Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #3 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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They are trying to humanize them to the potential perp. If they can evoke some sort of emotional response from them (i.e. remind them of their younger child), they might not hurt them.

I don't think that is true in the case of the NG is for drama, emotions, ratings, sensationalism...JMO
But, if a perp is THAT antsy to throw out phone first thing, have her undressed and clothes and stuff packed neatly away and also tossed so close to home, how far away would he be going with a naked body?

Under those circumstances, I would have expected a body to have been found in one of those outbuildings in the first 3 days! With all those dogs!

Because SHE is no where to be found, makes it seem like something else,
and SHE wasn't actually wearing those clothes.
1)Her mom said she WAS wearing the Sharks Jersey that was found in her purse, on the morning she disappeared. 2) LE/FBI seems to be searching around a 15 mile radius from her home- lots of fields in the area, and 3) the FBI is concentrating on her home.
I think some of you are also forgetting that LE sometimes intentionally leaves out information or gives wrong information to try to get the potential perp to contact them with the "correct" information. When LE is this willing to give out info., it seems likely that might be something they are trying to do.

Also, it says "school books," and that doesn't necessarily mean text books. For instance, it could be a novel she was reading for an English class or one of those small, thread-bound notebooks. It doesn't have to be gigantic math books or anything.
I didn't say she was driven around naked. I'm thinking more likely she was the victim of sexual assault & killed. Unfortunately, it's all too common, and a young girl alone in a rural area is easy prey.

I guess where I get confused if this is an abduction is, why not leave her belongings wherever he left her?

Do you think he dropped off her stuff after?
Why would he?
I would think if he had abducted an killed someone, he wouldn't drive
away from that spot until every single item was out of his vehicle.
So he either dropped off her stuff before or after and I can find no
rationale for doing so.
Since I keep reading people commenting on the price of houses in the area...can I point out that if a 600k house is considered middle class, and area residents say it is a higher standard of living out there, then salaries are much higher too. I work in Chicago. My salary would be 10,000 less or more if I weren't in a major metro area. My house and groceries and car would also cost less. If I worked out there, my salary would probably be 10k+ higher than here in Chicago. Can we please get off of the price of everything and how shocking it is that she has expensive sunglasses and bag (it's not like she's walking around with a Louis Vuitton). I'm not trying to be mean at all, but it keeps getting rehashed and really has nothing to do with the case.
Read your 3 posts & I'm not disounting your theory after looking at the pictures at (can't remember what the account was called) that website. They were drug & sexual freedom directed, plus other freedoms - LOL!

Some may think it's just teenage angst or means nothing about the kid - but I see it differently. Fantasies of the "cool life". She may have attracted someone that knew she was in over her head and took advantage.

So I'm with you, she met someone at the driveway and off they went.

Dang - even as an adult I've encountered situations with people that were out of left field - and I knew I'd made a very bad judgement of them.

Being cool isn't all it's cracked up to be!

I agree. She probably wasn't a hardcore user or that bad, but she probably just put that image out there so that she could pretend to be in that role. I remember being 15 and thinking all the bad things were cool, putting up pics on myspace and blogs about sex and drugs, even though I was far from those things Lol. She probably got caught up with a bad guy, lured her in.

Btw does anyone know if the police and investigators will do a press release after today's searches or anything? I'm from Canada, so I don't know how it works down there, as in how updated they keep the public.
They should be keeping the public on high alert considering there is a potential killer on the loose with Sierra, and that's a danger not only to her but the public
I don't think that is true in the case of the NG is for drama, emotions, ratings, sensationalism...JMO

Say what you will about Nancy Grace (and I don't personally care for her), but she does get these stories out there to the public. I truly don't believe her motivation is simply ratings.
I think some of you are also forgetting that LE sometimes intentionally leaves out information or gives wrong information to try to get the potential perp to contact them with the "correct" information. When LE is this willing to give out info., it seems likely that might be something they are trying to do.

Also, it says "school books," and that doesn't necessarily mean text books. For instance, it could be a novel she was reading for an English class or one of those small, thread-bound notebooks. It doesn't have to be gigantic math books or anything.

