CA - Rebecca Zahau Nalepa - suicide or murder? #10

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Also, the weird thing about the dog story is that dogs have incredible running and turning and stopping skills. People have said that maybe Ocean,the dog, went straight where Max was turning, so Max could not complete the turn.

Ok, i am trying to imagine that, but if so, then Ocean was going to run right into the railing himself. That makes no sense. If they were going really fast, which they had to have been for Max to fly over with such force, then Ocean would have run into the railing and flown over himself if he had not turned in time. So I think ocean would have run and made the proper turn, with no problem. So I do not see why Max would have flown over the top of him. ???
Sounds awfully convenient, does it not?

I still find it difficult, if not impossible that Max could have spoken at that time. I was not there, but it was stated that he was found without pulse and not breathing. This was stated to ems. The other quotes, if I recall correctly, were after Rebecca's death.

sorry guys..just catching up for the day so dont know what you have been talking about in the last couple of pages but thank you for saying the above. I have been thinking the exact thing for a couple of days, but too scared to say it.

I have big suspicions about Max's death and thought it very suss when I read that Rebecca said his last word was "ocean" and yet it was stated that she found him without a pulse and not breathing. That does not add up. I think there is more to max's accident and she somehow was involved, not intentionally meaning to kill him, or she was covering up for someone else who may have been involved in his (unintentional) death. I am sure his death was not premeditated but do not beleive it happened while he was by himself or with the dog. I have read comments on a news site and I think a few of you may have read them as well yesterday (my time) about what Jonah was apparently saying/asking at his or her funeral.
Could someone post where I might find the autopsy report that this screen shot came from?



It does not state the make up wipes were USED so maybe they were just sitting there.If so, not much DNA to test.

I personally know of a multi millionaire that lives in Paradise Valley AZ and when he goes on summer vacation or winter vacation he takes his nanny with him. He has split custody as well. His nanny has been with him for over 20 years and was hired when he had his first of 3 children and this has always been the case even when he was married.

After the divorce, the nanny usually went where the kids went. So in this case the nanny would travel between his homes and his ex-wife's home, including their vacation homes. He has NEVER to my knowledge had one of his girlfriends watch his children. He also has the usual gardner, house cleaner, cook, people who keep his fleet of cars clean and ready etc. Maybe that is why he never locked up- too many people around.IDK.

When I first met my friend I thought it was VERY strange that her employer NEVER and I MEAN NEVER locked his house up. Of course it was a mansion with multiple doors going every which way. He had artwork on his walls worth MILLIONS. And yet no doors were ever locked. Even when he was out of the country. Of course this was his main home but my friend stated that when they were on vacation he had the same laid back attitude. Of course the homes have security systems but they are never used.

From my personal experience Mansions are a lot of work and upkeep. I can't imagine RZ was responsible for it ALL.
You can argue that it's too fuzzy to maybe see the rope but both doors are closed in the helicopter photos. I don't think that can be explained away by image being too fuzzy.

As we don't have pictures from the exact moment Rebecca was found, or the exact moment LE went to the Guest Bedroom to process the scene, or all the photographs from the scene ... we cannot say whether the door was open or closed when Rebecca went over the balcony.

If it was left open, and after LE had what they needed from the door I could see them closing it to prevent the media from filming the evidence in the room. And before we go there... yes I agree they should have shielded Rebecca's body from the media. It was disrespectful from LE, the media and all the neighbors sitting on their roofs that day. Honestly I'm surprised none of the neighbors have tried to hawk their photos and have their 15 minutes of fame and some cash since they had the audacity to take pictures of a dead woman. Classless!
Yes, they needed to examine, measure it, try to determine what happened. I thought that is what they were supposed to be doing...

I get all that but why put it back? That becomes the accusation of staging. Very dodgy IMO.
As we don't have pictures from the exact moment Rebecca was found, or the exact moment LE went to the Guest Bedroom to process the scene, or all the photographs from the scene ... we cannot say whether the door was open or closed when Rebecca went over the balcony.

If it was left open, and after LE had what they needed from the door I could see them closing it to prevent the media from filming the evidence in the room. And before we go there... yes I agree they should have shielded Rebecca's body from the media. It was disrespectful from LE, the media and all the neighbors sitting on their roofs that day. Honestly I'm surprised none of the neighbors have tried to hawk their photos and have their 15 minutes of fame and some cash since they had the audacity to take pictures of a dead woman. Classless!

I really doubt she hopped onto the balcony with bound feet and hands, noose on her neck, and then decided to close the door behind her (going with the suicide scenario, that is). By the way the rope expert on Dr. Drew believed it would be very difficult to do what LE suggested, such as bind hands in front, then pull one out and re-inset it into the loop behind back, so I really doubt she'd be doing that on the balcony and leaving only two sets of prints.
I think all anybody here is trying to get at is the truth. And there certainly have been an abundance of criticism directed at Max's family, much of it totally unjustified because his parents have been cleared.

Once all the facts are known, what then? I think LE withheld facts about such things as shopping trips to respectfully protect RN from negative public opinion. But now that her family insists everything be released and their attorney has accused LE and JS of a cover-up, I think LE will oblige and it is not going to be favorable.


