Found Deceased Canada - Jessica Newman, 24, Calgary, 10 March 2015 #1 *Arrest*

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What we forget, is that the forensics is what takes the time. The trace evidence needs to be collected and analyzed, and the results compiled and examined. Not as quick as it is on CSI.

Oh yes, I realize the forensics part of the investigation will take time. My point is they should have enough proof now that they have recovered Jessica's body (excluding forensic results). They already emphasized a strong suspicion when they posted that letter and they have had 2 months to collect various other pieces of evidence. As they have said before they can lay charges without a body so hopefully they had all those pieces of evidence worked out and now that they have her body it would be worth making an arrest or bringing in their POI for questioning. The time between now and forensic results is a good window of opportunity for the murderer to disappear.
I still wonder about other aquaintances of Jessica's. It has been confirmed that she was employed at one pub, I wonder if that was her only job or if she had others. She also frequented pubs in the Forest Lawn district, possibly she was well known in these establishments, she was a regular or the regulars knew her. Forest Lawn is a small community, she lived in a townhouse complex. If the ex who dropped her off has a solid alibi and has been cleared by CPS and she did not make it into her home from the complex parking lot perhaps she bumped into someone from the complex, either someone she knew who lives there or someone she knew from somewhere else, such as work. They get to talking, she agrees to go have a quick drink or a bite to eat, to talk, and that is how she met up with the perp.

Yeah, this is my line of thinking although the timing before court connection is hard to shake as well. I wondered about co-workers, restaurant/pub regulars, friendly neighbor or a 'friend of a friend' association.
Yes jillybean51, that is entirely possible.. what I meant was.. I could 'envision' the officer who came to speak personally to RS to inform her of her daughter's body having been found, .. RS asking questions, perhaps like.. 'well how did she die, did she have any evidence of.. whatever.. '... and the officer saying something like, 'well it's impossible to tell at this point, because, you know, she has been there for 8 weeks',...... meaning..... the body is in a state of decomp after presumably being in the open air for some 8 weeks and therefore, it isn't going to be a simple thing to just look with eyes and determine things... but when the officer may have answered in such a way, RS may have taken it literally to mean she has been *there* for 8 weeks. I have to agree with whomever it was that posted that the ditches look like they have already been mowed this spring season, and so wouldn't it be impossible for the weed whackers to not have noticed the body, had it been there all that time? But then again, who would move a body, when.... it is so dang risky to be seen, the odor getting in one's vehicle, the inevitability of DNA transfer, the potential for damage to the body (ie, like said, parts could fall off, etc).. who would really *do* that?

I am envisioning this... police are speaking to RS and RS is asking them questions, lots of questions, understandably.. and police are not able to answer, saying something like, 'well, you know, how do I say this politely, but she's been there for 8 weeks', type of thing, ie RS may not realize the state of decomp the body would be in by then.. and also wouldn't want to think about that.

We don't know that she was there for 8 weeks until the ME does his exam.She could have been held somewhere for 7 weeks and then murdered and placed in the ditch a week ago.
I am really hoping that the reason CPS has yet to make a formal statement confirming Jessica being the body found is because tomorrow they will have made an arrest and will be able to include that in their statement.
Hey guys..haven't posted for awhile....such sad news about this young lady ..condolences for her friends & family...especially her Mom & those little ones :(

I've been reading all the different cases that seem to be happening around Calgary in recent months....& I'm sure it's probably been mentioned before...
Does anyone else not find it odd that so many of the people missing and/or killed all seem to have a lot of friends or family in common....?

I found so many connections..mostly thru facebook...I guess I just found it very odd...

Jessica's mother RS states in this phone interview that Investigators had talked with her around 3 weeks ago and said that there is the possibility that they are looking for remains and that is what they might find.

Sounds like LE know who's involved, but wonder how they came to the conclusion of remains 3 weeks ago. Seems like either they've been watching someone or someone's talking.
I sure would like to know if we are dealing with a serial or if this murderer is known to the victim.

I just can't help but think about a possible connection to Shannon Burgess and Sara Coates.
I sure would like to know if we are dealing with a serial or if this murderer is known to the victim.

I just can't help but think about a possible connection to Shannon Burgess and Sara Coates.

With all these missing people, found people, not found people, deceased people, CPS sure has their work cut out for them. You would almost think there's a link, it's hard not to think that.

It also gets me thinking about the type of crimes and killers. So many victims just left out in the elements not really hidden and just dumped - so a hurried disposal, lack of concern if body is found, so maybe an impulsive crime or the killer has a guilty conscience if he knew her. I think a lot of sexual assaults (even from a serial rapist) or unplanned are done this way.

