Found Deceased CA - Kiely Rodni Missing From Party Near Prosser Family Campground in Truckee since 8 Aug 2022 #5

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Mbr Truckeeite posted some movies on the terrain. Particularly the first one might help you. Post#638 on page 32 of this thread. Let's see if I can link it: CA - CA - Kiely Rodni Missing From Party Near Prosser Family Campground in Truckee #4 (There's probably a much simpler way of doing that.)
I don't know. I saw a LOT of space where a car could have gone off the road between the 5 and 6 minute marks on the video. I'm sure those areas have been searched, but the narrative in the video that "there's not really much area for her to have gone off the road down an embankment" isn't what I saw. And I'd like to see Alder Road, where he decided not to film.

Very very helpful!
LE did not go out to Prosser to break up the party, but it is very possible that something specific could have happened that caused a large number of partiers to leave in a mass exodus, fearing that LE may be called to the scene. A big brawl that left someone seriously injured perhaps, or a medical emergency on someone's part? I am not suggesting that anything like that happened, but merely pointing out that if it did, and lots of attendees were underage and impaired, they probably would not have wanted to stick around, waiting for the cops to show up. JMO

Is it possible that the younger group cleared out if a larger number of "sketchy older" people flooded in?

I could see that happening, also in conjunction with curfews, and things like having to work the following morning. I know some kids would probably just call out, but a fair amount would need money for school, etc.

In one of the sources that quoted Elsa as seeing Kiely around midnight, she noted leaving because of volleyball tryouts. Since there were kids present who had not yet graduated, there also may have been tryouts, etc for other sports the following morning.

Another reason to question how many where at least semi-sober, IMO.
I find it particularly interesting that AWP began their search at Donner Lake, as I was under the impression that they were going to begin at Prosser. I wonder what intelligence they have that led them to that decision.
You took the words right out of my mouth, @SteveP. They also went to search the 2 small ponds that she would go by on the road to her house, but said they were too shallow. They then went to Boca.
I wonder if someone finally came forward to say they did see KR driving away from the party. They were searching waters that could or would be on her way home. They then went to search another lake that may have been the scene of other parties that night. Why not start at Prosser where they know she was for a period of time and where her cellphone last pinged?
Either AWP examined the searches already conducted at Prosser and felt the car was likely not there, or they felt that because of the shallow waters at the boat ramps around Prosser, the car would not have sunk enough to disappear, or they have received definitive information that KR and her vehicle left the area that night but her intended destination was unknown. It may also be unknown if KR was driving her car.
I find it particularly interesting that AWP began their search at Donner Lake, as I was under the impression that they were going to begin at Prosser. I wonder what intelligence they have that led them to that decision. The gentleman mentioned other parties at other specific campgrounds, including Stampede and Boca, also occurred that night, and while we had heard rumors of afterparties, we had heard of no locations, and I sense that thoughts from locals on here focused more on unoccupied second homes as potential locations. With all of the attention that has been given Prosser Reservoir already, I now feel it is probable that Kiely did meet up with the older people at Prosser, left that party, either alone or with someone, and ended up going to another location to continue partying. If she made it there safely, I fear something bad happened to her there, either accidentally or as the result of criminal activity on someone else's part, and she and her car may have been disposed of in water in one of those lesser searched lakes. JMO

Yes, and this fits what at least some of the local folks think happened. If people in the community are discussing it amongst themselves, hopefully this means someone has been able to provide solid information to LE.
Are you talking about the time when they went back to the car to charge their phones?
I thought SS said they were going to the car to do shots throughout the evening, sharing drinks, etc. But yes, wasn't it 11:00 pm when they charged the phones? Maybe from that time on K stopped drinking because she was planning on driving. It's hard to tell from Sami's description what state they were both in.

What time did she say she saw Keily and determined she was not capable of driving, and would not have driven in that condition? Was that when they were in the car?
Aug 21 2022 rbbm.
''Law enforcement have still yet to identify a single person who saw Kiely Rodni leave a campground party in Tahoe on Aug. 6, officials say.''

"People aren't talking to us," Placer County Sheriff’s Office public information officer Angela Musallam told the New York Post on Thursday. Musallam said many of the 200-300 attendees of the party were underage and may be worried that coming forward will get them in legal trouble. The sheriff's office has repeatedly stressed that people should come forward without fear of repercussions because investigators’ only concern is learning what happened to Kiely.

“A lot of people from the party may be in college or may be just about to start college and they’re afraid they will ruin their future if they say something,” Musallam told the Post.''
You took the words right out of my mouth, @SteveP. They also went to search the 2 small ponds that she would go by on the road to her house, but said they were too shallow. They then went to Boca.
I wonder if someone finally came forward to say they did see KR driving away from the party. They were searching waters that could or would be on her way home. They then went to search another lake that may have been the scene of other parties that night. Why not start at Prosser where they know she was for a period of time and where her cellphone last pinged?
Either AWP examined the searches already conducted at Prosser and felt the car was likely not there, or they felt that because of the shallow waters at the boat ramps around Prosser, the car would not have sunk enough to disappear, or they have received definitive information that KR and her vehicle left the area that night but her intended destination was unknown. It may also be unknown if KR was driving her car.
They had made the comment about trusting what had already been done or something along those lines? I wonder if they felt that Prosser had already been adequately searched?
I wonder if the Mods would allow AWP to be an approved source? They seem to be so professional, thoughtful and thorough. How would we ask them? I hope it is ok to post this here. Thank you!
Adventures with a purpose is permitted in this case.

