Found Deceased CA - Kiely Rodni missing from Party Near Prosser Family Campground in Truckee #10

I think that "blaming a 16 year old child for her own death" IMO, is exactly what LE is saying.
Keily was the only one responsible for driving into a lake and drowning. Although I am very uncomfortable with what happened , I am not trying to blame someone else. I just believe a distinction should be made if her alcohol or drug use is the absolute in causing it. It would be fair to clarify which is it "drunk enough to lose it" or a sad wrong turn mistake made late at night . Perhaps LE can clarify the difference in "falling down drunk".
Respectfully, every time an accident occurs, the insurance company or companies involved assign fault to someone, so in effect, someone gets blamed. The facts, as investigated and determined by trained law enforcement teams and medical professionals cannot be changed because someone doesn't want a 16-year-old to appear to have even accidentally contributed to her own death. Whether she was "falling down drunk" has not been suggested by LE, who have clearly stated that they cannot determine whether the alcohol content still able to be tested from a body that had been submerged for some two weeks was due to alcohol consumption, decomposition, or both. Truthfully, even if absolutely no alcohol or THC was found in her system to suggest impairment, that still does not change the findings of the trained accident reconstruction team, and the medical examiner, who determined that her car went into water and she died from drowning, with absolutely no indication of foul play. As to sharing MAIT reports and all investigative steps and findings, it isn't going to happen. Regardless of what any of us may wish to know, none of us is owed any explanations. JMO

ETA...What her mother believes Kiely would or would not do is insignificant. She clearly was not a helicoptering parent, imo.
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I am sorry the "falling down drunk" was me exaggerating but in keeping with how the narrative has been alluded to from the beginning. Just how drunk or drugged was she. All that was said was alcohol in the system which could be from decomp. Just clarify what that finding means?? If impaired enough to cause the accident, then say it. Lindsey believed her daughter would not drink and drive, let's not be ambiguous. This case has been imaginative enough.
I don't think that LE can say with absolute certainty how inebriated Kiely may have been.

We know she was at a party where alcohol and weed was being consumed and she had THC along with ethanol in her system so I speculate that these intoxicants were a factor in her accident. JMO.

Rodni's friend, Sami Smith, who was at the party with her, shared footage with The Sun that showed a group of teens gathered at the campsite that was littered with what appeared to be bottles of alcohol.

Another source told The Sun that the teens at the party were sometimes 'fighting,' smoking weed and drinking alcohol.

Is there a mainstream source of the full report available yet?

I found it interesting and informative, and I think reading it might answer some of the questions people still have. Maybe not all, and not all for everyone, of course. If you have not read it yet, I think it's a good idea. My opinion only, of course.
I can stand by the outcome here , but I believe LE should announce the findings at a press conference and answer questions backing up their findings.... unless a November 1 conference will do that. They may not owe the public any info but I believe it would be the prudent thing to do.

That would be interesting. Or perhaps be available for an interview(s). I looked around a bit to see if I could find the full report available on a MSM site acceptable to discuss here, but did not find anything. I do think there is information within that answers a lot of the questions many of us had/have, but that is my takeaway and opinion. I know there will probably be some lingering doubts for people who followed. I feel like I have a better understanding of certain things now. Maybe not everything, but many things.
Ethanol IS ethyl alcohol (the kind you drink). The investigators didn’t say “no alcohol”—they simply cant distinguish between ethyl alcohol she *may have* consumed, and the ethyl alcohol (aka an ethanol) that was produced as a result of decomposition.

We have witnesses saying she drank that night, (and there were cans of alcoholic beverages in her car) so… seems likely at least some of the alcohol in her system was due to her having consumed it, but LE cannot determine definitively how much.
I feel the need to point out that witnesses observed Kiely intoxicated at the party shortly before she disappeared - so much so that her friend changed her ride-arrangements. This is evidence that she was impaired.
That would be hearsay. I do not think the report says how much THC or Alcohol and I believe samples were taken from the liver only.
Ethanol IS ethyl alcohol (the kind you drink). The investigators didn’t say “no alcohol”—they simply cant distinguish between ethyl alcohol she *may have* consumed, and the ethyl alcohol (aka an ethanol) that was produced as a result of decomposition.

