California Dept. of Mental Health Illegally Releases 17 Thousand Sex Offenders

Why not just have a manditory 25 year sentence for sexual advances, child *advertiser censored*
with mandatory ankle bracelet for life, with a clause that if new technology advances *like an implant chip that they will have that enforced

instad of 12, I would raise the age of child to 14

a mandatory life sentence for rape/sex parole, no nothing

and death penalty for murder of a child??

and make this a federal law...with no loopholes, no long list of "appeals"

if they have the dna they must pay should be the motto

swift, no yammering about their mental health or their poor childhood

if you mess with a child , have child *advertiser censored*...25 years


from 14 to 16......same as above for murder, and maybe 25 years for rape parole

build federal prisons and keep these jerks working their lives away..let them do scut work or whatever....let them earn their keep

I think we need Federal Laws and a federal database..these states can't or won't enforce things....Kidnaping is a federal offense....all of this should be a federal offense
Well, first, the spotlight needs to go on this, and it needs to shine very brightly.

It's one thing to blog and write letters, but those of us that are capable need to use all our rights, and that includes assembly, peaceful protest, and the press. I am not going to use this as a platform to organize a movement, mainly since I'm on the other side of the country, but there are some closer that I know could organize marches, protests and light a fire under the press.

Write the guys that hold the purse strings. The Tourism Commission, the Governor (obviously) and the person that is in charge of bringing new residents, businesses and tourists in to the state. Tell them that you are considering leaving the state, and taking your business and tax dollars with you, as you no longer feel safe.

Look into civil procedures. Class action lawsuits. See if there is a dereliction of duty.
Start climbing up the ladder, this will likely go federal before there are changes.

Learn the actual name and numbers for the law. If anyone is serious about changing this and ready to speak out, those numbers should be as familiar as their own birthdate.

I'll have to come back when I'm a little less shell shocked.

ITA - this should be done. You said it so clearly, thank you.

I am a survivor of incest, I am a survivor of a violent sexual predator, I am a survivor of a sexually abusive physician, I have a step-daughter who is a victim of a repeat child sex offender. I have spent my working life in either the Dept of Corrections, Parole Division, or working in a law firm. I say this only to give you perspective of my 5 decades of living with this issue on my mind:

Personally I feel its time to change the laws that if you molest or commit violent and/or violent and sexual assaults a child you get life without parole. These predators can not be rehabilitated. Furthermore, the damage they inflict on their victims if lifelong. It usually damages that persons immediate family and damages generations to come as well. IT TAKES THAT PERSONS LIFE - so the punishment should be permanent. No parole officers to check up on them, no psychiatric committees to determine if they are SAFE again.....the numbers speak for themselves, THEY ARE NEVER SAFE ON THE STREET. They are the worst kind of lifeform. Put them in a prison solely of their own kind. THIS IS THE ONLY SOLUTION THAT WILL WORK aside from simply eliminating their existence.

Thank you for letting me get this off my chest.
Hi, Im new here. I agree one strike and your out for sex offenders. They go on to kill because first, they dont want to get caught by leaving molestation victims alive. and also because the killing brings an additional thrill to their crime. There is no treatment, when are the law makers going to get this?
Why not just have a manditory 25 year sentence for sexual advances, child *advertiser censored*
with mandatory ankle bracelet for life, with a clause that if new technology advances *like an implant chip that they will have that enforced

instad of 12, I would raise the age of child to 14

a mandatory life sentence for rape/sex parole, no nothing

and death penalty for murder of a child??

and make this a federal law...with no loopholes, no long list of "appeals"

if they have the dna they must pay should be the motto

swift, no yammering about their mental health or their poor childhood

if you mess with a child , have child *advertiser censored*...25 years


from 14 to 16......same as above for murder, and maybe 25 years for rape parole

build federal prisons and keep these jerks working their lives away..let them do scut work or whatever....let them earn their keep

I think we need Federal Laws and a federal database..these states can't or won't enforce things....Kidnaping is a federal offense....all of this should be a federal offense


Absolutely, I agree. I've always thought that I would never be able to vote for the DP if I were on a jury, because I might have that little nagging question in my mind, "but what if there is a million to one chance that he really is innocent, and he is."

But our innocent children ? And women who never stand a chance to fight off a strong man ? Their lives taken ? I'll volunteer to flip the switch, or pop the shot, just let me know when and where. And I'd be able to look him right in the eye when I did it, if he was in my field of vision.

Why are *any* of them walking the streets if they were in prison twice for SO's. Why on earth would we let them out. You might think, well he did this only once, maybe he will never do it again, but the ones that were convicted twice ?? Heck yes they are gonna do it again. Prison didn't phase them one bit after the first 2 rounds - they are back for more.

I can't think of a way that any of us could find out what our states are *really* doing when the sentence is finally served out, unless we knew someone like the above folks who work there. Well, maybe some of the detectives know.

I know this; this crap needs to stop right now. Just that one child who lost her life 4 days after he got out of prison, should be enough to make everyone angry, and it should darn sure prompt those who have the influence and power, to make the necessary changes.
Steven Ing, posted to one of my videos regarding Amber and shared some insight to the UTubers.