Ummm this sounds like personal or inside information?
I have read comments on a news site and I think a few of you may have read them as well yesterday (my time) about what Jonah was apparently saying/asking at his or her funeral.

You have my full attention, as I have not seen anything from Jonah other than his statement on LE's site. Care to share?
Including me. A dog caused me to go flying in the air once when I was running because it went the same way I turned.

When I was a teenager, our family dachshund darted in front of my bicycle, causing me to fly over the handlebars onto the pavement. Thankfully, the only injuries I sustained were minor scrapes & bruises.
And besides all of that, after such a horrid accident, would a 6 yr old bother to say the dog's name? Wouldn't he say OW or help me or MOMMY!!!! But 'Ocean' ? Why would he bother to explain that the dog knocked him over with his last dying breath? I just don't buy it.

Too convenient that RN had the boy giving us the 'clue' to his violent accident with his last breath. And that both she and her sister were safely tucked away in the bathrooms when Ocean knocked him over the balcony.

like I said previously, we have a two story home and a big dog, and I never ever saw the dog get close to knocking one of the kids over the TOP of the railing. If anything she was always trying to herd them and to protect them. It just seems phony, like the story of him saying 'ocean'. Sorry.

Maybe Max was worried that he had hurt the dog when he tripped over him or maybe Max was trying to call Ocean's name. I didn't think telling LE that Max said "Ocean" meant RZ was trying to put blame on the dog. More likely they asked about the circumstances, asked if Max told her how he fell and RZ told them Max said "Ocean", not Ocean pushed me off the balcony!
I really doubt she hopped onto the balcony with bound feet and hands, noose on her neck, and then decided to close the door behind her (going with the suicide scenario, that is).

I don't think she would have worried about the doors being open.
I really doubt she hopped onto the balcony with bound feet and hands, noose on her neck, and then decided to close the door behind her (going with the suicide scenario, that is). By the way the rope expert on Dr. Drew believed it would be very difficult to do what LE suggested, such as bind hands in front, then pull one out and re-inset it into the loop behind back, so I really doubt she'd be doing that on the balcony and leaving only two sets of prints.

You know jenny I wish Dr. Drew would have let that man talk more and asked him more questions. He really seemed totally at a loss how in the world she could have accomplished all this.
I know who the poster is. Have you asked her what she thinks? It might be enlightening to you.

Bye the way. You keep saying that the LE officials got it right. That Rebecca committed suicide. How could they get Max's death wrong? There are ways to tell if someone was smothered. How did the ME and the ems personnel and the doctors ALL miss that?!

And please, enlighten me which injuries should NOT have been present on Max, after propelling off a landing, hitting/landing on/or pulling down a chandelier that he fell on or fell on him. Oh yes and after hitting his back on the opposite bannister and his head on a carpeted cement floor.

And, are you also a medical examiner?

No, I'm not a medical examiner. Are you? I can only go by what the poster said about DS hiring investigators and believing her son was suffocated. I have no reason to disbelieve her. The autopsy report does note that the child's death was attributed to lack of oxygen for a significant period of time. To me, that is an indication smothering was a possibility.

Please enlighten all of us as to the "lot of ways" an ME can determine with certainty the reason for death was "smothering" in someone who lives another week after they've suffered the lack of oxygen, followed by a fall into a chandelier suffering blunt force trauma. Links would be helpful. Thanks.

You know jenny I wish Dr. Drew would have let that man talk more and asked him more questions. He really seemed totally at a loss how in the world she could have accomplished all this.

And he was also at a loss as to why was it so important for her to have her hands behind her back?
My own son was a rambunctous kid who was always climbing and getting injured and if one of us was with him and went to the bathroom we could be sure he would be up to something. He was injured at least two times a year, serious enough to go to the emergency room and serious enough for us to be questioned about lack of supervision. However he was ADHD and unless we never let him out of our sight day or night he would get hurt. Fortunately for us, not fatally. Little boys can get into lots of stuff if left alone for a minute. Probably was no ones fault..just moo.
You can argue that it's too fuzzy to maybe see the rope but both doors are closed in the helicopter photos. I don't think that can be explained away by image being too fuzzy.

Yep - I remember weeks ago when we all wondered WTH the balcony doors were closed. And there was no rope hanging down from the balcony in those pics that we looked at, and then suddenly during the PC we were all shown a photo of the balcony door open with a rope hanging down.
sorry guys..just catching up for the day so dont know what you have been talking about in the last couple of pages but thank you for saying the above. I have been thinking the exact thing for a couple of days, but too scared to say it.

I have big suspicions about Max's death and thought it very suss when I read that Rebecca said his last word was "ocean" and yet it was stated that she found him without a pulse and not breathing. That does not add up. I think there is more to max's accident and she somehow was involved, not intentionally meaning to kill him, or she was covering up for someone else who may have been involved in his (unintentional) death. I am sure his death was not premeditated but do not beleive it happened while he was by himself or with the dog. I have read comments on a news site and I think a few of you may have read them as well yesterday (my time) about what Jonah was apparently saying/asking at his or her funeral.

ITA. It does not add up. People who aren't breathing, are also not speaking.

What were the comments? Thanks.

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