Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #3 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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I know that here, whatever school district the child resides in is where they have to attend school. Since her father obviously does not have physical custody of her, she has to go to school in the school zone where she lives. I know that here, if you try and pull a fast one, they will fine you and potentially charge you with fraud.
She could have gotten an interdistrict transfer to attend her old school. That's why I think her mom wanted her out of the Fremont area...
I agree with others before hand, that the question about urine specifically on the clothes is so specific, the reporter must have heard something from somewhere. If coos are saying they can't find any prints on the phone or the bag, maybe Sierra did just run away?
The clothes folded weirdds and irks me out..
Either she did it or the suspect is a sick sob
Everyone that owns a phone knows everything there is to know about pings and gps.... JMO

The phone would be the first thing to go.

Im telling everyone to get your daughters 5 star at walmart......
they can hide it on themselves and press the button and it calls the cops and
has a gps in it..... 15 dollars a month............ well worth every penny

HUH? Cool thank you!
My daughter is almost 21 but she has never met a stranger.
She is too trusting. She thinks as long as she flys on the
good side of the radar by not doing drugs or associating with people that
do (for example) she'll be ok. Random perp is not in her vocabulary.:banghead:
Ehh... she is young "it'll never happen to me" I hope that she
changes her views soon!
looks like I'm goin to Wally World!
As far as we know, mom and bf both left for work at about 6 am, and have witnesses that they arrive dat work on time and stayed there.

Mom saw Sierra home in her pj's when she left for work.

I also wouldn't pay much attention to the actual words her mother/family uses in the press. I am sure LE has advised her about exactly what she should be saying. It is likely meant more for the potential abductor than for her daughter.

For instance, by using terminology that implies she may have run away, the abductor may think if he releases her that people will just believe she ran away and he can get off scott free.

I believe LE pays very close attention to everything the family says esp when it changes !
It raises red flags! jmo
HUH? Cool thank you!
My daughter is almost 21 but she has never met a stranger.
She is too trusting. She thinks as long as she flys on the
good side of the radar by not doing drugs or associating with people that
do (for example) she'll be ok. Random perp is not in her vocabulary.:banghead:
Ehh... she is young "it'll never happen to me" I hope that she
changes her views soon!
looks like I'm goin to Wally World!

Its awesome i have one one night i was walking to my car and some guy was walking behind me and i pressed the button and told the lady i was alone and wanted her to stay on the line with me till i got in my car..
she did! she knew exactly where i was also!
In that type of situation, you still fight for your life. Who knows, despite her social networking use, maybe she is just a naive little girl who truly believed if she did what she was told, she would be ok.

Really? If a gun is pointed at your head, I think you would most likely do what you were told to do. The instinct to live is much stronger than modesty. Just seems kind of wrong to say it that way.
I also wouldn't pay much attention to the actual words her mother/family uses in the press. I am sure LE has advised her about exactly what she should be saying. It is likely meant more for the potential abductor than for her daughter.

For instance, by using terminology that implies she may have run away, the abductor may think if he releases her that people will just believe she ran away and he can get off scott free.

If he wanted people to think she ran away, why leave the bag of clothes to be found in her neighborhood?

The opposite seems more likely to me.
It was done to make it appear she was abducted when she might have left.
Or met with foul play closer to home.
I agree with others before hand, that the question about urine specifically on the clothes is so specific, the reporter must have heard something from somewhere. If coos are saying they can't find any prints on the phone or the bag, maybe Sierra did just run away?
The clothes folded weirdds and irks me out..
Either she did it or the suspect is a sick sob

where did the urine statements come from?
who said they found urine?

Maybe it was from a a dog!

I cant see someone abducting a girl then urinating on her clothes.
I'm praying constantly for her safe return. But, I do agree with mostly everyone else on here- I think her Mom and LE know more than they are telling the public- as said before, maybe to interact with the suspect without the suspect knowing. The picture of her wearing the SJ Sharks hoodie and the story around it seems credible. She posted that picture on her Twitter feed, so that is probably where her mother saw the hoodie from, and was able to identify the hoodie found as Sierra's.

