. If denied, Green will be sentenced to 15 years to life in state prison.
Good article on changes that Social Services are trying to make in the wake of Justice's death:

Both Baby Justice and Green had tested positive for methamphetamine following his birth and both Green and her former fiance Frank Rees had a long history of meth use. In addition to the positive drug screenings, there were indications that Green was under the influence at the hospital and was leaving the hospital without permission, social worker Valerie Zeller testified during the trial.

But drug abuse by Green and Rees alone didn’t warrant Justice’s removal from their custody, she said, explaining that social workers consider a number of factors, including the home environment, family history, the child’s fragility and the parents’ cognitive stability.
That safety plan included several conditions, including that the family live with Rees’ parents, clean drug tests for both of them and their agreement to undergo random drug screenings.

However, no screenings were conducted and Green admitted in court to getting high prior to Justice’s death. Her defense, in fact, was that a drug-induced psychosis led to Justice’s death.
Larsen said that a review of 13 recent cases involving babies born tox-positive in Yolo County showed four infants were allowed to go home with parents, but in two of those cases, the infants ended up re-entering the system.

“So when we looked at that, we said, ‘We need to adjust the way we are practicing,’” Larsen said.

More at the link. The big question is whether or not major changes will actually happen. In Justice's case his parents were druggie losers but you'd think with grandparents willing to take the family in and supervise the baby's care that he'd have had a fighting chance. If even that environment was not enough to keep a newborn safe from his parents then how can social workers send any baby home with drug addicted parents?

What shocks me is that neither Green nor Rees underwent any drug screening, nor were either of them required to participate in a drug rehab program. So all I can guess is that babies are being sent home from the hospital with their druggie parents and a sham "safety plan."

California just legalized marijuana. Why not set a big tax on sales and earmark the funds directly for dealing with babies born to drug using parents? Safety plans and visits from overworked social workers don't work. It's time for a new system.

JMO. RIP Justice. :tears:
Samantha Green sentenced to prison in Baby Justice's death

No new trial for Samantha.

After turning down a motion for a new trial, a Yolo County judge sentenced Samantha Green to 15 years to life in prison in the death of her 3-week-old son.
Green’s parents and public defender made an emotional plea for leniency, describing a compassionate young woman who succumbed to methamphetamine addiction.

“There is not one part of me that believes she took him into the slough to do him any harm. Let alone to kill her son. There’s no way,” said Green’s stepmother Laurie Green. “That day she got high, and had such a terrible trip and psychotic episode that she thought she was protecting our grandson. From someone or something.”

Green will be eligible for parole in 14-15 years. And yes, her attorney will be filing an appeal.

“Ms. Green, back in Feb of 2015 you violated the most basic responsibility of a parent,” said Yolo Superior Court judge David Rosenberg. “You put your child in harms way. And because of your actions your child is dead.”
Rosenberg agreed with the prosecution, ruling Friday that “the verdict of the jury is supported by the evidence.”
Rosenberg stuck to the state guidelines prescribing a sentence of 15-years-to-life in state prison. With time already served, Green will be eligible for parole in about 14 years.

Let this be a lesson that using drugs that cause a psychotic break with reality will not excuse you from the responsibility you have to your child to keep them safe. I'm sick to death of seeing drug use as an excuse to treat a child as if they were a piece of disposable garbage.

RIP Justice. Justice comes too late. :tears:
I just went through the notes from the social worker. they were supposed to test AND get into rehab. they just didn't follow through and were missing apts and not answering calls.
Good article on changes that Social Services are trying to make in the wake of Justice's death:

More at the link. The big question is whether or not major changes will actually happen. In Justice's case his parents were druggie losers but you'd think with grandparents willing to take the family in and supervise the baby's care that he'd have had a fighting chance. If even that environment was not enough to keep a newborn safe from his parents then how can social workers send any baby home with drug addicted parents?

What shocks me is that neither Green nor Rees underwent any drug screening, nor were either of them required to participate in a drug rehab program. So all I can guess is that babies are being sent home from the hospital with their druggie parents and a sham "safety plan."

California just legalized marijuana. Why not set a big tax on sales and earmark the funds directly for dealing with babies born to drug using parents? Safety plans and visits from overworked social workers don't work. It's time for a new system.