We have witnesses saying she drank that night, (and there were cans of alcoholic beverages in her car) so… seems likely at least some of the alcohol in her system was due to her having consumed it, but LE cannot determine definitively how much.
I get it but with the way this case has been handled it seems inevitable to question ! Unfortunately the full report is on a You Tube channel
Respectfully, every time an accident occurs, the insurance company or companies involved assign fault to someone, so in effect, someone gets blamed. The facts, as investigated and determined by trained law enforcement teams and medical professionals cannot be changed because someone doesn't want a 16-year-old to appear to have even accidentally contributed to her own death. Whether she was "falling down drunk" has not been suggested by LE, who have clearly stated that they cannot determine whether the alcohol content still able to be tested from a body that had been submerged for some two weeks was due to alcohol consumption, decomposition, or both. Truthfully, even if absolutely no alcohol or THC was found in her system to suggest impairment, that still does not change the findings of the trained accident reconstruction team, and the medical examiner, who determined that her car went into water and she died from drowning, with absolutely no indication of foul play. As to sharing MAIT reports and all investigative steps and findings, it isn't going to happen. Regardless of what any of us may wish to know, none of us is owed any explanations. JMO

ETA...What her mother believes Kiely would or would not do is insignificant. She clearly was not a helicoptering parent, imo.
Hi Steve - I can see you are frustrated with my musings and if you believe this was an accident, that is certainly your prerogative Talking to me, then, will only frustrate you.
I find you rationale interesting "The facts, as investigated and determined by Trained law enforcement teams and medical professionals cannot be changed".
IMOO this case was never investigated as a homicide and so much evidence was not in keeping with chain of custody, I feel uneasy just accepting Accident. Do you not have any questions about this case? No we are not owed explanations and perhaps we will never get a chance to ask them, but I know I will still have unanswered questions and I wish I could accept accident as easy as some.
Hi Steve - I can see you are frustrated with my musings and if you believe this was an accident, that is certainly your prerogative Talking to me, then, will only frustrate you.
I find you rationale interesting "The facts, as investigated and determined by Trained law enforcement teams and medical professionals cannot be changed".
IMOO this case was never investigated as a homicide and so much evidence was not in keeping with chain of custody, I feel uneasy just accepting Accident. Do you not have any questions about this case? No we are not owed explanations and perhaps we will never get a chance to ask them, but I know I will still have unanswered questions and I wish I could accept accident as easy as some.
Can you give us the evidence that supports this being a homicide or that foul play is involved?

I have no reason to distrust the conclusions made by LE that this was an accidental death and that there was no evidence of foul play. JMO.
Hi Steve - I can see you are frustrated with my musings and if you believe this was an accident, that is certainly your prerogative Talking to me, then, will only frustrate you.
I find you rationale interesting "The facts, as investigated and determined by Trained law enforcement teams and medical professionals cannot be changed".
IMOO this case was never investigated as a homicide and so much evidence was not in keeping with chain of custody, I feel uneasy just accepting Accident. Do you not have any questions about this case? No we are not owed explanations and perhaps we will never get a chance to ask them, but I know I will still have unanswered questions and I wish I could accept accident as easy as some.
I do understand that people have questions. I certainly don't have all the answers you seek, and yes, I question some things as well, but I can accept the final report, because to me, from the beginning, a probably impaired, inexperienced driver, driving alone in complete darkness, as we saw in the last video that was released, making a wrong turn and driving into water, where she, sadly, was unable to escape the sinking car, and drowned, seemed to be the most likely scenario to me. You know, Ockham's Razor, though doesn't always apply, usually does.

I accept that there are questions that LE was unable to answer, largely because of decomposition due to the amount of time she was submerged and unfound, but I do not question the quality of the investigation. Very many man hours went into this case, and the elite CHP MAIT team and FBI did the forensic examination of the car, and accident reconstruction. Did LE investigate this as a homicide. As someone who has had several family members in LE, though not anywhere near Truckee, I feel comfortable saying that LE, in a case like this, does not predetermine, "hey, let's investigate this as a homicide" or an accident, or a suicide, but just began to question as many people as they could identify that were there, examine digital data surrounding the victim, then ultimately examine the car and body, and let all of that information combined steer them to decide whether it was homicide or something else. It seems to me that they did this, and the facts as they saw them, led to the findings of accidental death with no foul play.