Thank you for asking; in the future, instead of posting on the thread (we might or might not see it), report on any post and ask your question in the box that pops up (ALL mods and admins see it and your question will be answered faster).
I've been seeing some video of like 2 people out searching on social media, apparently her friends aren't even searching now? and there's a serious lack of search party in general. I'm not sure if that's because LE has evidence that shows a search party won't yield results, or if the "novelty" of a true crime in a small town has disappeared. I wish I could get out there searching, but unfortunately there's not much that can be done from Canada. It's not looking like this 16 year old girl with such a bright future will be brought home alive at this point, so so sad. Still holding out hope, but after 16 days, I think we're all coming to that same realization.
Some random thoughts:

1) I doubt KR has voluntarily disappeared. No money and no credit card activity. Unless she has a sugar daddy or someone "protecting" her, I can't see her living off the land. Even is she pursued the van life, her car should have been seen by now.

2) Much of her high school career was during COVID. With California restrictions, how much of her experience was in-person vs online? How many of her fellow graduates did she know well?

3) If KR left on her own about the time of the supposed 12:30 exodus, most likely she would have followed the lights of other cars. Any cars following her might have noticed a wrong turn on her part. This suggests to me that she did not leave with the reported 12:30 exodus.

4) I believe the late night text to her mother is legitimate. Only KR or a close friend would know the details of her curfew. Also why ask for only a 15 minute extension? In what way would that help a possible abductor?

A do not believe there is enough evidence out there for internet detectives to solve this. I will continue to follow in the hopes that a big break is made soon.
Aug 21 2022 rbbm.
''Law enforcement have still yet to identify a single person who saw Kiely Rodni leave a campground party in Tahoe on Aug. 6, officials say.''

"People aren't talking to us," Placer County Sheriff’s Office public information officer Angela Musallam told the New York Post on Thursday. Musallam said many of the 200-300 attendees of the party were underage and may be worried that coming forward will get them in legal trouble. The sheriff's office has repeatedly stressed that people should come forward without fear of repercussions because investigators’ only concern is learning what happened to Kiely.

“A lot of people from the party may be in college or may be just about to start college and they’re afraid they will ruin their future if they say something,” Musallam told the Post.''
While that may still be true, this statement was made on Thursday. It is very possible that one or more persons have come forward since then, with new information. I feel like AWP's search beginning where it did was based on some information they and LE have, that we do not. JMO
Adventures with a purpose is permitted in this case.

Thank you for asking; in the future, instead of posting on the thread (we might or might not see it), report on any post and ask your question in the box that pops up (ALL mods and admins see it and your question will be answered faster).

Those locations are nowhere near the direction Kiley would have driven home. Obviously, they have much more experience than I do, so I am sure their reasoning is sound. I just don't understand it. They said that they won't say which organization they are assisting... do you think that organization is requesting they search those areas specifically? Did they say WHY they are searching those areas?

So many questions. :)

It’s possible that she wasn’t driving straight home, (by choice, or by taking the wrong turn.) It’s possible that someone else was driving. If a body of water WAS used by someone else to dispose of her car, then it might be almost anywhere, but finding it would provide a lot of valuable information.
Some random thoughts:

1) I doubt KR has voluntarily disappeared. No money and no credit card activity. Unless she has a sugar daddy or someone "protecting" her, I can't see her living off the land. Even is she pursued the van life, her car should have been seen by now.

2) Much of her high school career was during COVID. With California restrictions, how much of her experience was in-person vs online? How many of her fellow graduates did she know well?

3) If KR left on her own about the time of the supposed 12:30 exodus, most likely she would have followed the lights of other cars. Any cars following her might have noticed a wrong turn on her part. This suggests to me that she did not leave with the reported 12:30 exodus.

4) I believe the late night text to her mother is legitimate. Only KR or a close friend would know the details of her curfew. Also why ask for only a 15 minute extension? In what way would that help a possible abductor?

A do not believe there is enough evidence out there for internet detectives to solve this. I will continue to follow in the hopes that a big break is made soon.

I'm not invested in this theory, however Kiely's mother noted Kiely does have the means and ability to run away, if she had wanted to. She did not feel Kiely was voluntarily missing, however.

re: #1 She could have cash from her job or otherwise. It has only been 2 weeks.

She does have wilderness skills per her family and lifestyle growing up, so she IS a little bit different than the typical missing 16 year-old. SInce she had planned to go camping the following day, having gear and supplies in her SUV would not have raised suspicion.

Back roads have been mentioned.

She does seem independent and mature for her age, in many ways.

