Couple of points:YES!!!
I believe it’s time l share this, since there hasn’t been a single media outlet l’ve told, including a promise from Matt Campbell, at Businessweek to print it.
A few days after the Sherman’s were found a VERY close friend attended an early annual Christmas party. I couldn’t attend.
During the party, a retired homicide detective approached her to tell her a number of things:
1. I’m not a suspect.
2. The police KNOW Barry killed Honey, then commited suicide.
3. Barry “****** up” in two place. He killed Honey somewhere else in the house and she was already dead when he hung her. The scene was “cleaned up”. Barry wanted to make it look like a suicide pact.
4. The elaborate computerized security system monitored every window/door that opens and closes. Honey came home 1st: door opens/closes. Barry came home: door opens/closes. NOBODY came in/left. There wasn’t forced entry!
5. The Sherman’s are going to retain a high powered lawyer who will bring in his own team/conduct his own autopsy and forensics. The retired homicide detective will find evidence of intruder/murder.
6. The team hired by the Sherman’s will convince the TPS to change their initial theory of M/S to targeted murders. The police will go quiet.
7. The MOST important prediction he made: Although there will be total confusion on manner of the Sherman’s deaths: the chief coroner WON’T hold a formal inquest!!!
This case screams for a formal inquest which would easily determine M/S. There would be no evidence presented to show murders. This inquest MUST be avoided. There will be a cover-up because the family can’t accept the harsh truth.
Below are the reasons for an inquest taken directly from Ontario’s chief coroners website.
The Five Questions
There are five questions that must be answered when investigating a death:
I believe something went down at their last meeting at Apotex with the builder J. Brennan. An argument or major disagreement that became very heated. This fight continued at 50 Old cousin was finally pushed over the edge and in a rage struck Honey. Again, Barry had a very explosive temper.
- Who was the deceased?
- Where did the death occur?
- When did the death occur?
- How did the death occur (i.e. the medical cause)?
- By what means did the death occur?(i.e. the classification or manner of death: natural, suicide, accident, homicide or undetermined)
The Sherman’s personal body trainer is my brother’s best friends wife. She told my brother that “Barry was unbelievably strong for his age”.
*** From a reliable reporter who works for a major Toronto paper: the police were 85% sure it was M/S after less than 4 hours in the house. He totally believes there’s a cover-up, but cannot run a story questioning the integrity of the TPS....his contacts within the force will completely dry up and the threat of losing his job. Yes: Barry had friends in high places, including the media that are going along with Gomes/Price’s flip/flop and aren’t questioning nor suggesting.
Bottom line: there hasn’t been a single shred of evidence by the TPS or Greenspin to suggest a targeted double murder.
Again, this case screams for a formal coroners inquest to determin the cause of deaths!!!!
It wasn’t: WHY?!?!
*** There you have it. Again, nobody will collect the 10 million. There won’t be an arrest.
i)that retired homicide detective has some *pretty* loose lips, eh? Wow!
ii)why would one even *think* that an MSM would even consider publishing what was said by some retired homicide detective at a Christmas party to some unknown person who told someone with a vendetta against the victims, which someone would like the world to know because it might forward his narrative? Is that like 4th hand rumor?
iii)man, sometimes I guess I should thank my lucky stars that I'm not wealthy enough to have to worry about who knows who, and who's got loose lips, when it comes to the hiring of personal services! Being a private person would seem to beg not bothering to partake of personal services at all, since one can never trust who is really providing them.
iv)if in fact it is common knowledge that the Shermans' security system was operating yet didn't show anyone entering or exiting aside from B & H on that fateful night, is it still not possible that a perp could have been hiding and ambushed one of the victims while entering, which would still therefore only show the one entry?
v)we were told by TPS after a few short hours at the scene of the crime that there was no forced entry evident, however TPS has not updated us as to whether or not that 'fact' may have changed upon discovering something a little further along in their investigation.
vi)aren't inquests held when there is more opportunity to learn lessons so that the public can be better protected in future.. and not so much for a targeted crime against one of Canada's wealthiest couples?
vii)if B had an explosive temper, why have we not heard reports about this from many out of the woodwork over the past year? Oh wait, is it because all of *those* people have been silenced as well?
viii)may I ask, how on earth you can state that: "there hasn’t been a single shred of evidence by the TPS or Greenspin to suggest a targeted double murder"? If I'm not mistaken, you are not listed on the TPS's 'need to know' list, but I guess I could be wrong.
ix)I wouldn't worry too much about your reporter friend who puts his own finances above his integrity, because there are a couple of other very high profile press members who are watching TPS's every move, and who don't seem afraid to shine a light on corruption, if they find some. ("He totally believes there’s a cover-up, but cannot run a story questioning the integrity of the TPS....his contacts within the force will completely dry up and the threat of losing his job.")
x)it must be a relief to have such meaningful assurance that at that early date at least, you were not considered a suspect.