CANADA Canada - Audrey Gleave, 73, Ancaster ON, 30 Dec 2010 #8

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That's an interesting post 2soccermon - that your thought is AG was murdered late at night or in the early hours - indicating a stranger? Mostly interested in what people think wrt LE now saying AG knew her killer. Hrab was on a different track altogether.

Very interesting about the boot as well - anything at all you can tell us?
Got to thinking about the weapon used to kill AG following a neighborhood incident in the last couple of hours.

Long story short - two dogs (both vicious imo) that live in the same household - one a german sheppard and original dog, the other a more recent addition - big and freaking intimidating and of an unknown breed to me.
The unknown big dog attacked the sheppard and the owner called for help which I responded to with a 911 call - could not help otherwise with a dog attack.

I hovered around my backyard waiting for a resolution (scared *****less for the owner) but it never occurred to me to pick up a weapon - which has me wondering why - that dog could have easily jumped to my yard and have often been afraid that it would. I had access to all kinds of weapons in my garage, small to medium to large but did not see the need. I'm now thinking - why not?

So AG's killer arrived prepared for the dogs and the ability to kill her? Don't know.
Myself, I suspect the perp was waiting for her in the garage --Col. RW style (he had hid in J's basement waiting for her.) I'm not sure how he would have been able to enter.
RE: Millard:
I reported Dellen and his gang as potential persons of interests in Sonia Varaschin's case to LE -- both the unit overseeing SV's investigation and Hamilton LE because, in perusing Dellen's fb pages and those of his friends at the time of Tim Bosma's murder investigation, I came across a photo of a boot that looked identical to the one LE have been advertising as belonging to SV's killer. In fact, it is identical in terms of the boot style, and the main colour of the boot (tan and and yellow) media has featured -- although there are other colours of that make the killer might have worn. In any event, it's hard to know for certain, of course, if this is indeed the same make of boot because it's really the tread that is supposed to be unique to the brand -- and this pic didn't show the boot bottom. It was just a snap of a boot in the whole frame; you can just see a bit of a person's arm holding it. It's an odd object for a photo; what was particularly striking to me and the catalyst for calling it in were the hashtags on the photo: "fresh to kill" and "death by fashion." Both units -- SV's and Hamilton LE -- have that info.

I have always felt Audrey's and Sonia's cases could be connected, so IF there is a development in one, I hope resolution in the other will follow.

Dellan Millard case does make me wonder. He liked souped up cars, maybe he was trying to steal Audrey's car. He killed whilst taking a truck. Maybe Audrey's murder was his first and he took off because of the dogs/noise. She did not live that far from his barn. Maybe he saw her driving around and went back to steal that car, thinking it would be easy. Audrey probably fought him.

"Aside of his hereditary passion for aircraft, the young aviator also owned a collection of cars, which he souped up and raced."

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Dellan Millard case does make me wonder. He liked souped up cars, maybe he was trying to steal Audrey's car. He killed whilst taking a truck. Maybe Audrey's murder was his first and he took off because of the dogs/noise. She did not live that far from his barn. Maybe he saw her driving around and went back to steal that car, thinking it would be easy. Audrey probably fought him.

"Aside of his hereditary passion for aircraft, the young aviator also owned a collection of cars, which he souped up and raced."

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Yes, very interesting correlation. IMO, DM is a psychopath who likes to meticulously plan details right down to the last item. AG had friends in Brantford as did DM. Perhaps Audrey's very "special" car and the older woman behind the wheel caught his attention. Perhaps even their paths crossed somewhere. IMO, nothing is out of the question. MOO
I've seen this possible connection discussed before, and I wouldn't fall over in shock if it turned out that DM and his posse were responsible for AG's murder, but I have a hard time picturing DM and or MS beating/stabbing/sexually assaulting (mutilating?)/taking a trophy in the process. It just doesn't strike me as being his M.O. Not that I really know what EXACTLY his M.O. is. Who knows what happened to his victims before they were incinerated?

All the violence inflicted on AG seems a bit excessive though for the sake of stealing a car.

ETA after-thoughts: IF stealing the car was the motive.
I know what you mean, Paragirl, about M.O. -- but if hard drugs were involved (like cocaine) in the attack on Audrey, perhaps that could offer more explanation? I know drugs/alcohol have been discussed in SV's case, but when I think about how "neatly" SV's car was parked where found, I don't tend to agree.
I don't know any more about the boots -- the pic may not be relevant at all to any of the cases. But LE at least has the info.
Woodland -- I'm sorry; I don't think I have a leaning either way re: whether Audrey knew her attacker or not. I think I might have a slight leaning toward familiarity, only because her location was so remote and, even if she wasn't the "hermit" media has made out, she did keep a lot to herself. Certainly the attack wasn't random, I don't think -- but *how* well the perp knew her, I can't say.
bumping, with the rest of you, for justice for Audrey.
Audrey kept to herself but when she was out riding in her red muscle car she was noticed. That alone could have made her a target of a stranger.
In 2009, a former tenant at Dellen’s west-end Toronto rental property —who was engaged in a dispute with him before the Landlord Tenant Board at the time—reported to police that she had found Millard and his friends tampering with the engine of her car the night before her hearing.

All the time I would not believe DM to be guilty of murder or serial murder. Since the news of April 2014 I have changed my mind and I'm thinking, it could have been him and his pals.