JMO. RIP Justice. :tears:
it chaps my butt that Frank's loser butt isn't held responsible in any way. he got her high and left her there to get get a piece of tail.
it chaps my butt that Frank's loser butt isn't held responsible in any way. he got her high and left her there to get get a piece of tail.
I totally agree, this sorry excuse for a father should be rotting in jail right along with her. He's like an alley cat and will just keep right on producing poor, helpless babies who can't fend for themselves.[emoji13]

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Nearly two years to the day after Frank Rees’ newborn son Justice was found lifeless on a Knights Landing slough bank, the Yolo County District Attorney’s Office announced it would pursue criminal charges against the Woodland man in connection with his baby’s death.

District Attorney Jeff Reisig said the felony charges against Rees — involuntary manslaughter, child endangerment and administering methamphetamine — stemmed from facts aired at the trial last fall of Samantha Green, Justice’s mother, who was convicted of second-degree murder for taking the baby into the slough while high on drugs.

“Evidence presented at trial established that Frank Rees was administering methamphetamine to Samantha Green” even though Justice was born with the drug in his system just weeks earlier and the couple had promised social workers they’d address their addictions, Reisig told reporters at a press conference Wednesday morning.

“Under California law, when another individual’s unlawful or reckless conduct in the face of known risks is a substantial factor that contributes to the death of another person, criminal liability may be established,” Reisig added.

Baby Justice Rees’ father responds to charges in infant’s death

Frank Rees Arrest Press Conference
Good! From your link:

Frank Rees, 31, was arrested Tuesday morning at his Woodland home and now faces criminal charges of involuntary manslaughter, child endangerment and administering a controlled substance — all felonies — according to court documents.
“Ultimately, baby Justice was released to Samantha Green and Frank Rees after child welfare officials required them to agree not to use methamphetamine and to seek drug treatment among other things,” Reisig explained.

However, drug-use would continue to be a factor even hours before the infant’s death.

As discussed at trial, Rees directly administered methamphetamine to Green. It was this act, combined with other evidence, that led to the new charges against him.
In terms of the recent arrest, Yolo Sheriff’s deputies arrested Rees earlier this month for possessing drugs and ammunition. During that time, they also arrested a 27-year-old pregnant woman who was living with Rees, also on drug possession charges.

Reisig did not elaborate on the importance of the woman in regards to the new charges. When pressed by reporters, he simply stated that he would not discuss her at this time. Some reporters speculated that Rees was the father of that unborn child, but Reisig did not comment.

Gee, what a shock - he had another young, pregnant woman living with him. Whether or not he's the father hasn't been released but, well, you know, leopard, spots - the only way to keep him from impregnating women is to lock him up.
March 31, 2017:
A new drug charge will be filed against Frank Rees in connection with the death of his infant child, officials for the District Attorney’s Office have reported.

Rees, 31, is already facing a number of other felony drug charges related to the death of Baby Justice Rees, who died in a Knights Landing slough two years ago.

Rees was in Yolo County Superior Court on Thursday. He has been charged with involuntary manslaughter in connection with the death of Justice. His preliminary hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, April 12.

The “motion to amend the complaint” states that on Feb. 23, 2015 — the same day his son died — Rees administered methamphetamine to a second person, identified in a court document as Monica Combs, while both were in a parked car on the side of a county road. The DA’s amended complaint states that both Rees and Combs confirmed the account during police interviews.
As discussed at trial, Rees directly administered methamphetamine to Green. It was this act, combined with other evidence, that led to the new charges against him.

Reisig said Rees administered the substance “despite the circumstances of baby Justice’s birth, the involvement of the Yolo County child welfare system and the agreement made by the parents.”

Yolo Sheriff’s deputies arrested Rees earlier in February for possessing drugs and ammunition. During that time, they arrested a 27-year-old pregnant woman who was living with Rees, also on drug possession charges.

April 2, 2017:
WOODLAND — If Frank Rees’ involuntary manslaughter case goes to trial, Yolo County prosecutors say they plan to call his former fiancée, Samantha Green, to testify regarding the events surrounding the 2015 death of their infant son Justice Rees.
At a hearing Thursday in Yolo Superior Court to discuss the status of Rees’ case, Deputy Public Defender David Muller said Green would assert her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination if called as a prosecution witness, as her murder conviction remains in the appellate stage.