Finally, while I may disagree with a post, I do not make it personal, because I think we are all here with the same sincere desire to see justice prevail in the cases we follow. In this case, you and I may just disagree as to whether that has or will happen, but I look forward to posting alongside you on some other case, where you may find that we are in complete agreement. JMO
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How about the fact that someone provided alcohol and marijuana to a minor, who then died accidentally? That’s breaking the law and people have been charged with manslaughter for similar. To say this case is resolved and nothing else should happen is an insult to her death. Someone is at fault for putting this chain of events into motion and LE should continue to pursue them.
How about the fact that someone provided alcohol and marijuana to a minor, who then died accidentally? That’s breaking the law and people have been charged with manslaughter for similar. To say this case is resolved and nothing else should happen is an insult to her death. Someone is at fault for putting this chain of events into motion and LE should continue to pursue them.
Seems like LE is still evaluating any additional information in this case. I'm not sure if a manslaughter charge will come out of it though. JMO.
"This ruling is based on the pathologist's finding that her death was the result of drowning and that there was no other information to suggest she was the victim of foul play," the sheriff's office said in a statement.
The sheriff's office is continuing to work with Rodni's family "by evaluating any additional information related to this investigation," it added.
I do understand that people have questions. I certainly don't have all the answers you seek, and yes, I question some things as well, but I can accept the final report, because to me, from the beginning, a probably impaired, inexperienced driver, driving alone in complete darkness, as we saw in the last video that was released, making a wrong turn and driving into water, where she, sadly, was unable to escape the sinking car, and drowned, seemed to be the most likely scenario to me. You know, Ockham's Razor, though doesn't always apply, usually does.

I accept that there are questions that LE was unable to answer, largely because of decomposition due to the amount of time she was submerged and unfound, but I do not question the quality of the investigation. Very many man hours went into this case, and the elite CHP MAIT team and FBI did the forensic examination of the car, and accident reconstruction. Did LE investigate this as a homicide. As someone who has had several family members in LE, though not anywhere near Truckee, I feel comfortable saying that LE, in a case like this, does not predetermine, "hey, let's investigate this as a homicide" or an accident, or a suicide, but just began to question as many people as they could identify that were there, examine digital data surrounding the victim, then ultimately examine the car and body, and let all of that information combined steer them to decide whether it was homicide or something else. It seems to me that they did this, and the facts as they saw them, led to the findings of accidental death with no foul play.

Finally, while I may disagree with a post, I do not make it personal, because I think we are all here with the same sincere desire to see justice prevail in the cases we follow. In this case, you and I may just disagree as to whether that has or will happen, but I look forward to posting alongside you on some other case, where you may find that we are in complete agreement. JMO
Well said, Steve.

I’ll add my standard position that things are rarely black and white.

So while my inexpert personal opinion agrees with expert LE findings that this was accidental, I do find that I wish there were more details and conclusions released.

This could be anything from technical details of how the car entered the water, moved in the water, to speeds, etc.

I understand and appreciate that we may never have more information, and that just because we want to know does not mean we have a right to know.

And I completely agree with you that “we are all here with the same sincere desire to see justice prevail in the cases we follow.”

I think we are also all here with the desire to try and prevent or at least reduce these things from happening in the future. Which is also why we crave details - so we can best understand what happened and learn from the past.
Well said, Steve.

I’ll add my standard position that things are rarely black and white.

So while my inexpert personal opinion agrees with expert LE findings that this was accidental, I do find that I wish there were more details and conclusions released.

This could be anything from technical details of how the car entered the water, moved in the water, to speeds, etc.

I understand and appreciate that we may never have more information, and that just because we want to know does not mean we have a right to know.

And I completely agree with you that “we are all here with the same sincere desire to see justice prevail in the cases we follow.”

I think we are also all here with the desire to try and prevent or at least reduce these things from happening in the future. Which is also why we crave details - so we can best understand what happened and learn from the past.
I think CHP or whoever should release a report on Kiely's crv so people know what condition it was in when it entered the water. Knowing if it was or was not tampered with would help many people IMO.

(example: brake lines cut or not etc)
I think CHP or whoever should release a report on Kiely's crv so people know what condition it was in when it entered the water. Knowing if it was or was not tampered with would help many people IMO.

(example: brake lines cut or not etc)
If Kiely's car was tampered with in a way that contributed to the crash I would call that foul play.

LE has said there was no evidence of foul play. JMO.
If Kiely's car was tampered with in a way that contributed to the crash I would call that foul play.

LE has said there was no evidence of foul play. JMO.
I know.
I only meant that releasing a report on the crv would help people have more faith in what they say with all the "slipups" in the investigation.
I was 90% sure of what happened the first day. Now I'm 99.9% sure.

In the state of California selling, giving, or providing alcohol to a minor is a misdemeanor. It is punishable by a mandatory $250 fine and/or 24-32 hours of community service.

For someone to be guilty of a more serious crime than that it would need to be established that they intended for her to drive into the lake. I very much doubt that is something that's going to be proven.

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