Found Deceased CA - Maricela Garcia, 26, Reseda, 12 Jan 2017 #2

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The hiding thing confuses me, only because she did not actually hide herself. If she really felt like someone scary was following her, she could have hidden behind something, asked for help, asked to use a phone, asked to hide in a back room somewhere. But it seems that she sat in a pew for awhile, then ran out, upset.

Was she maybe upset because she wanted to meet someone at the church but that person didn't come?

Trying to think of new scenarios we haven't discussed yet.
I know :(

I would love to believe she just went off to go use and got to ashamed to come home but let's really think about that-
If she was actively using drugs, wouldn't she want her car, clothes and personal possessions? How would she have money to buy all new stuff and start over away from her family? I've known my fair share of addicts and I can honestly say they would've taken at least some clothes if they knew they where running off.
I just wanted you guys to be the first to know that the PI has just asked me to join his team full time as Lead Analyst. I have followed MP cases for a very long time and this is a dream come true. I'm so thankful that something good has come of this and wanted to make you all a part of it. Only because of you did I get the offer. I can't thank you enough.

Yes it is. It's all volunteer for now but of course, he hopes that changes at some point.
N see the whole thing is...when I started her thread if you guys hadn't jumped in with discussion, theories, suggestions, answers when I had questions and questions when I had answers, not only would I not have gotten this offer but I would not have pursued things like I did. You all inspire me so much. I've always been a lurker and you have brought out the passion that I've had for so long but never acted on. Each person who has contributed to this thread, especially those of you who have messaged and emailed me behind the scenes...YOU ALL kept her case alive, not me. And Born, you are so right. While I was so hurt last night and didn't know what to do...the FB page is just a page. Just because I am not there any longer (although Sara has asked me to stay so I am not sure what to do), doesn't mean I can't help find Maricela. We ARE coming for her and I know we won't stop until she is found. I know it may get slow without any new information, but we will never stop searching. I hope that soon, together we can bring her home.

How awesome! What a perfect fit this new experience seems to be for you. My very best wishes that you continue bringing your passion into these sad cases, and that many will end with successes.

Don't discredit yourself too much, luv. YOU are what has perked my interst in Maricela and your devotion is what brings me back day-after-day. Perhaps we all feed off each other, and together we will make a difference.
I would love to believe she just went off to go use and got to ashamed to come home but let's really think about that-
If she was actively using drugs, wouldn't she want her car, clothes and personal possessions? How would she have money to buy all new stuff and start over away from her family? I've known my fair share of addicts and I can honestly say they would've taken at least some clothes if they knew they where running off.
What still seems to logically account for her behavior to me is
1) leaving to talk to Someone on the phone, Someone relaying news that she was in danger OR needed to talk to her in person NOW, she either had to tell them where she was or they already knew because someone else meaning her harm was after her in that area, immediately finds a safe place to wait until they arrive, she's anxious/nervous, runs back out to see if they've arrived in the area (leaves church looking worried/ sick), plays out many possible ways from there...
2) it was random and she was abducted for undetermined reasons (we have ideas, need to keep open mind).

I try to keep outlined possibilities vague to work in any new facts as they arise... Not enough evidence at this point to confirm any specific scenario.
Either way, it doesn't make sense that she would just ditch her sister, her purse, money, etc to run off using, unfortunately.

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The possibilities are endless because we have so little info but what remains the same is that ladies with very little money don't usually run off willingly without taking any personal possessions.
If I was going to run away from my family, I could think of 187544778 other ways to do rather then go to GW with my sister and vanish without taking anything with me.
(Mistivon, do you and your Firm handle random shooting or sniper cases? :biggrin: j/k. Congrats!)
Maybe Maricela's family is uncomfortable/embarrassed with the shadier aspects of her personal life being made public? I know it's part of the investigative process, just thinking out loud...
The possibilities are endless because we have so little info but what remains the same is that ladies with very little money don't usually run off willingly without taking any personal possessions.
If I was going to run away from my family, I could think of 187544778 other ways to do rather then go to GW with my sister and vanish without taking anything with me.

Jumping off your whatever happened here likely was not planned....
May I borrow that last sentence please?

