Still Missing CA - Michaela Garecht, 9, Hayward, 19 Nov 1988 *ARREST*

Please keep all the familes with missing in this time frame in your prayers please. I just saw a post on Facebook from Sharon this discovery has already started to take a toll on her even though she is hoping Michaela is still alive. The latest report now is there are over 300 bones found.
Wow! I agree- the chin and the nose are dead on! Also, they ruled out Garrido for the palm print on the scooter, and Garrido left Jaycee alive. I think Michaela's mom is holding out for false hope sadly...

If they have a palm print, can they compare it to Herzog's records or to any of his prints left in the trailer?
On Sunday, for the second day in a row, authorities said they discovered bones, believed to be human, near a well. They also discovered a pair of sandals, a pair of tennis shoes, engraved jewelry and a woman's purse in an area long rumored to hold a mass grave.

A map drawn by Wesley Shermantine, 45, a convicted serial killer who spilled his secrets in exchange for a promise of cash from a bounty hunter, labels two wells on the ranch "Loren's Boneyard."

Shermantine and Loren Herzog were arrested in 1999 for a series of murders known as the "Speed Freak" killings, which may have spanned more than 15 years and claimed an unknown number of victims.

Last week Shermantine's maps led authorities to San Andreas, where they found remains believed to be those of Chevelle "Chevy" Wheeler of Stockton, who disappeared at age 16 in 1985, and of Cindi Vanderheiden, 25, of Clements, who disappeared 14 years ago on a night people had seen her shooting pool with Shermantine and Herzog in neighboring Linden.
If they have a palm print, can they compare it to Herzog's records or to any of his prints left in the trailer?

They should be able to do this quickly. I would guess they already have? You are right, they could easily get a print from the trailer. I wonder though if they know for sure that the palm print is the abductors? Perhaps it is just from a kid in the neighborhood? Or did they say it was an adult palm print? I have always thought that there may be two abductors involved in Michaela' case. The driver would have to be able to concentrate on the road and somebody would have to subdue Michaela. A kicking and screaming child is not going to make for pleasant driving if only one person is involved. I believe I read that the abductor threw her in the back seat and that she was last seen screaming. I really think there is a good chance both Shermantine and Herzog could be involved. Some say that Michaela does not fit their "type" but the duo actually have victims that fit a range of ages and gender. Young teens to adult women and also some male victims. How can we know for sure that either one of these nut jobs didn't have pedophilic tendencies? Many of their crimes also had a spontaneous randomness to them. Michaela's abduction was definately random and seemingly spontaneous. Nobody knew in advance that she was going to the market. It was a spur of the moment thing the two girls decided to do. I am certainly not hoping Herzog/Shermantine are involved but if they are Michaela's mother deserves to know the truth. She has been tormented long enough. The only thing worse than a serial killer is when two serial killers decide to work together. They are the faces of true slime.
There were reports of the car driving erratically down Mission Blvd so maybe they did act alone. Its so hard to say. The sad part about this case is that it happened so suddenly, and was so shocking, that everyone was taken by surprise. Everything worked against Michaela in those first few minutes. The cops sent out a wrong description of the car, no amber alert at that time....etc.

I'm so sad that Sharon has to be drug through this again. I know that the Garrido situation put alot of stress on her, and that Jaycee gave her hope that her daughter was still alive.

I hope thats the case.

The thought of these two monsters getting ahold of that Angel is something I dont even want to think about.
loren herzog (speed freak killer) matches the suspect sketch perfectly of Michaela's abductor. It has been reported that michaela is possibly in the second well further east, where at least a dozen remains are said to be dumped by these two dirt bags. Loren Herzog confessed to abducting and murdering Michaela. I have prayed for a better outcome for Sharon (her mother), I want Michaela to come home like Jaycee did, but I do believe this is her. If so, her family will at least have closure and will be able to start the healing process. God Bless.
loren herzog (speed freak killer) matches the suspect sketch perfectly of Michaela's abductor. It has been reported that michaela is possibly in the second well further east, where at least a dozen remains are said to be dumped by these two dirt bags. Loren Herzog confessed to abducting and murdering Michaela. I have prayed for a better outcome for Sharon (her mother), I want Michaela to come home like Jaycee did, but I do believe this is her. If so, her family will at least have closure and will be able to start the healing process. God Bless.

Where did you read that Loren confessed and that Michaela's remains could be in the other well? I've been following this case closely and haven't seen mention of either thing anywhere. In fact, reports have said that Loren did not confess to taking Michaela. He is being implicated because Shermantine thinks he resembles the sketch of Michaela's abductor.
Where did you read that Loren confessed and that Michaela's remains could be in the other well? I've been following this case closely and haven't seen mention of either thing anywhere. In fact, reports have said that Loren did not confess to taking Michaela. He is being implicated because Shermantine thinks he resembles the sketch of Michaela's abductor.
Herzog did not cinfess to taking Michaela this is a rumor. The only thing true right now is Shermantine stated herzog told the LE that Herzog looked like the sketch.

