Canada - Barry, 75, & Honey Sherman, 70, found dead, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #3

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I didn't read your link but the short form reads '' Sounds like Fox News to me. A tabloid

Have not seen the description "legs out straight" anywhere else, so I'm also questioning the reliability. moo
I brought otto's post forward from a previous thread.
otto said:
[FONT=.sfuitext-semibold] I'm not sure what sort of sources anyone is looking for if the police sources quoted in the news are not good enough.[/FONT][FONT=.sf ui text]

[FONT=.sf ui text][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold]These are the facts that we have. Although family and friends do not want to accept a murder-suicide, everything police are saying leads to no other conclusion.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.sf ui text]
[FONT=.sf ui text][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold]"instead of looking forward to socializing with ms. Sherman on what was to be the first day of her vacation, friends of the couple are reeling – stunned that the [/FONT][FONT=.sfuitext-heavy]pair were found hanging from a railing[/FONT][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold] partly surrounding their basement lap pool on friday.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.sf ui text]
[FONT=.sf ui text][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold]late sunday, [/FONT][FONT=.sfuitext-heavy]toronto police said the couple both died from "ligature neck compression."[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.sf ui text]
[FONT=.sf ui text][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold]the homicide squad is now in charge of the investigation, although police were still classifying the [/FONT][FONT=.sfuitext-heavy]deaths as "suspicious," not a homicide[/FONT][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold], in their sunday night statement.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.sf ui text][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold]there was [/FONT][FONT=.sfuitext-heavy]no sign of forced entry to the home[/FONT][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold] and no note left behind to explain what had happened, the [/FONT][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold]police source said[/FONT][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold]."[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.sf ui text]
[FONT=.sf ui text][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.sf ui text][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold]"a [/FONT][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold]police source[/FONT][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold] told the star that the couple was [/FONT][FONT=.sfuitext-heavy]found together, by their indoor pool, hanging off a nearby structure in a semi-sitting position[/FONT][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold]."[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.sf ui text]
[FONT=.sf ui text][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.sf ui text]
[FONT=.sf ui text][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold]"sources say investigators found the shermans, side by side, in their windowless pool room, each with a [/FONT][FONT=.sfuitext-heavy]men’s leather belt wrapped around their necks [/FONT][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold]and tied to the pool railing. Both had on[/FONT][FONT=.sfuitext-heavy] jackets that were pulled “behind their backs” and rolled down over their arms[/FONT][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold].[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.sf ui text]

[FONT=.sf ui text][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.sf ui text]

[FONT=.sf ui text][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold]"sources close to the case believe [/FONT][FONT=.sfuitext-heavy]honey may have been killed in a secondary location[/FONT][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold] in the $6.9 million old colony rd. House and then moved to the location where she was later found with her deceased husband.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.sf ui text]

[FONT=.sf ui text][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold]“forensics need to be done and post-mortems on the bodies, but at this stage it appears there was [/FONT][FONT=.sfuitext-heavy]no forced entry and no evidence of anybody else[/FONT][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold] in the house,” a police source said.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.sf ui text]
[FONT=.sf ui text][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.sf ui text]
[FONT=.sf ui text][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold]"although there have been some media reports about evidence, police have yet to confirm any specifics beyond cause of death. However, cbc news has learned that the shermans were found by the pool in their basement and that investigators have found [/FONT][FONT=.sfuitext-heavy]no security cameras inside or outside the home[/FONT][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold].[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.sf ui text][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold]...[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.sf ui text][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold]but perry said the fact that [/FONT][FONT=.sfuitext-heavy]police are not looking for suspects suggests[/FONT][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold] investigators believe whatever happened to the shermans was isolated to the house, [/FONT][FONT=.sfuitext-heavy]between the two of them, and no one els[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=.SFUIText-Semibold]I posted this earlier today. I'm not sure what sort of sources anyone is looking for if the police sources quoted in the news are not good enough.[/FONT][FONT=.SF UI Text]
[FONT=.SF UI Text][FONT=.SFUIText-Semibold]
These are the facts that we have. Although family and friends do not want to accept a murder-suicide, everything police are saying leads to no other
[FONT=.sf ui text][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold]."[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.sf ui text]
[FONT=.sf ui text][FONT=.sfuitext-semibold][/FONT][/FONT]
I believe the family are convinced LE misinterpreted (overlooked) evidence from the CS. An independent investigation could successfully challenge any attempt to call this a murder suicide.