In my opinion there are four components that have remained consistent over the period of Maricela's disappearance. That is Maricela's past is shrouded with mystery, her family's uncommunicative behavior to disclose anything, law enforcement's uncooperative involvement in this case, and the unrelenting determination Mistivon has put forth into discovering the truth and locating Maricela.
It is indisputable that all the rigorous work that this group has contributed under the fearless leadership of Mistivon is unraveling some truth and unsettling the nerves of individuals who are key players in this tragic situation. For discreet reasons, separate from another, these individuals are fiercely trying to silence you and keep you from disclosing something. What that maybe is unknown to me. I have very compelling idea as I'm sure most of you do too but unless the family chooses to accept help, we cannot invade their space. Mistivon you Rock sister!! You cannot look at this as a failed mission. You were removed from office but you haven't turned in your resignation letter yet!! Keep going where ever your heart is leading you. Keep doing what it is your mind tells you to do. As long as you continue to make this about Maricela and not you, her family, LE or the PI, then you got this girl!!! I'm here to support you if you need me to support you. Keep the faith, Maricela we're coming for you baby. Hold on!!
Agreed. What I've said all along is why then? Why there? (if planned). Why not just leave the house the next morning? She was grown. Or if she felt the need to lie, just say she had a delivery to make before/after she dropped Sara off? None of this fits with anything voluntary. I just wish it did.

Jumping off your whatever happened here likely was not planned....
I just can't see a young lady that is concerned with her appearance ( she clearly likes make-up and fashion) running off without any personal items.
Agreed. What I've said all along is why then? Why there? (if planned). Why not just leave the house the next morning? She was grown. Or if she felt the need to lie, just say she had a delivery to make before/after she dropped Sara off? None of this fits with anything voluntary. I just wish it did.

I agree. It doesn't seem voluntary and it also doesn't seem planned on any perp's side either. I think it was either a meeting with known person who was calling her on the phone and drove to her location, or it was a crime of opportunity.

That doesn't narrow it down much, though. :(
Suppose she was working with somebody to get a new identity and disappear. Is it realistic that the party would call her and tell her it's time to go now for some reason?
I had started reading about Mari at the start but between the flu and things that came up I lost track. I did do a fast scan to catch up for the last week or so but did skip pages when it seemed to la with nothing new so I may have missed it if what I am saying has already been addressed.
The way her path went I feel she was being pursued by at least 2 people. She did not ever reach out for help nor really hide just tried to duck out of view. She was aware of being in danger and threats had been communicated. If she had alerted someone they woud hae goten her sister, She either saw or knew the perp(s) were close and wanted to lead them away from her sister. They would have grabbed both of them and Mari knew that and had to insure that her sister was not nearby to be involved. I think one may have been on foot following behind her and another in a vehicle.

The reasons why could be revenge from someone from her past who went to prison but that is almost to obvious and unlikely. IMO if that were the case she would have told someone as that was old business that had already seen the light of day. She had no reason to hide it.

I think she recently learned or saw something that either involved drugs, sex crime or murder of someone. The who I have 3 thoughts on that. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time either from a delivery or on her way to one. That does not necessarily mean that MP had something to do it but if her sister can remember the places they went to that day I would not be surprised if Mari had delivered there in the days or week prior and the perps recognized and followed from there. I am kind of leaning towards a sex crime involving kids. I hate to say why as to why but Thailand does have a problem with children being forced into the trade and she had just been to 2 Thai businesses. I feel both sick thinking that and what that would mean for Mari and ashamed to jump to that thought about what may be 2 innocent businesses just because of the nationality. Although the businesses may no actually be involved but just a few employees but IMO it is a crime ring as I feel at eat 2 probably more were involved.

I think she saw and recognized a person and fled not realizing that there was another person also watching. When one would loose sight in a building the other would be there. Unless I misread I think she tried to loose them by backtracking at one point through the church. They finally cornered her back at the dumpster. Maybe they were able to summon additional or there were more than 2 from the start. The 2 people who her sister saw and talked to were most likely involved and wanted to see her reaction to them if she recognized them or if seemed to know something. Her being clueless probably saved her. Although I do think as things are being investigated and looked into she needs to be aware and cautious of her surroundings. I really don't think she could ID anyone as she didn't see or know to be paying attention so video of the people in the GW at the time would help much. Whoever did this was discreet and would not have made it obvious that they were there after Mari knowing full well there was cameras. If all the video of her path had been collected and analysed then maybe but as time goes by and footage is gone it gets harder and harder.
it appeared to be an older model. my son lives at home and has a 1992 Mercedes benz. but its old!