Also there was a report last night on my local news here in the Bay area that Shermatine talked to a retired FBI agnet(funny no name) . This is where the rumor of Michaela is in the second well came from.
I am in contact with Sharon on FB the Hayward Police Detective and the FBI who have been working on this case for years have nothing to back up this rumor.In fact Sharon says she haas lost count in all the time Michaela has been missing how many time rumors like this have surfaced.
The media like in all case we hear about like to run with a story for ratings. :banghead:
I sure hope that LE doesnt get into a pissing match over territory on this, though from Sharon's blog it seems that is going on. I can understand that you dont want to have every law enforcement agency running into the digging site, and I understand how right now its better to just un cover the remains and then work at identification. But I do think its a bad idea to keep the FBI out of the loop.

As a man I dont understand how other men hunt and kill women and young girls, its just beyond my way of thinking I I have daughters and sisters......and a soul! I also understand people have rights and we need to make sure they are upheld.....BUT with these two I truly wish someone would have used some "Methods" to get them to talk years ago. Once the DNA came up positive and after Shermantine made his little speech about being willing to tell where bodies were in exchange for cash.......he should have been hooked up to a car battery and made to talk! IMO.

sorry for the rant! LOL
I sure hope that LE doesnt get into a pissing match over territory on this, though from Sharon's blog it seems that is going on. I can understand that you dont want to have every law enforcement agency running into the digging site, and I understand how right now its better to just un cover the remains and then work at identification. But I do think its a bad idea to keep the FBI out of the loop.

As a man I dont understand how other men hunt and kill women and young girls, its just beyond my way of thinking I I have daughters and sisters......and a soul! I also understand people have rights and we need to make sure they are upheld.....BUT with these two I truly wish someone would have used some "Methods" to get them to talk years ago. Once the DNA came up positive and after Shermantine made his little speech about being willing to tell where bodies were in exchange for cash.......he should have been hooked up to a car battery and made to talk! IMO.

sorry for the rant! LOL

There has been an update. The retired FBI agent did say he did tell the TV station that Michaela is in the second well. But nothing to confirm she is yet. Also it looks like the SJCounty is now willing to allow the FBI in to help and maybe also the hayward PD.
There has been an update. The retired FBI agent did say he did tell the TV station that Michaela is in the second well. But nothing to confirm she is yet. Also it looks like the SJCounty is now willing to allow the FBI in to help and maybe also the hayward PD.
Even though it's not the outcome she wanted, I hope there is closure for Sharon.
I can't think of any worse nightmare than to have a missing child and spend decades not knowing what happened. Obviously we would all want Michaela to be found alive, but if that's not to be then the least worst thing to hope for is some kind of closure and answers for her family.
However, Hayward police Lt. Roger Keener said Shermantine hasn't provided any concrete information connecting Herzog to Garecht's disappearance because all he said is that a photo of Herzog in the late 1980s is similar to a police sketch of the man who abducted Garecht.
Keener said there also was a similarity between the police sketch and a photo of Philip Garrido in that time period but Garrido ultimately was ruled out as a suspect in Garecht's case.
Thank you Linus-I didnt realize he had been ruled out. Moving on, right??
Thank you Linus-I didnt realize he had been ruled out. Moving on, right??
Just wanted to make sure there was no misinformation, earlier in this thread people were also suspecting Timothy Bindner. It's easy to forget there's more than one creep out there, and want to pin all the crimes on one bad guy or pair of them!
I hope what I stated earlier about the retired FBI agent saying he was told Michaela is in well 2 was not misleading. As that was not my intent at all. Like I also stated there was nothing to confirm it was true. If I mislead anyone I apologize
I keep going back and forth. It is possible that Michaela was taken by Herzog, and with the piles of bones they are pulling out of just one well, its getting more grim by the hour. But there are other suspects and theories. Just a few days ago Sharon posted about an email from another country giving her info on Michaela being alive.
Binder no matter what he has done or hasnt done should be watched always! his actions are just creepy.

One thing does strike me. Herzog knew of the well, Padilla said when he mentioned it to him he gasped. The fact that he didnt disclose of the wells and pin everything on Shermantine says alot about his role in the murders.
There was also a report on the news today, from a woman who believes she was chased down by Herzog but got away.
I read an article earlier that they are finished searching well #1, and will start searching well #2 tomorrow- if Michaela is there, that's probably where she'd be. Waiting to hear...

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