I am also convinced the ruling will be inconclusive. We have become accustomed to hearing cases being referred to an
inexplicable tragedy.

This is just my opinion & I really enjoy reading everyone's theories. I also have been wrong on more than one occasion. :couch:

I brought otto's post forward from a previous thread.

I believe the family are convinced LE misinterpreted (overlooked) evidence from the CS. An independent investigation could successfully challenge any attempt to call this a murder suicide.

I am also convinced the ruling will be inconclusive. We have become accustomed to hearing cases being referred to an
inexplicable tragedy.

This is just my opinion & I really enjoy reading everyone's theories. I also have been wrong on more than one occasion. :couch:

I find it quite likely that we won't hear anything more about this from the police. $4.8 billion can buy a lot of silence. We will likely start hearing about questionable findings from the family's private investigator on a regular basis. Classic case of controlling the media, then flooding it with your own narrative. In six months most people in this city will believe the Shermans were murdered and the police botched the case. In return John Tory will get a big fat campaign donation.
I just realized we have IDI and BDI.

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Bringing this forward from previous thread

Originally posted by Abundance; Post #1373

There is no mention of anyone being added to the lawsuit in the article linked. Unless I'm going blind.

I didnt see it either. Since they are at the appeal stage I’m not sure that their would be a need to amend the pleadings - instead of Barry Sherman it would be the estate of...

The executor(s) will be responsible for instructing counsel. If the appeal fails, it’s likely the end of the line.
From Matou's link in thread 2. This was the first I'd heard of legs straight out. The more I learn the more I'm leaning toward double murder.



...The vehicles were removed and surveillance equipment in the house and neighbourhood has been secured. Sources also say there was a primary, or perhaps, secondary scene inside the home which has also been studied.

So they posted the floor plans and home info along with saying he is one of the richest people in Canada. Unbelievable. They should have immediately had a state of the art security system put in. We still do not know if they were robbed.
December 29, 2017
Was Apotex founder Barry Sherman the target of an enemy?

Could philanthropist Honey Sherman been a collateral victim in such a plot?

Instead of a murder-suicide or double suicide, could the couple — worth nearly $4.8 billion — have been victims of a ransom play?

Certainly, to be fair, Toronto Police are already hard at work with that as a goal. This is one of the largest homicide investigations, in terms of resources, in Toronto’s history even though it has not been deemed a homicide.

Police have been extremely thorough. The roof of the Sherman’s 12,000-square-foot mansion has been behind yellow tape since Dec. 15.

It has been surveyed with the help of a Toronto Fire ladder and bucket. The storm sewers have been swept, as has every inch of the home with modern forensic equipment.

The vehicles were removed and surveillance equipment in the house and neighbourhood has been secured. Sources also say there was a primary, or perhaps, secondary scene inside the home which has also been studied.
With or without political influences, throwing every resource possible at this puzzling case was the right call. There are so many questions unanswered and this has to be done right.

Certainly, if Barry Sherman was victim of a contract hit, if Honey Sherman was in the wrong place at the wrong time — or if it was a kidnapping attempt that went horribly wrong — Toronto Police detectives will uncover that evidence.

But if something was ever missed, Klatt is definitely a great investigator with the skills to discover it.
She may be right, but not much sympathy for the family apparent in that post.

I would infer from that that the police don’t like the full court press from the family, which is 0 per cent surprising. She is carrying a little water for the cops here.
I just realized we have IDI and BDI.

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And a December murder in the basement of a wealthy family's home. No sign of intruder and possibly a staged scene. I thought of Jonbenet right away...

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SO if the bodies were found in a slightly sitting - or straightlegged position- how did they die from ligature neck compression from hanging?

Have you noticed they don't say it's from hanging - they say ligature neck compression. Which could mean strangulation with something else.
SO if the bodies were found in a slightly sitting - or straightlegged position- how did they die from ligature neck compression from hanging?

Have you noticed they don't say it's from hanging - they say ligature neck compression. Which could mean strangulation with something else.

Initial post-mortem examinations showed the couple died from "ligature neck compression," or strangulation from tying or binding, the Toronto Police Service said on Sunday.

Private detectives are now investigating the mysterious deaths of Barry and Honey Sherman, the Canadian billionaires found strangled in their basement

I'm still of the belief this was staged to look like a hanging. jmo.
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