Where would her gigantic textbooks be, then?
She didn't use them? Didn't have homework?
Left them at school? Left them at home?
Just a thought, but why would the suspect get rid of her clothes.. Let's say there is nothing on the clothes, no blood or urine or anything to suspect that there was an assault. Why would he discard the clothes separately from the body? I think if the clothes are clean it's a good sign she is alive but hidden somewhere
Hi everyonee, i've just been creeping everyones posts about sierra lamar all day for the past week and i finally decided to make an account so i can join in :)
personally..i think the clothes they found indicated 2 huge things. one:
1.)there was SOMETHING on them..or else there wouldnt be so much hype over if there was urine or not. there has to be some sort of substantial backing to that idea, that's why the police cant officially say yes or no yet because theres some extreme investigating going on with the dna on the clothes. and
b) whatever was on the clothes, made the investigators believe that unfortunately ( and i HOPEEE IM WRONG!) has passed away.
Think about it, if they still thought they could catch her alive there would be intensive searching going on everyday. The fact that they took a break yesterday, to me, seems that they seem to think the chances are slim. statistically speaking, chances are slim. but miracles do happen.
always, i know this has been said before, but the whole family talks about sierra sometimes in past tense. she "Was" this or "did like" or "had."
We aren't in the loop but my guts telling me something horrible has happened.. that would explain the mom's behavior too. She seems more "dead" lately..just dull and given up.

Just a thought, but why would the suspect get rid of her clothes.. Let's say there is nothing on the clothes, no blood or urine or anything to suspect that there was an assault. Why would he discard the clothes separately from the body? I think if the clothes are clean it's a good sign she is alive but hidden somewhere
From LE's response, there seems to be some sort of DNA on the clothing- whether from urine or blood...
Where would her gigantic textbooks be, then?
She didn't use them? Didn't have homework?
Left them at school? Left them at home?

Well, it has been years since I was in school, but I can say that I never once brought an actual text book home to do home work when I was in high school. Some books were in short supply, so they'd simply make photocopies of each chapter and hand them out. Some teachers did not give homework. I also had a study hall period right before athletics that was used to complete my homework.

I have two children and they've never brought a text book home from school either.

I don't think the location of her text books is at all important unless someone says they saw her carrying them on that particular morning.
Just a thought, but why would the suspect get rid of her clothes.. Let's say there is nothing on the clothes, no blood or urine or anything to suspect that there was an assault. Why would he discard the clothes separately from the body? I think if the clothes are clean it's a good sign she is alive but hidden somewhere

It might make it harder to identify the body immediately if the body is naked. Of course, we don't know if the clothes in the bag would have been instantly recognizable as belonging to Sierra if they were found on her person.
Where would her gigantic textbooks be, then?
She didn't use them? Didn't have homework?
Left them at school? Left them at home?

My kids high school in California had two sets of books. One set was in the classroom for everyone to use and then they had a personal set for home use. They did that because of so many back problems lugging all of the texts around all of the time.

She could have had some in her locker as well.
From LE's response, there seems to be some sort of DNA on the clothing- whether from urine or blood...

I thought LE said later that they were of no forensic value, or did I imagine that?
Her mom said she WAS wearing the Sharks Jersey that was found in her purse, on the morning she disappeared
. 2) LE/FBI seems to be searching around a 15 mile radius from her home- lots of fields in the area, and 3) the FBI is concentrating on her home.

That is NOT what mom said last night on NG. Her story has changed I am afraid.

GRACE: Good to know. You know what? That actually changes things, Ms. LaMar. The fact that it was broad daylight when she was outside changes the scenario of what may have happened.

Here`s my big question right there. Ms. LaMar, do you know what she was wearing that morning? Can you recall what she had on?

LAMAR: No, because she was still wearing her pajamas, you know, before I left for work.

GRACE: OK. Have police told you what the clothes were in her pocketbook?

LAMAR: No. No.

GRACE: OK. I`m just wondering if they were the clothes that she had on when she left that morning? Were they clothes she was going to change into after school?

LAMAR: I did not see what she was wearing before she left for school that morning.
My kids high school in California had two sets of books. One set was in the classroom for everyone to use and then they had a personal set for home use. They did that because of so many back problems lugging all of the texts around all of the time.

She could have had some in her locker as well.

Yep, ours around here have 2 sets as well.
Once again her mom in one interview said she was wearing the Sharks jersey sweatshirt whatever. In another I saw she said she was in her pjs . Also as far as what has been said as what has been found on the clothes as of this morning at 9 AM they said it was still being processed at the crime lab.
We can gather that what ever happened occurred after her morning text, before the return text went unanswered, and definitively before the phone was thrown out. I think what ever happened to her, the crime (if there was one) was in progress when the phone was thrown. I believe the bag very well may have been tossed after the crime had reached its conclusion, if it was hidden it very well may have some vital bodily fluid on the clothing. I believe what is in that bag is going to be a large key for LE in solving this case.
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