I just feel like there is so much more to this. I have strong doubts she's in a gang... I don't want to speculate on the fact of did she run away, or did someone snatch her, because I can't decide on which to believe. NG tells all her viewers that this is an innocent 15 year old, high school sophomore who is an amazing cheerleader, and loves spending time with her friends. Have you guys seen her Tumblr? it's very strange. Her language on Twitter/Tumblr is pretty fowl for someone her age, and judging from multiple Twitter status', it seems as though her and her Mother fight often.

Please don't get me wrong here, 85% of me believes that she was abducted (just because of the scent ending at the driveway, phone/clothes tossed out)... but the other 15% feels like she actually may have ran away. I'm surprised there hasn't been more information released about the Mother's boyfriend..

AGAIN, JMO, the Mother seems strangely calm all the time.... like nothing I've seen. I don't think she had any part in this at all, but I don't know how she's keeping herself so composed. I'm pretty sure like 99% of the population would find it hard to stop crying for longer than five seconds after realizing their child is missing, and possibly in danger. In fact, when I first heard about the case on NG, her mother was being interviewed.. I had no previous knowledge on this case or anything that had to do with her. I remember wondering "wow, how is this lady so calm? Sure it's not her Mom, it's probably her aunt, or a family friends or something".. but I was wrong.

Any has anyone caught onto the fact that SL's mother is referring to SL in the past tense? On Nancy last night, NG was asking the mother what SL enjoys doing in her free time. Mothers response went something like this: "she was always smiling" "she loved being with her friends", etc... that's a little scary to me. I'm praying for this child, I hope she's brought home soon!
If she was taken from the house, I don't think she would have been carrying anything and I don't think the house would have been locked. JMO
"neatly folded cloths" .... My guess is that SL was tricked by a female or females.... A female that SL thought was a "friend".
I think she left willingly With a car that waited for her at the end of her driveway... Which turned ugly very quickly....
HUH? Cool thank you!
My daughter is almost 21 but she has never met a stranger.
She is too trusting. She thinks as long as she flys on the
good side of the radar by not doing drugs or associating with people that
do (for example) she'll be ok. Random perp is not in her vocabulary.:banghead:
Ehh... she is young "it'll never happen to me" I hope that she
changes her views soon!
looks like I'm goin to Wally World!

Tell your daughter to ALWAYS trust her intuition. And if you haven't done so already, I highly recommend getting the book "The Gift of Fear" by Gavin de Becker for your daughter.
On her twitter account 03/13 she texted @cccairuh

" I just opened the car door and said thank you? Um... Awk"

Wonder if this was a stranger or someone she knew and felt uncomfortable with ?
She could have gotten an interdistrict transfer to attend her old school. That's why I think her mom wanted her out of the Fremont area...

Was her bf from the old neighborhood of Fremont or the new home area around MH?
Or has it been stated?
She could have gotten an interdistrict transfer to attend her old school. That's why I think her mom wanted her out of the Fremont area...

Or simply used his mailing address on school enrollment forms. ITA with you Linask.
If she was taken from the house, I don't think she would have been carrying anything and I don't think the house would have been locked. JMO

I agree. I wonder if she sent the last text to her friend (the one LE has said did not indicate distress) while she was walking down the driveway and someone grabbed her from behind. That would also explain how the perp could have gotten the phone away from her quickly.
I agree. I wonder if she sent the last text to her friend (the one LE has said did not indicate distress) while she was walking down the driveway and someone grabbed her from behind. That would also explain how the perp could have gotten the phone away from her quickly.

Or...she got into a car.
On her twitter account 03/13 she texted @cccairuh

" I just opened the car door and said thank you? Um... Awk"

Wonder if this was a stranger or someone she knew and felt uncomfortable with ?

I would think this person she was talking to on twitter knew or knows who she is talking about. sure hope so!
Really? If a gun is pointed at your head, I think you would most likely do what you were told to do. The instinct to live is much stronger than modesty. Just seems kind of wrong to say it that way.

Yes, the instinct to live is stronger. The instinct to live tells you to fight back because if someone is abducting and raping you, most likely they are going to kill you also. That has nothing to do with modesty.
I think either way she got into a car. I'm just not sure if it was willingly or because she was forced.
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