Then there's the SB and Liknes/O'Brien case - nothing (yet for SB especially). Over planned, methodical, maybe more intelligently executed by a smarter criminal.

With JRN it could be premeditated or an impulsive act - could be connected to that court date or connected to a fixated acquaintance/casual associate. Hope an arrest is made soon.
I am really hoping that the reason CPS has yet to make a formal statement confirming Jessica being the body found is because tomorrow they will have made an arrest and will be able to include that in their statement.
They are sticklers for protocol. They absolutely will not confirm the identity of a victim without confirmation from the ME, in the form of a preliminary autopsy. It is hard to say whether they were able to get fingerprints off the remains, as we don't know the stage of decomposition or if the body was intact. Dental records would also take at least a day, and depending on the ME, they may be holding off due to investigative forensic testing to be completed. I suspect they will release a statement in the morning.
Sounds like LE know who's involved, but wonder how they came to the conclusion of remains 3 weeks ago. Seems like either they've been watching someone or someone's talking.
It was also coincidentally, when Major Crimes took over the case. I think they learned something that made them conclude that she was murdered. Maybe a tip or some evidence, but the timing of the switch from Missing Persons to Major Crimes seems to all fall in line.
I sure would like to know if we are dealing with a serial or if this murderer is known to the victim.

I just can't help but think about a possible connection to Shannon Burgess and Sara Coates.
Don't forget the attempted abductions in that area. It is certainly something worth considering.
It was also coincidentally, when Major Crimes took over the case. I think they learned something that made them conclude that she was murdered. Maybe a tip or some evidence, but the timing of the switch from Missing Persons to Major Crimes seems to all fall in line.

Interesting info, so what could the trigger have been I wonder? Maybe if they're surveilling someone maybe a transfer of money, or a found piece of her clothing when searching somewhere, CCTV footage or maybe someone's talking. I'm trying to think of possibilities where they'd get some form of evidence that they gathered without a warrant.
Exactly. Some were attempts and some succeeded. It could be relevant.
One was a hit and attempted abduction and one was an abduction/assault. Remember when we were discussing the vehicle descriptions and they were very close? We also cannot forget that there is a very violent sex offender that was free around the time SB went missing.
Interesting info, so what could the trigger have been I wonder? Maybe if they're surveilling someone maybe a transfer of money, or a found piece of her clothing when searching somewhere, CCTV footage or maybe someone's talking. I'm trying to think of possibilities where they'd get some form of evidence that they gathered without a warrant.
One only has to go back to the letter from CPS that was released by the family. The clues are right there. It also was released right after they located and interviewed AP about 'whatever' it was they thought he knew. I wonder where he is now? I have always maintained that they knew *exactly* what they were doing with that letter.
One was a hit and attempted abduction and one was an abduction/assault. Remember when we were discussing the vehicle descriptions and they were very close? We also cannot forget that there is a very violent sex offender that was free around the time SB went missing.

Yes the 'Silver' SUV and the violent sex offender, all of it is very concerning. What also worries me is the lack of public awareness regarding these incidents and if there is a connection that the connection was not privy to the public.

I really hope CPS does consider commonalities and takes certain details and timelines into consideration.
Does anyone know how it works when you purchase minutes for a pay-as-you-go phone?
Where do you purchase minutes? How does the seller load your phone? Can you do it online or is it in store?
Yes the Silver SUV and the violent sex offender, all of it is very concerning. What also worries me is the lack of public awareness regarding these incidents and if there is a connection that the connection was not privy to the public.

I really hope CPS does consider commonalities and takes certain details and timelines into consideration.
The fact that Major Crimes, not homicide are the lead investigators, tells me that they are linking *something* and the case is either at a critical stage or is not ready to be divulged to the public. They need quantifiable proof that there is a serial offender that can be linked to more than two cases, in order for them to warn the public with confidence. They would be remiss to mislead and scare the public without it, and that type of statement can actually harm an active investigation. One could argue that public safety may be at risk, but they have to walk a very fine line to balance out the integrity of the investigation with public safety. They certainly don't want to tip off a potential perp, as that can cause him to change MO's.

One only has to go back to the letter from CPS that was released by the family. The clues are right there. It also was released right after they located and interviewed AP about 'whatever' it was they thought he knew. I wonder where he is now? I have always maintained that they knew *exactly* what they were doing with that letter.

The letter was definitely thinking outside the box and seemed like a psychological trap of sorts to toy with the suspect, I don't think I've ever seen or heard of anything like it ever before! It seemed out of a TV show, way to go though to LE, very progressive and something is working with their strategy. Next let's hope for that arrest so Jessica's family and friends can feel some justice.
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