Muller — who says his office continues to serve as Green’s attorney of record, even though she’s now a state prisoner — also has filed a motion objecting to the release of Green’s confidential and privileged records to Rees’ court-appointed defense attorney, Rod Beede.

Specifically, Muller cited Green’s medical and psychiatric records from the Yolo County Jail, some of her letters and recorded phone conversations while incarcerated there, and a “surreptitious” cell phone video Rees took of Green just before their baby’s death, as materials that should be kept under wraps.

April 12 and 16, 2017:
Arguments about the use of Samantha Green’s psychiatric records in a new case against Frank Rees postponed the Woodland man’s preliminary hearing on Wednesday.
Now, Rees faces charges of involuntary manslaughter, child endangerment and administering a controlled substance to Green and a second woman, Monica Combs, on the day of his son’s death, according to court documents. He pleaded not guilty to all charges.
These records were made available during the Green trial, however, Deputy Public Defender Dave Muller — who represented Green — argued that these records should remain private and that the prosecution is “taking a shortcut” in terms of obtaining those records from Green’s trial instead of other legal means such as subpoenas.

He also mentioned that a “Chinese wall” should have been in place. This term typically describes an information barrier within an organization that is established to prevent potential conflicts of interest.
Another discovery item in question was a video of Green filmed by Rees.

Like the psychiatric records, this video was also a discovery item in the Green case, but unlike the records was excluded from her trial.

Muller emphasized its exclusion, noting that Green was unaware that she was being filmed.

“Rees victimized Green by making this video without consent,” Muller said. He also took issue with the fact that Rees filmed it.

“He should not benefit from his own wrongdoing,” Muller said.
Richardson scheduled a prehearing conference at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, April 26, in Department 13, where discovery issues will be addressed and another preliminary hearing will be scheduled.

I really, really want to see Frank go to jail for a substantial amount of time for his part in baby Justice's death. No more threats from the court that never get followed through, no probation, no drug rehab - I wanna see him sit in a 4 by 6 cell for at least a few years.

At the very least it gets him away from his newborn daughter. Btw, the mother was charged with possession of meth too. No info on whether or not baby girl was tested... another "safety plan" anyone?
Liable or uninvolved? Attorneys debate father’s role in Baby Justice death

When Frank Rees used methamphetamine with his fiancée Samantha Green one February morning, he “set a chain of events in motion” that resulted in the death of their infant son Justice Rees, Yolo County prosecutors argued Friday in their involuntary-manslaughter case against the Woodland man.

In addition to involuntary manslaughter, Rees, 31, is charged with child endangerment, administering methamphetamine and eavesdropping.

Whether the charges will stand is now up to Yolo Superior Court Judge Paul Richardson, who after hearing evidence over three afternoons last week asked attorneys to submit briefs on their positions in the case. Further arguments and Richardson’s ruling are scheduled for July 6.
Manslaughter charge upheld against Baby Justice’s father

Rees should have known he was sending his baby into harm’s way when he left 19-day-old Justice Rees in the care of his methamphetamine-addled fiancée, a Yolo Superior Court judge said Thursday in upholding involuntary manslaughter and child endangerment charges against the Woodland man.

“Though the precise consequence could not be foreseen, the court is of the view that it was reasonably foreseeable that there would be harm to this child,” Judge Paul K. Richardson said in a lengthy ruling that summarized evidence presented during Rees’ three-day preliminary hearing last month.

Richardson also ruled that sufficient evidence exists for Rees to stand trial on three other counts — administering methamphetamine to Green and another woman, Monica Coombs, and an eavesdropping charge for allegedly filming a distraught Green in his garage shortly before Justice’s death.
Current Trial Schedule for Frank Rees is October 16.
Rees, 31, of Woodland was arraigned Thursday in Yolo Superior Court ahead of a scheduled Oct. 16 trial date on felony charges of involuntary manslaughter, child endangerment and two counts of administering a controlled substance. He appeared before Yolo Superior Court Judge Paul Richardson.

A trial readiness conference is scheduled for Aug. 17 in Woodland.

Too little too late IMO but it's curiously satisfying to see Frank finally held accountable for his disgusting behavior!

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