I visited Mr. Eng's UTube Channel and spotted some videos he uploaded regarding his counseling of "Sex Offenders."

Bio of Mr. Eng:

Steven Ing, M.A., M.F.T., is a therapist in private practice who counsels sex offenders referred by the Dept. of Parole & Probation. Over the last 11 years, his work with thousands of sex offenders has resulted in an extremely low recidivism rate.
A clinician and author, he presents regularly as an expert on the treatment of sex offenders.

I created a little mini video in order to attach all the Episodes regarding Mr. Ing's counseling of Sex Offenders.

Being in PA, I have no idea what PA is doing.
I wish I could help CA friends, am I allowed to send letters when I do not live there.
I will if it helps!
I sympathise, it will get worse for all of us!!!
I do have a creep that just moved in near me.
Convicted of *advertiser censored*, child *advertiser censored* and played around (no penetration) with 2 young girls.
He is now living in my neighborhood.
He has all kinds of rights.
We were never notified because he is not violent.
We are not allowed to mention his name flyers......nothing.
We can be sued.
I did notify every one that I could though and I dare to be sued by this preditor!
We as a community (mostly retired) must have the safety of everyone on our minds.
You never know when they go from little girls to big girls........
AND he doesn't work, yet lives in an expensive condo unit, new truck and a harley Davidson!!!!
Explain this to me!
He's also a huge guy 6'1" 260 lbs ......looks like a John wayne Gacy.
I CAN NOT FIND WHERE HE EVER WAS IN JAIL..........but convicted and is on the RSO list!
Figure that one out!
OK - I'm confused by this story posted on FoxNews..,2933,588991,00.html

In the sixth to the last paragraph it states:

Gardner couldn't be committed to a state mental hospital after the 2000 case because the law then required at least two victims. Jessica's Law now allows evaluations after just one.

I think the word "victim" should have been "evaluation" in the first sentence, and the second sentence is referring to the number of evaluations...or am I reading it wrong?

If this was the meaning, then when did this change? Who changed it? Who had the authority to change the law in California? Did the voters go to the polls and say, "We were wrong - only one evaluation needs to be done."

I think a lot of liberal psychiatrists sympathize with these sick people and say, "Well, they are a victim themselves of a bad childhood" which is a big crock of BS...who here had a "bad" childhood?? I know I did and I'm not a monster!! I say lock them up & throw away the key...and if they kill a child, one bullet to the head. We shouldn't waste time & money defending them. Get rid of them. Society would be so much better without them & their "rights."

On thing to add to the list of what to do (or not to do) with SO's:

There is a data network company who simply gather certain specific data from volunteers who log the useful information into the company data base. Im sorry if im not making my self clear. I can show you better.
We all know what happens when you and I break the law. What happens when the state does?

Certainly the DMH employee who broke the law in the first place, if not DMH as a whole? On behalf of the 14 year old who was raped and murdered 4 days after a violent offender was released?
A class action lawsuit from the citizens of California to DMH, and/or it's employees involved?

Having worked in the system for many years, I am well aware of how it operates. I can tell you first hand that the mental health system trumps custody regarding the release of prisoners. I worked in a prison that had a mental health center incorportated within the walls of the prison. It is a very hard concept to understand. The prison itself had mental health help available but sometimes they would be sent to the "county mental health" down the hall....very complex indeed.

I know first hand exactly what Marc is saying. I can tell you that the problem lies in the hands of the professionals in mental health who refuse to take responsibility for incarcerating an inmate longer than he has to be. They used to rely on the system and "felt" they deserved to parole. I recall the day when the mental health team was asked if they would assess the inmate and tell them if they thought he would repeat. They refused to do it and said it was not their responsibility and will not comply.

I have stories and have paid a heavy price for them.
What it basically comes down to is the almighty dollar. I worked for the Office of Mental Health for many years and have seen many instances where the patient was released for the wrong reasons only to result in a tragedy of some sort. Those with criminal activity were detained and had to finish out their sentences no matter what the mental status was so I'm not getting California's logic in all this.
OK - I'm confused by this story posted on FoxNews..,2933,588991,00.html

In the sixth to the last paragraph it states:

Gardner couldn't be committed to a state mental hospital after the 2000 case because the law then required at least two victims. Jessica's Law now allows evaluations after just one.

I think the word "victim" should have been "evaluation" in the first sentence, and the second sentence is referring to the number of evaluations...or am I reading it wrong?

If this was the meaning, then when did this change? Who changed it? Who had the authority to change the law in California? Did the voters go to the polls and say, "We were wrong - only one evaluation needs to be done."

I think a lot of liberal psychiatrists sympathize with these sick people and say, "Well, they are a victim themselves of a bad childhood" which is a big crock of BS...who here had a "bad" childhood?? I know I did and I'm not a monster!! I say lock them up & throw away the key...and if they kill a child, one bullet to the head. We shouldn't waste time & money defending them. Get rid of them. Society would be so much better without them & their "rights."