Shared family car? Any gps tracking? I would imagine I would want my own apartment before I would want a fancy car but that's only IMO (first time using this term!). But if it is her car I wonder when she got it. If she was selling drugs before she got clean perhaps this was a motivator- quick cash no need to work. What other jobs did she have?
I'm late checking Maricela's thread today. What a roller-coaster ride of events I've had to catch up on.

We may not agree with the direction Maricela's family has taken in the search for her, but at this point, I guess let's just hope and pray they are taking a tack that will somehow lead to finding her. She is their daughter, and I guess they have to go with what feels right to them, and for reasons hard to understand they are trusting this PI.

I'm glad you have tougher skin than me, mistivon. Your efforts have been stunning, and we here are in awe of all you have accomplished to get the word out, which we feel is so important when someone goes missing. If the family has not shown their gratitude towards you, perhaps it is their despair manifesting itself.

And for the roller coaster up ride: Woo-hoo, congratulations on your unexpected dream offer to work with the other PI. What an exciting opportunity!
I just wanted you guys to be the first to know that the PI has just asked me to join his team full time as Lead Analyst. I have followed MP cases for a very long time and this is a dream come true. I'm so thankful that something good has come of this and wanted to make you all a part of it. Only because of you did I get the offer. I can't thank you enough.

Congratulations! Maricela's loss is his gain. :frown: I'm sure he'll recognize you for the amazing, talented asset that you are. :loveyou:
Oh that hurts my heart

I had started reading about Mari at the start but between the flu and things that came up I lost track. I did do a fast scan to catch up for the last week or so but did skip pages when it seemed to la with nothing new so I may have missed it if what I am saying has already been addressed.
The way her path went I feel she was being pursued by at least 2 people. She did not ever reach out for help nor really hide just tried to duck out of view. She was aware of being in danger and threats had been communicated. If she had alerted someone they woud hae goten her sister, She either saw or knew the perp(s) were close and wanted to lead them away from her sister. They would have grabbed both of them and Mari knew that and had to insure that her sister was not nearby to be involved. I think one may have been on foot following behind her and another in a vehicle.

The reasons why could be revenge from someone from her past who went to prison but that is almost to obvious and unlikely. IMO if that were the case she would have told someone as that was old business that had already seen the light of day. She had no reason to hide it.

I think she recently learned or saw something that either involved drugs, sex crime or murder of someone. The who I have 3 thoughts on that. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time either from a delivery or on her way to one. That does not necessarily mean that MP had something to do it but if her sister can remember the places they went to that day I would not be surprised if Mari had delivered there in the days or week prior and the perps recognized and followed from there. I am kind of leaning towards a sex crime involving kids. I hate to say why as to why but Thailand does have a problem with children being forced into the trade and she had just been to 2 Thai businesses. I feel both sick thinking that and what that would mean for Mari and ashamed to jump to that thought about what may be 2 innocent businesses just because of the nationality. Although the businesses may no actually be involved but just a few employees but IMO it is a crime ring as I feel at eat 2 probably more were involved.

I think she saw and recognized a person and fled not realizing that there was another person also watching. When one would loose sight in a building the other would be there. Unless I misread I think she tried to loose them by backtracking at one point through the church. They finally cornered her back at the dumpster. Maybe they were able to summon additional or there were more than 2 from the start. The 2 people who her sister saw and talked to were most likely involved and wanted to see her reaction to them if she recognized them or if seemed to know something. Her being clueless probably saved her. Although I do think as things are being investigated and looked into she needs to be aware and cautious of her surroundings. I really don't think she could ID anyone as she didn't see or know to be paying attention so video of the people in the GW at the time would help much. Whoever did this was discreet and would not have made it obvious that they were there after Mari knowing full well there was cameras. If all the video of her path had been collected and analysed then maybe but as time goes by and footage is gone it gets harder and harder.
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