GUILTY CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, fake abduction Nov 2016, ARREST MAR 2022 #26

This is an interesting family dynamic! Living with her husband’s sister and not with her own family. I wonder what Keith thinks of this arrangement. JMO

Outside the courtroom, Papini did not take questions from reporters, and was surrounded by more than a dozen supporters, some of whom hugged her tightly. They included her husband’s sister, with whom she has been living since she split with her husband, who filed for divorce and sought custody of their children after she pleaded guilty.


Maybe Keith's sister wanted to keep SP away from her dysfunctional family of origin, and keep her own personal eye on the supervised visits???

Weird, I agree.

jmho ymmv lrr


In the new video, a Shasta County Sheriff's investigator tells Papini: 'We have everything that says that [James Reyes] told the truth.'

Papini is seen in the video, holding her hands up to her face, as she is presented with the evidence.

Her husband, Keith Papini, who had been adamant in believing her claims of abduction is by her side.

The detectives continue to deconstruct her scheme saying: 'The reason you can describe the room is because you stayed in the room for hours on end.'

'The reason why you lost so much weight... is because you stopped eating,' the detective continued.

Speaking about the broken nose she suffered during her 'kidnapping,' the detective said: 'The reason why your nose was broken is because of a hockey stick.'

During this period, Papini remains silent, holding her head in her hands.

The investigators go on: 'Now the parts that don't make sense is that you're accusing two females who abducted you when it was James... The part that you were branded, James did it.'

I'm no body language expert but KP's movements at key parts of that interview were super cringe. I don't know if that was the first time he was hearing those details but I genuinely felt sick to my stomach watching him, sitting there hearing the truth. Gah, what a flaming dumpster fire she created with her dang lies.
You know what? Kudos to the cops for not giving up on this case and eventually figuring out this fraud. In today's current LE environment where so many crimes are brushed aside, I think it is fantastic they were able to reach a resolution in this case. GREAT JOB! And also nice work by the judge to sentence her for more than the prosecution was asking for. It's still a light sentence but every hour she serves in jail is well deserved.
I'm actually glad LE cleared the boyfriend. It's like scraping away all the possible reasons Sherri could use to climb her way out of this well of guilt. It's all on her and nobody else.
Keith did a good job sitting there listening to this pathetic story. I had to listen to something like that from an ex when she was being questioned by lawyers (not the same stratosphere of patheticity, but in that direction). It was so difficult to sit there listening to such a pathetic person who you thought you knew, and I eventually had to walk out. Good on KP for hanging in there so she could know that he saw her hoist herself on her own petard.
You know what? Kudos to the cops for not giving up on this case and eventually figuring out this fraud. In today's current LE environment where so many crimes are brushed aside, I think it is fantastic they were able to reach a resolution in this case. GREAT JOB! And also nice work by the judge to sentence her for more than the prosecution was asking for. It's still a light sentence but every hour she serves in jail is well deserved.
I agree, Kudos to LE. The Sheriff came out initially and said LE believed her. But they kept looking. Its good to see they could go against their initial instincts and not let it die. Good for them for knowing things aren't always what they seem.
I'm pleasantly surprised with the sentencing on this case. She definitely deserves being made an example of.

Perhaps @gitana1 can weigh in on this, but I am struggling to see what Reyes should be charged with.

Technically, did he commit any actual crimes?

He didn't apparently lie to the police once they finally contacted him. He never actually kidnapped her, and only hurt her at her own request. It was a voluntary missing situation. I doubt they could prove he knew she would later plan to defraud victim's compensation and disability/social security. I think his story that he believed he was aiding an abuse victim who manipulated him rings true and it's likely a jury would buy it, too.

Was he legally obliged to report her situation and expose it as a hoax? Probably not. Morally, maybe.

In the end, it was Sherri, herself, who cost the taxpayers due to an elaborate kidnapping hoax, who harmed the local community with her false allegations about Hispanics being her abductors, who lied to the feds, and who defrauded the government financially when she maintained that hoax for six years.
In part two of the interrogation video at 16:50, Keith Papini asks to speak to one of the detectives outside. The detective comes back into the room after a couple of minutes but Keith never does. Looks to me that he had heard enough by then. JMO.
I'm pleasantly surprised with the sentencing on this case. She definitely deserves being made an example of.