I think it should still be considered possible, especially if we broaden it to involve meeting up with older person(s), whether friendly or with bad intent.

Edited to add: We also have Jagger, Kate and a 3rd unnamed friend heading right to Reno to look for Kiely. Did they do this as a way of connecting, wanting to do "something"? Or did they really feel they might find her or some clues to what happened?
Moo...not sure why the cops are getting pissy about no one seeing her leave. People are in there own zone..lots of head lites, people wandering to different cars, just dark shapes moving around is all that would be seen. If someone was watching her...perfect time to ask for a ride. Unless someone one had passengers, think the cops would get same info..about any car driver there...moo
Moo...not sure why the cops are getting pissy about no one seeing her leave. People are in there own zone..lots of head lites, people wandering to different cars, just dark shapes moving around is all that would be seen. If someone was watching her...perfect time to ask for a ride. Unless someone one had passengers, think the cops would get same info..about any car driver there...moo

Maybe it is the disconnect and amount of missing time? We know Elsa saw her at midnight, and then there is basically a half an hour where no one sees or hears from her, except for SS who receives the call asking if SS still needs a ride where she states she can "hear the party in the background".

The bit where SS says she face to face said good bye to Kiely or at least last saw in person is really vague, IMO. I'm not sure anyone has a firm time on when that is supposed to have happened.

I personally think it's super suspect and weird for an outgoing, well liked girl to leave the party without anyone seeing her and at least shouting out something like "Yo, Kiely see ya tomorrow! Or Hey girl! Call me when you get home! or Byeeeeee!" Something, from someone.

She doesn't seem the type to just hop in and drive off.

Even getting in and driving off? Seems she would have beeped, waved, etc at SOMEONE she knew.
I was going over possible scenarios In my head, and I can’t think of any way to destroy all evidence of a car other than dismantle to (chop shop style) and destroy the vin plates, catalytic converter and whatever else has a traceable evidence. Unless, I’m forgetting something obvious (which happens), the abduction scenario where the completely dismantle her car (seems like a lot of work when they could wipe it down or torch it) is the only way he car would have no chance of being found.
The car can be totally missed if it is standing in someone’s garage/barn, and the owners are away. But even this scenario requires that someone got into that car in the parking lot/spot and drove it away. If some accident happened at the party, and certain people who were older/soberer decided to remove all traces of a person being present there at all, I still can poorly imagine anyone getting into that car and driving it away - these days, people know about biological evidence. Unless they push the car into a pool of water, but it is complicated, and usually requires several participants.

I even thought of the simplest thing, someone decides to drive inebriated kid home, and they both get into an accident, say, they drive into a lake on the way. This still would require traces of accident, and the second person reported to disappear, be it from the Bay Area, Reno or locally.

Several questions that come to mind. 1) was the car parked next to the party at all? (How reliable are the partiers as witnesses?). 2) did KR, who allegedly was so sober that she could text, coherently, drive the car somewhere, taking the back road, after the party, and whatever happened, was far away? 3) could KR be sober enough to drive to another party nearby, and maybe something happened there?

Her phone getting black soon after 12:36 indicates that either it was switched off, or lost power, but in any case, logically ties her to this party. If, of course, it was in her hands.
Moo...not sure why the cops are getting pissy about no one seeing her leave. People are in there own zone..lots of head lites, people wandering to different cars, just dark shapes moving around is all that would be seen. If someone was watching her...perfect time to ask for a ride. Unless someone one had passengers, think the cops would get same info..about any car driver there...moo
Exactly. I'm not too far removed from my party years, and I can tell you that in my experience, I've been at parties with 10 people and parties with 500 people. At both of them, people have left and I never saw them leave.

As a teenager you're consumed in your own world, and if you're drunk and dancing or talking, you're usually focused on just that and nothing else. If someone leaves the party, you're pretty oblivious to it because you're impaired and busy trying to talk or socialize over loud music and loud drunks.

<modsnip - circumventing the profanity filter> I don't find it bizarre that nobody saw anything. Typically fights are the only thing that will bring a group of people together to watch, aside from that though, not much else.
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.Maybe it is the disconnect and amount of missing time? We know Elsa saw her at midnight, and then there is basically a half an hour where no one sees or hears from her, except for SS who receives the call asking if SS still needs a ride where she states she can "hear was mot an intimate party party in the background".

The bit where SS says she face to face said good bye to Kiely or at least last saw in person is really vague, IMO. I'm not sure anyone has a firm time on when that is supposed to have happened.

I personally think it's super suspect and weird for an outgoing, well liked girl to leave the party without anyone seeing her and at least shouting out something like "Yo, Kiely see ya tomorrow! Or Hey girl! Call me when you get home! or Byeeeeee!" Something, from someone.

She doesn't seem the type to just hop in and drive off.

Even getting in and driving off? Seems she would have beeped, waved, etc at SOMEONE she knew. was not an intimate party... alot unknown peoples. Honestly never heard affection bye byes when getting in car...maybe at party if you are heading out...moo
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