Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #3 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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No, this is an area of concern for me personally. I have started a SAR thread and am putting maps up over there as not to confuse people here. Sorry for any confusion!

No searches that are public today.

What about that reservior area a little to the west of your circle, Sarx?
I am curious about the house on Scheller. I want to get pics when I get there. SAR/LE searched and took evidence bags from it. It was abandoned/foreclosed.

Forclosed home FBI searched.
Never heard a peep out of any of Holly Bobo's friends when she vanished. Do these teens just crawl into a hole when trouble strikes?
I know very little about the Twitter universe and other social media sites in general, so hopefully fellow posters can correct me where/if I'm wrong. In scanning SL's twitter page, it appeared to me as though she was somewhat of a frequent poster, which is why it bothers me that there doesn't seem to be any activity from her on the page after the date of her disappearance. I really hope I'm barking up the wrong tree, but it just doesn't seem like a good sign. scanning the page of one of SL's followers, I noticed talk of a local vigil that was planned for 3/23/12 at 7:30 p.m to be held at Washington HS. Later on the follower's twitter page, there seemed to be mention of some type of conflict that occured at the vigil. I'm not implying anything, not intending to sleuth innocent third parties, or anything of the sort. I'm wondering however, if anyone knows anything about this or if I am misinterpreting what I read (which is VERY possible because "twitter speak" looks like greek to me). Thanks for listening as always!
New Tweet just posted:Locked in my room listening to private investigators...for 2 hours!! They better bring Sierra home now!!! #findsierra
What is a "Project X Party", seen this mentioned of this a couple of times.
I am a long time lurker, just got an account. I love what y'all do here, the Internet is full of so much Valuable information and what we do is FIND it and try to help bring these beautiful children home.

Now, the reason why I joined, there were comments made on an article about a woman whose daughter had been approached by her bus stop. I took a screen shot of the comments because I knew that was going to get deleted. Am I allowed to post the screen shot? I can blurr out her name for her privacy..
Never heard a peep out of any of Holly Bobo's friends when she vanished. Do these teens just crawl into a hole when trouble strikes?

I think they are just young and scared.Think they might get in trouble.Even if they know nothing.They talk big on the networks but when LE/FBI arrive a completely different story.
I know very little about the Twitter universe and other social media sites in general, so hopefully fellow posters can correct me where/if I'm wrong. In scanning SL's twitter page, it appeared to me as though she was somewhat of a frequent poster, which is why it bothers me that there doesn't seem to be any activity from her on the page after the date of her disappearance. I really hope I'm barking up the wrong tree, but it just doesn't seem like a good sign. scanning the page of one of SL's followers, I noticed talk of a local vigil that was planned for 3/23/12 at 7:30 p.m to be held at Washington HS. Later on the follower's twitter page, there seemed to be mention of some type of conflict that occured at the vigil. I'm not implying anything, not intending to sleuth innocent third parties, or anything of the sort. I'm wondering however, if anyone knows anything about this or if I am misinterpreting what I read (which is VERY possible because "twitter speak" looks like greek to me). Thanks for listening as always!

I also noticed there seemed to be a little conflict between some of Sierra's friends and "others". It seemed a few others were getting disrespectful at times including at the vigil. I figured they were just being tough talking teens. There were some on twitter who apparently were tired of the #findsierra stuff, but their accounts were private (smart idea lol).
On the subject, this girl was very much like teens of her generation. I am 26 and when I was 14 I did drugs and fought. It sounds horrible but things were twisted at home and you reach out for another sort of life if you will. I believe Sierra either has some deep family secrets or maybe perhaps she was just one of those suburban kids that wanted to be edgier. I don't get this vibe from her though. I think she was a normal teenager with some pain and she looked in the wrong places for it. Although I think she is as normal as every other teenagers. There are teenagers who are just born good kids grow up with great grades no matter the circumstance. But truth of the matter is, even my generation was getting messed up at 14-17. Those were horrible years. Please no one dig up anything from my past at those years! Now I am a Christian wife with two children, that period didn't define me, I simply was going through pain and reached out for something different.
Sierra did not run away. If she was going to run away and throw the cellphone she could of just left it at home.
No, she is not a typical 15-year-old. A 15-year-old has absolutely no business going anywhere other than school without their parents. The language (besides the n word, which is awful and should never be used) doesn't bother me. The talk about drugs and sex and violence. That is a red flag. Even if she was trying to be "cool," that is still alarming. A 15-year-old is still a kid. A kid with absolutely zero real life experience and very little hope of making correct decisions in bad situations.

So, no, the way she portrayed herself isn't typical. And it isn't ok.

That type of stuff DOES bring attention from the wrong kind of people.
Yikes ... WS server crash? I was getting a gateway to error code for the longest time.
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