Perhaps @gitana1 can weigh in on this, but I am struggling to see what Reyes should be charged with.

Technically, did he commit any actual crimes?

He didn't apparently lie to the police once they finally contacted him. He never actually kidnapped her, and only hurt her at her own request. It was a voluntary missing situation. I doubt they could prove he knew she would later plan to defraud victim's compensation and disability/social security. I think his story that he believed he was aiding an abuse victim who manipulated him rings true and it's likely a jury would buy it, too.

Was he legally obliged to report her situation and expose it as a hoax? Probably not. Morally, maybe.

In the end, it was Sherri, herself, who cost the taxpayers due to an elaborate kidnapping hoax, who harmed the local community with her false allegations about Hispanics being her abductors, who lied to the feds, and who defrauded the government financially when she maintained that hoax for six years.
IDK - the dropping her off in shackles part seems somehow illegal to me. Endangerment, aiding and abetting, or something.
I guess he made a deal, if he needed to.
No crime in being an imbecile, I guess.

Sherri Papini's estranged husband is focusing on the future in the wake of his wife's sentencing for faking her own kidnapping in 2016, the father of two said after breaking his silence.

“The events have been shocking and devastating,” Keith Papini said in a statement. “My current focus is on moving on and doing everything I can to provide my two children with as normal, healthy and happy of a life as possible."


Just-released photos of a beaten and branded Sherri Papini show the great lengths she took to inflict injuries on herself to bolster the elaborate lie that she was kidnapped and tortured by two Hispanic women. Video of police interrogating Sherri, with Keith by her side, was also just released.


A judge has ordered the California woman who admitted she orchestrated an elaborate kidnapping hoax in 2016 to serve time behind bars.

On Sept. 19, 2022, a judge sentenced Sherri Papini to 18 months in prison for lying to authorities in 2016 about getting kidnapped and then accepting disability payments after she was found alive and well.

On Nov. 2, 2016, Keith Papini returned home from work to discover his wife, Sherri Papini, missing and their young children still at daycare. He located her phone and earbuds at the end of their driveway in rural Redding and in a panic called 911.


“She had kind of this wild-eyed, frantic, desperate look in her eyes,” the motorist, Alison Sutton, told the Sacramento Bee. “It’s the look in her eyes that, like, stuck with me.”
Papini, now 39, was thin and branded with what appeared to be a Biblical passage on her right shoulder. She claimed two Latina women kidnapped her at gunpoint and held her captive, purportedly to sell her as a sex slave. Despite investigators collecting over 800 tips and attempting to follow every lead they could, the case went nowhere.

“Nothing was ever making sense,” Capt. Jackson of the Shasta County Sheriff’s Office recalled. “But, obviously, in the beginning stages, we take every report seriously.”

Then a major clue began to unravel the case: DNA belonging to a male was found on the underwear and sweatpants Papini was wearing when found and authorities determined it didn’t belong to her husband, a charging document obtained by People shows.

“Once we had the DNA, I knew we'd be able to find something, and I just kept telling our guys and our ladies, be patient, it's going to happen and we just kept pushing on,” Jackson said.
Over the course of years, investigators used a familial DNA search to narrow down the contributor of the DNA to one man, Papini’s ex-boyfriend, James Reyes.

In August 2020, Reyes allegedly admitted to authorities he helped Papini pull off her kidnapping scheme.

According to the ex-boyfriend, he picked her up the day she purportedly was abducted while jogging and brought her to his home in Costa Mesa, where Papini allegedly lost weight, cut her hair and “created the injuries while staying with him, including hitting herself to create bruises and burning herself on her arms,” the complaint states.


Reyes then allegedly told investigators he branded Papini’s shoulder at her request with a wood-burning tool.

Reyes, who split with Papini in 2006, said he “wasn't sure of Papini's intentions during her stay with him, but he believed they might end up in a romantic relationship again,” the complaint states.

Weeks after the bizarre ordeal began, Papini told Reyes she missed her children and he drove her to the road where she was found by the passing motorist.

