Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #3 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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As for the reasons why a perp would dump her somewhere naked or fold her clothes neatly and put them in a purse that he discards at another location, there are a million reasons for that. It could just be his thing. It could be an attempt to throw off LE. Or, if it is a younger person who is responsible, that is probably just the best thing he could come up with to do at the time.
My kids high school in California had two sets of books. One set was in the classroom for everyone to use and then they had a personal set for home use. They did that because of so many back problems lugging all of the texts around all of the time.

She could have had some in her locker as well.

I was just going to say the same thing, none of my kids carried books in their backpacks. Just their notebooks.
Once again her mom in one interview said she was wearing the Sharks jersey sweatshirt whatever. In another I saw she said she was in her pjs . Also as far as what has been said as what has been found on the clothes as of this morning at 9 AM they said it was still being processed at the crime lab.
Either way, her mom did identify it as Sierra's Sharks jersey/t-shirt/sweatshirt. Her mom is starting to sound fishier with her inconsistencies...
I thought LE said later that they were of no forensic value, or did I imagine that?

They said there was no evidence of whether she was abducted or left on her own. They would not answer specific questions about "urine".

Speaking of that, did someone leak something about urine on the clothing to a reporter and that is why they asked LE the question? That was an odd question to ask?
Either way, her mom did identify it as Sierra's Sharks jersey/t-shirt/sweatshirt. Her mom is starting to sound fishier with her inconsistencies...

Now that I have been saying from the get go. Also last night on NG she even said she was not even told what type of clothing was found yet. This is one more reason I have a feeling there is more than that is being told. Boyfriend maybe ( Sierra) that we have not heard about.
And LE could be saying whatever DNA found was of no forensic value because it did actually lead them to someone and they don't want that person to know they are closing in on them and flee.

You cannot really take what is released to the public as gospel. And I think many times this is why the parents of the missing kids seem inconsistent with their stories. LE told them to say one thing, but the truth is something else.
Either way, her mom did identify it as Sierra's Sharks jersey/t-shirt/sweatshirt. Her mom is starting to sound fishier with her inconsistencies...
She is. I don't understand why her story changed.
I have some trouble with that as the truth never changes.
I still wish we knew more about the BF even though he has been cleared.....He just seems to be flying under the radar.
I agree with most of your post, up until the very end. I think it's possible the abductor forced Sierra to strip, and she neatly folded her clothes when putting them into her purse.

so he wouldnt leave dna or trace evidence on anything!
if thats the case im thinking she is out there near where that bag and phone wer found.
Hi everyonee, i've just been creeping everyones posts about sierra lamar all day for the past week and i finally decided to make an account so i can join in :)
personally..i think the clothes they found indicated 2 huge things. one:
1.)there was SOMETHING on them..or else there wouldnt be so much hype over if there was urine or not. there has to be some sort of substantial backing to that idea, that's why the police cant officially say yes or no yet because theres some extreme investigating going on with the dna on the clothes. and
b) whatever was on the clothes, made the investigators believe that unfortunately ( and i HOPEEE IM WRONG!) has passed away.
Think about it, if they still thought they could catch her alive there would be intensive searching going on everyday. The fact that they took a break yesterday, to me, seems that they seem to think the chances are slim. statistically speaking, chances are slim. but miracles do happen.
always, i know this has been said before, but the whole family talks about sierra sometimes in past tense. she "Was" this or "did like" or "had."
We aren't in the loop but my guts telling me something horrible has happened.. that would explain the mom's behavior too. She seems more "dead" lately..just dull and given up.

I'm in total agreement with your post. As soon as I heard the reporter ask about urine on the clothes I got chills. I thought it was an odd question to ask and figured info must have been leaked. The way the officer danced around the question made me think that something was indeed found on the clothing. Although it's possible the reporter just wanted to know if there was a minimal amount of urine to determine whether the clothes were worn or freshly washed, I get the feeling that it's more ominous than that. More likely the clothes were soaked in urine because the poor girl either lost her bladder because she was terrified or because she died. :( I HATE to think of what she possibly went through.

That's also a good point about the searches. If it was my child missing, I'd want to search everyday, all day, until he/she was found. Even if the chances were slim that she's alive, why call off the searching? The longer they wait, the chances are more evidence could be lost.
She is. I don't understand why her story changed.
I have some trouble with that as the truth never changes.

Reserving judgement one way or the other right now, but the truth can change as you become aware of it.
Her truth on Friday was that she did not know what she was wearing because Sierra was in pjs when she left.
Then somewhere along the way the police show her a picture of Sierra from her phone from Friday morning in a sweatshirt/shirt/jersey.
Truth then becomes she was wearing a sweatshirt/shirt/jersey.
Both are true but both could look like it's inconsistent because she now knows both.
I guess where I get confused if this is an abduction is, why not leave her belongings wherever he left her?

Do you think he dropped off her stuff after?
Why would he?
I would think if he had abducted an killed someone, he wouldn't drive
away from that spot until every single item was out of his vehicle.
So he either dropped off her stuff before or after and I can find no
rationale for doing so.

he maybe made her ditch the clothes herself .
If she met someone at the driveway and then her phone was thrown out of the car within a couple minutes - things went south immediately. The perp was a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Then again, the phone being discarded points to a perp that knows about tracking by pings.

Dump all evidence and then burn the car. That's what I'd do.

Any burning cars reported with 100 miles? Sfgate didn't show any this morning.
Maybe they should ban kids carrying expensive purses, sunglasses and jewelry, then.

I'm thinking those + gangs = trouble.

I remember kids getting killed for their michael jordan sneakers or their gold chains,,,, so i dont condone taking this stuff to school JMO
I don't think the perp ditching the phone means he necessarily knows about tracking by pings. He might just know that getting rid of her phone means there's no chance she can use it.
I think the majority of people know that a person can be tracked by their cell phone. It also makes sense to get rid of the phone to prevent her from contacting someone.
I hope those who are passing out flyers have covered the hotels/motels within 30 miles.
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