ITA with you! Just what in the hell were they thinking by releasing them? All they're going to do is reoffend & commit the same things that they've been doing in the past. :furious: :banghead:

I'd say they should be thrown onto some island somewhere, along with all the murderers, rapists, etc., so that this country can finally be safe! Or just execute them altogether.
Sex offenders were more likely to re-offend if they had prior sex offenses or male victims, if they victimized strangers or extra-familial victims, if they began sexually offending at an early age, or if they engaged in diverse sex crimes.69 The study found that sexual offense recidivism was most likely for offenders who had sexual interest in children, deviant sexual preferences, and sexual interest in boys. Failure to complete treatment was also found to be a moderate predictor of sexual recidivism. Being sexually abused as a child was not related to repeat sexual offending.

Read the entire (61-page) report at the following link:
The California definition of a SVP is “a person who has been convicted of a sexually violent offense against two or more victims and who has a diagnosed mental disorder that makes the person a danger to the health and safety of others in that it is likely that he will engage in sexually violent criminal behavior.” The law defines substantial sexual conduct with a child younger than 14 years old as violent crime.

To initiate the civil commitment procedure, the California Department of Corrections (CDC) and the Board of Prison Terms (BPT) conducts a review of each inmate’s record during the six months before their parole release date to determine if the sexual offenses meet the legal definition. If the offender meets the definition he is referred to the DMH upon completion of his prison term to determine if he meets the SVP criteria. As of September of 2004, the CDC has referred 5,577 offenders to DMH for a civil commitment review. Over 2,450 of these referrals did not meet the SVP criteria. These offenders were subsequently released back to CDC for parole.

If the DMH determines that the offender meets the criteria, he is required to undergo a clinical evaluation to determine if there is a diagnosed mental disorder. This determination is made by two DMH clinicians (psychiatrists or psychologists). If both concur that the person has a diagnosed mental disorder, the DMH will refer the case to the county district attorney of record who can file a petition for a civil commitment hearing before a judge. To date, county district attorneys have filed 1,018 of these petitions.

If the clinicians do not agree, two independent clinical evaluators under contract with the DMH will examine the offender. If the second set of evaluators do not concur, the offender will be released to CDC parole. If the second set of evaluators find the inmate meets SVP criteria, the DMH will refer the case to the district attorney of record. To date, 1,806 sex offenders did not meet the clinical evaluation criteria for civil commitment and were released back to CDC for parole and community supervision.

According to DMH officials, it costs the department approximately $41.6 million to operate and maintain the Sex Offender Commitment Program for 483 committed offenders as well as those awaiting civil commitment decisions. This includes costs related to program implementation and evaluations and court costs for persons referred from the Department of Corrections as potentially meeting the SVP criteria. This averages out to about $59,500 per offender (Based on the number of years (8) the program has operated, divided by the accumulative number of offenders (5,577) and the average number of offenders by the annual cost) ($41,583,000/697).

Which SO's are more likely to be civilly committed;

...Many are considered mentally retarded which is characterized by significantly sub-average general intellectual functioning (i.e., an IQ of approximately 70 or below).[/B]

So the question I'll leave you all with this morning, before I begin my busy day (sorry-I hate to post & run), is this;

If we know that not only is the cost of the civil committment process itself expensive, once committed, the cost for committment annually per/offender is at least 3x's the cost of incarceration; combined with the fact that the most cunning and manipulative (and the most dangerous, IMO) offenders will/can (easily) slip through the psychiatric evaluation process, being found without a mental illness diagnosis that rises to a level meeting the civil committment standard, WHY-WHY-WHY than do we not work to change the sentencing laws/requirements and keep these slimeballs in prison (NOT IN A HOSPITAL) where they belong??

Link to the above:

I have seen this passing-the-buck time and time again within our Governmental agencies. I have yet to find anyone that truly takes their job seriously (ie: working FOR the public that pays their salaries!) I have been in a battle with the medical, dental and Governmental entities after the horrendous treatment of my sister actually by all three. None of them will take responsibility for anything.

It saddens me that the protection of the innocent public lies far down on the list of priorities. The people that abide by the law are stomped on repeatedly. Although I dont condone it, I can understand the frustration that drives someone to take matters into their own hands!

To contact these people, emails are useless. The "contact us" button on Government websites are a farce. Snail mail is the way to go, and they hope most people are too lazy to go that route.
East Bay braces for influx of released prisoners

snipped> Although the legislators promised to keep dangerous felons behind bars, The Associated Press reported this week that some violent offenders have been among those released.

How stupid do they think that the public is? And what planet are these decision-maker's living on because they're obviously not living on this one! They can talk it up nice all they want - talk is cheap and the facts don't lie. The fact is, with an unemployment rate of 11.9%, where exactly are they going to find work for these parolee's once released? Of course they'll be an incentive ($$$) paid to employees (x amount of $$$ for x amount of time) who hire them but how fair is that to all of the already unemployed - law-abiding - citizens who live and pay taxes in Alameda County?


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