On March 3, 2022, Papini was charged with mail fraud and making false statements to a federal agent. The following month she pleaded guilty to two counts against her.


Neither Reyes nor Keith Papini, who the Sacramento Bee reported has filed for divorce from his wife, face charges in connection with the case.

Sherri Papini has never offered a rationale for her elaborate hoax.
IDK - the dropping her off in shackles part seems somehow illegal to me. Endangerment, aiding and abetting, or something.
I guess he made a deal, if he needed to.
No crime in being an imbecile, I guess.

It's not a crime to voluntarily disappear and check out from your life -- which is what SP did.

The crime that she was convicted of was that after she magically reappeared on Thanksgiving, she lied to authorities. She also committed mail fraud when soliciting the state for victim benefits.

Reyes didn't lie to anybody including LE. Why would he be charged with crimes that not even SP was charged with? That makes no sense to me.

Reyes was manipulated by SP just as her husband was. SP left a trail of victims behind, not criminals. MOO
A few photos of Sherri's injuries are posted in this article:

“The reason you lost so much weight is because you stopped eating,” the detective said. “The reason you got a rash on your arm is you cleaned his house. The reason for the brand is he went to the store and bought the tools and branded you. The reason why your nose is broke is because of a hockey stick. I know all of those things, and I know there was no sex. I know all of that because he passed a polygraph test that said, it's not an abduction. She asked me to come get her. I rented a car. He passed the polygraph test Sherri. If that's not what happened what did happen Sherri?”

"There's no way! there's no way,” Papini says.

Papini never admits her lies, instead pretending she thinks detectives are merely informing her that Reyes was her abductor.

So ol' Sherri was poised to lie and say the boyfriend abducted her or at least to let LE think he did IMO.

In the article is also the full statement from Sherri's sister. Heartbreaking that she was used by Sherri.
A few photos of Sherri's injuries are posted in this article:

“The reason you lost so much weight is because you stopped eating,” the detective said. “The reason you got a rash on your arm is you cleaned his house. The reason for the brand is he went to the store and bought the tools and branded you. The reason why your nose is broke is because of a hockey stick. I know all of those things, and I know there was no sex. I know all of that because he passed a polygraph test that said, it's not an abduction. She asked me to come get her. I rented a car. He passed the polygraph test Sherri. If that's not what happened what did happen Sherri?”

"There's no way! there's no way,” Papini says.

Papini never admits her lies, instead pretending she thinks detectives are merely informing her that Reyes was her abductor.

So ol' Sherri was poised to lie and say the boyfriend abducted her or at least to let LE think he did IMO.

In the article is also the full statement from Sherri's sister. Heartbreaking that she was used by Sherri.
I was just about to post this article with the photos of her "injuries". Wowzers...she is on a level all her own.
A few photos of Sherri's injuries are posted in this article:

“The reason you lost so much weight is because you stopped eating,” the detective said. “The reason you got a rash on your arm is you cleaned his house. The reason for the brand is he went to the store and bought the tools and branded you. The reason why your nose is broke is because of a hockey stick. I know all of those things, and I know there was no sex. I know all of that because he passed a polygraph test that said, it's not an abduction. She asked me to come get her. I rented a car. He passed the polygraph test Sherri. If that's not what happened what did happen Sherri?”

"There's no way! there's no way,” Papini says.

Papini never admits her lies, instead pretending she thinks detectives are merely informing her that Reyes was her abductor.

So ol' Sherri was poised to lie and say the boyfriend abducted her or at least to let LE think he did IMO.

In the article is also the full statement from Sherri's sister. Heartbreaking that she was used by Sherri.
Wow. Thank you for sharing. And you’re right - she probably would have let Reyes be charged for whatever to continue to perpetuate her lies!
IDK - the dropping her off in shackles part seems somehow illegal to me. Endangerment, aiding and abetting, or something.
I guess he made a deal, if he needed to.
No crime in being an imbecile, I guess.
There is no crime as far as I can see. She asked him to do all those things. A super zealous prosecutor could stretch something to charge him, but it would get thrown out.

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