The above quote I found notable and thought of Audrey's case.
Could it be, the perp/perps attempted no car theft but removing various parts? Audrey's age and stabbing and sexual assault perhaps doesn't fit at all, but I was encouraged by the following consideration:

Dellen Millard - SS - amdninjaboy - camaro forum - US cars etc.

Please, google yourself. Maybe, you are able to find much more.
In 2009, a former tenant at Dellen’s west-end Toronto rental property —who was engaged in a dispute with him before the Landlord Tenant Board at the time—reported to police that she had found Millard and his friends tampering with the engine of her car the night before her hearing.

All the time I would not believe DM to be guilty of murder or serial murder. Since the news of April 2014 I have changed my mind and I'm thinking, it could have been him and his pals.

The above quote I found notable and thought of Audrey's case.
Could it be, the perp/perps attempted no car theft but removing various parts? Audrey's age and stabbing and sexual assault perhaps doesn't fit at all, but I was encouraged by the following consideration:

Dellen Millard - SS - amdninjaboy - camaro forum - US cars etc.

Please, google yourself. Maybe, you are able to find much more.

~ Hi, is amdninjaboy DM?

I just found the answer to that, thanks....SS
So SS is friend of DM

He states is boss went to Nevada to get this Camaro

I know what you mean, Paragirl, about M.O. -- but if hard drugs were involved (like cocaine) in the attack on Audrey, perhaps that could offer more explanation? I know drugs/alcohol have been discussed in SV's case, but when I think about how "neatly" SV's car was parked where found, I don't tend to agree.

Also, we don't know what kind of murderous history is behind DM. We only know about the three he is currently charged with. Those could just be the tip of the iceberg. Who knows who else he may have killed, and how or why?
Audrey kept to herself but when she was out riding in her red muscle car she was noticed. That alone could have made her a target of a stranger.

The muscle car wasn't red but white, otherwise you are right. :smile:
When we think of possible perp/perps, there might have been 2:

One "young and close", the other one his friend/accomplice (not necessarily young/close);
one addicted to drugs in which form ever, the other one not a drug addict.

The perps perhaps did different things as
1. planned action (the "head/master") with the help of his accomplice;
2. not planned "overreaction" (the one with less scruples/under intoxication/out of his own motives).

LE didn't speak of 2 perps, though we really don't know, whether there is a possibility.
When we think of possible perp/perps, there might have been 2:

One "young and close", the other one his friend/accomplice (not necessarily young/close);
one addicted to drugs in which form ever, the other one not a drug addict.

The perps perhaps did different things as
1. planned action (the "head/master") with the help of his accomplice;
2. not planned "overreaction" (the one with less scruples/under intoxication/out of his own motives).

LE didn't speak of 2 perps, though we really don't know, whether there is a possibility.

Several times in the early part of the investigation, the possibility of more than one perp. was mentioned. looking over some earlier news links now, the car does seem to be significant to the case.imo.

"Investigators believe she was attacked by at least one stranger who sexually assaulted and murdered her.

"Stranger, sexual component, vicious, vicious assault. It was something very bad," a tired and disturbed Hrab said.

"The crime is horrendous."

About 20 officers were dispersed around Gleave's house Friday for "an extensive ground search" for evidence they hope will lead them to the killer or killers, Hrab said.

Just before 11:30 a.m., Gleave's white Camaro was hauled away by a OPP truck.

The house, which sits at the end of a long driveway, was wrapped in police tape. Collision reconstruction, forensic and canine officers could be seen on the property.

"It's very important to be vigilant of anything suspicious," Hrab said in a message to area residents. "The possibility may exist right now that somebody may know something about this crime because the individual or individuals responsible may have talked to other people. I think that we need to deal with these people as soon as possible."
The car wasn't stolen, but maybe something was taken from it. Maybe the perp(s) took parts. I wonder if the engine could have been removed. Maybe the perp wanted the engine to put in another Camaro.

Would that have been possible? I know the Camaro's security system has been discussed before, and iirc, the general consensus was that it would be next to impossible to steal the car without the key. Would it be possible to get the hood open and steal parts from it?

I would think it would take quite some time and work to remove the engine though. It would be pretty risky to hang around in the garage for that long.
1. Of course the 2010 - 2012 Camaros were the most stolen cars because during those years GM re-vamped/re-styled the car. The article doesn't say HOW they were stolen!

2. In order to get at the engine/interior parts of the car, one needs the computer chip passkey. Owners are ONLY given two passkeys. Even GM doesn't have one's personal passkey (unless the car is taken in for servicing).

Bottom Line - a GM service person is the only one who could steal the engine/interior parts. If he had the passkey!


ETA: The cars were "targets" during those years because they had been out of production for some time. Now (2010) back on the roads, they were eye-catching "targets".
Horrible thought, but if someone was sitting in the car, especially if the seat- belt was still done up, the killer/s would have an essentially already restrained victim, imo.
Horrible thought, but if someone was sitting in the car, especially if the seat- belt was still done up, the killer/s would have an essentially already restrained victim, imo.

Horrible, yes, but excellent!
Horrible thought, but if someone was sitting in the car, especially if the seat- belt was still done up, the killer/s would have an essentially already restrained victim, imo.

Yes, that's a very good point! Obviously LE felt there was some kind of evidence in the car that required it to be towed away and processed. Maybe AG WAS attacked in the car as she was coming from or going to somewhere.

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But then I would have to assume that the car had nothing to do with the motive because if the scenario played out this way, the perp would have presumably been able to take the chip key and drive away with the car.

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